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Last active June 9, 2016 03:20
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HIRING: Android, iOS, Backend/JavaScript developers and System Administrator. Find out more below!

HIRING: Android, iOS, Backend/JavaScript developers and System Administrator

Position: Full-time/Part-time

  • Roles: Android, iOS, Backend developers and System Administrator
  • Full-time and part-time positions available!

Responsibility: Help us create the BEST news app for South-east Asians and Asia Pacific! This entails:

  • Run weekly experiments that can improve user engagement
  • Constantly optimise app and backend performance and experience
  • Participating in product design and ideation for current and future versions
  • Provide insight on the latest best practices
  • Hanging out at hipster cafes and help each other out

Experience: I don’t believe in defining experience by how many years you’ve worked. So long you know your Git, Xcode, Android Studio or whatever that fits your job, so long you know your stuff well enough to be able to work on your own, we’re good.

But here are at least a couple of things we'd expect that you have experience with for all positions:

  • Comfortable with working remotely with other team members. Self-discipline is a must.
  • Empathy and interest in understanding people, especially our users, creating the best products for people, not just machines
  • Drive to keep up with latest developments of technologies
  • A sense of humour is optional but highly recommended

Salary: Full-timers SGD1800++/RM5000++

Location/hours: We’re a small distributed team, we work remotely, you can work at anywhere and anytime you want.

How: We have a list of things to work on, then we decide on what to work on for the time period. Give us a timeframe on how long it takes for you to work on the stuff, let us know how much time you spent on the project, we cash out. We work on simple rules, we trust you!

Race, age, gender and stuff: We don’t care.

Note: We are looking for individuals to work closely together. If you’re representing an agency or a development house, sorry, we have no projects that require that scale at the moment.

Contact: PM me on Facebook, or email me at

Specific Job Requirements

Android Developers

  • Java proficiency required (duh)
  • Know Android development inside out
  • Android Studio and Gradle
  • Keeping Up With the Marshmellow
  • Created and published production-ready app(s) before

iOS Developers

  • Objective-C proficiency required
  • Keeping up with Swift 2 and iOS
  • Xcode, Cocoa Touch yada-yada
  • Created and published production-ready app(s) before

Backend/JavaScript Developers

  • JavaScript proficiency required
  • NodeJS and MongoDB experience preferred
  • CoffeeScript is preferred but not required
  • Dash of Python, Ruby and other things that make yours and our lives easier

System Administrator

  • Proficiency with shell and scripting required
  • Deploy, manage and monitor various software on cloud-hosted Linux systems
  • Docker experience preferred
  • Experience with continuous integration systems will be great
  • Lazy and love to automate the hell outta everything

About Us

AtticTV is a startup that works on websites and apps that help people connect to their interests with ease. We find that many good news apps out there are focused on the US or European market, and we find it hard to have apps that provide news in our area, based on our local sources, catering to our ever-expanding list of interests, speaking our own languages.

That’s why we created Spot News, local news for your country right at your fingertips. We're looking towards expanding to other countries. All our news products supports multiple languages, from English, Malay, Indonesian and Chinese, covering a wide range of topics from national news to business to lifestyle for each respective countries, updated every minute.

With more than 400,000 downloads and 100,000 users using our app every day, we're the No.1 News & Magazines app at the Google Play Store, Malaysia. We need you to help us bring this app to other Southeast-Asian countries, and let's work towards becoming the top news app in Southeast Asia!

We are startup guys, no corporate bullshit here. We only do in-house products, we don’t do client work, so everyone in this team, including you, have full control over how our end products is going to be.

Who we’re looking for

You are self-motivated and dedicated to build apps that makes a difference. You know how to work with various APIs and like to put together libraries and tools that help you work better.

You communicate with your co-workers effectively and set weekly goals and tasks to be carried out. You respect deadlines and you are comfortable with working remotely. You enjoy solving tough problems and love working with data. You seek the shortest route to reach your goal and keep things simple and clean.

You like working with startups, and you like flexibility in your working hours, tasks and projects. You work well with a team, conjuring bits and parts of the app that will make up the magical whole. You can communicate technical concepts with all levels of the organisation including the CEO, CTO, designers and marketing folks within the company.

You have the uncanny ability to tackle problems with imaginative solutions. You are a self-starting, energetic individual who is not afraid to question assumptions, to be a leader at what you do. You had built a couple of sites and apps in the past as either side projects, or shipped a full-scale app with a company.

We don't care about your age, gender, race, where you stay or whatever. The length of your working experience does NOT matter. Most importantly, you are an engineer that wants to make a change, that wants to make people smile. That is all that matters.

Is this you? Talk to us today!


Drop us an email at You can tell us some things about yourself, about the projects you've worked on, a couple of links to what you've done -- app links, portfolio site links, Github links, whatever. Let's talk!

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