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Last active September 29, 2018 16:53
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Show the owned games overlap of two BGG users

Compare BGG Games

This script will compare the collections of two BoardGameGeek users, and return all of the owned games which appear in both collections. Optionally, pass in one of the following strings to return games matching that status:

  • all
  • for_trade
  • prev_owned
  • want
  • wishlist

To use this script you'll first need to install the boardgamegeek Python lib on your local machine Use pip install boardgamegeek. If that does not work try easy_install boardgamegeek

Put this script whereever you like, then call it like so:

python commadelimited elilong

To include only games in both player's wishlists

python commadelimited elilong wishlist

To include only games in both player's previously owned lists

python commadelimited elilong prev_owned

This script uses the boardgamegeek Python library:

import sys
from boardgamegeek.api import BoardGameGeek
bgg = BoardGameGeek()
def compare(users, status):
master_list = []
for user in users:
collection = bgg.collection(user_name=user)
if status == 'all':
master_list.append([ for item in collection.items])
master_list.append([ for item in collection.items if getattr(item, status)])
return [val for val in master_list[0] if val in master_list[1]]
if __name__ == '__main__':
options = [
users = sys.argv[1:3]
# if there are more than 2 args, and the 3rd arg is valid
if len(sys.argv[1:4]) > 2 and sys.argv[3] in options:
status = sys.argv[3]
# else default to only owned games
status = 'owned'
print compare(users, status)
except Exception, e:
print "An error occurred, please try again."
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