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Last active June 25, 2021 11:38
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VBA Binary search allowing multiple fields
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Public Function BinarySearch(inArray As Variant, hasHeader As Boolean, ParamArray WhatValueWhatColumn() As Variant) As Long
'== =============================================================================================================
'== conducts a binary tree search in a 1 or 2 dimensional array
'== looks for matches defined in 'WhatValueWhatColumn'
'== supports matching of multiple columns.
'== each ParamArray pair submitted must be an array stating what is being seeked and in which column it is found
'== i.e. BinFind(arr1, True, Array(firstName, 2), Array(lastName, 1), Array(birthdate, 6))
'== the array being searched, 'inArray' must be sorted in ascending order
'== where the sort priority matches the order of the 'WhatValueWhatColumn' submissions
'== {TODO} - test that array is sorted correctly prior to execution, raise error if not.
'== =============================================================================================================
Dim highRow As Long
Dim lowRow As Long
Dim midRow As Long 'current split point
Dim v As Variant 'iterator variant
Dim found As Boolean
'== initialize lower and upper bounds
highRow = UBound(inArray)
lowRow = LBound(inArray) - hasHeader
'== test to see if the primary column is outside the lower or upper bounds of the entire test array
v = WhatValueWhatColumn(0)
If v(0) < CStr(inArray(lowRow, v(1))) Or v(0) > CStr(inArray(highRow, v(1))) Then
BinarySearch = -1
Exit Function
End If
'== loop through all records, walking lowRow and highRow in until the correct record is found
'== or it is determined that the record is not in the array
'== determine the middle record of the dataset
midRow = (highRow + lowRow) / 2
'== test each column by priority
'== if it is a match check the next column in the sequence
'== if it is not a match then move the appropriate
'== boundary to the midRow position
'== if all columns match then the record is found!
For Each v In WhatValueWhatColumn
If inArray(midRow, v(1)) = v(0) Then
found = True
found = False
If lowRow = highRow Then
Exit Do
ElseIf inArray(midRow, v(1)) > v(0) Then
highRow = Application.Max(midRow - 1, lowRow)
lowRow = Application.Min(midRow + 1, highRow)
End If
Exit For
End If
Next v
Loop Until found
If found Then
BinarySearch = midRow
BinarySearch = -1
End If
End Function
'## TEST
Sub testBinFind()
Dim arr1 As Variant
Dim arr2 As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim index As Long
With ThisWorkbook
'== the array we are going to look for stuff in
arr1 = .Sheets("Array1").UsedRange
'== the array we are defining what we are looking for from and pasting data back to
arr2 = .Sheets("Array2").UsedRange
End With
For i = LBound(arr2) + 1 To UBound(arr2) 'LBound(arr2) + 1 skips the headers
'== Identify some columns that need to be matched
'== makes it easier to see what's going on when submitting Params to BinFind
Dim lastName As String: firstName = arr2(i, 1)
Dim firstName As String: lastName = arr2(i, 2)
Dim dedCd As String: dedCd = arr2(i, 3)
'== Here we go!
index = BinarySearch(arr1, True, _
Array(firstName, 1), _
Array(lastName, 2), _
Array(dedCd, 3))
'== if a match was found, post it back to the final array
If index > 0 Then
arr2(i, 4) = arr1(index, 4)
End If
Next i
'== post the array back to the sheet
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Array2")
.UsedRange.Value = arr2
.ListObjects.Add xlSrcRange, .UsedRange, xlYes
End With
End Sub
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spydrex commented Jun 25, 2021


Have a error in this block.

    '== Identify some columns that need to be matched
    '== makes it easier to see what's going on when submitting Params to BinFind
    Dim lastName As String:     firstName = arr2(i, 1)
    Dim firstName As String:    lastName = arr2(i, 2)
    Dim dedCd As String:        dedCd = arr2(i, 3)

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