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Last active December 29, 2015 18:49
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Save conklech/7713126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name: lazy-rec-sample
-- synopsis:
-- description:
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Christian Conkle
-- copyright:
-- category:
build-type: Simple
-- extra-source-files:
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable lazy-rec-sample
main-is: Main.hs
-- other-modules:
other-extensions: StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, DeriveFunctor, GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, PolyKinds, RankNTypes, ConstraintKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, RecursiveDo, OverlappingInstances
build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7, transformers >=0.3 && <0.4
, vinyl == 0.2
, threepenny-gui >= 0.4 && <0.5
-- hs-source-dirs:
default-language: Haskell2010
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, DeriveFunctor, GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, PolyKinds, RankNTypes, ConstraintKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, RecursiveDo, OverlappingInstances #-}
module Main where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Constant
import Data.Functor.Product
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Vinyl
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core
import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny as TP
-- InputBuilder a ~ UI ([Element], Tidings a)
type InputBuilder = Compose UI (Product (Constant [Element]) Tidings)
-- WidgetBuilder a ~ Behavior a -> UI ([Element], Tidings a)
type WidgetBuilder = Behavior ~> InputBuilder
buildWidget :: (ApTraversable (LazyRec rs), SP rs)
=> LazyRec rs InputBuilder
-> UI (LazyRec rs (Constant [Element]), LazyRec rs Tidings)
buildWidget r = splitProduct <$> apTraverse getCompose r
ioString :: WidgetBuilder String
ioString = NT $ \output -> Compose $ do
w <- TP.entry output
return $ Pair (Constant [getElement w]) (TP.userText w)
class SP rs where
splitProduct :: LazyRec rs (Product f g) -> ((LazyRec rs f), (LazyRec rs g))
instance SP '[] where
splitProduct RNilL = (RNilL, RNilL)
instance SP rs => SP ((sy ::: t) ': rs) where
splitProduct ~((:&~) ~(Pair l r) xs) = ((:&~) l (fst xs'), (:&~) r (snd xs'))
where xs' = splitProduct xs
type Name = "Name" ::: String
name :: Name
name = Field
type OtherField = "OtherField" ::: String
otherField :: OtherField
otherField = Field
type MyFields = '[Name, OtherField]
example :: Window -> UI ()
example w = do
let builder :: LazyRec MyFields WidgetBuilder
builder = ioString :&~ ioString :&~ RNilL
-- These three blocks need to be in this order.
-- I think that you can't evaluate tidings at all until after the first line?
(elements, tidings) <- buildWidget (builder <<*>> output)
let nameT = rGetL' name tidings
otherFieldT = rGetL' otherField tidings
-- This is silly, but demonstrates that we can use the individual
-- fields within the rec block.
-- Note that each behavior is based on the 'wrong' rumors.
behaviors :: LazyRec MyFields (Compose UI Behavior)
behaviors = (Compose $ stepper "Name?" (rumors otherFieldT))
:&~ (Compose $ stepper "OtherField?" (rumors nameT)) :&~ RNilL
output <- apTraverse getCompose behaviors
let (Constant nameElems) = rGetL' name elements
(Constant otherFieldElems) = rGetL' otherField elements
_ <- getBody w #+
[ grid
[ [ TP.div #+ (fmap return $ nameElems)
, TP.div #+ (fmap return $ otherFieldElems)
, [ TP.span # sink text (facts nameT)
, TP.span # sink text (facts otherFieldT)
return ()
main :: IO ()
main = TP.startGUI TP.defaultConfig example
-- Orphan instance
instance Applicative TP.UI where
pure = return
ff <*> fs = ff >>= \ f -> fs >>= \ s -> return (f s)
-- LazyRec implementation
data Elem' :: * -> [*] -> * where
Here' :: Elem' x (x ': xs)
There' :: (y ~ (sy ::: t)) => Elem' x xs -> Elem' x (y ': xs)
instance Implicit (Elem' x (x ': xs)) where
implicitly = Here'
instance (y ~ (sy ::: t), Implicit (Elem' x xs)) => Implicit (Elem' x (y ': xs)) where
implicitly = There' implicitly
type IElem' x xs = Implicit (Elem' x xs)
-- | Project a field from a 'Rec'.
rGetL' :: IElem' (sy ::: t) rs => (sy ::: t) -> LazyRec rs f -> f t
rGetL' r = getConst . rLensL' r Const
{-# INLINE rGetL' #-}
-- | Project a field from a 'PlainRec'.
rGetL :: IElem' (sy ::: t) rs => (sy ::: t) -> LazyRec rs Identity -> t
rGetL = (runIdentity .) . rGetL'
{-# INLINE rGetL #-}
-- | Set a field in a 'Rec' over an arbitrary functor.
rPutL' :: IElem' (sy ::: t) rs => (sy ::: t) -> f t -> LazyRec rs f -> LazyRec rs f
rPutL' r x = runIdentity . rLensL' r (Identity . const x)
{-# INLINE rPutL' #-}
-- | Set a field in a 'PlainRec'.
rPutL :: IElem' (sy:::t) rs => (sy:::t) -> t -> LazyRec rs Identity -> LazyRec rs Identity
rPutL r x = rPutL' r (Identity x)
{-# INLINE rPutL #-}
-- | Modify a field.
rModL :: (IElem' (sy:::t) rs, Functor f)
=> (sy:::t) -> (t -> t) -> LazyRec rs f -> LazyRec rs f
rModL r f = runIdentity . rLensL' r (Identity . fmap f)
{-# INLINE rModL #-}
-- We manually unroll several levels of 'Elem' value traversal to help
-- GHC statically index into small records.
-- | Provide a lens to a record field. Note that this implementation
-- does not support polymorphic update. In the parlance of the @lens@
-- package,
-- > rLensL' :: IElem' (sy:::t) rs => (sy:::t) -> Lens' (LazyRec rs f) (f t)
rLensL' :: forall r rs sy t f g. (r ~ (sy:::t), Implicit (Elem' r rs), Functor g)
=> r -> (f t -> g (f t)) -> LazyRec rs f -> g (LazyRec rs f)
rLensL' _ f = go implicitly
go :: Elem' r rr -> LazyRec rr f -> g (LazyRec rr f)
go Here' ~(x :&~ xs) = fmap (:&~ xs) (f x)
go (There' Here') ~(a :&~ x :&~ xs) = fmap ((a :&~) . (:&~ xs)) (f x)
go (There' (There' Here')) ~(a :&~ b :&~ x :&~ xs) =
fmap (\x' -> a :&~ b :&~ x' :&~ xs) (f x)
go (There' (There' (There' Here'))) ~(a :&~ b :&~ c :&~ x :&~ xs) =
fmap (\x' -> a :&~ b :&~ c :&~ x' :&~ xs) (f x)
go (There' (There' (There' (There' Here')))) ~(a :&~ b :&~ c :&~ d :&~ x :&~ xs) =
fmap (\x' -> a :&~ b :&~ c :&~ d :&~ x' :&~ xs) (f x)
go (There' (There' (There' (There' p)))) ~(a :&~ b :&~ c :&~ d :&~ xs) =
fmap (\xs' -> a :&~ b :&~ c :&~ d :&~ xs') (go' p xs)
{-# INLINE go #-}
go' :: Elem' r rr -> LazyRec rr f -> g (LazyRec rr f)
go' Here' ~(x :&~ xs) = fmap (:&~ xs) (f x)
go' (There' p) ~(x :&~ xs) = fmap (x :&~) (go p xs)
{-# INLINABLE go' #-}
{-# INLINE rLensL' #-}
-- | A lens into a 'PlainRec' that smoothly interoperates with lenses
-- from the @lens@ package. Note that polymorphic update is not
-- supported. In the parlance of the @lens@ package,
-- > rLensL :: IElem' (sy:::t) rs => (sy:::t) -> Lens' (LazyRec rs Identity) t
rLensL :: forall r rs sy t g. (r ~ (sy:::t), IElem' r rs, Functor g)
=> r -> (t -> g t) -> LazyRec rs Identity -> g (LazyRec rs Identity)
rLensL r = rLensL' r . lenser runIdentity (const Identity)
where lenser sa sbt afb s = sbt s <$> afb (sa s)
{-# INLINE rLensL #-}
data family LazyRec (rs :: [*]) (f :: (* -> *)) :: *
data instance LazyRec '[] f = RNilL
data instance LazyRec ((sy ::: t) ': rs) f = f t :&~ LazyRec rs f
infixr :&~
deriving instance Show (LazyRec '[] f)
deriving instance (Show (LazyRec rs f), Show (f t)) => Show (LazyRec ((sy ::: t) ': rs) f)
instance Eq (LazyRec '[] f) where
_ == _ = True
instance (Eq (g t), Eq (LazyRec fs g)) => Eq (LazyRec ((s ::: t) ': fs) g) where
~(x :&~ xs) == ~(y :&~ ys) = (x == y) && (xs == ys)
class ToRec rs f where
toRec :: LazyRec rs f -> Rec rs f
instance ToRec '[] f where
toRec RNilL = RNil
instance ToRec rs f => ToRec ((sy ::: t) ': rs) f where
toRec (x :&~ xs) = x :& toRec xs
class FromRec rs f where
fromRec :: Rec rs f -> LazyRec rs f
instance FromRec '[] f where
fromRec RNil = RNilL
instance FromRec rs f => FromRec ((sy ::: t) ': rs) f where
fromRec (x :& xs) = x :&~ (fromRec xs)
class ApFunctor (f :: (k -> *) -> *) where
(<<$>>) :: forall (g :: k -> *) (h :: k -> *).
(forall (x :: k). g x -> h x) -> f g -> f h
class (ApFunctor f) => ApTraversable (f :: (k -> *) -> *) where
apTraverse :: forall (g :: k -> *) (h :: k -> *) (e :: * -> *).
(Applicative e) =>
(forall (x :: k). g x -> e (h x)) -> f g -> e (f h)
instance ApFunctor (LazyRec '[]) where
_ <<$>> _ = RNilL
instance ApFunctor (LazyRec rs) => ApFunctor (LazyRec ((sy ::: t) ': rs)) where
nat <<$>> ~((:&~) x xs) = (:&~) (nat x) (nat <<$>> xs)
instance ApTraversable (LazyRec '[]) where
apTraverse _ _ = pure RNilL -- should we pattern match on the RNilL?
instance ApTraversable (LazyRec rs) => ApTraversable (LazyRec ((sy ::: t) ': rs)) where
apTraverse m ((:&~) x xs) = (:&~) <$> (m x) <*> apTraverse m xs
instance Apply (~>) (LazyRec '[]) where
_ <<*>> _ = RNilL -- again, pattern match?
instance Apply (~>) (LazyRec rs) => Apply (~>) (LazyRec ((sy ::: t) ': rs)) where
~(f :&~ fs) <<*>> ~(x :&~ xs) = runNT f x :&~ (fs <<*>> xs)
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