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angular nvd3 chart descriptions

Angular-nvD3 Directive Data Structuring Reqs

Reqs for Angular-nvD3 v1.0.5 Charts



1. Line Chart
2. Scatter Chart
3. Sunburst Chart
4. Multibar Chart


5. Discrete Bar Chart
6. Historical Bar Chart
7. Stacked Area Chart
8. Multibar Horizontal Chart
9. Pie Chart
10. Line with Focus Chart
11. Cumulative Line Chart

1. Line Chart

nvD3 directive's data attribute requires an array of data series objects in order to map multiple lines at once.

Data Series Object: Data for one line is represented as an array of data point objects under values and keyed by a key property. Data point objs in values should be sorted by respective property if you expect the lines to have some sort of unidirectional flow, e.g. if timestamps are on the x-axis, you'd need to sort by the x property.

Data Point default format: { x: num, y: num }

  // Data Series Object for 'Sine Wave' series
    values: [{ x: 1, y: 20 }, { x: 2, y: 10 }, ...], // values - the array of data points
    key: 'Sine Wave',                                // key  - the name of the series.
    color: '#ff7f0e'                                 // color - optional: choose your own line color.
  // Data Series Object for 'Cosine Wave'
    values: [...],
    key: 'Cosine Wave',
    color: '#2ca02c'
  // etc.
    values: [...],
    key: 'Another sine wave',
    color: '#7777ff',
    area: true      // area - set to true if you want this line to turn into a filled area chart.

How this converts - the directive's config attribute accepts an object where, by default, it's configured to return each datum's x and y properties:

// corresponding chart options to convert data
options = {
  chart: {
    x: function (data) { return data.x; },
    y: function (data) { return data.y; }

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2. Scatter Chart

nvD3 directive's data attr requires an array of data series objects.

Data Series Object: Data for each group of points is represented by an array of data point objects under values and keyed by key property.

Data Point default format: { x: num, y: num[, shape: string[, size: float]] }

    key: "group 1",
    values: [{ x: 2, y: 12 }, { x: 1, y: 30 }, ...], // array of data point objects, needn't be sorted
    shape: 'circle',                                 // optional - see below for a list of available shapes from d3
    size: 0.5                                        // optional - I think this needs to be a float between 0 and 1
    key: "group 2",
    values: [...]

d3 default shapes: 'circle', 'cross', 'triangle-up', 'triangle-down', 'diamond', 'square'

How this converts - the directive's config attribute accepts an object where, by default, it's configured to return each datum's x and y properties:

// corresponding chart options to convert data
options = {
  chart: {
    x: function (data) { return data.x; },
    y: function (data) { return data.y; }

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3. Sunburst Chart

nvD3 directive's data attr requires an array containing a hierarchal data object where:

Root Node: { name: string, children: array }

Children: Also have a name key and a list of its children, unless it's a...

Terminating Data Point/Node format: Terminating nodes have no children and thus are formatted as such { name: string, size: num }

  name: "flare",
  children: [
      name: "analytics",
      children: [
          name: "cluster",
          children: [
            {name: "AgglomerativeCluster", size: 3938},
            {name: "CommunityStructure", size: 3812},
            {name: "HierarchicalCluster", size: 6714},
            {name: "MergeEdge", size: 743}
          name: "graph",
          children: [
            {name: "BetweennessCentrality", size: 3534},
            {name: "LinkDistance", size: 5731},
            {name: "MaxFlowMinCut", size: 7840},
            {name: "ShortestPaths", size: 5914},
            {name: "SpanningTree", size: 3416}
          name: "optimization",
          children: [
            {name: "AspectRatioBanker", size: 7074}
      name: "animate",
      // etc.

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4. Multibar Chart

nvD3 directive's data attr requires an array of one or more data series objects (note: by passing only one series object, you basically have a Discrete Bar Chart)

Data Series Object: Data for each data series grouping is represented by an array of data point objects under values and keyed by a key property

Data Point default format: { x: num|string, y: num }, where x will typically be the key to describe a bucket, whether it be numeric or a string, and y will typically represent some aggregate value.

Given the scenario of data series objects below, we'd be looking at 4 different buckets (ip addresses in this instance) on the x-axis. Each stack/group of bars is further divided by the different data series objects' keys (or file types here).

    key: 'JPEG',
    values: [
      { x: '', y: 14 },
      { x: '', y: 2 },
      { x: '', y: 5 },
      { x: '', y: 3 }
    key: 'MPG',
    values: [                     // Note that each series will need data points to
      { x: '', y: 0 },   // include all the buckets that have been represented
      { x: '', y: 0 },   // in the other series, whether or not there is any
      { x: '', y: 100 }, // aggregate value for this series category in those
      { x: '', y: 0 }    // buckets. If not, we just give them y-values of 0.
    ]                             // Otherwise, what's charted becomes buggy.
    key: 'DOC',
    values: [
      { x: '', y: 0 },
      { x: '', y: 9 },
      { x: '', y: 15 },
      { x: '', y: 3 }
  // ...

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5. Discrete Bar Chart

nvD3 directive's data attr requires an array containing a single data series object

Data Series Object: The key property can really be anything here, but for formality's sake, it probably makes most sense to denote the type of aggregate function used for the y-values. values should be an array of data point objects.

Data Point default format: { label: num|string, value: num }

    key: "count",
    values: [
      { label: 'chickens', value: 10 },
      { label: 'cows', value: 1 },
      { label: 'dogs', value: 2 },
      { label: 'horses', value: 5 }

How this converts - the directive's config attribute accepts an object where, by default, it's configured to return each datum's label and value properties:

// corresponding chart options to convert data
options = {
  chart: {
    x: function (data) { return data.label; },
    y: function (data) { return data.value; }

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6. Historical Bar Chart

nvD3 directive's data attribute requires an array containing a data series object

Data Series Object: data points for bars are represented by an array of [time, value] pairs

    key: "someKey",
    bar: true,
    values: data // array of data points for each bar

Data Point example format: [time, value]

// corresponding chart options to convert data
options = {
  chart: {
    x: function (data) { return data[0]; },
    y: function (data) { return data[1]; }

Very similar to discrete bar chart. See Discrete Bar Chart
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7. Stacked Area Chart

Data is represented as an array of [x, y] pairs

  "key" : "North America" ,
  "values" : [ [ 1025409600000 , 23.041422681023] , [ 1028088000000 , 19.854291255832] , [ 1030766400000 , 21.02286281168] , [ 1033358400000 , 22.093608385173] , [ 1036040400000 , 25.108079299458] , [ 1038632400000 , 26.982389242348] , [ 1041310800000 , 19.828984957662] , [ 1043989200000 , 19.914055036294] , [ 1046408400000 , 19.436150539916] , [ 1049086800000 , 21.558650338602] , [ 1051675200000 , 24.395594061773] , [ 1054353600000 , 24.747089309384] , [ 1056945600000 , 23.491755498807] , [ 1059624000000 , 23.376634878164] , [ 1062302400000 , 24.581223154533] , [ 1064894400000 , 24.922476843538] , [ 1067576400000 , 27.357712939042] , [ 1070168400000 , 26.503020572593] , [ 1072846800000 , 26.658901244878] , [ 1075525200000 , 27.065704156445] , [ 1078030800000 , 28.735320452588] , [ 1080709200000 , 31.572277846319] , [ 1083297600000 , 30.932161503638] , [ 1085976000000 , 31.627029785554] , [ 1088568000000 , 28.728743674232] , [ 1091246400000 , 26.858365172675] , [ 1093924800000 , 27.279922830032] , [ 1096516800000 , 34.408301211324] , [ 1099195200000 , 34.794362930439] , [ 1101790800000 , 35.609978198951] , [ 1104469200000 , 33.574394968037] , [ 1107147600000 , 31.979405070598] , [ 1109566800000 , 31.19009040297] , [ 1112245200000 , 31.083933968994] , [ 1114833600000 , 29.668971113185] , [ 1117512000000 , 31.490638014379] , [ 1120104000000 , 31.818617451128] , [ 1122782400000 , 32.960314008183] , [ 1125460800000 , 31.313383196209] , [ 1128052800000 , 33.125486081852] , [ 1130734800000 , 32.791805509149] , [ 1133326800000 , 33.506038030366] , [ 1136005200000 , 26.96501697216] , [ 1138683600000 , 27.38478809681] , [ 1141102800000 , 27.371377218209] , [ 1143781200000 , 26.309915460827] , [ 1146369600000 , 26.425199957518] , [ 1149048000000 , 26.823411519396] , [ 1151640000000 , 23.850443591587] , [ 1154318400000 , 23.158355444054] , [ 1156996800000 , 22.998689393695] , [ 1159588800000 , 27.9771285113] , [ 1162270800000 , 29.073672469719] , [ 1164862800000 , 28.587640408904] , [ 1167541200000 , 22.788453687637] , [ 1170219600000 , 22.429199073597] , [ 1172638800000 , 22.324103271052] , [ 1175313600000 , 17.558388444187] , [ 1177905600000 , 16.769518096208] , [ 1180584000000 , 16.214738201301] , [ 1183176000000 , 18.729632971229] , [ 1185854400000 , 18.814523318847] , [ 1188532800000 , 19.789986451358] , [ 1191124800000 , 17.070049054933] , [ 1193803200000 , 16.121349575716] , [ 1196398800000 , 15.141659430091] , [ 1199077200000 , 17.175388025297] , [ 1201755600000 , 17.286592443522] , [ 1204261200000 , 16.323141626568] , [ 1206936000000 , 19.231263773952] , [ 1209528000000 , 18.446256391095] , [ 1212206400000 , 17.822632399764] , [ 1214798400000 , 15.53936647598] , [ 1217476800000 , 15.255131790217] , [ 1220155200000 , 15.660963922592] , [ 1222747200000 , 13.254482273698] , [ 1225425600000 , 11.920796202299] , [ 1228021200000 , 12.122809090924] , [ 1230699600000 , 15.691026271393] , [ 1233378000000 , 14.720881635107] , [ 1235797200000 , 15.387939360044] , [ 1238472000000 , 13.765436672228] , [ 1241064000000 , 14.631445864799] , [ 1243742400000 , 14.292446536221] , [ 1246334400000 , 16.170071367017] , [ 1249012800000 , 15.948135554337] , [ 1251691200000 , 16.612872685134] , [ 1254283200000 , 18.778338719091] , [ 1256961600000 , 16.756026065421] , [ 1259557200000 , 19.385804443146] , [ 1262235600000 , 22.950590240168] , [ 1264914000000 , 23.61159018141] , [ 1267333200000 , 25.708586989581] , [ 1270008000000 , 26.883915999885] , [ 1272600000000 , 25.893486687065] , [ 1275278400000 , 24.678914263176] , [ 1277870400000 , 25.937275793024] , [ 1280548800000 , 29.461381693838] , [ 1283227200000 , 27.357322961861] , [ 1285819200000 , 29.057235285673] , [ 1288497600000 , 28.549434189386] , [ 1291093200000 , 28.506352379724] , [ 1293771600000 , 29.449241421598] , [ 1296450000000 , 25.796838168807] , [ 1298869200000 , 28.740145449188] , [ 1301544000000 , 22.091744141872] , [ 1304136000000 , 25.07966254541] , [ 1306814400000 , 23.674906973064] , [ 1309406400000 , 23.418002742929] , [ 1312084800000 , 23.24364413887] , [ 1314763200000 , 31.591854066817] , [ 1317355200000 , 31.497112374114] , [ 1320033600000 , 26.67238082043] , [ 1322629200000 , 27.297080015495] , [ 1325307600000 , 20.174315530051] , [ 1327986000000 , 19.631084213898] , [ 1330491600000 , 20.366462219461] , [ 1333166400000 , 19.284784434185] , [ 1335758400000 , 19.157810257624]]

  "key" : "Africa" ,
  "values" : [ [ 1025409600000 , 7.9356392949025] , [ 1028088000000 , 7.4514668527298] , [ 1030766400000 , 7.9085410566608] , [ 1033358400000 , 5.8996782364764] , [ 1036040400000 , 6.0591869346923] , [ 1038632400000 , 5.9667815800451] , [ 1041310800000 , 8.65528925664] , [ 1043989200000 , 8.7690763386254] , [ 1046408400000 , 8.6386160387453] , [ 1049086800000 , 5.9895557449743] , [ 1051675200000 , 6.3840324338159] , [ 1054353600000 , 6.5196511461441] , [ 1056945600000 , 7.0738618553114] , [ 1059624000000 , 6.5745957367133] , [ 1062302400000 , 6.4658359184444] , [ 1064894400000 , 2.7622758754954] , [ 1067576400000 , 2.9794782986241] , [ 1070168400000 , 2.8735432712019] , [ 1072846800000 , 1.6344817513645] , [ 1075525200000 , 1.5869248754883] , [ 1078030800000 , 1.7172279157246] , [ 1080709200000 , 1.9649927409867] , [ 1083297600000 , 2.0261695079196] , [ 1085976000000 , 2.0541261923929] , [ 1088568000000 , 3.9466318927569] , [ 1091246400000 , 3.7826770946089] , [ 1093924800000 , 3.9543021004028] , [ 1096516800000 , 3.8309891064711] , [ 1099195200000 , 3.6340958946166] , [ 1101790800000 , 3.5289755762525] , [ 1104469200000 , 5.702378559857] , [ 1107147600000 , 5.6539569019223] , [ 1109566800000 , 5.5449506370392] , [ 1112245200000 , 4.7579993280677] , [ 1114833600000 , 4.4816139372906] , [ 1117512000000 , 4.5965558568606] , [ 1120104000000 , 4.3747066116976] , [ 1122782400000 , 4.4588822917087] , [ 1125460800000 , 4.4460351848286] , [ 1128052800000 , 3.7989113035136] , [ 1130734800000 , 3.7743883140088] , [ 1133326800000 , 3.7727852823828] , [ 1136005200000 , 7.2968111448895] , [ 1138683600000 , 7.2800122043237] , [ 1141102800000 , 7.1187787503354] , [ 1143781200000 , 8.351887016482] , [ 1146369600000 , 8.4156698763993] , [ 1149048000000 , 8.1673298604231] , [ 1151640000000 , 5.5132447126042] , [ 1154318400000 , 6.1152537710599] , [ 1156996800000 , 6.076765091942] , [ 1159588800000 , 4.6304473798646] , [ 1162270800000 , 4.6301068469402] , [ 1164862800000 , 4.3466656309389] , [ 1167541200000 , 6.830104897003] , [ 1170219600000 , 7.241633040029] , [ 1172638800000 , 7.1432372054153] , [ 1175313600000 , 10.608942063374] , [ 1177905600000 , 10.914964549494] , [ 1180584000000 , 10.933223880565] , [ 1183176000000 , 8.3457524851265] , [ 1185854400000 , 8.1078413081882] , [ 1188532800000 , 8.2697185922474] , [ 1191124800000 , 8.4742436475968] , [ 1193803200000 , 8.4994601179319] , [ 1196398800000 , 8.7387319683243] , [ 1199077200000 , 6.8829183612895] , [ 1201755600000 , 6.984133637885] , [ 1204261200000 , 7.0860136043287] , [ 1206936000000 , 4.3961787956053] , [ 1209528000000 , 3.8699674365231] , [ 1212206400000 , 3.6928925238305] , [ 1214798400000 , 6.7571718894253] , [ 1217476800000 , 6.4367313362344] , [ 1220155200000 , 6.4048441521454] , [ 1222747200000 , 5.4643833239669] , [ 1225425600000 , 5.3150786833374] , [ 1228021200000 , 5.3011272612576] , [ 1230699600000 , 4.1203601430809] , [ 1233378000000 , 4.0881783200525] , [ 1235797200000 , 4.1928665957189] , [ 1238472000000 , 7.0249415663205] , [ 1241064000000 , 7.006530880769] , [ 1243742400000 , 6.994835633224] , [ 1246334400000 , 6.1220222336254] , [ 1249012800000 , 6.1177436137653] , [ 1251691200000 , 6.1413396231981] , [ 1254283200000 , 4.8046006145874] , [ 1256961600000 , 4.6647600660544] , [ 1259557200000 , 4.544865006255] , [ 1262235600000 , 6.0488249316539] , [ 1264914000000 , 6.3188669540206] , [ 1267333200000 , 6.5873958262306] , [ 1270008000000 , 6.2281189839578] , [ 1272600000000 , 5.8948915746059] , [ 1275278400000 , 5.5967320482214] , [ 1277870400000 , 0.99784432084837] , [ 1280548800000 , 1.0950794175359] , [ 1283227200000 , 0.94479734407491] , [ 1285819200000 , 1.222093988688] , [ 1288497600000 , 1.335093106856] , [ 1291093200000 , 1.3302565104985] , [ 1293771600000 , 1.340824670897] , [ 1296450000000 , 0] , [ 1298869200000 , 0] , [ 1301544000000 , 0] , [ 1304136000000 , 0] , [ 1306814400000 , 0] , [ 1309406400000 , 0] , [ 1312084800000 , 0] , [ 1314763200000 , 0] , [ 1317355200000 , 4.4583692315] , [ 1320033600000 , 3.6493043348059] , [ 1322629200000 , 3.8610064091761] , [ 1325307600000 , 5.5144800685202] , [ 1327986000000 , 5.1750695220791] , [ 1330491600000 , 5.6710066952691] , [ 1333166400000 , 5.5611890039181] , [ 1335758400000 , 5.5979368839939]]

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8. Multibar Horizontal Chart

nvd3 data attr requires an array series objects

data is represented in an array of { label, value } pairs

    key: "someKey",
    color: "#ffffff",
    values: data
    key: "anotherKey",
    color: "#000000",
    values: data

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9. Pie Chart

nvd3 data attr requires an array of data points

    key: "one",
    y: 1
    key: "two",
    y: 19
    key: "three",
    y: 0.5

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10. Line with Focus Chart

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11. Cumulative Line Chart

nvd3 attribute requires an array of series objects

data (below, values) is represented as an array of [x, y] pairs

  key: "Long",
  values: [ [ 1083297600000 , -2.974623048543] , [ 1085976000000 , -1.7740300785979] , [ 1088568000000 , 4.4681318138177] , [ 1091246400000 , 7.0242541001353] , [ 1093924800000 , 7.5709603667586] , [ 1096516800000 , 20.612245065736] , [ 1099195200000 , 21.698065237316] , [ 1101790800000 , 40.501189458018] , [ 1104469200000 , 50.464679413194] , [ 1107147600000 , 48.917421973355] , [ 1109566800000 , 63.750936549160] , [ 1112245200000 , 59.072499126460] , [ 1114833600000 , 43.373158880492] , [ 1117512000000 , 54.490918947556] , [ 1120104000000 , 56.661178852079] , [ 1122782400000 , 73.450103545496] , [ 1125460800000 , 71.714526354907] , [ 1128052800000 , 85.221664349607] , [ 1130734800000 , 77.769261392481] , [ 1133326800000 , 95.966528716500] , [ 1136005200000 , 107.59132116397] , [ 1138683600000 , 127.25740096723] , [ 1141102800000 , 122.13917498830] , [ 1143781200000 , 126.53657279774] , [ 1146369600000 , 132.39300992970] , [ 1149048000000 , 120.11238242904] , [ 1151640000000 , 118.41408917750] , [ 1154318400000 , 107.92918924621] , [ 1156996800000 , 110.28057249569] , [ 1159588800000 , 117.20485334692] , [ 1162270800000 , 141.33556756948] , [ 1164862800000 , 159.59452727893] , [ 1167541200000 , 167.09801853304] , [ 1170219600000 , 185.46849659215] , [ 1172638800000 , 184.82474099990] , [ 1175313600000 , 195.63155213887] , [ 1177905600000 , 207.40597044171] , [ 1180584000000 , 230.55966698196] , [ 1183176000000 , 239.55649035292] , [ 1185854400000 , 241.35915085208] , [ 1188532800000 , 239.89428956243] , [ 1191124800000 , 260.47781917715] , [ 1193803200000 , 276.39457482225] , [ 1196398800000 , 258.66530682672] , [ 1199077200000 , 250.98846121893] , [ 1201755600000 , 226.89902618127] , [ 1204261200000 , 227.29009273807] , [ 1206936000000 , 218.66476654350] , [ 1209528000000 , 232.46605902918] , [ 1212206400000 , 253.25667081117] , [ 1214798400000 , 235.82505363925] , [ 1217476800000 , 229.70112774254] , [ 1220155200000 , 225.18472705952] , [ 1222747200000 , 189.13661746552] , [ 1225425600000 , 149.46533007301] , [ 1228021200000 , 131.00340772114] , [ 1230699600000 , 135.18341728866] , [ 1233378000000 , 109.15296887173] , [ 1235797200000 , 84.614772549760] , [ 1238472000000 , 100.60810015326] , [ 1241064000000 , 141.50134895610] , [ 1243742400000 , 142.50405083675] , [ 1246334400000 , 139.81192372672] , [ 1249012800000 , 177.78205544583] , [ 1251691200000 , 194.73691933074] , [ 1254283200000 , 209.00838460225] , [ 1256961600000 , 198.19855877420] , [ 1259557200000 , 222.37102417812] , [ 1262235600000 , 234.24581081250] , [ 1264914000000 , 228.26087689346] , [ 1267333200000 , 248.81895126250] , [ 1270008000000 , 270.57301075186] , [ 1272600000000 , 292.64604322550] , [ 1275278400000 , 265.94088520518] , [ 1277870400000 , 237.82887467569] , [ 1280548800000 , 265.55973314204] , [ 1283227200000 , 248.30877330928] , [ 1285819200000 , 278.14870066912] , [ 1288497600000 , 292.69260960288] , [ 1291093200000 , 300.84263809599] , [ 1293771600000 , 326.17253914628] , [ 1296450000000 , 337.69335966505] , [ 1298869200000 , 339.73260965121] , [ 1301544000000 , 346.87865120765] , [ 1304136000000 , 347.92991526628] , [ 1306814400000 , 342.04627502669] , [ 1309406400000 , 333.45386231233] , [ 1312084800000 , 323.15034181243] , [ 1314763200000 , 295.66126882331] , [ 1317355200000 , 251.48014579253] , [ 1320033600000 , 295.15424257905] , [ 1322629200000 , 294.54766764397] , [ 1325307600000 , 295.72906119051] , [ 1327986000000 , 325.73351347613] , [ 1330491600000 , 340.16106061186] , [ 1333166400000 , 345.15514071490] , [ 1335758400000 , 337.10259395679] , [ 1338436800000 , 318.68216333837] , [ 1341028800000 , 317.03683945246] , [ 1343707200000 , 318.53549659997] , [ 1346385600000 , 332.85381464104] , [ 1348977600000 , 337.36534373477] , [ 1351656000000 , 350.27872156161] , [ 1354251600000 , 349.45128876100]],
  mean: 250
  key: "Short",
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  mean: -60

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