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Created February 12, 2013 16:15
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  • Save compleatang/4771007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save compleatang/4771007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple reference file for commands that I need every once in a while but have a difficult time remembering....
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:XXXXXXXX - to add repository
se /etc/apt/sources.list - where to add repositories manually
rm /var/lib/apt/lists/XXXXX - another place where repositories are kept
chown -R www-data /usr/share/wordpress - to change the owner of a file, recursively
df -h - to check the size of the disk and % used!
ps aux - to see all of the running processes!
grep -v XXXXX - sort a file but skip any line that has XXXXX on it
dig +short - to see the IP of a web site
apt-get install <package-name>=<version> - to install a specific version of a package
cd - -> to return to previous working directory; use recursively to flip
dpkg -i - install a debian package
dpkg -l | grep XXXXX - search all debian packages installed to see if XXXXX is there
dpkg -L XXXXX - find the locations of all files associated with XXXXX package
dpkg --get-selections - list all installed debian packages
rm ~/.pkgs && dpkg --get-selections > ~/.pkgs - pipe the list into a specific file
find / -name themes -type d - find format / is for location "themes" is search d is for directory (f=files)
chmod - 4 = read 2 = write 1 = xecute
7z a -v5m -mx0 ubuntu.7z ubuntu.iso - split .iso into 5M pieces without compression (-mx0 switch)
7z x ubuntu.7z.001 - extract the split file
## Editing
:335,1045d - delete lines 335-1045
:%s/<word>//gn - Count the number of occurences of a word in a file with
"2p - pastes the second to last thing yanked
]m - jump to the end of the current method/function - [m beginning of current
[M - jump to the beginning of the next method/function - ]M end of next
"+gP - paste from clipboard for outside in pastes don't have to be in insert mode
:%s/perform/execute/g - to SEARCH & REPLACE perform with execute to the bottom of the page
J - join line below with current one
Ctl-x - decrements the number under the cursor, Ctl-a to increment
cc - replace an entire line
cw - replace to the end of the word
xp - transpose two letters
C - chop the end of a line at the cursor and go into insert mode
dL - delete to the end of the currently visible page
gg"+yG - copy entire file onto the X-term clipboard
## Moving, Selecting & Navigating
V - visual line mode (different than visual mode)
f - find up to a character (usually use with visual mode)
t - find one less than a character (use with visual mode)
g+ - Go forward to a later edit (like redo but switching edit branches of the document after a fork)
g- - Opposite of the above
:earlier 20s - returns to document to its exact status 20s before
:vsplit filename - splits the window vertically and opens the file in the left-hand pane
Ctl-f - page forward
Ctl-b - page backwards
:ls - list all the current open buffers
W - jump by words (excludes punctuation)
E - jump to end of words (excludes punctuation)
B - jump backwards by words (excludes punctuation)
^ - jump to first non-blank character of line
:sp - Split screen (horizontal), :vsp - split screen vertical
Ctl-w H - switches a horizontal split to a vertical
Ctl-w K - switches a vertical split to a horizontal
Ctl-w | - maximizes current vertical split
Ctl-w _ - maximizes current horizontal split
Ctl-w = - equalizes split
:only - closes the other splits and only keeps open the current split
git reset --hard HEAD -- when you just get fed up and need to go back to the last real commit
git rm --cached readme.txt -- to remove from repository but not from harddrive
git fetch && git rebase -i origin/master -- to fetch upstream changes and move along the current branch appropriately
git push origin :branch -- delete remote <branch>
git rm --cached <file> -- remove from repository if not committed but leave on fs
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <file> -- To remove the file you're interested in from version control
rvm --create --rvmrc 1.8.7@project - create the gemset, and the .rvmrc file for the project all in one command!
# compiling from source
cd /tmp
wget LINK
tar xzvf FILE
cd DIR
make install
# migrating a machine
(remember to also copy /etc/apt/sources.list from old machine)
dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > dpkg-get.txt - OLD MACHINE
dpkg --clear-selections - NEW machine, this will CLEAR it, only do if 100% cloning
cat dpkg-get.txt | dpkg --set-selections
apt-get dselect-upgrade
# LAMPP Stack
~/sites/lampp/lampp start - Starts XAMPP.
~/sites/lampp/lampp stop - Stops XAMPP.
~/sites/lampp/lampp restart - Stops and Stacktarts XAMPP.
~/sites/lampp/lampp startapache - Starts only the Apache.
~/sites/lampp/lampp startssl - Starts the Apache SSL support. This command activates the SSL support permanently.
~/sites/lampp/lampp startmysql - Starts only the MySQL database.
~/sites/lampp/lampp startftp - Starts the ProFTPD server (user "nobody", password "lampp").
~/sites/lampp/lampp stopapache - Stops the Apache.
~/sites/lampp/lampp stopssl - Stops the Apache SSL support. This compiling deactivates the SSL support permanently.
~/sites/lampp/lampp stopmysql - Stops the MySQL database.
~/sites/lampp/lampp stopftp - Stops the ProFTPD server. This command deactivates the ProFTPD permanently.
~/sites/lampp/lampp security - Starts a small security check program.
create database NAME;
grant all privileges on gallery.* to 'ryan'@'localhost' identified by "GanD1do"; - where ryan is user, Gan is pwd and gallery is dB
flush privileges; - to flush the privileges!
mysqldump -u username -p databasename > filename.sql to export
mysql -u username -p databasename < filename.sql to import
# Brothers Printer
sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/002/008
# Insync Uninstall
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/insync
sudo rm /usr/bin/insync /usr/bin/insync-set /usr/bin/insync-get
rm ~/.local/share/nautilus-python/extensions/
#Frontline Setup
sudo ln -sf /dev/ttyACM0 /dev/ttyS0
sudo wvdialconf
dmesg | tail
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