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Open Port Knock Guarded SSH Port with Netcat
#sometimes, use udp and send by parallel is the only way, if you behind a proxy

#----------------------nc way-----------------------------
## input part

# --way 1-- direct 
for PORT in $PORT1 $PORT2 $PORT3; do nc -vz $SSH_HOST $PORT; done; ssh $SSH_USER@SSH_HOST

# --way 2-- give it some delay
for PORT in $PORT1 $PORT2 $PORT3; do nc -vz $SSH_HOST $PORT; sleep 0.1;  done; ssh $SSH_USER@SSH_HOST

# --way 3-- do as parallel as possible, for some env
for PORT in $PORT1 $PORT2 $PORT3; do bash -c "nc -vz $SSH_HOST $PORT &";  done; ssh $SSH_USER@SSH_HOST
#----------------------nmap way todo-----------------------------
#----------------------knock way todo-----------------------------
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