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Last active April 12, 2019 13:41
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ZenScroll loop finder
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
// ZenScroll loop finder, by comp500.
// Finds crafting loops added by mods and creates ZenScroll scroll groups for them.
// Requires:
// Revision 4: improved comments
// To use:
// Put this file in your scripts folder, then launch the game.
// The loops are printed in the CraftTweaker log once the game has started.
// To use the generated script, copy the code block from the log and paste it into
// a ZenScript script. You will need to add the following to the top of your file:
// import mods.zenscroll.ZenScroll;
// Don't keep this in your game as it slows down the game launch.
// Post a comment if I did something bad.
// Licensed MIT.
print("Finding ZenScroll crafting loops...");
var i = 0;
val itemList = {} as IItemStack[IItemStack];
for recipe in recipes.all {
if (recipe.ingredients1D.length == 1) {
val ingredient = recipe.ingredients1D[0] as IIngredient;
if (!isNull(ingredient)) {
for item in ingredient.items {
itemList[item] = recipe.output;
var alreadyFound = [] as IItemStack[];
// Attribution not required, but it helps others find this.
var codeLines = "Code block:\r\n// Made with\r\n";
for key, value in itemList {
if (!(alreadyFound has key)) {
var currentItem = value;
var isALoop = false;
var pendingItems = [key] as IItemStack[];
var itemTraverseIndex = -1 as int;
while (itemTraverseIndex < 0) {
if (isNull(currentItem)) {
isALoop = false;
if (!(itemList has currentItem)) {
isALoop = false;
pendingItems += currentItem;
currentItem = itemList[currentItem];
// Find index of any element in loop that matches
// If it is a well-formed loop, the last + 1 element will match the first
// If there are elements before the start of the loop (e.g. Seared Stone), skip them
for i, item in pendingItems {
if (!isNull(currentItem) && item.matches(currentItem)) {
itemTraverseIndex = i;
isALoop = true;
if (isALoop && ((pendingItems.length - itemTraverseIndex) < 2)) {
isALoop = false;
if (isALoop) {
var loopString = "";
for i, printItem in pendingItems {
// Skip items not in loop
if (itemTraverseIndex > 0) {
alreadyFound += printItem;
itemTraverseIndex -= 1;
} else {
alreadyFound += printItem;
loopString += printItem.commandString;
if (i != (pendingItems.length - 1)) {
loopString += ", ";
print("Loop found: " ~ loopString);
codeLines += "ZenScroll.add(" ~ loopString ~ ");\r\n";
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