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Last active November 2, 2015 21:56
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format PE
entry main
section '.text' code readable executable
push label_input
push _format_output
call [printf]
add esp, 8
push buffer
push _format_input
call [scanf]
add esp, 8
xor ebx, ebx
mov ebx, buffer
movzx eax, byte[ebx]
cmp eax, 0
je termina
cmp al, $41
jl guardachar
cmp al, $5b
jl mayus
cmp al, $61
jl guardachar
cmp al, $7b
jl minus
cmp al, $4d ; caracteres >=M, no es necesaria mas magia
jg resta
sub al, $d
sub al, $40
add al, $5a
jmp guardachar
cmp al, $6d ; caracteres >=m, no es necesaria mas magia
jg resta
sub al, $d
sub al, $60
add al, $7a
jmp guardachar
; resta 13
sub al, $D
jmp guardachar
; guardo en memoria
mov [ebx], al
add ebx, 1
jmp procesa
push buffer
push _format_output
call [printf]
add esp, 8
push buffer
push _format_input
call [scanf]
add esp, 8
section '.data' data readable writeable
string rb 128
_format_input db "%s",0
_format_output db "%s",10,0
buffer dq ?
label_input db "Ingrese frase a encriptar:",10,0
section '.idata' data import readable
include "macro\"
library msvcrt, "MSVCRT.DLL"
import msvcrt,\
printf ,'printf',\
scanf ,'scanf',\
exit ,'exit'
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