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Last active May 12, 2016 14:40
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import java.util.ArrayList;
* Created by Connor on 5/9/16.
public class KeywordCipher extends Message {
private String key;
private ArrayList<Character> list;
public char[] ogAlpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".toCharArray();
public KeywordCipher(String s, String k) {
message = s.toUpperCase();
this.key = k.toUpperCase();
list = new ArrayList<Character>();
void generateAlphabet(String key){
ArrayList<Character> alphas = new ArrayList<Character>();
for (char aBet : ogAlpha)
for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) {
if (!list.contains(key.charAt(i)) &&
!(key.charAt(i) < 65 || key.charAt(i) > 90)){
char lastChar = list.get(list.size()-1);
for (int i = 0; i < alphas.size(); i++) {
if (alphas.get(i) < lastChar){
else break;
while (list.size() < 26)
public void encrypt() {
if (isEncrypted||message.length()==0) return;
isEncrypted = true;
message = encryptHelper(message);
public String encryptHelper(String msg){
if (msg.length() < 1) return msg;
return (msg.charAt(0) < 65 || msg.charAt(0) > 90) ?
msg.substring(0, 1) + encryptHelper(msg.substring(1)) :
String.valueOf(list.get(msg.charAt(0)-65)) + encryptHelper(msg.substring(1));
public void decrypt() {
if (!isEncrypted) return;
for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) {
message = (message.charAt(i) < 65 || message.charAt(i) > 90)?
message: message.substring(0,i) + ogAlpha[list.indexOf(message.charAt(i))] + message.substring(i+1);
isEncrypted = false;
* Created by Connor on 5/3/16.
public abstract class Message implements Encryptable {
protected String message;
protected boolean isEncrypted;
public void setMessage(String s){
message = s;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public boolean isEncrypted() {
return isEncrypted;
* Created by Connor on 5/3/16.
public class RailFenceCipher extends Message{
public RailFenceCipher(String s) {
message = s;
isEncrypted = false;
public void encrypt() {
if (isEncrypted||message.length()==0) return;
isEncrypted = true;
message = encryptHelper(message)+encryptHelper(message.substring(1));
public String encryptHelper(String str){
if (str.length() <= 1)return str;
return str.charAt(0)+encryptHelper(str.substring(2));
public void decrypt() {
if (!isEncrypted) return;
int mid = (int) Math.ceil(message.length()/2.0);
String a = message.substring(0,mid),z = message.substring(mid);
message = decryptHelper(a,z);
isEncrypted = false;
public String decryptHelper(String a,String z){
if (a.length() <= 1 && z.length() <= 1)return a+z;
return ""+ a.charAt(0) + z.charAt(0) + decryptHelper(a.substring(1),z.substring(1));
* Created by Connor on 5/9/16.
public class ShiftCipher extends Message{
private int shift;
public ShiftCipher(String s, int i) {
message = s.toUpperCase();
if (i < 1 || i > 25)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shift value must be between 1 and 25.");
shift = i;
public void encrypt() {
if (isEncrypted)return;
isEncrypted = true;
message = encryptHelper(message);
public String encryptHelper(String str){
if (str.length() < 1)return str;
return (str.charAt(0) < 65 || str.charAt(0) > 90) ?
str.substring(0, 1) + encryptHelper(str.substring(1)) :
String.valueOf((char) ((int) str.charAt(0) + shift)) + encryptHelper(str.substring(1));
public void decrypt() {
if (!isEncrypted) return;
isEncrypted = false;
shift *= -1;
isEncrypted = false;
shift *= -1;
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