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Last active December 4, 2017 20:45
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List of snapcraft errors


  • When the same error can show multiple values, some examples of the possible values are noted like: {value1|value2|value3}. Only one of those values is displayed to the user.
  • When the error takes a value specified by the user in the snapcraft.yaml or through the command line, it is noted like: {sample-value}.



Failed to clean: Missing state for '{pull|build|stage|prime}'. To clean the project, run `snapcraft clean`.

errors.StepOutdatedError (dependents):

Failed to reuse files from previous build: The '{pull|build|stage|prime}' step of '{sample-part}' is out of date:
The '{pull|build|stage|prime}' step for '{sample-part}' needs to be run again, but '{sample-dependent-part}' depends on it.
To clean that part's '{pull|build|stage|prime}', run `snapcraft clean {sample-dependent-part} -s {pull|build|stage|prime}`.

errors.StepOutdatedError (dirty):

Failed to reuse files from previous build: The '{pull|build|stage|prime}' step of '{sample-part}' is out of date:
The '{sample-property1}' and '{sample-property2}' part properties appear to have changed.
To clean that part's '{pull|build|stage|prime}' step, run `snapcraft clean {sample-part} -s {pull|build|stage|prime}`.


The following command failed to run: '{sample-command}' exited with '{sample-exitcode}'


Snapcraft command failed in the container: '{sample-command}' exited with '{sample-exitcode}'


Failed to filter files: The following files have been excluded by the `stage` keyword, but included by the `prime` keyword: {'{sample-file}'}. Edit the `snapcraft.yaml` to make sure that the files included in `prime` are also included in `stage`.


Failed to generate snap metadata:
The specified command '{sample-command'} defined in the app '{sample-app}' does not exist or is not executable


Failed to use LXD remote: '{sample-remote}' is not a valid name.
Use a LXD remote without colons, spaces and slashes in the name.


Failed to get part information: Cannot find the definition for part '{sample-part}'. If it is a remote part, run `snapcraft update` to refresh the remote parts cache. If it is a local part, make sure that it is defined in the `snapcraft.yaml`.


Failed to get remote part information: Cannot find the part name '{sample-part}' in the cache. If it is an existing remote part, run `snapcraft update` and try again. If it has not been defined, consider going to to add it.


Failed to stage: Parts 'test-other-part' and 'test-part' have the following files, but with different contents:

Snapcraft offers some capabilities to solve this by use of the following keywords:
    - `filesets`
    - `stage`
    - `snap`
    - `organize`

To learn more about these part keywords, run `snapcraft help plugins`.


Failed to run command: One or more packages are missing, please install:  ['{sample-command1}', '{sample-command2}']


Failed to generate snap metadata: Missing gadget.yaml file.
When creating gadget snaps you are required to provide a gadget.yaml file in the root of your snapcraft project

Read more about gadget snaps and the gadget.yaml on:


This plugin is outdated: user '{project.arch_triplet|project.deb_arch|parallel_build_count}'


'{sample-command}' failed.


'{sample-command}' not found.


Required path does not exist: '{sample-path}'


Failed to generate snap metadata:
The path '{sample-path}' set for '{desktop|completer}' in '{sample-app}' does not exist. Make sure that the files are in the `prime` directory.


"Failed to load plugin: Invalid pull properties specified by '{sample-plugin}' plugin: ['{sample-property1}', '{sample-property2}']


Failed to load plugin: Invalid build properties specified by '{sample-plugin}' plugin: ['{sample-property1}', '{sample-property2}']

errors.StagePackageDownloadError not found:

Failed to fetch stage packages:
Error downloading packages for part '{sample-part}': The package '{sample-package}' was not found.

errors.StagePackageDownloadError architecture:

Failed to fetch stage packages:
Error downloading packages for part '{sample-part}':
You may need to add support for this architecture with 'dpkg --add-architecture {sample-architecture}'.


Unable to determine host OS ID


Unable to determine host OS name


Unable to determine host OS version ID


Unable to determine host OS version codename


Error parsing the container image info: {sample-image-info}
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