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Created February 9, 2022 23:58
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A script to automatically generate a list of co-authors / collaborators using the Scopus database - now with year of last collaboration
OVERVIEW: This script will automatically export a list of all your co-authors and
their institutions to an Excel file based on information already in the Scopus database.
1. Only up to 150 collaborators are supported by Scopus.
2. Sometimes, you want to filter by collaborators for only the last 4 years. Unfortunately, there
is no simple way to do this up front, but by enabling the years option you can filter at the end.
INSTRUCTIONS (these are actually important!):
0. Make sure your institution has a Scopus subscription. Also make sure you have the "pandas" and "bs4" (BeautifulSoup) Python libraries installed, may also need supplemental libraries like lxml.
1. Find your author profile on, e.g.
2. There should be some text above some other results that states how many co-authors you have, (i) click that text AND (ii) also click "View in Search Results Format"
3. Click "exclude" to exclude institutions from the proposal (e.g., your home institution) or other exclusionary factors. Use the sidebar to click some attributes then click "Exclude".
--->Remember you are limited to 150 results. So excluding results might be important!! If you cannot exclude enough authors in one pass, repeat this process twice (with different exclusion filters) so that each time you have only 150 authors max.
4. Make sure you display 200 results per page so you get everything on this page.
5. Export the HTML page as a file called "coauthors.html" and move it to your Desktop. You need to use your browser's "Save As" function to save the page as HTML.
6. In this script, update the variables "in_path", "out_path", "years" (if you want to export year information), and "scopus_id" (if you want to export year information).
7. RUN!! You should see a file called coauthors.xlsx appear in the Desktop.
8. Double check the results, don't just trust the computer to do the right thing ...
from pybliometrics.scopus import ScopusSearch
def cond(x):
# condition for a table row actually containing data!
if x:
return x.startswith("resultDataRow")
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
import bs4 as bs
from pandas import DataFrame
in_path = os.path.expanduser(
"~/Desktop/coauthors.html") # location containing the input HTML file from Scopus
out_path = os.path.expanduser(
"~/Desktop/coauthors.xlsx") # location to place the output Excel file
find_years = True # whether to get the last year of joint publication; this can take time so only enable if needed
scopus_id = 7404463800 # if you enable find_years, you MUST enter your scopus id.
if find_years and not scopus_id:
raise RuntimeError(
"Must enter scopus_id if you enable find_years! If you see this message, update the script with your scopus_id and read the instructions!!")
sort_col = "year" if find_years else "institution" # sort the data at the end by this column
source = None
with open(in_path) as f:
source =
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(source, features="lxml")
raw_data = []
table = soup.find('table', id='srchResultsList')
rows = table.find_all('tr', id=cond)
for row in rows:
cols = row.find_all('td')
cols = [elem.text.strip() for elem in cols]
raw_data.append([elem for elem in cols]) # Get rid of empty values
processed_data = []
for x in raw_data:
author = x[0].split("\n")[0]
lastname = author.split(",")[0]
firstname = author.split(",")[1]
institution = x[3]
processed_data.append([lastname, firstname, institution])
df = DataFrame(processed_data,
columns=["lastname", "firstname", "institution"])
if find_years:
"Finding Year of last collaboration - this might take up to a few seconds per co-author, "
"please be patient if Scopus is being slow ... (make a coffee, stretch out, etc...)")
years = []
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
# search for joint publications between yourself and each colleague
lastname = row['lastname'].strip()
firstname = row['firstname'].strip()
ss = ScopusSearch(
f"AU-ID({scopus_id}) AND AUTHOR-NAME({lastname}, {firstname[0]})")
year = ss.results[0].coverDate[0:4]
# unfortunately, colleagues with a space in their last name ("Ping Ong") do not always search properly ...
# try to get a better result for them by searching just the last part of their name ("Ong")
if ' ' in lastname:
lastname = lastname.split(' ')[-1]
ss = ScopusSearch(
f"AU-ID({scopus_id}) AND AUTHOR-NAME({lastname}, {firstname[0]})")
year_new = ss.results[0].coverDate[0:4]
if int(year_new) > int(year):
year = year_new
df.insert(len(df.columns), "year", years)
df.sort_values(by=[sort_col], inplace=True)
df.to_excel(os.path.expanduser(out_path), index=False)
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