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Created November 9, 2022 09:40
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7GUIs temperature converter example in ReScript
Celcius: <input id="ce" type="number">
Fahrenheit: <input id="fa" type="number">
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"rescript/": "/node_modules/rescript/"
<script type="module">
import { Program, initialState } from './';
let $ce = document.getElementById('ce');
let $fa = document.getElementById('fa');
let onUpdate = (_, nextState) => {
$ce.value = nextState.celsius;
$fa.value = nextState.fahrenheit;
onUpdate(initialState, initialState);
let program = Program.make(onUpdate);
$ce.onchange = (e) => {
let ce = e.currentTarget.value;
program = Program.updateCelsius(program, ce);
$fa.onchange = (e) => {
let fa = e.currentTarget.value;
program = Program.updateFahrenheit(program, fa);
type state = {
celsius: float,
fahrenheit: float,
type action =
| UpdateCelsius(float)
| UpdateFahrenheit(float)
// F = C * (9/5) + 32
let ce2fa = ce => ce *. (9. /. 5.) +. 32.
// C = (F - 32) * (5/9)
let fa2ce = fa => (fa -. 32.) *. (5. /. 9.)
let reduce = (state, action) => {
switch (state, action) {
| (_, UpdateCelsius(celsius)) => {
fahrenheit: celsius->ce2fa,
| (_, UpdateFahrenheit(fahrenheit)) => {
celsius: fahrenheit->fa2ce,
let initialState = {
celsius: 5.,
fahrenheit: ce2fa(5.),
module Program = {
type t = {
state: state,
onUpdate: (state, state) => unit,
let make = onUpdate => {
state: initialState,
let dispatch = (program, action) => {
let prev = program.state
let next = program.state->reduce(action)
program.onUpdate(prev, next)
let updateCelsius = (program, ce) => {
let state = program->dispatch(UpdateCelsius(ce))
{...program, state}
let updateFahrenheit = (program, fa) => {
let state = program->dispatch(UpdateFahrenheit(fa))
{...program, state}
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