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Created June 19, 2011 06:33
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Sample AS3 build script
<project name="My Project" default="init">
<!-- load previously defined configuration properties file -->
<property file="" />
<property name="APP_ROOT" value="DEPLOY" />
<!-- points to our flexTasks.jar we copied to the libs folder to distribute with the project -->
<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${basedir}/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
<!-- Initialize the targets -->
<target name="init" depends="CreateBase, CreateLicense, CompileFlex, CreateWrapper, CompileAsdoc, CreateRelease, CreateArchive">
<echo message="All targets ran successfully." />
<!-- Create Deploy and ASDOC Directories -->
<target name="CreateBase">
<echo message="Creating base directories." />
<mkdir dir="${DEPLOY_DIR}" />
<delete dir="${APP_DOCS}" />
<mkdir dir="${APP_DOCS}" />
<echo message="Base directories created successfully." />
<!-- Build Base License Files -->
<target name="CreateLicense">
<echo message="Creating License and Readme." />
<copy file="${PROJ_LICENSE_DIR}/LICENSE" todir="${DEPLOY_DIR}" />
<copy file="${PROJ_LICENSE_DIR}/README.txt" todir="${DEPLOY_DIR}" />
<echo message="Creating License and Readme." />
<!-- Copy Build Assets -->
<target name="CopyBuildAssets">
<echo message="Copying Build Assets." />
<copy todir="${ASSETS}">
<fileset dir="${BUILD_ASSETS}" includes="*" />
<copy todir="${ASSETS}/movies">
<fileset dir="${BUILD_ASSETS}/movies" includes="*" />
<echo message="Build Assets copied successfully." />
<!-- Build and output the main swf-->
<target name="CompileFlex" depends="CopyBuildAssets">
<echo message="Compiling the project." />
<mxmlc file="${SRC_DIR}/" output="${DEPLOY_DIR}/${SWF_NAME}.swf">
<load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml" />
<source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" />
<compiler.library-path file="${LIBS_DIR}/" />
<echo message="Project compiled successfully." />
<!--Build and deploy the HTML Wrapper-->
<target name="CreateWrapper">
<echo message="Creating the wrapper." />
<html-wrapper title="${TITLE}" file="index.html" width="800" height="600" bgcolor="#DDDDDD" application="app" swf="${SWF_NAME}" version-major="10" version-minor="0" version-revision="0" history="true" output="${DEPLOY_DIR}" />
<echo message="Wrapper created successfully." />
<!--Run the ASDoc executable and generate the ASDocs to the new output folder-->
<target name="CompileAsdoc">
<echo message="Creating the ASDocs." />
<exec executable="${ASDOC_DIR}" failonerror="true">
<arg line='-doc-sources ${SRC_DIR}' />
<arg line='-window-title "${TITLE}"' />
<arg line='-output ${APP_DOCS}' />
<arg line='-external-library-path=${LIBS_DIR}/' />
<echo message="ASDocs created successfully." />
<!--Create the release of the core runtime and assets.-->
<target name="CreateRelease">
<echo message="Creating the release."/>
<copy todir="${REL_DIR}">
<fileset dir="bin/"/>
<echo message="Release created successfully."/>
<!--Create the archive zip of the core runtime and assets. Date and Time stamp the name for reference. -->
<target name="CreateArchive">
<echo message="Creating the archive." />
<tstamp />
<zip destfile="${ARCHIVE_DIR}/${PROJ_PREFIX}_${DSTAMP}_${TSTAMP}.zip">
<zipfileset dir="bin/assets" prefix="assets" />
<zipfileset dir="bin/" includes="${SWF_NAME}.swf" fullpath="${SWF_NAME}.swf" />
<zipfileset dir="bin/" includes="index.html" fullpath="index.html" />
<zipfileset dir="bin/" includes="swfobject.js" fullpath="swfobject.js" />
<zipfileset dir="bin/" includes="LICENSE" fullpath="LICENSE" />
<zipfileset dir="bin/" includes="README.txt" fullpath="README.txt" />
<echo message="Archive created successfully." />
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