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Last active April 14, 2023 03:20
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Save compnski/a89a5e53eb308671bd6e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Builds a SQL statement to hash a table in any of postgres/mysql/redshift, with the same result across the 3.
package main
import (
const DB_REDSHIFT = "redshift"
const DB_POSTGRES = "postgres"
const DB_MYSQL = "mysql"
type Table struct {
Name string
Schema string
Columns []Column
type Column struct {
Name string
Type string
NotNull bool
Encoding string
var (
tableName string
schemaName string
idCol string
lowerBound string
upperBound string
colList string
dbType string
tablePath string
debug bool
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&tableName, "table", "", "Table name.")
flag.StringVar(&schemaName, "schema", "", "Schema name.")
flag.StringVar(&colList, "cols", "", "Comma separated list of column names/type pairs, E.g. (name 1, type1, name2, type2, ...).")
flag.StringVar(&idCol, "id", "id", "Id column")
flag.StringVar(&lowerBound, "lower", "0", "Lower value of id column, exclusive, to hash.")
flag.StringVar(&upperBound, "upper", "1000000", "Upper value of id column, inclusive, to hash.")
flag.StringVar(&dbType, "dbType", DB_POSTGRES, "Type of database, only postgres / redshift are supported")
flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", false, "debug")
func main() {
if colList == "" {
colList = strings.Join(flag.Args(), " ")
if tableName == "" || colList == "" {
table := makeTable(tableName, schemaName, strings.Split(colList, ",")...)
if schemaName != "" {
tablePath = fmt.Sprintf(`%s.%s`, schemaName, tableName)
} else {
tablePath = tableName
fmt.Println(hashAllCols(table, idCol, lowerBound, upperBound))
func makeTable(name, schema string, colPairs ...string) *Table {
cols := []Column{}
for i := 0; i < len(colPairs); i += 2 {
cols = append(cols, Column{Name: strings.TrimSpace(colPairs[i]), Type: strings.TrimSpace(colPairs[i+1])})
return &Table{Name: name, Schema: schema, Columns: cols}
func hashAllCols(table *Table, idCol, lowerBound, upperBound string) string {
var (
colSqls = make([]string, len(table.Columns))
rowSql string
switch dbType {
case DB_MYSQL:
for idx, col := range table.Columns {
colSqls[idx] = colAsString_mysql(&col)
rowSql = fmt.Sprintf("concat(%s)", strings.Join(colSqls, ", "))
if debug {
rowSql = fmt.Sprintf("concat_ws(',',%s)", strings.Join(colSqls, ","))
//colAsString = colAsString_mysql
for idx, col := range table.Columns {
colSqls[idx] = colAsString_pg(&col)
rowSql = strings.Join(colSqls, " || ")
if debug {
rowSql = strings.Join(colSqls, " || ',' || ")
if debug {
return fmt.Sprintf(`select md5(%s), %s from %s where %s > '%s' and %s <= '%s' order by %s desc`,
strings.Replace(rowSql, "md5", "", -1), strings.Replace(rowSql, "md5", "", -1), tablePath, idCol, lowerBound, idCol, upperBound, idCol)
innerQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`select md5(%s) as hash from %s where %s > '%s' and %s <= '%s'`,
rowSql, tablePath, idCol, lowerBound, idCol, upperBound)
outerQuery := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from (%s) a;", getSumOfHash("hash"), innerQuery)
return outerQuery
func colAsString_pg(col *Column) string {
colSql := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, col.Name)
if col.Type == "date" {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("(%s - '0001-01-01'::date)", colSql)
if strings.Contains(col.Type, "timestamp") {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("floor(extract(epoch from %s))", colSql)
if col.Type == "boolean" {
colSql = colSql + "::integer"
if strings.Contains(col.Type, "varchar") {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("md5(%s)", colSql)
} else {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("md5(%s::text)", colSql)
if !col.NotNull {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("coalesce(%s, ' ')", colSql)
return colSql
func colAsString_mysql(col *Column) string {
colSql := fmt.Sprintf("%s", col.Name)
if col.Type == "date" {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("(to_days(%s) - 366)", colSql) //366 to represent diff from Day 1, Year 1, not Year 0 which never existed.
if strings.Contains(col.Type, "timestamp") || col.Type == "datetime" {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("floor(unix_timestamp(%s - interval 7 hour))", colSql)
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("md5(%s)", colSql)
if !col.NotNull {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("coalesce(%s, ' ')", colSql)
return colSql
func getSumOfHash(col string) string {
var queryPart string
switch dbType {
queryPart = `sum(('x'||substring(%s,%d,8))::bit(32)::bigint)`
queryPart = `sum(trunc(strtol(substring(%s,%d,8),16)))`
case DB_MYSQL:
queryPart = `sum(cast(conv(substring(%s,%d,8), 16, 10) as unsigned))`
queryParts := []string{fmt.Sprintf(queryPart, col, 1), fmt.Sprintf(queryPart, col, 9), fmt.Sprintf(queryPart, col, 17), fmt.Sprintf(queryPart, col, 25)}
return strings.Join(queryParts, ", ")
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A collision is certainly possible, but exceedingly unlikely, I'm not sure it'd ever come up.

This was my attempt at some rsync-like syncing. We never ended up using much of this matching. In the end, we mostly relied on lastModifiedAt / lastUpdatedAt timestamp to know when to pull more rows.

There also might be other (faster) hash functions implemented by now -- Redshift was quite lacking at the time, but has made good progress.

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