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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Save commana/768298782abc3d9cb95e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My collection of CodeCombat scripts
// This code runs once per frame. Build units and command peons!
// Destroy the human base within 180 seconds.
// Run over 4000 statements per call and chooseAction will run less often.
// Check out the green Guide button at the top for more info.
var base = this;
function sortByCoinValue(a, b) {
return b.coin.bountyGold - a.coin.bountyGold;
function sortByDistance(a, b) {
return a.distance - b.distance;
/////// 1. Command peons to grab coins and gems. ///////
// You can only command peons, not fighting units.
// You win by gathering gold more efficiently to make a larger army.
// Click on a unit to see its API.
var allItems = base.getItems();
var peons = base.getByType('peon');
var peasants = base.getByType('peasant');
var enemies = base.getEnemies();
// filter all items that are targeted by peasants, and that we won't reach in time
var unreachablePositions = [];
for (var pi = 0; pi < peasants.length; pi++) {
var peasant = peasants[pi];
if (!peasant.targetPos) {
// we want to use indexOf, but it doesn't seem to work directly with Vector objects
var posId = peasant.targetPos.x + "," + peasant.targetPos.y + "," + peasant.targetPos.z;
var peasantTargetDistance = peasant.pos.distance(peasant.targetPos);
var potentiallyUnreachablePositions = [];
var reachablePositions = [];
for (var pj = 0; pj < peons.length; pj++) {
var peon = peons[pj];
var peonTargetDistance = peon.pos.distance(peasant.targetPos);
if (peonTargetDistance > peasantTargetDistance) {
} else {
for (var ti = 0; ti < potentiallyUnreachablePositions.length; ti++) {
if (reachablePositions.indexOf(potentiallyUnreachablePositions[ti]) === -1) {
items = allItems.filter(function(i) {
var posId = i.pos.x + "," + i.pos.y + "," + i.pos.z;
return unreachablePositions.indexOf(posId) === -1;
// divide the playing field by number of peons
// we divide it by x coords
var maxX = 90;
var numPlayingFields = peons.length;
var fieldWidth = maxX / numPlayingFields;
var fields = [];
for (var fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numPlayingFields; fieldIndex++) {
var itemsForField = [];
// find all coins in the specified x range
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var startX = fieldIndex * fieldWidth;
var endX = fieldIndex * fieldWidth + fieldWidth;
if (items[i].pos.x >= startX && items[i].pos.x < endX) {
// build a list that is sorted by nearest coin to peon
var peonTasks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < peons.length; i++) {
var peon = peons[i];
var coins = fields[i];
var nearestPositions = [];
for (var ii = 0; ii < coins.length; ii++) {
nearestPositions.push({ coin: coins[ii], distance: peon.pos.distance(coins[ii].pos) });
var positions = nearestPositions;
// find all gems, they are always our primary target
var gems = nearestPositions.filter(function(p) {
return p.coin.bountyGold === 5;
// go after high value coins, consider copper only if in immediate vicinity
var highValuePositions = nearestPositions.filter(function(p) {
if (p.distance < 7) return true;
if (p.coin.bountyGold === 1) return false;
if (p.coin.bountyGold === 2 && p.distance > 12) return false;
return true;
if (highValuePositions.length === 0) {
if (gems.length === 0) {
// there are no primary targets
positions = nearestPositions;
} else {
// go after the gems
positions = gems;
} else {
if (gems.length === 0) {
positions = highValuePositions;
} else {
var primaryTarget = gems[0].coin;
// collect coins along the way, but stay on the current direction
var highValuesInDirection = highValuePositions.filter(function(p) {
var targetVector = Vector.subtract(peon.pos, primaryTarget.pos);
var direction = Vector.normalize(targetVector);
var coinVector = Vector.subtract(peon.pos, p.coin.pos);
var coinDirection = Vector.normalize(coinVector);
return Math.abs(direction.heading() - coinDirection.heading()) <= Math.PI/8;
if (highValuesInDirection.length === 0) {
positions = gems;
} else {
positions = highValuesInDirection;
peonTasks.push({ peon: peon, positions: positions });
for (var j = 0; j < peonTasks.length; j++) {
var task = peonTasks[j];
if (task.positions.length) {
base.command( task.peon, 'move', task.positions[0].coin.pos);
/////// 2. Decide which unit to build this frame. ///////
// Peons can gather gold; other units auto-attack the enemy base.
// You can only build one unit per frame, if you have enough gold.
var type;
var buildOrder = ["peon", "peon", "peon", "munchkin", "munchkin", "munchkin", "munchkin"];
type = buildOrder[this.built.length % buildOrder.length];
if ( >= base.buildables[type].goldCost);
// 'peon': Peons gather gold and do not fight.
// 'munchkin': Light melee unit.
// 'ogre': Heavy melee unit.
// 'shaman': Support spellcaster.
// 'fangrider': High damage ranged attacker.
// 'brawler': Mythically expensive super melee unit.
// See the buildables documentation below for costs and the guide for more info.
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