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Created December 17, 2022 16:58
Extract Images From Excel in Node.js
var fs = require('fs');
var aspose = aspose || {};
aspose.cells = require("aspose.cells");
// Create a workbook object from the source file.
var workbook = new aspose.cells.Workbook("sample.xlsx");
// Get the first worksheet by calling the get method.
var worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Invoke the get method to get the first Picture in the first worksheet.
var pic = worksheet.getPictures().get(0);
// Set the output image file path.
var fileName = "aspose-logo.jpg";
// Instantiate an instance of the ImageOrPrintOptions class.
var printoption = new aspose.cells.ImageOrPrintOptions();
// Specify the image format to JPEG or PNG.
// Save the image by calling the toImage method.
pic.toImage(fileName, printoption);
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How to get image in sheet2 from excel using node js using xlxs lib

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You may use Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java API for the task. Please see the following code segment for your reference.

var fs = require('fs');
var aspose = aspose || {};
aspose.cells = require("");

// Create a workbook object from the source file.
var workbook = new aspose.cells.Workbook("YourExcelFile.xlsx");
// Get the worksheet by calling the get method with its (sheet) name.
var worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get("sheet2");
// Invoke the get method to get the first Picture in the first worksheet. 
var pic = worksheet.getPictures().get(0);
// Set the output image file path.
var fileName = "image1.jpg";
// Instantiate an instance of the ImageOrPrintOptions class.
var printoption = new aspose.cells.ImageOrPrintOptions();
// Specify the image format to JPEG or PNG.
// Save the image by calling the toImage method. 
pic.toImage(fileName, printoption);

Hope, this helps a bit.

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