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Last active June 23, 2021 02:21
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enum Val {
case int(Int)
case bool(Bool)
case symbol(String)
enum Ope {
case add
case mul
case lt
case assign
/// 式としての演算子
func form(_ left: Val, _ right: Val) throws -> Val {
switch (self, left, right) {
case let (.add, .int(left), .int(right)):
return .int(left + right)
case let (.mul, .int(left), .int(right)):
return .int(left * right)
case let (.lt, .int(left), .int(right)):
return .bool(left < right)
throw OpeError.notImplemented("\(self) is not implemented between \(left) and \(right)")
/// 文としての演算子
func statement(_ left: Val, _ right: Val, env: inout [String: Val]) throws {
switch (self, left, right) {
case let (.assign, .symbol(symbol), _):
env[symbol] = right
throw OpeError.malformedStatement("\(self): \(left): \(right)")
enum OpeError: Error {
case notImplemented(String)
case malformedStatement(String)
enum AST {
case val(Val)
indirect case form(Ope, AST, AST)
indirect case statement(Ope, AST, AST)
extension AST {
func unwrapVal() throws -> Val {
guard case let .val(v) = self else {
throw ASTError.cannotUnwrap("Cannot unwrap: \(self)")
return v
extension AST {
func reduce(env: inout [String: Val]) throws -> AST {
switch self {
case let .form(ope, left, right):
let v1 = try left.reduce(env: &env).unwrapVal()
let v2 = try right.reduce(env: &env).unwrapVal()
return .val(try ope.form(v1, v2))
case let .statement(ope, .val(left), right):
guard case .symbol = left else {
throw ASTError.cannotReduce("Cannot reduce: \(self)")
let v = try right.reduce(env: &env).unwrapVal()
try ope.statement(left, v, env: &env)
return .val(v)
case let .val(.symbol(symbol)):
guard let v = env[symbol] else {
throw ASTError.notAssigned("Not Assigned: \(symbol)")
return .val(v)
case .val:
return self
throw ASTError.cannotReduce("Cannot reduce: \(self)")
enum ASTError: Error {
case cannotUnwrap(String)
case notAssigned(String)
case cannotReduce(String)
// (1 + (20 + 3) * 5) == 116
let form: AST =
// x = 116
let statement: AST =
var env = [String: Val]()
try statement.reduce(env: &env)
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