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Last active June 11, 2020 17:25
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My attempt at making almost first-class currying in CL.
(defun intern-gen-sym (&optional str)
(if str
(intern (format nil "intern-g~a~s" str (incf *gensym-counter*)))
(intern (format nil "intern-g~s" (incf *gensym-counter*)))))
(define-condition recursive-currying-lambda (error)
((datum :initform "Cannot curry lambda with 0 arguments" :allocation :class)))
(defmacro curried-lambda (lambda-list &body body)
(let ((list-of-names
(loop :with len := (length lambda-list)
:for n :from 0 :upto len
:collect (intern-gen-sym (format nil "CURRY--~s" n)))))
`(lambda (&rest args)
(ecase (length args)
,@(loop :with len := (length lambda-list)
:for n :from 0 :upto len
:if (zerop n)
:collect `(0 (error 'recursive-currying-lambda))
:if (/= n len)
:collect `(,n (labels ((,(elt list-of-names n) ,(subseq lambda-list 0 n)
(curried-lambda ,(subseq lambda-list n)
(apply #',(elt list-of-names n) args)))
:collect `(,n (labels ((,(elt list-of-names n) ,(subseq lambda-list 0 n)
(apply #',(elt list-of-names n) args))))))))
(defmacro defcurry (name lambda-list &body body)
(let ((list-of-names
(loop :with len := (length lambda-list)
:for n :from 0 :upto len
:collect (intern-gen-sym (format nil "CURRY-~a-~s" name n))))
(ftype-declaration (if (eql (caar body) 'declare)
(destructuring-bind (dec . (what)) (car body)
(declare (ignorable dec))
(when (eql (car what) 'ftype)
(cadr (pop body))))))
(inline-declaration (if (eql (caar body) 'declare)
(destructuring-bind (dec . (what)) (car body)
(declare (ignorable dec))
(when (eql (car what) 'inline)
(cadr (pop body)))))))
(defun ,name (&rest args)
(ecase (length args)
,@(loop :with len := (length lambda-list)
:for n :from 0 :upto len
:if (/= n len)
:collect `(,n (labels ((,(elt list-of-names n) ,(subseq lambda-list 0 n)
(curried-lambda ,(subseq lambda-list n)
(declare ,@(if ftype-declaration
(loop :for arg :in (subseq lambda-list n)
:for arg-num :from 0
:collect `(type ,(elt (second (second ftype-declaration)) (+ n arg-num)) ,arg))))
(declare ,(if inline-declaration
`(inline ,(elt list-of-names n))
(declare ,(if ftype-declaration
(destructuring-bind (_ftype (_function var-list return-type) _name) ftype-declaration
(declare (ignorable _ftype) (ignorable _function) (ignorable _name) (ignorable return-type))
`(ftype (function ,(subseq var-list 0 n) function) ,(elt list-of-names n)))
(apply #',(elt list-of-names n) args)))
:collect `(,n (labels ((,(elt list-of-names n) ,(subseq lambda-list 0 n)
(declare ,(if inline-declaration
`(inline ,(elt list-of-names n))
(declare ,(if ftype-declaration
(destructuring-bind (_ftype (_function var-list return-type) _name) ftype-declaration
(declare (ignorable _ftype) (ignorable _function) (ignorable _name))
`(ftype (function ,(subseq var-list 0 n) ,return-type) ,(elt list-of-names n)))
(apply #',(elt list-of-names n) args))))))
(define-compiler-macro ,name (&rest args)
(ecase (length args)
,@(loop :with len := (length lambda-list)
:for n :from 0 :upto len
:if (/= n len)
:collect `(,n `(labels ((,',(elt list-of-names n)
,',(subseq lambda-list 0 n)
(curried-lambda ,',(subseq lambda-list n)
(declare ,@,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(quote ,x))
(if ftype-declaration
(loop :for arg :in (subseq lambda-list n)
:for arg-num :from 0
:collect `((type ,(elt
(second (second ftype-declaration))
(+ n arg-num)) ,arg))))))
,,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(quote ,x)) body))))
(declare ,',(if inline-declaration
`(inline ,(elt list-of-names n))
(declare ,',(if ftype-declaration
(destructuring-bind (_ftype (_function var-list return-type) _name) ftype-declaration
(declare (ignorable _ftype) (ignorable _function) (ignorable _name) (ignorable return-type))
`(ftype (function ,(subseq var-list 0 n) function) ,(elt list-of-names n)))
(,',(elt list-of-names n) ,@args)))
:collect `(,n `(labels ((,',(elt list-of-names n) ,',(subseq lambda-list 0 n)
,,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(quote ,x)) body)))
(declare ,',(if inline-declaration
`(inline ,(elt list-of-names n))
(declare ,',(if ftype-declaration
(destructuring-bind (_ftype (_function var-list return-type) _name) ftype-declaration
(declare (ignorable _ftype) (ignorable _function) (ignorable _name))
`(ftype (function ,(subseq var-list 0 n) ,return-type) ,(elt list-of-names n)))
(,',(elt list-of-names n) ,@args)))))))))
;; Example
(defcurry foo (a b c)
(declare (ftype (function (fixnum fixnum fixnum) fixnum) foo))
(declare (inline foo))
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (compilation-speed 0)))
(+ a (* b c)))
;; You can call it just like any regular function now. All of the below calls are legal:
(funcall (foo) 1)
(foo 1 2)
(foo 1)
(funcall (foo 1 2) 3)
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