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Last active November 14, 2017 21:48
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VBA Favorites
Function makeDir(path As String) As String
Dim hasPS As Boolean
Dim ps As String: ps = Application.PathSeparator
If Dir(path, vbDirectory) = "" Then
If Right(path, 1) = ps Then
path = Left(path, Len(path) - 1)
hasPS = True
End If
makeDir Left(path, InStrRev(path, ps))
MkDir path
End If
If hasPS Then
makeDir = path & ps
makeDir = path
End If
End Function
Public Function convertColumnNumberToLetter(columnNumber As Integer) As String
Dim dividend As Integer
dividend = columnNumber
Dim columnName As String
Dim modulo As Integer
Do While (dividend > 0)
modulo = (dividend - 1) Mod 26
columnName = Chr$(65 + modulo) + columnName
dividend = (dividend - modulo) / 26
convertColumnNumberToLetter = columnName
End Function
Public Function getFieldIndex(sht As Worksheet, fieldName As String) As Integer
Dim iColumn As Integer
With sht
For iColumn = 1 To .UsedRange.Columns.Count
If .Cells(1, iColumn).Value = fieldName Then
getFieldIndex = iColumn
Exit Function
End If
Next iColumn
End With
End Function
Option Explicit
' Required Libraries: None
' ribbonInterface allows easier and programatic modification of customa XML ribbon interfaces within Office documents
' Instead of pointing each onAction to a separate intended method, point ALL onActions to ribbonInterface.btnOnAction and then programatically
' modify what to do more dynamically. The same can be done for labels.
' Programatic differences are allowed too. i.e. different label can be generated for different users, buttons can be activated or not, etc.
' Modify with
' Custom UI Editor for Microsoft Office (not a MS product) -
' or the old fashioned way -
' Custom UI XML Documentation
' pdf -
' web -
' <customUI xmlns="" onLoad="ribbonInterface.OnRibbonLoad">>
' <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
' <tabs>
' <tab id="tabMain" insertBeforeMso="TabHome" getLabel="ribbonInterface.getLabel">
' <group id="customGroup" label="Custom Group">
' <button id="btn-update" getLabel="ribbonInterface.getLabel" image="refresh-128" size="large" onAction="ribbonInterface.OnAction" />
' <button id="btn-backup" getLabel="ribbonInterface.getLabel" image="backup" size="large" onAction="ribbonInterface.OnAction" />
' </group>
' </tab>
' </tabs>
' </ribbon>
' </customUI>
Public Excel_Ribbon As IRibbonUI
Sub OnRibbonLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
''allows access to the ribbon object without exiting Excel
'' i.e. Excel_Ribbon.invalidate will reload the entire ribbon
Set Excel_Ribbon = ribbon
End Sub
Sub OnAction(control As IRibbonControl, Optional pressed As Boolean)
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
Debug.Print "onAction: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getDescription(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the detailed description of this contro
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
visible = True
Debug.Print "getDescription: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the enabled state of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
visible = True
Debug.Print "getEnabled: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getImage(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef image)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the icon of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
image = "BlackAndWhiteDontShow" '"close-circle-outline.png"
Debug.Print "getImage: " & control.ID & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getKeytip(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the suggested KeyTip of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
visible = True
Debug.Print "getKeytip: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getLabel(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the label of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
label = control.ID
Debug.Print "getLabel: " & control.ID & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getPressed(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the toggled state of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
visible = True
Debug.Print "getPressed: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getScreentip(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the screentip of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
visible = control.ID
Debug.Print "getScreentip: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getShowImage(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef rtnVal)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine whether the application SHOULD display the icon of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
rtnVal = True
Debug.Print "getShowImage: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getShowLabel(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef rtnVal)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine whether the application displays the label of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
rtnVal = True
Debug.Print "getShowLabel: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getSize(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef Size)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the size of this control. use 0 for small, 1 for large
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
Size = 0
Debug.Print "getSize: " & control.ID & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getSupertip(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the supertip of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
visible = control.ID
Debug.Print "getSupertip: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
Sub getVisible(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
'Specifies the name of a callback function to be called to determine the visibility state of this control
Select Case control.ID
Case Else
visible = True
Debug.Print "getVisible: " & control.ID & ":" & control.Tag & " not defined"
End Select
End Sub
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