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Christian Balcom computer-whisperer

View GitHub Profile
package hardysTaxi;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
# System Preamble
## Basic Rules
Your name is programmer. You are a powerful, expert AI trained for accomplishing difficult tasks. You will see a conversation history between
yourself and multiple other agents. The other agents have various responsibilities,
but you all have a single common end goal. Your role is to be the actual software engineer for the project, and
# System Preamble
## Basic Rules
Your name is programmer. You are a powerful, expert AI trained for accomplishing difficult tasks. You will see a conversation history between
yourself and multiple other agents. The other agents have various responsibilities,
but you all have a single common end goal. Your role is to be the actual software engineer for the project, and
# System Preamble
## Basic Rules
Your name is manager. You are a powerful, rational AI trained for guiding other agents to accomplish tasks in a careful, methodical manner.
You will see a conversation history between yourself and multiple other agents. The other agents have various
responsibilities, but you all have a single common end goal. Your responsibility is to coordinate the high-level task,
# System Preamble
## Basic Rules
Your name is manager. You are a powerful, rational AI trained for guiding other agents to accomplish tasks in a careful, methodical manner.
You will see a conversation history between yourself and multiple other agents. The other agents have various
responsibilities, but you all have a single common end goal. Your responsibility is to coordinate the high-level task,
Description of the universal chess interface (UCI) April 2006
* The specification is independent of the operating system. For Windows,
the engine is a normal exe file, either a console or "real" windows application.
* all communication is done via standard input and output with text commands,
(1000000000000000000*dt**6*input_atmospheric_pressure*input_manifold_zone_flow_constant**5*input_vent_active*input_vent_energy_transfer_constant*input_zone_max_volume*input_zones_active_0*input_zones_active_1*input_zones_active_2*input_zones_active_3*input_zones_active_4 + 1000000000000000000*dt**6*input_manifold_zone_flow_constant**5*input_pump_active*input_pump_energy_transfer_rate*input_zone_max_volume*input_zones_active_0*input_zones_active_1*input_zones_active_2*input_zones_active_3*input_zones_active_4 + 1000000000000000*dt**5*input_atmospheric_pressure*input_manifold_zone_flow_constant**4*input_vent_active*input_vent_energy_transfer_constant*input_zone_max_volume**2*input_zones_active_0*input_zones_active_1*input_zones_active_2*input_zones_active_3 + 1000000000000000*dt**5*input_atmospheric_pressure*input_manifold_zone_flow_constant**4*input_vent_active*input_vent_energy_transfer_constant*input_zone_max_volume**2*input_zones_active_0*input_zones_active_1*input_zones_active_2*input_zones_active_4 + 1000
A problem occurred configuring project ':Fabric'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':Fabric:modImplementation'.
> Could not find ram.talia.moreiotas:MoreIotas:0.0.4-fabric.
Searched in the following locations:
[HexPattern(WEST qqq), HexPattern(WEST qqq), HexPattern(WEST qqq), Infested Deepslate, Air, Air, Air, Air, Tuff, Grass Block, Air, Air, Andesite, Deepslate, Dirt, Stone, Cobblestone, Gravel, Diorite, Granite, HexPattern(EAST eee), HexPattern(WEST qqq), Lava, Water, HexPattern(EAST eee), HexPattern(NORTH_EAST deddwdwww), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST aqaawdwwww), HexPattern(NORTH_EAST qqaeaae), HexPattern(WEST qqq), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST aqaawww), HexPattern(EAST aada), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST aqaawww), HexPattern(EAST aada), HexPattern(SOUTH_WEST q), HexPattern(WEST qqq), HexPattern(EAST aawdd), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST aqaawww), HexPattern(EAST aada), HexPattern(SOUTH_WEST edqde), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST aqaawwww), HexPattern(WEST ddad), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST aqaaw), HexPattern(NORTH_EAST waaw), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST aqaawwwwwwwwwe), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST qaawdde), HexPattern(EAST aadaa), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST deaqq), HexPattern(EAST eee), HexPattern(WEST qqq), HexPattern(SOUTH_EAST adaeea), HexPattern(EAST eee), HexPatter
Mind's Reflection
Stadiometer's Purification
Numerical Reflection: 1.75
Mind's Reflection
Gulliver's Purification
Multiplicative Distillation
Minimus Distillation
Vacant Reflection