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Created November 21, 2013 01:28
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# pull twitter package from repo
install_github("twitteR", username="geoffjentry")
setup_twitter_oauth(YOUR CREDENTIALS HERE, credentials_file=NULL)
# set up igraph
# set up some data; i hate the <- operator
me = getUser('eegilbert')
# set to 200 to avoid traversing lots of pages and eating up api
N = 200
# also look at ids, if you don't care about screen names
ifollow = me$getFriends(n=N)
ifollow = twListToDF(ifollow)
ifollow = ifollow$screenName
# convert to adj matrix
adj = matrix(nrow=N, ncol=N)
rownames(adj) = ifollow
colnames(adj) = ifollow
adj[] = 0
for (theirname in ifollow) {
# back off if we're out of api; this loop can take hours
apileft = getCurRateLimitInfo(c("friends"))$remaining[1]
if (as.numeric(apileft) <= 0) { Sys.sleep(15*60+30) }
them = getUser(theirname)
theyfollow = them$getFriends(n=N)
theyfollow = twListToDF(theyfollow)
theyfollow = theyfollow$screenName
alsofollow = intersect(ifollow, theyfollow)
for (mutualname in alsofollow) {
adj[theirname, mutualname] = 1
print(paste("done with", theirname))
# set up graph
g = graph.adjacency(adj, mode = "directed", add.rownames=T)
# may want to play with filtering nodes to better visualize, as below
g = delete.vertices(g, which(degree(g)<10))
V(g)$label <- V(g)$name
V(g)$degree <- degree(g)
# make it look a little better
V(g)$label.cex = 2.2 * V(g)$degree / max(V(g)$degree)+ .2
V(g)$label.color = rgb(0, 0, .2, .8)
# basic viz
# random walk community detection
communities =
# how many communities
# draw them on the graph
plot(communities, g)
# rank people by different centralities
cm = cbind(V(g), betweenness(g))
cm[sort.list(cm[,2], decreasing=T),]
cm = cbind(V(g), page.rank(g)$vector)
cm[sort.list(cm[,2], decreasing=T),]
# look to burt
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