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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Ember Qunit Testing

I'm updating my unit tests to use the new Ember-QUnit approach and I'm running into a problem with one computed property test.

I'm trying to test that hire_date returns the correct string, but the test keeps failing with undefined is not a function. I know the setup is correct because another test, location_class, works just fine.

Can anyone offer insight as to why this is failing?

TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at null.<anonymous> (
    at ComputedPropertyPrototype.get (
    at get (
    at Ember.Observable.Ember.Mixin.create.get (
    at Object.<anonymous> (
    at Object.wrapper (
    at (
    at process (
/*=================== TESTS ====================*/
namespace: App
App.rootElement = '#ember-testing';
moduleForModel('person', 'Models > Person');
// this test works just fine
test('location_class is a valid computed property - non-hyphenated', function() {
var person = this.subject({
Location: 'Nashville'
equal(person.get('location_class'), 'nashville');
// this test fails
test('hire_date is a valid computed property', function() {
var person = this.subject({
Emmaversary: '9/24/2012'
var me = person.get('hire_date');
equal(me, 'bob');
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
First: DS.attr('string'),
Last: DS.attr('string'),
Department: DS.attr('string'),
Team: DS.attr('string'),
Title: DS.attr('string'),
Location: DS.attr('string'),
Direct: DS.attr('string'),
Extension: DS.attr('string'),
Cell: DS.attr('string'),
IM: DS.attr('string'),
Email: DS.attr('string'),
Emmaversary: DS.attr('date'),
hire_date: function(){
var hire_date = this.get('Emmaversary'),
months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
day = hire_date.getDate(),
month = months[hire_date.getMonth()],
year = hire_date.getFullYear();
return '%@ %@, %@'.fmt(month, day, year);
location_class: function(){
var location = this.get('Location');
return location.replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase();
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What happens if you stick a debugger statement in hire_date and have a poke around or step through it? Are all the things you are invoking i.e. anything preceeding () as expected?

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