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Last active February 21, 2018 16:12
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Upstream snaps status

Maintained by upstream

⚙️ base58: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions waiting for review | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ bcoin: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ bigchaindb: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ borg: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ cryptowatch: snapcraft.yaml | Packaged and published in the store by m4sk1n during google code-in. | CI not yet setup | Install instructions.

⚙️ cpp-ethereum: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ ethabi: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ ghb0t: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ gobot: snapcraft.yaml | CI not yet setup | No install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ goby: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | No install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ goreleaser: goreleaser.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ guetzli: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ ia: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ ipfs-cluster: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

✅ keepassxc: snapcraft.yaml | Install instructions | Upstream takes care of stable releases frequently.

⚙️ kovri: snapcraft.yaml | Install instructions | Not yet released to the store.

✅ micro: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Released to stable.

⚙️ minio: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ monero: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ openbazaar-go: snapcraft.yaml

✅ parity: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Released to stable.

⚙️ parity-bitcoin: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ pyethapp: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ quassel-webserver: snapcraft.yaml | CI releaseing to edge | Install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ raiden: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ solium: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ storjshare: snapcraft.yaml | No install instructions | Released to stable.

⚙️ synapse: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

✅ syncthing: snapcraft.yaml | Install instructions | Released to stable.

⚙️ swagger-ui: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

✅ tldr: snapcraft.yaml | CI releasing to edge | Install instructions | Released to stable.

⚙️ viper: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ zsync-curl: snapcraft.yaml | Not yet released to the store.

Maintained by snapcrafters

⚙️ 2fa: Published in the store by konrad11901 during google code-in | Transfered to snapcrafters | Waiting for upstream review.

⚙️ augur: Landed upstream | Not yet released to the store.

⚙️ blockstack-core: Landed upstream | Published in the store by elopio | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ branch-diff: Pbulished in the store by LaughingLove during google code-in | Waiting for upstream review

⚙️ caniuse: Published in the store by DavidResendizz during google code-in | Waiting for upstream review.

⚙️ cheat: Published in the store by jake-walker during google code-in | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

⚙️ codespell: Published in the store by royabouhamad during google code-in | Not yet released to stable | Waiting for upstream review.

⚙️ diagram: Published in the store by undef314 during google code-in | Release to stable blocked by bug | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

⚙️ dillinger: Published in the store by elopio | Conversation with upstream died | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

⚙️ electrum: Landed upstream | Published in the store by tpaw.

⚙️ firebase-tools: Published in the store by undef314 during google code-in | Not yet strict.

⚙️ gitter: Landed upstream | Published in the store by ogra | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ instantnews: Published in the store by omairqazi during google code-in | Waiting for upstream review.

⚙️ ipfs: Rejected by upstream | Published in the store by elopio.

⚙️ keybase: Landed upstream | Published in the store by elopio | Blocked.

⚙️ make8bitart: Published in the store by elopio | Rejected by upstream | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

✅ mapscii: Waiting for upstream review | Published in the store by nhaines

⚙️ mdbook: Published in the store by konrad11901 during google code-in | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

⚙️ mdl: Published in the store by konrad11901 during google code-in | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

⚙️ pomodoro: Waiting for upstream review | Published in the store by m4sk1n during google code-in.

⚙️ prettier: Published in the store by BayMinimum during google code-in | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

⚙️ ripgrep: Published in the store by undef314 during google code-in.

✅ speed-test: Rejected by upstream | Published in the store by bartaz

⚙️ tably: Published in the store by fennecus-z during google code-in.

⚙️ tcpie: Published in the store by konrad11901 during google code-in | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

⚙️ tesseract: Landed upstream | Published in the store by elopio | Not yet released to stable.

⚙️ tg: Waiting for upstream review | Published in the store by marius-quabeck | Released to stable.

⚙️ tootstream: Published in the store by m4sk1n during google code-in.

⚙️ tosheets: Published in the store by konrad11901 during google code-in | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

⚙️ truffle: Rejected by upstream | Published in the store by elopio | Not yet released to stable.

✅ solidity: Landed upstream | Published in the store by elopio | Install instructions | v0.4.18 released to stable.

⚙️ unimatrix: Published to the store by omairqazi | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

✅ vault: Rejected by upstream | Published in the store by snapcrafters.

⚙️ wormhole: Landed upstream | Published in the store by snapcrafters.

⚙️ xi-tui: Published in the store by m4sk1n during google code-in.

⚙️ xt: Published in the store by undef314 during google code-in.

⚙️ zcash-mini: Published in the store by elopio | Rejected by upstream | Not yet transferred to snapcrafters.

Work in progress

⚙️ facebook-cli

⚙️ glowing-bear

⚙️ gotty

⚙️ meson

⚙️ socli

⚙️ thefuck

Waiting for review

⚙️ AssemblyScript

⚙️ bitcore-node

⚙️ bitshares-ui

⚙️ bittorrent-tracker

⚙️ dat

⚙️ dekoder

⚙️ duniter

⚙️ faircoin

⚙️ ganache

⚙️ gox

⚙️ honeytail

⚙️ httpie

⚙️ iroha

⚙️ lit

⚙️ mosh

⚙️ mrtrix3

⚙️ nanocoin

⚙️ nodejs

⚙️ partcl

⚙️ pocketplace

⚙️ quorum

⚙️ rethinkdb

⚙️ rollbar-agent

⚙️ signal-cli

⚙️ scuttlebot

⚙️ synergy

⚙️ tig

⚙️ transifex-client

⚙️ travis

⚙️ tslint

⚙️ two1-python

⚙️ stellar-core

⚙️ tippecanoe

⚙️ warp

⚙️ zstd

⚙️ zcash

Rejected pull requests


















🔴 gistup: Accessing git config from a strict snap

🔴 glowing-bear: glowing-bear fails to build, but it works on container build

🔴 gox: the gox classic snap gets stuck consuming a lot of cpu (non-blocker)

🔴 sawtooth: python plugin ignores source-subdir

🔴 truffle: nodejs snaps fail when source is not a local directory (non-blocker)

🔴 thefuck: thefuck snap gets an apparmor denial even in classic confinement

Solved bugs

✅ gistup: A snap with git fails because it can't access /etc/mailname

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