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Last active January 15, 2024 13:16
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import numpy as np
from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid
import torch
from torch import nn
def forget_gate(x, h, Weights_hf, Bias_hf, Weights_xf, Bias_xf, prev_cell_state):
forget_hidden =, h) + Bias_hf
forget_eventx =, x) + Bias_xf
return np.multiply( sigmoid(forget_hidden + forget_eventx), prev_cell_state )
def input_gate(x, h, Weights_hi, Bias_hi, Weights_xi, Bias_xi, Weights_hl, Bias_hl, Weights_xl, Bias_xl):
ignore_hidden =, h) + Bias_hi
ignore_eventx =, x) + Bias_xi
learn_hidden =, h) + Bias_hl
learn_eventx =, x) + Bias_xl
return np.multiply( sigmoid(ignore_eventx + ignore_hidden), np.tanh(learn_eventx + learn_hidden) )
def cell_state(forget_gate_output, input_gate_output):
return forget_gate_output + input_gate_output
def output_gate(x, h, Weights_ho, Bias_ho, Weights_xo, Bias_xo, cell_state):
out_hidden =, h) + Bias_ho
out_eventx =, x) + Bias_xo
return np.multiply( sigmoid(out_eventx + out_hidden), np.tanh(cell_state) )
#Set Parameters for a small LSTM network
input_size = 2 # size of one 'event', or sample, in our batch of data
hidden_dim = 3 # 3 cells in the LSTM layer
output_size = 1 # desired model output
def model_output(lstm_output, fc_Weight, fc_Bias):
'''Takes the LSTM output and transforms it to our desired
output size using a final, fully connected layer'''
return, lstm_output) + fc_Bias
#Initialize an PyTorch LSTM for comparison to our Numpy LSTM
class LSTM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, hidden_dim, n_layers=1):
super(LSTM, self).__init__()
#LSTM Layer
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_dim, n_layers, batch_first=True)
#Final, fully-connected layer
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_size)
def forward(self, x, hidden):
batch_size = 1
# get LSTM outputs
lstm_output, (h,c) = self.lstm(x, hidden)
# shape output to be (batch_size*seq_length, hidden_dim)
lstm_output = lstm_output.view(-1, self.hidden_dim)
# get final output
model_output = self.fc(lstm_output)
return model_output, (h,c)
torch_lstm = LSTM(input_size = input_size,
hidden_dim = hidden_dim,
output_size = output_size,
state = torch_lstm.state_dict()
#Event (x) Weights and Biases for all gates
Weights_xi = state['lstm.weight_ih_l0'][0:3].numpy() # shape [h, x]
Weights_xf = state['lstm.weight_ih_l0'][3:6].numpy() # shape [h, x]
Weights_xl = state['lstm.weight_ih_l0'][6:9].numpy() # shape [h, x]
Weights_xo = state['lstm.weight_ih_l0'][9:12].numpy() # shape [h, x]
Bias_xi = state['lstm.bias_ih_l0'][0:3].numpy() #shape is [h, 1]
Bias_xf = state['lstm.bias_ih_l0'][3:6].numpy() #shape is [h, 1]
Bias_xl = state['lstm.bias_ih_l0'][6:9].numpy() #shape is [h, 1]
Bias_xo = state['lstm.bias_ih_l0'][9:12].numpy() #shape is [h, 1]
#Hidden state (h) Weights and Biases for all gates
Weights_hi = state['lstm.weight_hh_l0'][0:3].numpy() #shape is [h, h]
Weights_hf = state['lstm.weight_hh_l0'][3:6].numpy() #shape is [h, h]
Weights_hl = state['lstm.weight_hh_l0'][6:9].numpy() #shape is [h, h]
Weights_ho = state['lstm.weight_hh_l0'][9:12].numpy() #shape is [h, h]
Bias_hi = state['lstm.bias_hh_l0'][0:3].numpy() #shape is [h, 1]
Bias_hf = state['lstm.bias_hh_l0'][3:6].numpy() #shape is [h, 1]
Bias_hl = state['lstm.bias_hh_l0'][6:9].numpy() #shape is [h, 1]
Bias_ho = state['lstm.bias_hh_l0'][9:12].numpy() #shape is [h, 1]
# Final, fully connected layer Weights and Bias
fc_Weight = state['fc.weight'][0].numpy() #shape is [h, output_size]
fc_Bias = state['fc.bias'][0].numpy() #shape is [,output_size]
#Simple Time Series Data
data = np.array(
#Initialize cell and hidden states with zeroes
h = np.zeros(hidden_dim)
c = np.zeros(hidden_dim)
#Loop through a batch of data, updating the hidden and cell states each time
print('NumPy LSTM Output:')
for eventx in data:
f = forget_gate(eventx, h, Weights_hf, Bias_hf, Weights_xf, Bias_xf, c)
i = input_gate(eventx, h, Weights_hi, Bias_hi, Weights_xi, Bias_xi,
Weights_hl, Bias_hl, Weights_xl, Bias_xl)
c = cell_state(f,i)
h = output_gate(eventx, h, Weights_ho, Bias_ho, Weights_xo, Bias_xo, c)
print(model_output(h, fc_Weight, fc_Bias))
#PyTorch expects an extra dimension for batch size:
torch_batch = torch.Tensor(data).unsqueeze(0)
torch_output, (torch_hidden, torch_cell) = torch_lstm(torch_batch, None)
print('\nPyTorch LSTM Output:')
print(f'Torch Hidden State: {torch_hidden}')
print(f'Torch Cell State: {torch_cell}\n')
print(f'np Hidden State: {h}')
print(f'np Cell State: {c}')
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