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Created September 27, 2019 14:44
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# From nova.conf
# Availability zone for internal services.
# This option determines the availability zone for the various internal nova
# services, such as 'nova-scheduler', 'nova-conductor', etc.
# Possible values:
# * Any string representing an existing availability zone name.
# (string value)
#internal_service_availability_zone = internal
# Default availability zone for compute services.
# This option determines the default availability zone for 'nova-compute'
# services, which will be used if the service(s) do not belong to aggregates
# with
# availability zone metadata.
# Possible values:
# * Any string representing an existing availability zone name.
# (string value)
#default_availability_zone = nova
# Default availability zone for instances.
# This option determines the default availability zone for instances, which will
# be used when a user does not specify one when creating an instance. The
# instance(s) will be bound to this availability zone for their lifetime.
# Possible values:
# * Any string representing an existing availability zone name.
# * None, which means that the instance can move from one availability zone to
# another during its lifetime if it is moved from one compute node to another.
# (string value)
#default_schedule_zone = <None>
# Length of generated instance admin passwords. (integer value)
# Minimum value: 0
#password_length = 12
# Time period to generate instance usages for. It is possible to define optional
# offset to given period by appending @ character followed by a number defining
# offset.
# Possible values:
# * period, example: ``hour``, ``day``, ``month` or ``year``
# * period with offset, example: ``month@15`` will result in monthly audits
# starting on 15th day of month.
# (string value)
#instance_usage_audit_period = month
# Start and use a daemon that can run the commands that need to be run with
# root privileges. This option is usually enabled on nodes that run nova compute
# processes.
# (boolean value)
#use_rootwrap_daemon = false
# Path to the rootwrap configuration file.
# Goal of the root wrapper is to allow a service-specific unprivileged user to
# run a number of actions as the root user in the safest manner possible.
# The configuration file used here must match the one defined in the sudoers
# entry.
# (string value)
#rootwrap_config = /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf
# Explicitly specify the temporary working directory. (string value)
#tempdir = <None>
# Determine if monkey patching should be applied.
# Related options:
# * ``monkey_patch_modules``: This must have values set for this option to
# have any effect
# (boolean value)
# This option is deprecated for removal since 17.0.0.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason:
# Monkey patching nova is not tested, not supported, and is a barrier
# for interoperability.
#monkey_patch = false
# List of modules/decorators to monkey patch.
# This option allows you to patch a decorator for all functions in specified
# modules.
# Possible values:
# * nova.compute.api:nova.notifications.notify_decorator
# * [...]
# Related options:
# * ``monkey_patch``: This must be set to ``True`` for this option to
# have any effect
# (list value)
# This option is deprecated for removal since 17.0.0.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason:
# Monkey patching nova is not tested, not supported, and is a barrier
# for interoperability.
#monkey_patch_modules = nova.compute.api:nova.notifications.notify_decorator
# Defines which driver to use for controlling virtualization.
# Possible values:
# * ``libvirt.LibvirtDriver``
# * ``xenapi.XenAPIDriver``
# * ``fake.FakeDriver``
# * ``ironic.IronicDriver``
# * ``vmwareapi.VMwareVCDriver``
# * ``hyperv.HyperVDriver``
# * ``powervm.PowerVMDriver``
# (string value)
#compute_driver = <None>
# Allow destination machine to match source for resize. Useful when
# testing in single-host environments. By default it is not allowed
# to resize to the same host. Setting this option to true will add
# the same host to the destination options. Also set to true
# if you allow the ServerGroupAffinityFilter and need to resize.
# (boolean value)
#allow_resize_to_same_host = false
# Image properties that should not be inherited from the instance
# when taking a snapshot.
# This option gives an opportunity to select which image-properties
# should not be inherited by newly created snapshots.
# Possible values:
# * A comma-separated list whose item is an image property. Usually only
# the image properties that are only needed by base images can be included
# here, since the snapshots that are created from the base images don't
# need them.
# * Default list: cache_in_nova, bittorrent, img_signature_hash_method,
# img_signature, img_signature_key_type,
# img_signature_certificate_uuid
# (list value)
#non_inheritable_image_properties = cache_in_nova,bittorrent,img_signature_hash_method,img_signature,img_signature_key_type,img_signature_certificate_uuid
# When creating multiple instances with a single request using the
# os-multiple-create API extension, this template will be used to build
# the display name for each instance. The benefit is that the instances
# end up with different hostnames. Example display names when creating
# two VM's: name-1, name-2.
# Possible values:
# * Valid keys for the template are: name, uuid, count.
# (string value)
# This option is deprecated for removal since 15.0.0.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason:
# This config changes API behaviour. All changes in API behaviour should be
# discoverable.
#multi_instance_display_name_template = %(name)s-%(count)d
# Maximum number of devices that will result in a local image being
# created on the hypervisor node.
# A negative number means unlimited. Setting max_local_block_devices
# to 0 means that any request that attempts to create a local disk
# will fail. This option is meant to limit the number of local discs
# (so root local disc that is the result of --image being used, and
# any other ephemeral and swap disks). 0 does not mean that images
# will be automatically converted to volumes and boot instances from
# volumes - it just means that all requests that attempt to create a
# local disk will fail.
# Possible values:
# * 0: Creating a local disk is not allowed.
# * Negative number: Allows unlimited number of local discs.
# * Positive number: Allows only these many number of local discs.
# (Default value is 3).
# (integer value)
#max_local_block_devices = 3
# A comma-separated list of monitors that can be used for getting
# compute metrics. You can use the alias/name from the setuptools
# entry points for nova.compute.monitors.* namespaces. If no
# namespace is supplied, the "cpu." namespace is assumed for
# backwards-compatibility.
# NOTE: Only one monitor per namespace (For example: cpu) can be loaded at
# a time.
# Possible values:
# * An empty list will disable the feature (Default).
# * An example value that would enable both the CPU and NUMA memory
# bandwidth monitors that use the virt driver variant:
# compute_monitors = cpu.virt_driver, numa_mem_bw.virt_driver
# (list value)
#compute_monitors =
# The default format an ephemeral_volume will be formatted with on creation.
# Possible values:
# * ``ext2``
# * ``ext3``
# * ``ext4``
# * ``xfs``
# * ``ntfs`` (only for Windows guests)
# (string value)
#default_ephemeral_format = <None>
# Determine if instance should boot or fail on VIF plugging timeout.
# Nova sends a port update to Neutron after an instance has been scheduled,
# providing Neutron with the necessary information to finish setup of the port.
# Once completed, Neutron notifies Nova that it has finished setting up the
# port, at which point Nova resumes the boot of the instance since network
# connectivity is now supposed to be present. A timeout will occur if the reply
# is not received after a given interval.
# This option determines what Nova does when the VIF plugging timeout event
# happens. When enabled, the instance will error out. When disabled, the
# instance will continue to boot on the assumption that the port is ready.
# Possible values:
# * True: Instances should fail after VIF plugging timeout
# * False: Instances should continue booting after VIF plugging timeout
# (boolean value)
#vif_plugging_is_fatal = true
# Timeout for Neutron VIF plugging event message arrival.
# Number of seconds to wait for Neutron vif plugging events to
# arrive before continuing or failing (see 'vif_plugging_is_fatal').
# Related options:
# * vif_plugging_is_fatal - If ``vif_plugging_timeout`` is set to zero and
# ``vif_plugging_is_fatal`` is False, events should not be expected to
# arrive at all.
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