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Last active July 26, 2016 19:02
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Tasks to find the default VPC and its subnets
- name: Find default VPC for region
command: "aws ec2 describe-vpcs --region={{ region }} --output=json --filters=Name=isDefault,Values=true --query=Vpcs[0].VpcId"
register: default_vpc
- name: Set default_vpc_id fact
default_vpc_id: "{{ default_vpc.stdout | from_json }}"
- name: Find availability zones in the default VPC
region: "{{ region }}"
defaultForAz: "true"
state: "available"
vpc-id: "{{ default_vpc_id }}"
register: default_subnets
- name: Set subnet_ids fact
subnet_ids: "{{ default_subnets.subnets | map(attribute='id') | list }}"
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