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Created June 10, 2024 18:46
Create Flowchart Diagram in C# | Flowchart Generator
namespace CreateFlowchart
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//schema for the diagram to be created
Input diagramObject = new Input()
InputRectangles = new List<InputRectangle>() {
new InputRectangle() {
Name = "A",
Text = "Manager"
new InputRectangle() {
Name = "B",
Text = "Team Leader"
new InputRectangle() {
Name = "C",
Text = "Team Member"
new InputRectangle() {
Name = "D",
Text = "Team Member"
new InputRectangle() {
Name = "E",
Text = "Team Member"
InputConnectors = new List<InputConnector>() {
new InputConnector() {
OriginShapeName = "A",
DestinationShapeName = "B"
new InputConnector() {
OriginShapeName = "B",
DestinationShapeName = "C"
new InputConnector() {
OriginShapeName = "B",
DestinationShapeName = "D"
new InputConnector() {
OriginShapeName = "B",
DestinationShapeName = "E"
Diagram diagram = new Diagram("BasicShapes.vss");
Page page = diagram.Pages[0];
Dictionary<string, long> shapeNames = new Dictionary<string, long>();
//Adding shapes and connectors from the schema
foreach (var rectangle in diagramObject.InputRectangles)
Shape shape = new Shape();
var shapeId = diagram.AddShape(shape, @"Rectangle", 0);
shapeNames.Add(rectangle.Name, shapeId);
shape = page.Shapes.GetShape(shapeId);
shape.Text.Value.Add(new Txt(rectangle.Text));
foreach (var connector in diagramObject.InputConnectors)
var connectorId = diagram.AddShape(new Shape(), "Dynamic connector", 0);
LayoutOptions layoutOptions = new LayoutOptions()
LayoutStyle = LayoutStyle.FlowChart,
Direction = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight,
SpaceShapes = 5,
EnlargePage = true
page.PageSheet.PrintProps.PrintPageOrientation.Value = PrintPageOrientationValue.Landscape;
DiagramSaveOptions saveOptions = new DiagramSaveOptions()
SaveFormat = SaveFileFormat.Vsdx,
AutoFitPageToDrawingContent = true
diagram.Save("output.vsdx", saveOptions);
public class Input
public System.Collections.Generic.List<InputRectangle> InputRectangles { get; set; }
public System.Collections.Generic.List<InputConnector> InputConnectors { get; set; }
public class InputRectangle
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public class InputConnector
public string OriginShapeName { get; set; }
public string DestinationShapeName { get; set; }
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