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Last active January 22, 2018 20:17
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Using praw (Python Reddit API Wrapper) to collect more than 1000 results from a query
# Reddit's API limits search results to 1000 for any query. If
# your query requires searching for more than 1000 results,
# you need a way to further limit the search space to find
# all of your posts. PRAW does not have an obvious solution,
# and I found few resources describing possible solutions.
# Some of the solutions on the internet are for old versions
# of praw and no longer work.
# The code below provides a solution by making a new query for each day.
# The interval can easily be shortened if there are possibly more than
# 1000 relevant posts in a single day. An exception will be raised if
# the script believes there are more than 1000 posts in a particular query.
# The specific implementation works with seasonal data, but can redily
# be changed to work over continuous time periods.
import sys, re, time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil import parser
import praw
def generate_dates(season_start, season_end, year, interval=86400):
Generates a complete list of utc timestamps for dates between season_start
and season_end. Could be modified to skip days or to collect actual dates
that have games from a DB or the web. I prefer the exhaustive search for
now as it only needs to be completed once and is relatively fast.
season_start: String of date in MM/DD for the first day of the season.
season_end: String of date in MM/DD for the last day of the season.
year: int indicating the year of the start day. Dates may span years.
Only the initial date is required.
interval: Int indicating the width of query window. Defaults to 1 day but if
there are too many posts per day a smaller interval may be
necessary. Units = seconds
list of utc timestamps corresponding to every 4am EST in that period (does
not account for DST so the local time can change midseason.)
# Check if we span new years
season_start += '/' + str(year)
if season_end.split('/')[0] < season_start.split('/')[0]:
season_end += '/' + str(year + 1)
season_end += '/' + str(year)
# Stack overflow said this was the best method to convert to utc...
epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
# Starts at ~4am est. Could be changed to midnight any other time
# Skips to next day before yielding, so we move backwards to get to the correct time
next_date = (parser.parse(season_start)-epoch).total_seconds() - 57600
stop_date = (parser.parse(season_end)-epoch).total_seconds() + 86400 # This makes the search inclusive
while next_date < stop_date:
next_date = next_date + interval
yield next_date
def get_submissions(praw_instance, start_time, stop_time=None, query='', subreddit='cfb'):
Get up to the limit of subreddit submissions (1000) by date.
Defaults to search a single day
so usage is suggested to put a utc timestamp for midnight (or whatever low activity point you desire).
praw_instance = a properly initialize praw instance
start_time = int or float of date where the seach should begin in
utc timestamp
stop_time = defaults to a timedelta of +1 day, otherwise, should be a utc timestamp
indicating when to stop.
total_list = list of posts that are found by the method
subreddit = string respresenting subreddit to search (easy modification for
other sports).
query = string for reddit search (reddit search is very unreliable, so we
leave empty and use python to check titles ourselves).
List of strings of thread ids.
if not stop_time:
# Making an assumption that there won't be 1000 posts in a single day
# Reddit search limits results to 1000 for anything
stop_time = start_time + 86400 # add a day
game_threads = []
i = 0 # Can't use enumerate on generator. If >=1000, may have missed some results.
# Iterate over the search results.
for thread in praw_instance.subreddit(subreddit).submissions(start_time, stop_time, query):
# Do whatever you want with the thread results.
i += 1
title = thread.title.lower()
is_postgame = '[post game thread]' in title or '[postgame thread]' in title
is_game = '[game thread]' in title
if is_postgame or is_game:
print('Total threads on this date: ', i)
if i > 999:
# Want to raise an exception here so we don't miss any data
raise ValueError("Exceeded search limits!")
return game_threads
if __name__ == '__main__':
subreddit = 'cfb'
season_start ='8/15' # 'Month/Day' requires /
season_end = '1/20'
first_year = 2014 # Parser should accept both 20XX and XX
last_year = 2017
bot_params = 'bot1' # These are collected from praw.ini
reddit = praw.Reddit(bot_params) # Create bot instance
for year in range(first_year, last_year+1):
print('==========START {}============='.format(year))
game_threads = []
for date in generate_dates(season_start, season_end, year):
#print(date) # UTC
print(datetime.fromtimestamp(date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) # Human readable
# preforms the task at hand
game_threads.extend(get_submissions(reddit, date))
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