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Watafan asset Smart Contract v2.0
developed by: , 2017
+ ERC-20 tokens
+ Mobile interface
+ Issuable assets and tradable with tokens
+ onlyOwner modifier
+ Haltable
+ safeMath
+ Added tokenExchangeRate
+ onlyIssuer modifier
+ asset state machine
pragma solidity ^0.4.6;
* @title Mortal
* Abstract contract that allows children to implement the functionality of killing the contract and other generic functions.
contract Mortal {
address owner;
// @notice Constructor sets owner
function Mortal() { owner = msg.sender; }
// @notice For debugging purposes when using solidity online browser
function whoAmI() constant returns (address) {
return msg.sender;
// @notice Get the current timestamp from last mined block
function timestamp() constant returns (uint256) {
return block.timestamp;
// **** EVENTS
// @notice A generic error log
event Error(string error);
// @notice Triggered when owner kills contract
event Kill(address killer, uint256 timestamp);
// @notice To limit functions use to contract owner
modifier onlyOwner() {
if (msg.sender != owner) {
Error('Mortal: onlyOwner function called by user that is not owner');
} else {
// @notice To kill the contract
function kill() onlyOwner {
Kill(msg.sender, timestamp());
* @title Haltable
* Abstract contract that allows children to implement an emergency stop mechanism.
contract Haltable is Mortal {
bool public halted;
modifier stopInEmergency {
if (halted) {
Error('Haltable: stopInEmergency function called and contract is halted');
} else {
modifier onlyInEmergency {
if (!halted) {
Error('Haltable: onlyInEmergency function called and contract is not halted');
} {
// called by the owner on emergency, triggers stopped state
function halt() external onlyOwner {
halted = true;
// called by the owner on end of emergency, returns to normal state
function unhalt() external onlyOwner onlyInEmergency {
halted = false;
* @title Safe unsigned int math
* Abstract contract that allows children to implement integer operations without overflow risk
contract SafeMath is Mortal {
// Preventing integer overflow at (2^256 - 1)
function safeMul(uint a, uint b) returns (uint) {
uint c = a * b;
if(a != 0 && c/a != b) {
Error('safeMul: overflow'); throw;
return c;
// Preventing unsigned integer underflow
function safeSub(uint a, uint b) returns (uint) {
if(b > a) {
Error('safeSub: overflow'); throw;
return a - b;
// Preventing integer overflow at (2^256 - 1)
function safeAdd(uint a, uint b) returns (uint) {
uint c = a + b;
if(c < a) {
Error('safeAdd: overflow'); throw;
return c;
* @title Standard Token Contract
* ERC20-compliant tokens =>
* A token is a fungible virtual good that can be traded.
* ERC-20 Tokens comply to the standard described in the Ethereum ERC-20 proposal.
* Basic, standardized Token contract. Defines the functions to check token balances
* send tokens, send tokens on behalf of a 3rd party and the corresponding approval process.
contract TokenInterface is Haltable {
// **** DATA
mapping (address => uint256) balances;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
uint256 public initialSupply; // Initial and total token supply
uint256 public totalSupply;
bool allocated = false; // True after defining token parameters and initial mint
// Public variables of the token, all used for display
// HumanStandardToken is a specialisation of ERC20 defining these parameters
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public decimals;
string public standard = 'H0.1';
// **** METHODS
// Get total amount of tokens, totalSupply is a public var actually
// function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 totalSupply) {}
// Get the account balance of another account with address _owner
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance);
// Send _amount amount of tokens to address _to
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success);
// Send _amount amount of tokens from address _from to address _to
// The transferFrom method is used for a withdraw workflow, allowing contracts to send
// tokens on your behalf, for example to "deposit" to a contract address and/or to charge
// fees in sub-currencies; the command should fail unless the _from account has
// deliberately authorized the sender of the message via some mechanism
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success);
// Allow _spender to withdraw from your account, multiple times, up to the _amount amount.
// If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with _amount.
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success);
// Returns the amount which _spender is still allowed to withdraw from _owner
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining);
// **** EVENTS
// Triggered when tokens are transferred
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _amount);
// Triggered whenever approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) is called
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _amount);
contract Token is TokenInterface, SafeMath {
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
return balances[_owner];
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success) {
if (balances[msg.sender] < _amount) {
Error('transfer: the amount to transfer is higher than your token balance');
return false;
balances[msg.sender] = safeSub(balances[msg.sender], _amount);
balances[_to] = safeAdd(balances[_to], _amount);
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount);
return true;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success) {
if (balances[_from] < _amount) {
Error('transfer: the amount to transfer is higher than the token balance of the source');
return false;
if (allowed[_from][msg.sender] < _amount) {
Error('transfer: the amount to transfer is higher than the maximum token transfer allowed by the source');
return false;
balances[_from] = safeSub(balances[_from], _amount);
balances[_to] = safeAdd(balances[_to], _amount);
allowed[_from][msg.sender] = safeSub(allowed[_from][msg.sender], _amount);
Transfer(_from, _to, _amount);
return true;
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _amount;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _amount);
return true;
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
return allowed[_owner][_spender];
// Constructor: set up token properties and owner token balance
function Token() {
// This is the constructor, so owner should be equal to msg.sender, and this method should be called just once
// make sure owner address is configured
// if(owner == 0x0) throw;
// owner address can call this function
// if (msg.sender != owner ) throw;
// call this function just once
// if (allocated) throw;
initialSupply = 1000000000;
totalSupply = initialSupply;
name = "Watafan";
symbol = "FAN";
decimals = 0;
balances[owner] = totalSupply;
Transfer(this, owner, totalSupply);
allocated = true;
contract Mobile is Haltable {
// **** DATA
mapping (address => uint40) phoneNumbers;
mapping (uint40 => address) phoneNumbersInverse;
mapping (uint40 => bool) issuers;
// **** METHODS
// User signs up, registering its mobile phone number
function signUp(uint40 phoneNumber) stopInEmergency {
phoneNumbers[msg.sender] = phoneNumber;
phoneNumbersInverse[phoneNumber] = msg.sender;
issuers[phoneNumber] = false;
SignUp(phoneNumber, msg.sender, timestamp()); // Event log
// Operator checks whether a given user has been registered
function hasSignedUp(uint40 phoneNumber) constant returns (bool) {
if (phoneNumbersInverse[phoneNumber] == address(0)) { // check if the address is not set
return (false);
} else {
return (true);
// Checks whether a given user is an authorized issuer
function isIssuer(uint40 phoneNumber) constant returns (bool) {
return (issuers[phoneNumber]);
// To limit issue functions just to authorized issuers
modifier onlyIssuer() {
if (!issuers[phoneNumbers[msg.sender]]) {
Error('Mobile: onlyIssuer function called by user that is not an authorized issuer');
} else {
function grantIssuer(uint40 phoneNumber) external onlyOwner {
issuers[phoneNumber] = true;
GrantIssuer(phoneNumber, phoneNumbersInverse[phoneNumber], timestamp()); // Event log
// **** EVENTS
// Triggered when a new user signs up from its DApp
event SignUp(uint40 phoneNumber, address who, uint256 timestamp);
// Triggered when a user is granted to become an issuer
event GrantIssuer(uint40 phoneNumber, address who, uint256 timestamp);
contract MobileToken is Token, Mobile {
function mobileBalanceOf(uint40 phoneNumber) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
if (!hasSignedUp(phoneNumber)) {
return (0);
return balances[phoneNumbersInverse[phoneNumber]];
function mobileTransfer(uint40 toPhoneNumber, uint256 amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success) {
if (!hasSignedUp(toPhoneNumber)) {
return (false);
return transfer(phoneNumbersInverse[toPhoneNumber], amount);
function mobileTransferFrom(uint40 fromPhoneNumber, uint40 toPhoneNumber, uint256 amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success) {
if (!hasSignedUp(fromPhoneNumber)) {
return (false);
if (!hasSignedUp(toPhoneNumber)) {
return (false);
return transferFrom(phoneNumbersInverse[fromPhoneNumber], phoneNumbersInverse[toPhoneNumber], amount);
function mobileApprove(uint40 spenderPhoneNumber, uint256 amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool success) {
if (!hasSignedUp(spenderPhoneNumber)) {
return (false);
return approve(phoneNumbersInverse[spenderPhoneNumber], amount);
function mobileAllowance(uint40 ownerPhoneNumber, uint40 spenderPhoneNumber) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
if (!hasSignedUp(ownerPhoneNumber)) {
return (0);
if (!hasSignedUp(spenderPhoneNumber)) {
return (0);
return allowance(phoneNumbersInverse[ownerPhoneNumber], phoneNumbersInverse[spenderPhoneNumber]);
contract Asset is Token {
// **** DATA
/** Asset states
* - Released: Once issued the asset stays as released until sent for free to someone specified by issuer
* - ForSale: The asset belongs to a user and is open to be sold
* - Unfungible: The asset cannot be sold, remaining to the user it belongs to.
enum assetStatus { Released, ForSale, Unfungible }
struct asst {
uint256 assetId;
uint256 next; // pointer to link assets by owner, 0 if ain't next
uint256 prev; // pointer to link assets by owner, 0 if ain't prev
uint256 timestampCreation;
address assetOwner;
address issuer;
string content; // a JSON object containing the image data of the asset and its title
uint256 sellPrice; // in Watafan tokens, how many of them for this asset
assetStatus status; // behaviour (tradability) of the asset depends upon its status
mapping (uint256 => asst) assetsById;
mapping (address => uint256) firstAssetId; // Roots for the linked assets, by address
uint256 lastAssetId; // Last assetId
uint256 public tokenExchangeRate; // 1,000 means 1 euro per token, 500 means .5 euros per token
// Constructor: set up token properties and owner token balance
function Asset() {
// This is the constructor, so owner should be equal to msg.sender, and this method should be called just once
setTokenExchangeRate(1000); // By default sets token exchange rate to 1 euro per token
// **** METHODS
// Sets the token exchange rate as thousandths of euros per token
function setTokenExchangeRate(uint256 ratio) onlyOwner stopInEmergency {
tokenExchangeRate = ratio;
// Queries the asset, knowing the id
function getAssetById(uint256 assetId) constant returns (uint256 _assetId, uint256 _next, uint256 _prev, uint256 _timestampCreation, address _assetOwner, address _issuer) {
return (assetsById[assetId].assetId, assetsById[assetId].next, assetsById[assetId].prev, assetsById[assetId].timestampCreation, assetsById[assetId].assetOwner, assetsById[assetId].issuer);
// Additional outputs
function getAssetById2(uint256 assetId) constant returns (string _content, uint256 _sellPrice, uint256 _status) {
return (assetsById[assetId].content, assetsById[assetId].sellPrice, uint256(assetsById[assetId].status));
function getAssetStructById(uint256 assetId) constant returns (asst _asset) {
return (assetsById[assetId]);
// Queries the first asset a user owns
function getFirstAssetIdOwnedBy(address assetOwner) constant returns (uint256 assetId) {
return firstAssetId[assetOwner];
// Seller sends an owned asset to a buyer, providing its allowance matches token price and transfer the tokens from buyer
function sendAssetTo(uint256 assetId, address assetBuyer) stopInEmergency returns (bool) {
// assetId must not be zero
if (assetId == 0) {
Error('sendAssetTo: assetId must not be zero');
return false;
// Check whether the asset belongs to the seller
if (assetsById[assetId].assetOwner != msg.sender) {
Error('sendAssetTo: the asset does not belong to you, the seller');
return false;
if (assetsById[assetId].sellPrice > 0) { // for non-null token paid transactions
// Check whether there is balance enough from the buyer to get its tokens
if (balances[assetBuyer] < assetsById[assetId].sellPrice) {
Error('sendAssetTo: there is not enough balance from the buyer to get its tokens');
return false;
// Check whether there is allowance enough from the buyer to get its tokens
if (allowance(assetBuyer, msg.sender) < assetsById[assetId].sellPrice) {
Error('sendAssetTo: there is not enough allowance from the buyer to get its tokens');
return false;
// Get the buyer tokens
if (!transferFrom(assetBuyer, msg.sender, assetsById[assetId].sellPrice)) {
Error('sendAssetTo: transferFrom failed'); // This shouldn't happen ever, but just in case...
return false;
// Transfer the asset to the buyer
assetsById[assetId].assetOwner = assetBuyer;
// Rebuild asset linkage for seller, msg.sender, removes the asset
if (firstAssetId[msg.sender] == assetId) { // seller root update
firstAssetId[msg.sender] = assetsById[assetId].next;
} else {
assetsById[assetsById[assetId].prev].next = assetsById[assetId].next; // update previous seller asset link
if (assetsById[assetId].next > 0) {
assetsById[assetsById[assetId].next].prev = assetsById[assetId].prev; // update next seller asset link
// Rebuild asset linkage for buyer, assetBuyer, adds the asset, and updates asset links and properties
if (firstAssetId[assetBuyer] > 0) {
assetsById[firstAssetId[assetBuyer]].prev = assetId; // update next buyer asset link
assetsById[assetId].next = firstAssetId[assetBuyer];
firstAssetId[assetBuyer] = assetId; // bought asset becomes first in the buyer linkage
assetsById[assetId].prev = 0;
assetsById[assetId].assetOwner = assetBuyer;
// Event log
SendAssetTo(assetId, assetBuyer, timestamp());
return true;
// Buyer gets an asset providing it is in ForSale status, and pays the corresponding tokens to the seller/owner. amount must match assetPrice to have a deal.
function buyAsset(uint256 assetId, uint256 amount) stopInEmergency returns (bool) {
// assetId must not be zero
if (assetId == 0) {
Error('buyAsset: assetId must not be zero');
return false;
// Check whether the asset is in ForSale status
if (assetsById[assetId].status != assetStatus.ForSale) {
Error('buyAsset: the asset is not for sale');
return false;
// Check whether the asset price is the same as amount
if (assetsById[assetId].sellPrice != amount) {
Error('buyAsset: the asset price does not match the specified amount');
return false;
if (assetsById[assetId].sellPrice > 0) { // for non-null token paid transactions
// Check whether there is balance enough from the buyer to pay the asset
if (balances[msg.sender] < assetsById[assetId].sellPrice) {
Error('buyAsset: there is not enough token balance to buy this asset');
return false;
// Send the buyer's tokens to the seller
if (!transfer(assetsById[assetId].assetOwner, assetsById[assetId].sellPrice)) {
Error('buyAsset: transfer failed'); // This shouldn't happen ever, but just in case...
return false;
address assetSeller = assetsById[assetId].assetOwner;
// Transfer the asset to the buyer
assetsById[assetId].assetOwner = msg.sender;
// Set the asset status to Unfungible
assetsById[assetId].status = assetStatus.Unfungible;
// Rebuild asset linkage for seller, assetSeller, removes the asset
if (firstAssetId[assetSeller] == assetId) { // seller root update
firstAssetId[assetSeller] = assetsById[assetId].next;
} else {
assetsById[assetsById[assetId].prev].next = assetsById[assetId].next; // update previous seller asset link
if (assetsById[assetId].next > 0) {
assetsById[assetsById[assetId].next].prev = assetsById[assetId].prev; // update next seller asset link
// Rebuild asset linkage for buyer, msg.sender, adds the asset, and updates asset links and properties
if (firstAssetId[msg.sender] > 0) {
assetsById[firstAssetId[msg.sender]].prev = assetId; // update next buyer asset link
assetsById[assetId].next = firstAssetId[msg.sender];
firstAssetId[msg.sender] = assetId; // bought asset becomes first in the buyer linkage
assetsById[assetId].prev = 0;
assetsById[assetId].assetOwner = msg.sender;
// Event log
BuyAsset(assetId, amount, timestamp());
return true;
// To be called by mobile interface and properly authorized issuers
function issueAsset(string content, uint256 sellPrice) stopInEmergency internal returns (uint256 nextAssetId) {
// Check whether user is allowed to issue a new asset
// Deprecated: user authentication is now performed on the mobile interface, checking user is an issuer
// if (msg.sender != owner ) {
// Error('issueAsset: only SC owner is allowed to issue new assets');
// return 0;
// }
// Find out next asset Id
nextAssetId = lastAssetId + 1;
assetsById[nextAssetId].assetId = nextAssetId;
assetsById[nextAssetId].next = firstAssetId[msg.sender];
assetsById[nextAssetId].prev = 0;
assetsById[nextAssetId].timestampCreation = timestamp();
assetsById[nextAssetId].assetOwner = msg.sender;
assetsById[nextAssetId].issuer = msg.sender;
assetsById[nextAssetId].content = content;
assetsById[nextAssetId].sellPrice = sellPrice;
assetsById[nextAssetId].status = assetStatus.Released;
// Update linkage
firstAssetId[msg.sender] = nextAssetId; // new asset becomes first in the issuer linkage
if (assetsById[nextAssetId].next > 0) {
assetsById[assetsById[nextAssetId].next].prev = nextAssetId;
// Update lastAssetId
// Event log
IssueAsset(nextAssetId, msg.sender, sellPrice, timestamp());
return nextAssetId;
// Seller can block tradability of its assets
function setAssetUnfungible(uint256 assetId) returns (bool) {
// assetId must not be zero
if (assetId == 0) {
Error('setAssetUnfungible: assetId must not be zero');
return false;
// Check whether the asset belongs to the caller
if (assetsById[assetId].assetOwner != msg.sender) {
Error('setAssetUnfungible: only owners of the asset are allowed to update its status');
return false;
assetsById[assetId].status = assetStatus.Unfungible;
// Event log
SetAssetUnfungible(assetId, msg.sender, timestamp());
return true;
// Seller updates the price of its assets and its status to ForSale
function setAssetPrice(uint256 assetId, uint256 sellPrice) returns (bool) {
// assetId must not be zero
if (assetId == 0) {
Error('setAssetPrice: assetId must not be zero');
return false;
// Check whether the asset belongs to the caller
if (assetsById[assetId].assetOwner != msg.sender) {
Error('setAssetPrice: only owners of the asset are allowed to set its price and update its status');
return false;
assetsById[assetId].sellPrice = sellPrice;
assetsById[assetId].status = assetStatus.ForSale;
// Event log
SetAssetPrice(assetId, msg.sender, sellPrice, timestamp());
return true;
// **** EVENTS
// Triggered when a seller sends its asset to a buyer and receives the corresponding tokens
event SendAssetTo(uint256 assetId, address assetBuyer, uint256 timestamp);
// Triggered when a buyer sends its tokens to a seller and receives the specified asset
event BuyAsset(uint256 assetId, uint256 amount, uint256 timestamp);
// Triggered when the admin issues a new asset
event IssueAsset(uint256 nextAssetId, address assetOwner, uint256 sellPrice, uint256 timestamp);
// Triggered when the user updates its asset status to Unfungible
event SetAssetUnfungible(uint256 assetId, address assetOwner, uint256 timestamp);
// Triggered when the user updates its asset price and status to ForSale
event SetAssetPrice(uint256 assetId, address assetOwner, uint256 sellPrice, uint256 timestamp);
contract MobileAsset is Asset, MobileToken {
function mobileGetAssetById(uint256 assetId) constant returns (uint256 _assetId, uint256 _next, uint256 _prev, uint256 _timestampCreation, uint40 _assetOwnerPhoneNumber, uint40 _assetIssuerPhoneNumber) {
address assetOwner = assetsById[assetId].assetOwner;
address assetIssuer = assetsById[assetId].issuer;
return (assetsById[assetId].assetId, assetsById[assetId].next, assetsById[assetId].prev, assetsById[assetId].timestampCreation, phoneNumbers[assetOwner], phoneNumbers[assetIssuer]);
function mobileGetAssetById2(uint256 assetId) constant returns (string _content, uint256 _sellPrice, uint256 _status) {
return (assetsById[assetId].content, assetsById[assetId].sellPrice, uint256(assetsById[assetId].status));
function mobileGetFirstAssetIdOwnedBy(uint40 assetOwnerPhoneNumber) constant returns (uint256 assetId) {
if (!hasSignedUp(assetOwnerPhoneNumber)) {
Error('mobileGetFirstAssetIdOwnedBy: specified asset owner is not signed up');
return (0);
return firstAssetId[phoneNumbersInverse[assetOwnerPhoneNumber]];
function mobileSendAssetTo(uint256 assetId, uint40 assetBuyerPhoneNumber) stopInEmergency returns (bool) {
if (!hasSignedUp(assetBuyerPhoneNumber)) {
Error('mobileSendAssetTo: asset recipient is not signed up');
return (false);
return (sendAssetTo(assetId, phoneNumbersInverse[assetBuyerPhoneNumber]));
// Force issuer to check its mobile identity as authorized issuer
// Deprecated: Now the only way to issue an asset is by offering it as a gift
// function mobileIssueAsset(string content, uint256 sellPrice) stopInEmergency onlyIssuer returns (uint256 nextAssetId) {
// return (issueAsset(content, sellPrice));
// }
// Issuer sends a new free asset to a given user as a gift
function mobileIssueAssetTo(string content, uint40 phoneNumberTo) stopInEmergency onlyIssuer returns (bool) {
if (!hasSignedUp(phoneNumberTo)) {
Error('mobileIssueAssetTo: asset recipient is not signed up');
return (false);
uint256 assetId = issueAsset(content, 0); // 0 tokens, as a gift
if (assetId == 0) {
Error('mobileIssueAssetTo: asset has not been properly issued');
return (false);
// The brand new asset is inmediatly sent to the recipient
return(mobileSendAssetTo(assetId, phoneNumberTo));
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