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Last active April 5, 2022 09:24
Combine Multiple Excel Files into One using Java
String sourceFile1 = "Quarter_1.xlsx";
String sourceFile2 = "Quarter_2.xlsx";
// Open the first Excel file.
Workbook excelA = new Workbook("C:\\Files\\" + sourceFile1);
// Open the second Excel file.
Workbook excelB = new Workbook("C:\\Files\\" + sourceFile2);
// Create destination Workbook.
Workbook destWorkbook = new Workbook();
// First worksheet is added by default to the Workbook. Add the second worksheet.
// Copy the Jan worksheet of first Excel file to destination file.
// Copy the Jul worksheet of second Excel file to destination file.
// By default, the worksheet names are "Sheet1" and "Sheet2" respectively.
// Lets give them meaningful names.
destWorkbook.getWorksheets().get(0).setName(sourceFile1 + " - Jan");
destWorkbook.getWorksheets().get(1).setName(sourceFile2 + " - Jul");
// Save the destination file."C:\\Files\\CombinedSpecificSheetsInFile.xlsx");
// Open the first excel file.
Workbook SourceBook1 = new Workbook("C:\\Files\\Quarter_1.xlsx");
// Open the second excel file.
Workbook SourceBook2 = new Workbook("C:\\Files\\Quarter_2.xlsx");
// Open the third excel file.
Workbook SourceBook3 = new Workbook("C:\\Files\\Quarter_3.xlsx");
// Copy worksheets of second Excel file to the first workbook.
// Copy worksheets of third Excel file to the first workbook.
// Save the updated first excel file as a new file."C:\\Files\\CombinedFile.xlsx");
// Open a Workbook.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook("C:\\Files\\sample.xlsx");
// Add a worksheet named Summary_sheet
Worksheet summarySheet = workbook.getWorksheets().add("Summary_sheet");
// Iterate over worksheets to copy columns to the
// summary worksheet
String[] nameOfSourceWorksheets = { "Products", "Sales", "Customers" };
int totalCol = 0;
for (String sheetName : nameOfSourceWorksheets) {
Worksheet sourceSheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(sheetName);
if (sheetName.equals("Products")) {
// Get worksheet columns collection
ColumnCollection columns = sourceSheet.getCells().getColumns();
// copy column to summaySheet
for (Column column : (Iterable<Column>) columns)
summarySheet.getCells().copyColumn(sourceSheet.getCells(), column.getIndex(), totalCol);
totalCol = totalCol + 1;
else {
// Get worksheet columns collection
ColumnCollection columns = sourceSheet.getCells().getColumns();
// copy column to summaySheet
for (Column column : (Iterable<Column>) columns)
summarySheet.getCells().copyColumn(sourceSheet.getCells(), column.getIndex(), totalCol);
totalCol = totalCol + 1;
// Save the excel file."C:\\Files\\CopyingColumns_out.xlsx");
// Open an Excel file that contains the worksheets:
// Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr
Workbook workbook = new Workbook("C:\\Files\\Quarter_1.xlsx");
// Add a worksheet named Summary_sheet
Worksheet summarySheet = workbook.getWorksheets().add("Summary_sheet");
// Iterate over source worksheets to copy data to the
// summary worksheet
String[] nameOfSourceWorksheets = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr" };
int totalRowCount = 0;
for (String sheetName : nameOfSourceWorksheets)
// Get worksheet
Worksheet sourceSheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(sheetName);
Range sourceRange = null;
Range destRange = null;
// In case of Jan worksheet, include all rows and columns.
if (sheetName.equals("Jan"))
sourceRange = sourceSheet.getCells().getMaxDisplayRange();
destRange = summarySheet.getCells().createRange(
sourceRange.getFirstRow() + totalRowCount,
// In case of other worksheets,
// exclude the first row (which contains headings).
int mdatarow = sourceSheet.getCells().getMaxDataRow(); // Zero-based
int mdatacol = sourceSheet.getCells().getMaxDataColumn(); // Zero-based
sourceRange = sourceSheet.getCells().createRange(0 + 1, 0, mdatarow, mdatacol + 1);
destRange = summarySheet.getCells().createRange(
sourceRange.getFirstRow() + totalRowCount -1,
// Copies data, formatting, drawing objects etc. from a
// source range to destination range.
totalRowCount = sourceRange.getRowCount() + totalRowCount;
// Save the workbook"C:\\Files\\Summarized.xlsx");
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cinawar commented Apr 1, 2022

there is no imports where is it come from "Workbook" ***

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conholdate-gists commented Apr 5, 2022

Please find the imports given below:
import com.aspose.cells.Range;
import com.aspose.cells.Workbook;
import com.aspose.cells.Worksheet;

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