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Created May 8, 2016 03:38
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Demonstration of different graphs in R.
# Use 26 since it’ll never actually equal 26
# Floor will return integers; stores in vector
nums <- c(floor(runif(20, min=-10, max=26)))
# Give the chart file a name
png(file = “boxplotrand.png”)
# Plot the graph, using vector nums from first question
boxplot(y ~ x, data = nums, xlab = “X Values”,
ylab = “Y Values”, main = “Values”)
# Save the file
# Get library
# Produce vectors of 5 values
q <- nums[c(1:4)]
r <- nums[c(5:8)]
s <- nums[c(9:12)]
t <- nums[c(13:16)]
u <- nums[c(17:20)]
# For loops
for ( i in q ) {
sumq <- 0
sumq <- sumq + q[i]
for ( j in r ) {
sumr <- 0
sumr <- sumr + r[j]
for ( k in s ) {
sums <- 0
sums <- sums + s[k]
for ( m in t ) {
sumt <- 0
sumt <- sumt + t[m]
for ( n in u ) {
sumu <- 0
sumu <- sumu + u[n]
# Vector of sums
x <- c(sumq, sumr, sums, sumt, sumu)
labels <- c(“Sum of No. 1-4”, “Sum of No. 5-8”, “Sum of No. 9-12”,
“Sum of No. 13-16”, “Sum of No. 17-20”)
png(file = “PieChart.jpg”)
pie3D(x,labels = labels, explode = 0.1, main = “Sums of First Four Numbers in Vector”)
# Give chart file a name
png(file = “histogramtemps.png”)
# Create histogram, using vector nums from the first question
hist(nums,xlab = “Temperature”,col = “yellow”,border = “blue”)
# Save file
# Give chart file a name
png(file = “linegraphsales.jpg”)
# Plot graph, using vector nums from first question
plot(nums,type = “o”, col = “red”,main = “Sales in Millions”)
# Save file
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