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Created January 12, 2015 19:33
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# Eris
### Participatory Architecture for Social Scientists (and Everyone Else)
### Ideas Alone Are Not That Powerful
* 2008 -- Koyoto Protocol CDM + Kiva
* 2009 -- Aquaponics for Villages
* 2010 -- Uber for Veggies
* 2011 -- Picture This
* 2012 -- Clan Based Insurance Mechanism
* 2013 -- Smart Recycling
* 2014 -- The Dawn of the DAO..?
But **ideas** combined with a **vernacular** and **tools** can be very powerful indeed.
Wanna follow along? Have a laptop? Make sure you have [golang]( installed!
We empower developers to embrace participatory software architecture via distributed computing and smart contract systems.
In other words: we are a `devtools` shop.
### What is **Participatory Architecture**?
It is a method of designing software where the users of the application participate in the **operation** and **scaling** of the application via:
1. lending computational power to assist in data management
2. lending storage space to assist in content distribution
Using participatory architecture, distributed systems, and smart contracts, **complex ideas** become easier to study.
And to implement
What is a **Smart Contract**?
`A cryptographically provable execution of code`
![smart contracts intro](lib/img/smart-ks.png)
What is **Eris Industries** Building?
`a distributed application server -- distributed systems agnosticism with a harmonized actions layer`
`a distributed database management system -- blockchains for everyone`
### Scenario
> A group of social scientists is interested in researching some aspect of Universal Basic Income. The research will be collaborative and distributed among a dozen researchers across the globe.
#### Step 1: Get the Tools
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install
epm init
#### Step 2: Design Your Chain
* Transactors
* Creators
* Committers
* Doug-ers
#### Step 3: Create Accounts
We don't have a tool for this yet, but we will be building one soon.
Distribute the keys for the accounts to all of the participants.
#### Step 4: Build genesis.json (1/4)
"address": "0000000000THISISDOUG",
"pdx": "",
"doug": "",
"unique": true,
"private-key": "",
"no-gendoug": false,
"consensus": "",
"difficulty": 15,
"public:mine": 0,
"public:create": 0,
"public:tx": 0,
"maxgastx": "",
"tapow": 0,
"blocktime": 0,
"vm": null
#### Step 4: Build genesis.json (2/4)
"accounts": [
"address": "0xbbbd0256041f7aed3ce278c56ee61492de96d001",
"name": "researcherA",
"balance": "1000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"permissions": {"tx":1,"mine":1,"create":1,"doug":1},
"stake": 0
#### Step 4: Build genesis.json (3/4)
"accounts": [
"address": "0xaaad0256041f7aed3ce278c56ee61492de96d224",
"name": "trustedParticipantA",
"balance": "0",
"permissions": {"tx":1,"mine":1,"create":0,"doug":0},
"stake": 0
#### Step 4: Build genesis.json (4/4)
"accounts": [
"address": "0xcccd0256041f7aed3ce278c56ee61492de96d445",
"name": "participantA",
"balance": "0",
"permissions": {"tx":1,"mine":0,"create":0,"doug":0},
"stake": 0
#### Step 5: Deploy Your Chain
epm new --genesis ./genesis.json --name researchProjectUBI_A
2015/01/12 19:21:04 [EPM-CLI] Deployed and installed chain: thelonious/d144e0971c674bbc3b983b8cbb29660dcf0ca530
2015/01/12 19:21:04 [EPM-CLI] Checked out chain: thelonious/d144e0971c674bbc3b983b8cbb29660dcf0ca530
epm refs
Available refs:
researchProjectUBI_a : thelonious/d144e0971c674bbc3b983b8cbb29660dcf0ca530
researchProjectUBI_b : thelonious/a2f25e98b90410a132fa0e6f75f83b333bc9f2d7
researchProjectUBI_c : thelonious/15deb792e5577ed67bc39105001c8044720586e3
researchProjectUBI_d : thelonious/0eab6abd02e1a79e60cb96c3d63e70fac2c31f8c
#### Step 6: Build & Deploy Your Smart Contracts
epm deploy --chain researchProjectUBI_A
#### Step 7: Have Fun!
### Thanks for Listening
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