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Last active February 21, 2018 21:24
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Snapcraft tests for the stable release updates


  • Build and run a snap using snapcraft variables in the build.
  • Build a snap using snapcraft variables in the yaml.


  • Build python2 and python3 snaps and check that they include no .pyc, .pth nor pycache.
  • Build a nodejs snap in arm64.
  • Build a nodejs snap in launchpad.


  • Build snaps with grade devel and stable.
  • Push the snaps to the store and release them.


  • Make a faulty snap and run cleanbuild with --debug.


  • Build a snap with file conflicts.


  • Run snapcraft-parse with the wiki.


  • Register a private snap.
  • Push a private snap.
  • Release a private snap.


  • Build snaps with the python, python2 and python3 plugins.
  • Build snaps with the gulp plugin.


  • Build a snap with a part that puts some file in a directory, and then another part uses organize on the same directory.
  • Build a snap that uses * in the left side of organize.


  • Run snapcraft init.


  • Run snapcraft register-key.
  • Run snapcraft list-keys.


  • Run snapcraft-parse with SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME and SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_VERSION in the source.


  • Build a snap with a python constraints file from a URL.
  • Build a snap with a python requirements file from a URL.
  • Build snaps with the deprecated python2 and python3 plugins.
  • Build a snap using the autotools plugin, with a bootstrap directory in the source.
  • Build a snap with the nodejs plugin and dev-deps.
  • Build a snap with cross-compilation and the dump plugin.
  • Build a snap with the make plugin and artifacts in a dir.
  • Build the dogpile.cache snap with python2.


  • Build a snap using a deb file as the source.
  • Build snaps with and without source-depth.



  • Build a snap using cleanbuild.


  • Build a snap that depends on a remote part with filesets.
  • Run snapcraft search, check that the results are ordered.
  • Build the plainbox-provider-snappy snap.
  • Try to parse with missing hg, git, bzr and svn.


  • Run snapcraft login.
  • Build a snap that requires to download another snap.


  • Try to build a snap with an error in the yaml, check that the right line for the error is reported.


  • Try to build a snap using an invalid ros distro.
  • Build a snap that uses the waf plugin.
  • Build a snap using the python plugin and bzr.
  • Exploratory testing on the python plugin.


  • Create a key.
  • Use sign-build with multiple keys.
  • Review the history of a snap.
  • Review the status of a snap.
  • Close a channel.
  • Exploratory testing on gated and validate.


  • Build a gadget snap.


  • Run snapcraft --version.


  • Exploratory on store commands.


  • Build snaps and check that the cache is stored in $HOME/.cache/snapcraft/apt/
  • Build snaps again and check that the cache is used.
  • Build snaps with packages of a specific architecture.


  • Build a catkin snap and check that gcc and g++ are installed in the snap.
  • Build a go and check that the build tags are called for all the packages installed.


  • Build a snap using an rpm source.


  • Run snapcraft plugins.


  • Pull and build using a rust part.
    • Check that the download happens only during pull.
  • Build a python snap that has a read-only file.
  • Build snaps with the maven, gradle, cmake, waf and scons plugins.
    • Check that there is no build_properties deprecation warning.


  • Parse using a part with origin-branch.
  • Run snapcraft-parser -v


  • Run snapcraft registered and snapcraft list-registered.


  • Try to build using an unrecognized source.


  • Build a snap with aliases.
    • Check that the snap yaml contains the aliases.
  • Build a snap with classic confinement.
    • Check that the snap yaml contains the right confinement.



  • Build snaps with prepare, build and install scriptlets.


  • Run snapcraft-parser -h
  • Try to parse an origin without snapcraft.yaml
  • Run with the debug flag.


  • Make snaps with ant, autotools, godeps, catkin, copy, make, nodejs, go, python, qmake gulp and kernel plugins.
    • Check that the build_properties deprecation warning no longer appears.
  • Make a rust snap with conditional compilation.
  • Make a rust snap with the source in a different repository.
  • Make a rust snap with the source in a subdirectory.
  • Make a rust snap with rust-version.
  • Make a nodejs snap with the source in a different repository.
  • Make a godep snap with GOBIN already set.


  • Make a snap with libgweather-3-6_3.18.2-0ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb as the source.


  • Make a snap with the prime keyword.
  • Make a snap with the snap keyword.
    • Check that a deprecation message was displayed.


  • Make a snap, modify the snapcraft.yaml to make it invalid, and run snapcraft clean.
    • Check that all the snapcraft directories are deleted.


  • Try to make a snap without the core snap installed.
  • Try to define a part that doesn't exist.


  • Try to push a snap without registering it first.



  • Make a godeps snap with the go-packages keyword.
  • Make a gradle snap without gradlew.
    • Check that the gradle binary is called instead.
  • Make a catkin snap.
    • Check that the compilers don't end up in the snap.
  • Make a snap with the autotools plugin.


  • Make a snap with a symlink to a directory.
    • Check that the symlink is preserved in the snap.


  • Make a cleanbuild of 20-PARTS-PLUGINS/01-reusable-part


  • Run snapcraft-parser.
    • Check that the parser cache is saved to $HOME/.cache


  • Try to make a snap with a summary too long.
  • Try to run snapcraft-parser using an unexisting index URL.
  • Try to run snapcraft-parser using a malformed index yaml.
  • Try to run snapcraft-parser with a missing part.
    • Check that the exit code is greater than 0.


  • Try to log in with the wrong password.
    • Check that the error message and its colors make sense.


  • Make snaps with the desktop keyword in an app and push them to the edge channel in the store.
    • Check that the desktop files generated in the snap match the app name.
  • Make snaps with the snapcraft.yaml in the root of the project.
  • Make snaps with the snapcraft.yaml in the snap directory.
  • Make snaps with custom plugins in the parts/plugins directory.
  • Make snaps with custom plugins in the snap/plugins directory.
  • Make snaps with desktop and icon in the setup/gui directory.
  • Make snaps with desktop and icon in the snap/gui directory.
  • Make snaps with stage packages from other architectures.


  • Build and run the checkbox snap.


  • Build a classic snap without core installed.
  • Snap asciinema in xenial and run it in trusty.


  • Cleanbuild a snap using --remote.
  • Cleanbuild a snap with the snapcraft.yaml in the snap directory.

errors and warnings:

  • Build a snap with icon and desktop file in setup/gui.
    • check the deprecation warning.
  • Try to build a snap with a wrong organize valie:
  • Try to push to the store the same snap twice.


  • Build python snaps
  • Build and run snaps with the environment keyword.
  • Build snaps with complex stage-packages grammar.
  • Build snaps, change parts and then try to build again.
    • Check the error messages about the parts and steps that need to be cleaned.
  • Build snaps with multiple periods (.) in the icon path.
  • Push snaps with the DELTA_UPLOADS_EXPERIMENTAL=1 environment variable.



  • Build a snap with stage packages:
    • Check that the stage packages are saved in parts/$part_name/pull/state
  • Build a snap with a specific version on stage packages.
  • Build a snap with a specific version on build packages.


  • Push a snap, modify it, and push again.
    • Check that the second push is faster, just pushing the delta.
  • Run the history, list-revision and revisions commands.


  • Build snaps with the source-checksum keyword.
  • Build snaps with python.
  • Build snaps with cleanbuild, using lxd from a deb and a snap.
  • Build snaps with the snapcraft snap: sudo snap install snapcraft --edge.
  • Build and run classic snaps.


  • Build nodejs snaps.
    • Check that by default they use the newer nodejs LTS version.
  • Build a nodejs snap using yarn.
  • Build a classic rust snap.
  • Build the snapcraft snap.
    • Check that the final snap doesn't include any libraries from the /snap/ dir.


  • Build a snap with version: git.
  • Build a snap with version-script.


  • Build classic snaps with SNAPCRAFT_SETUP_CORE.


  • Build snaps using the snapcraft snap.
  • Build snaps in elementary.
  • Build snaps in kde neon.
  • Cleanbuild snaps in different platforms.
  • Push snaps to the store.


  • Run the kernel manual tests documented in
  • Build a snap with that uses meson.


  • Build a snap with a 7zip source.


  • Run the release, close and status commands in snaps with channels.


  • Build snaps with SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_INFO=1
    • Check that a snap can be build with the resulting snap/prime/snapcraft.yaml.
  • Run all the snapcraft commands in different scenarios including failure conditions.
  • Cleanbuild snaps with local and remote containers.


  • Build a Qt snap using the default version.
  • Build go snaps for different architectures using --target-arch.


  • Build snaps with build-packages.
  • Build classic snaps.
  • Run all the snapcraft commands in different scenarios including failure conditions.


  • Build snaps with the autotools plugin.
  • Build rust snaps for a different architecture.


  • Enable the travis-ci integration in one project.
    • Check that the snap is pushed to the edge channel.


  • Run the whoami command.


  • Cross-compile and run an autotools snap.
  • Cross-compile and run an waf snap.


  • Test a build failure in cleanbuild with --debug.


  • Test a snap with bash completion.
  • Test a snap with reload-command.


  • Run clean with various states of dependent parts.
  • Make snaps with yaml merge tags.
  • Make python snaps.
  • Make snaps with --target-arch and other snapcraft arguments in different order.

Container builds:

  • Clean the project without arguments:

    SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1 snapcraft clean


  • Build a snap with the catkin plugin.
  • Build a snap with the jhbuild plugin.


  • Try to build a snap without mksquashfs.


  • Use build-snaps to build snaps.
  • Build the same snap multiple times, to check the caching.
  • Build snaps with the nodejs plugin and yarn.
  • Build snaps with SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1 using local and remote LXD.
  • Build snaps with SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_INFO=1, check the manifest.yaml in the prime/snap directory.
  • Try to get as many errors as possible, check the error messages or the trace returned when running with --debug.
  • Build snaps with grammar in build and stage packages.


  • Build a snap with a deb as the source.


  • Try to run snapcraft with a script (prepare, build or install) that exits non-zero.
  • Run snapcraft with a script (prepare, build or install), edit the script and then run snapcraft again.


  • Make a snap and check that the resulting prime/snap/meta.yaml is nicely ordered.


  • Build a classic snap in the snapcore/snapcraft docker container.


  • Build snaps with aliases. Check the deprecation message.


  • Try to build a snap with an invalid app name.
  • Try to build a snap with an invalid hook name.
  • Try to build a snap with an invalid part name.


  • Cross-compile an autotools snap.


  • Run store commands.
  • Run the snapcraft pack command.
  • Try to build snaps that will throw errors, using container builds and cleanbuild.
  • Build node snaps.
  • Build dotnet snaps.
  • Build python snaps.
  • Build ruby snaps.
  • Build snaps recording the manifest.


  • Build a snap with $SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET in the snapcraft.yaml.


  • Run snapcraft push-metadata.


  • Build and run python snaps.
  • Build snaps with $SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=local snapcraft, and run different clean commands.


  • Run the export-login command.
  • Try to register a reserved name.
  • Run snapcraft list-keys with no keys.
  • Run the push metadata manual tests.


  • Run snapcraft help with multiple options.
  • Build and run classic snaps.
  • Run snapcraft commands that will return errors.


  • Build snaps with adopt-info and parse-info in the snapcraft.yaml, and an appstream metadata file.


  • Build snaps in docker.
  • Build snaps with build-snaps in the snapcraft.yaml, with valid and invalid values.
  • Build snaps with $SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=local snapcraft.
  • Build snaps with advanced grammar in sources.


  • Run snapcraft help.


  • Build snaps with adopt-info and parse-info in the snapcraft.yaml, and an appstream metadata file that provides icon and desktop files.


  • Run snapcraft export-login with expiration.
  • Run snapcraft push.
  • Push a snap without architectures.


  • Build snaps in docker using the beta and edge images.


  • Build classic snaps.
  • Build snaps without UTF-8 locale.
  • Build snaps with $SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=local snapcraft.
  • Build snaps with socket activation.
  • Try to build snaps with invalid sources.
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