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// Modifications:
// - Replace std::map for objects with a combination of map + vector, to retain insertion order.
* @file JSON.h
* @brief Lightweight JSON library for exporting/importing data in JSON format from/to C++.
* Can be used standalone with any C++17 compiler.
* @author nbsdx (Neil)
* @author Daniel Giritzer
* @copyright "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* <> extended this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return Daniel Giritzer
* Further informations:
* ---------------------
* Based on:
* This version includes new features,
* performancefixes, documentation and bugfixes added by <>.
* ### Original License:
* Do what the fuck you want public license
#include <cstdint>
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <ostream>
#include <charconv>
#if __has_include("Object.h")
# include "Object.h"
namespace giri {
* @brief Namespace containing all JSON related stuff.
namespace json {
* @brief Enum class to identify parsing and conversion errors.
enum class error
float_conversion_failed_invalid_arg = 42,
* @brief Error category object used to convert the error code to a understandable message
* via std::error_code.
struct error_category : std::error_category
const char* name() const noexcept override{
return "JSON";
std::string message(int ev) const override{
switch (static_cast<json::error>(ev))
case json::error::float_conversion_failed_invalid_arg:
return "Failed to convert the value to float: Invalid argument!";
case json::error::float_conversion_failed_out_of_range:
return "Failed to convert the value to float: Out of range!";
case json::error::float_conversion_failed:
return "Failed to convert the value to float!";
case json::error::object_missing_colon:
return "Parsing Object failed: Expected colon not found!";
case json::error::object_missing_comma:
return "Parsing Object failed: Expected comma not found!";
case json::error::array_missing_comma_or_bracket:
return "Parsing Array failed: Expected ',' or ']' not found!";
case json::error::string_missing_hex_char:
return "Parsing String failed: Expected hex character in unicode escape not found!";
case json::error::string_conversion_failed:
return "Failed to convert the value to string!";
case json::error::string_unescaped_conversion_failed:
return "Failed to convert the value to a unescaped string!";
case json::error::number_missing_exponent:
return "Parsing Number failed: Expected number for exponent not found!";
case json::error::number_unexpected_char:
return "Parsing Number failed: Unexpected character!";
case json::error::number_conversion_failed:
return "Failed to convert the value to int!";
case json::error::bool_wrong_text:
return "Parsing Bool failed: Expected 'true' or 'false' not found!";
case json::error::bool_conversion_failed:
return "Failed to convert the value to boolean!";
case json::error::null_wrong_text:
return "Parsing Null failed: Expected 'null' not found!";
case json::error::unknown_starting_char:
return "Parsing failed: Unknown starting character!";
return "Unrecognized error occured...";
/** Overload to detect giri::json::error as valid std::error_code. */
namespace std {
template <> struct is_error_code_enum<giri::json::error> : true_type {};
namespace giri {
namespace json {
* @brief Collection of helper functions and objects.
namespace utility {
* @param str String to escape
* @returns A escaped version of the given string.
inline std::string json_escape( const std::string &str ) {
std::string output;
for( unsigned i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i )
switch( str[i] ) {
case '\"': output += "\\\""; break;
case '\\': output += "\\\\"; break;
case '\b': output += "\\b"; break;
case '\f': output += "\\f"; break;
case '\n': output += "\\n"; break;
case '\r': output += "\\r"; break;
case '\t': output += "\\t"; break;
default : output += str[i]; break;
return output;
/** Instance of json::error_category, can be reused, no need to create multiple instances */
inline const json::error_category json_error_category;
* This overload makes giri::json::error assignable to std::error_code
* @param e giri::json::error to construct a std::error_code for.
* @returns std::error_code constructed from giri::json::error
inline std::error_code make_error_code(json::error e) noexcept {
return {static_cast<int>(e), utility::json_error_category};
* @brief Class to represent and use JSON objects. Class may throw exceptions of type
* std::error_code on error.
* Example Usage:
* --------------
* ### Array Example ###
* Example to show how to use Arrays.
* @code{.cpp}
* #include <JSON.h>
* #include <iostream>
* using giri::json::JSON;
* using namespace std;
* int main()
* {
* JSON array;
* array[2] = "Test2";
* cout << array << endl;
* array[1] = "Test1";
* cout << array << endl;
* array[0] = "Test0";
* cout << array << endl;
* array[3] = "Test4";
* cout << array << endl;
* // Arrays can be nested:
* JSON Array2;
* Array2[2][0][1] = true;
* cout << Array2 << endl;
* }
* @endcode
* ### Initialization Example ###
* Simple example which shows how to directly load an object.
* @code{.cpp}
* #include <JSON.h>
* #include <iostream>
* #include <cstddef>
* using giri::json::JSON;
* using namespace std;
* int main()
* {
* JSON obj( {
* "Key", 1,
* "Key3", true,
* "Key4", nullptr,
* "Key2", {
* "Key4", "VALUE",
* "Arr", giri::json::Array( 1, "Str", false )
* }
* } );
* cout << obj << endl;
* }
* @endcode
* ### Iterator Example ###
* This example shows how to iterate over stored arrays and objects.
* @code{.cpp}
* #include <JSON.h>
* #include <iostream>
* using giri::json::JSON;
* using namespace std;
* void dumpArrayConst( const JSON &array ) {
* for( auto &j : array.ArrayRange() )
* std::cout << "Value: " << j << "\n";
* }
* void dumpArray( JSON &array ) {
* for( auto &j : array.ArrayRange() )
* std::cout << "Value: " << j << "\n";
* }
* void dumpObjectConst( const JSON &object ) {
* for( auto &j : object.ObjectRange() )
* std::cout << "Object[ " << j.first << " ] = " << j.second << "\n";
* }
* void dumpObject( JSON &object ) {
* for( auto &j : object.ObjectRange() )
* std::cout << "Object[ " << j.first << " ] = " << j.second << "\n";
* }
* int main()
* {
* JSON array = JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Array );
* JSON obj = JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Object );
* array[0] = "Test0";
* array[1] = "Test1";
* array[2] = "Test2";
* array[3] = "Test3";
* obj[ "Key0" ] = "Value1";
* obj[ "Key1" ] = array;
* obj[ "Key2" ] = 123;
* std::cout << "=============== tests ================\n";
* dumpArray( array );
* dumpObject( obj );
* std::cout << "============ const tests =============\n";
* dumpArrayConst( array );
* dumpObjectConst( obj );
* }
* @endcode
* ### Datatypes Example ###
* In this example it is shown, how to store all supported datatypes within an JSON object.
* @code{.cpp}
* #include <JSON.h>
* #include <iostream>
* using giri::json::JSON;
* using namespace std;
* int main()
* {
* // Example of creating each type
* // You can also do JSON::Make( JSON::Class )
* JSON null;
* JSON Bool( true );
* JSON Str( "RawString" );
* JSON Str2( string( "C++String" ) );
* JSON Int( 1 );
* JSON Float( 1.2 );
* JSON Arr = giri::json::Array();
* JSON Obj = giri::json::Object();
* // Types can be overwritten by assigning
* // to the object again.
* Bool = false;
* Bool = "rtew";
* Bool = 1;
* Bool = 1.1;
* Bool = string( "asd" );
* // Append to Arrays, appending to a non-array
* // will turn the object into an array with the
* // first element being the value that's being
* // appended.
* Arr.append( 1 );
* Arr.append( "test" );
* Arr.append( false );
* // Access Array elements with operator[]( unsigned ).
* // Note that this does not do bounds checking, and
* // returns a reference to a JSON object.
* JSON& val = Arr[0];
* // Arrays can be intialized with any elements and
* // they are turned into JSON objects. Variadic
* // Templates are pretty cool.
* JSON Arr2 = giri::json::Array( 2, "Test", true );
* // Objects are accessed using operator[]( string ).
* // Will create new pairs on the fly, just as std::map
* // would.
* Obj["Key1"] = 1.0;
* Obj["Key2"] = "Value";
* JSON Obj2 = giri::json::Object();
* Obj2["Key3"] = 1;
* Obj2["Key4"] = Arr;
* Obj2["Key5"] = Arr2;
* // Nested Object
* Obj["Key6"] = Obj2;
* // Dump Obj to a string.
* cout << Obj << endl;
* // We can also use a more JSON-like syntax to create
* // JSON Objects.
* JSON Obj3 = {
* "Key1", "Value",
* "Key2", true,
* "Key3", {
* "Key4", giri::json::Array( "This", "Is", "An", "Array" ),
* "Key5", {
* "BooleanValue", true
* }
* }
* };
* cout << Obj3 << endl;
* }
* @endcode
* ### Load string Example ###
* This example shows how to load an object from string.
* @code{.cpp}
* #include <JSON.h>
* #include <iostream>
* using giri::json::JSON;
* using namespace std;
* int main()
* {
* JSON Int = JSON::Load( " 123 " );
* JSON Float = JSON::Load( " 123.234 " );
* JSON Str = JSON::Load( "\"String\"" );
* JSON EscStr = JSON::Load( "\" \\\"Some\\/thing\\\" \"" );
* JSON Arr = JSON::Load( "[1,2, true, false,\"STRING\", 1.5]" );
* JSON Obj = JSON::Load( "{ \"Key\" : \"StringValue\","
* " \"Key2\" : true, "
* " \"Key3\" : 1234, "
* " \"Key4\" : null }" );
* cout << Int << endl;
* cout << Float << endl;
* cout << Str << endl;
* cout << EscStr << endl;
* cout << Arr << endl;
* cout << Obj << endl;
* }
* @endcode
* ### Assignment of primitives Example ###
* Assign and print primitives.
* @code{.cpp}
* #include <JSON.h>
* #include <iostream>
* #include <ios>
* using giri::json::JSON;
* using namespace std;
* int main()
* {
* JSON obj;
* obj = true;
* cout << "Value: " << boolalpha << obj.ToBool() << endl;
* obj = "Test String";
* cout << "Value: " << obj.ToString() << endl;
* obj = 2.2;
* cout << "Value: " << obj.ToFloat() << endl;
* obj = 3;
* cout << "Value: " << obj.ToInt() << endl;
* }
* @endcode
#if __has_include("Object.h")
class JSON final : public Object<JSON>
class JSON final
union BackingData {
BackingData( double d ) : Float( d ){}
BackingData( long long l ) : Int( l ){}
BackingData( bool b ) : Bool( b ){}
BackingData( std::string s ) : String( new std::string( s ) ){}
BackingData() : Int( 0 ){}
std::deque<JSON> *List;
struct MapAndOrder {
std::map<std::string,JSON> Map;
std::vector<std::string> Order;
struct iterator {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = std::pair<const std::string, JSON>;
using pointer = std::string*; // or also value_type*
using reference = std::map<std::string, giri::json::JSON>::value_type&; // or also value_type&
iterator(pointer ptr, MapAndOrder* map_and_order) : m_ptr(ptr), m_map_and_order(map_and_order) {}
reference operator*() const { return *m_map_and_order->Map.find(*m_ptr); }
pointer operator->() { return m_ptr; }
// Prefix increment
iterator& operator++() { m_ptr++; return *this; }
// Postfix increment
iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; }
friend bool operator== (const iterator& a, const iterator& b) { return a.m_ptr == b.m_ptr; };
friend bool operator!= (const iterator& a, const iterator& b) { return a.m_ptr != b.m_ptr; };
pointer m_ptr;
MapAndOrder* m_map_and_order;
iterator begin() {
if (Map.empty()) return iterator(nullptr, this);
return iterator(&Order[0], this);
iterator end() {
if (Map.empty()) return iterator(nullptr, this);
return iterator(&Order[Order.size()], this);
struct const_iterator {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = std::pair<const std::string, JSON>;
using pointer = std::string*; // or also value_type*
using reference = std::map<std::string, giri::json::JSON>::value_type&; // or also value_type&
const_iterator(pointer ptr, MapAndOrder* map_and_order) : m_ptr(ptr), m_map_and_order(map_and_order) {}
reference operator*() const { return *m_map_and_order->Map.find(*m_ptr); }
pointer operator->() { return m_ptr; }
// Prefix increment
const_iterator& operator++() { m_ptr++; return *this; }
// Postfix increment
const_iterator operator++(int) { const_iterator tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; }
friend bool operator== (const const_iterator& a, const const_iterator& b) { return a.m_ptr == b.m_ptr; };
friend bool operator!= (const const_iterator& a, const const_iterator& b) { return a.m_ptr != b.m_ptr; };
pointer m_ptr;
MapAndOrder* m_map_and_order;
const_iterator cbegin() {
if (Map.empty()) return const_iterator(nullptr, this);
return const_iterator(&Order[0], this);
const_iterator cend() {
if (Map.empty()) return const_iterator(nullptr, this);
return const_iterator(&Order[Order.size()], this);
} *Map;
std::string *String;
double Float;
long long Int;
bool Bool;
} Internal;
enum class Class {
* @brief Provides iterators to iterate over objects/arrays.
template <typename Container>
class JSONWrapper {
Container *object;
JSONWrapper( Container *val ) : object( val ) {}
JSONWrapper( std::nullptr_t ) : object( nullptr ) {}
typename Container::iterator begin() { return object ? object->begin() : typename Container::iterator(); }
typename Container::iterator end() { return object ? object->end() : typename Container::iterator(); }
typename Container::const_iterator begin() const { return object ? object->begin() : typename Container::iterator(); }
typename Container::const_iterator end() const { return object ? object->end() : typename Container::iterator(); }
* @brief Provides const iterators to iterate over objects/arrays.
template <typename Container>
class JSONConstWrapper {
const Container *object;
JSONConstWrapper( const Container *val ) : object( val ) {}
JSONConstWrapper( std::nullptr_t ) : object( nullptr ) {}
typename Container::const_iterator begin() const { return object ? object->begin() : typename Container::const_iterator(); }
typename Container::const_iterator end() const { return object ? object->end() : typename Container::const_iterator(); }
JSON() : Internal(), Type( Class::Null ){}
explicit JSON(Class type): JSON() { SetType( type ); }
JSON( std::initializer_list<JSON> list )
: JSON()
SetType( Class::Object );
for( auto i = list.begin(), e = list.end(); i != e; ++i, ++i )
operator[]( i->ToString() ) = *std::next( i );
JSON( JSON&& other )
: Internal( other.Internal )
, Type( other.Type )
{ other.Type = Class::Null; other.Internal.Map = nullptr; }
JSON& operator=( JSON&& other ) {
Internal = other.Internal;
Type = other.Type;
other.Internal.Map = nullptr;
other.Type = Class::Null;
return *this;
JSON( const JSON &other ) {
switch( other.Type ) {
case Class::Object:
Internal.Map =
new BackingData::MapAndOrder({
case Class::Array:
Internal.List =
new std::deque<JSON>( other.Internal.List->begin(),
other.Internal.List->end() );
case Class::String:
Internal.String =
new std::string( *other.Internal.String );
Internal = other.Internal;
Type = other.Type;
JSON& operator=( const JSON &other ) {
if (&other == this) return *this;
switch( other.Type ) {
case Class::Object:
Internal.Map =
new BackingData::MapAndOrder({
case Class::Array:
Internal.List =
new std::deque<JSON>( other.Internal.List->begin(),
other.Internal.List->end() );
case Class::String:
Internal.String =
new std::string( *other.Internal.String );
Internal = other.Internal;
Type = other.Type;
return *this;
~JSON() {
switch( Type ) {
case Class::Array:
delete Internal.List;
case Class::Object:
delete Internal.Map;
case Class::String:
delete Internal.String;
template <typename T>
JSON( T b, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T,bool>::value>::type* = 0 ) : Internal( b ), Type( Class::Boolean ){}
template <typename T>
JSON( T i, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value && !std::is_same<T,bool>::value>::type* = 0 ) : Internal( (long long)i ), Type( Class::Integral ){}
template <typename T>
JSON( T f, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type* = 0 ) : Internal( (double)f ), Type( Class::Floating ){}
template <typename T>
JSON( T s, typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T,std::string>::value>::type* = 0 ) : Internal( std::string( s ) ), Type( Class::String ){}
JSON( std::nullptr_t ) : Internal(), Type( Class::Null ){}
* Creates a new JSON object.
* @param type Class type to create.
* @returns JSON object of given class type.
static JSON Make( Class type ) {
return JSON(type);
* Create a JSON object from string, throws std::error_code on error.
* @param str JSON string to parse and load.
* @returns New JSON object representing the json defined by the parsed string.
static JSON Load( const std::string &str);
* Create a JSON object from string.
* @param str JSON string to parse and load.
* @param ec [OUT] Output parameter giving feedback if parsing was successful.
* @returns New JSON object representing the json defined by the parsed string.
static JSON Load( const std::string &str, std::error_code &ec) noexcept;
* Allows appending items to array. Appending to a non-array will turn the object into an array with the
* first element being the value that's being appended.
* @param arg Item to append.
template <typename T>
void append( T arg ) {
SetType( Class::Array ); Internal.List->emplace_back( arg );
* Allows appending items to array. Appending to a non-array will turn the object into an array with the
* first element being the value that's being appended.
* @param arg Item to append.
* @param args Further items to append.
template <typename T, typename... U>
void append( T arg, U... args ) {
append( arg ); append( args... );
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T,bool>::value, JSON&>::type operator=( T b ) {
SetType( Class::Boolean ); Internal.Bool = b; return *this;
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value && !std::is_same<T,bool>::value, JSON&>::type operator=( T i ) {
SetType( Class::Integral ); Internal.Int = i; return *this;
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, JSON&>::type operator=( T f ) {
SetType( Class::Floating ); Internal.Float = f; return *this;
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T,std::string>::value, JSON&>::type operator=( T s ) {
SetType( Class::String ); *Internal.String = std::string( s ); return *this;
* Allows accessing and creating object entries by key.
* @param key Key to access, will be created if not existent.
* @returns The object stored at key.
JSON& operator[]( const std::string &key ) {
SetType( Class::Object );
auto it = Internal.Map->Map.find(key);
bool present = it != Internal.Map->Map.end();
if (present)
return it->second;
return Internal.Map->Map.operator[]( key );
* Allows accessing and creating array entries by index.
* @param index Index to access, will be created if not existent.
* @returns The object stored at index.
JSON& operator[]( unsigned index ) {
SetType( Class::Array );
if( index >= Internal.List->size() ) Internal.List->resize( index + 1 );
return Internal.List->operator[]( index );
* Allows getting an object entry by key.
* @param key Key to access.
* @returns object entry by key.
JSON &at( const std::string &key ) {
auto it = Internal.Map->Map.find(key);
bool present = it != Internal.Map->Map.end();
if (present)
return it->second;
return operator[]( key );
* Allows getting an object entry by key.
* @param key Key to access.
* @returns object entry by key.
const JSON &at( const std::string &key ) const {
return Internal.Map-> key );
* Allows getting an array entry by index.
* @param index Index to access.
* @returns array entry by index.
JSON &at( unsigned index ) {
return operator[]( index );
* Allows getting an array entry by index.
* @param index Index to access.
* @returns array entry by index.
const JSON &at( unsigned index ) const {
return Internal.List->at( index );
* @returns The number of items stored within an Array. -1 if
* class type is not Array.
std::size_t length() const {
if( Type == Class::Array )
return Internal.List->size();
return -1;
* @param key Key to check.
* @returns true if the object holds a item with the given key, false otherwise.
bool hasKey( const std::string &key ) const {
if( Type == Class::Object )
return Internal.Map->Map.find( key ) != Internal.Map->Map.end();
return false;
* @returns The number of items stored within an array or object. -1 if
* class type is neither array nor object.
std::size_t size() const {
if( Type == Class::Object )
return Internal.Map->Map.size();
else if( Type == Class::Array )
return Internal.List->size();
return -1;
* @returns Class type of the object.
Class JSONType() const { return Type; }
* @returns true if the object is Null, false otherwise.
bool IsNull() const { return Type == Class::Null; }
* @returns true if the object is Array, false otherwise.
bool IsArray() const { return Type == Class::Array; }
* @returns true if the object is Boolean, false otherwise.
bool IsBoolean() const { return Type == Class::Boolean; }
* @returns true if the object is Floating, false otherwise.
bool IsFloating() const { return Type == Class::Floating; }
* @returns true if the object is Integral, false otherwise.
bool IsIntegral() const { return Type == Class::Integral; }
* @returns true if the object is String, false otherwise.
bool IsString() const { return Type == Class::String; }
* @returns true if the object is a JSONObject, false otherwise.
bool IsObject() const { return Type == Class::Object; }
* @param ec [OUT] Output parameter giving feedback if the conversion was successful.
* @returns If class type is String, the stored value. If class type is
* Null, JSONObject, Array, Boolean, Floating or Integral a conversion will be tried.
* Comma of a converted Floating value depends on the users locale setting.
* Returns empty string otherwise or on conversion error.
std::string ToString( std::error_code &ec ) const noexcept {
if(Type == Class::String)
return utility::json_escape( *Internal.String );
if(Type == Class::Object)
return dumpMinified();
if(Type == Class::Array)
return dumpMinified();
if(Type == Class::Boolean)
return Internal.Bool ? std::string("true") : std::string("false");
if(Type == Class::Floating)
return std::to_string(Internal.Float);
if(Type == Class::Integral)
return std::to_string(Internal.Int);
if(Type == Class::Null)
return std::string("null");
ec = error::string_conversion_failed;
return std::string("");
* @returns If class type is String, the stored value. If class type is
* Null, JSONObject, Array, Boolean, Floating or Integral a conversion will be tried.
* Comma of a converted Floating value depends on the users locale setting. Throws std::error_code
* on conversion error.
std::string ToString() const {
std::error_code ec;
std::string ret = ToString( ec );
throw ec;
return ret;
* Useful if json objects are stored within the json as string.
* @param ec [OUT] Output parameter giving feedback if the conversion was successful.
* @returns If class type is String, the stored value without escaping. If class type is
* Null, JSONObject, Array, Boolean, Floating or Integral a conversion will be tried. Comma of a
* converted Floating value depends on the users locale setting. Returns empty string otherwise or on conversion error.
std::string ToUnescapedString( std::error_code &ec ) const noexcept {
if(Type == Class::String)
return std::string( *Internal.String );
if(Type == Class::Object)
return dumpMinified();
if(Type == Class::Array)
return dumpMinified();
if(Type == Class::Boolean)
return Internal.Bool ? std::string("true") : std::string("false");
if(Type == Class::Floating)
return std::to_string(Internal.Float);
if(Type == Class::Integral)
return std::to_string(Internal.Int);
if(Type == Class::Null)
return std::string("null");
ec = error::string_unescaped_conversion_failed;
return std::string("");
* Useful if json objects are stored within the json as string.
* @returns If class type is String, the stored value without escaping. If class type is
* Null, JSONObject, Array, Boolean, Floating or Integral a conversion will be tried. Comma of a
* converted Floating value depends on the users locale setting. Throws std::error_code on conversion error.
std::string ToUnescapedString() const {
std::error_code ec;
std::string ret = ToUnescapedString( ec );
throw ec;
return ret;
* @param ec [OUT] Output parameter giving feedback if the conversion was successful.
* @returns If class type is Integral, Floating or Boolean, the stored value. If the class type is
* String, an conversion will be tried. 0.0 otherwise or on conversion error.
double ToFloat( std::error_code &ec ) const noexcept {
if (Type == Class::Floating)
return Internal.Float;
if(Type == Class::Boolean)
return Internal.Bool;
if (Type == Class::Integral)
return static_cast<double>(Internal.Int);
if (Type == Class::String)
double parsed;
try {
parsed = std::stod(*Internal.String);
catch(const std::invalid_argument &e) {
ec = error::float_conversion_failed_invalid_arg;
catch(const std::out_of_range &e) {
ec = error::float_conversion_failed_out_of_range;
return parsed;
ec = error::float_conversion_failed;
return 0.0;
* @returns If class type is Integral, Floating or Boolean, the stored value. If the class type is
* String, an conversion will be tried. Throws std::error_code on conversion error.
double ToFloat() const {
std::error_code ec;
double ret = ToFloat( ec );
throw ec;
return ret;
* @param ec [OUT] Output parameter giving feedback if the conversion was successful.
* @returns If class type is Integral, Floating or Boolean, the stored value. If the class type is
* String, an conversion will be tried. 0 otherwise or on conversion error.
long long ToInt( std::error_code &ec ) const noexcept {
if (Type == Class::Integral)
return Internal.Int;
if(Type == Class::Boolean)
return Internal.Bool;
if (Type == Class::Floating)
return static_cast<long long>(Internal.Float);
if (Type == Class::String)
long long parsed;
std::from_chars_result result = std::from_chars(Internal.String->data(), Internal.String->data() + Internal.String->size(), parsed);
return parsed;
ec = error::number_conversion_failed;
return 0;
* @returns If class type is Integral, Floating or Boolean, the stored value. If the class type is
* String, an conversion will be tried. Throws std::error_code on conversion error.
long long ToInt() const {
std::error_code ec;
long long ret = ToInt( ec );
throw ec;
return ret;
* @param ok [OUT] Output parameter giving feedback if the conversion was successful.
* @returns If class type is Integral, Floating or Boolean, the stored value. If the class type is
* String, an conversion will be tried. false otherwise or on conversion error.
bool ToBool( std::error_code &ec ) const noexcept {
if(Type == Class::Boolean)
return Internal.Bool;
if (Type == Class::Integral)
return Internal.Int;
if (Type == Class::Floating)
return Internal.Float;
if (Type == Class::String)
return true;
return false;
int parsed;
std::from_chars_result result = std::from_chars(Internal.String->data(), Internal.String->data() + Internal.String->size(), parsed);
return parsed;
ec = error::bool_conversion_failed;
return false;
* @returns If class type is Integral, Floating or Boolean, the stored value. If the class type is
* String, an conversion will be tried. Throws std::error_code on conversion error.
bool ToBool() const {
std::error_code ec;
bool ret = ToBool( ec );
throw ec;
return ret;
* Returns ObjectRange which allows iterating over the object items.
* @returns ObjectRange which allows iterating over the object items.
JSONWrapper<BackingData::MapAndOrder> ObjectRange() {
if( Type == Class::Object )
return JSONWrapper<BackingData::MapAndOrder>( Internal.Map );
return JSONWrapper<BackingData::MapAndOrder>( nullptr );
* Returns Array range which allows iterating over the array items.
* @returns Array range which allows iterating over the array items.
JSONWrapper<std::deque<JSON>> ArrayRange() {
if( Type == Class::Array )
return JSONWrapper<std::deque<JSON>>( Internal.List );
return JSONWrapper<std::deque<JSON>>( nullptr );
* Returns ObjectRange which allows iterating over the object items.
* @returns ObjectRange which allows iterating over the object items.
JSONConstWrapper<BackingData::MapAndOrder> ObjectRange() const {
if( Type == Class::Object )
return JSONConstWrapper<BackingData::MapAndOrder>( Internal.Map );
return JSONConstWrapper<BackingData::MapAndOrder>( nullptr );
* Returns ArrayRange which allows iterating over the array items.
* @returns ArrayRange which allows iterating over the array items.
JSONConstWrapper<std::deque<JSON>> ArrayRange() const {
if( Type == Class::Array )
return JSONConstWrapper<std::deque<JSON>>( Internal.List );
return JSONConstWrapper<std::deque<JSON>>( nullptr );
* Returns the whole json object as formatted string.
* @param depth number of indentation per level (defaults to 1)
* @param tab indentation character(s) (defaults to two spaces)
* @returns json object as formatted string.
std::string dump( int depth = 1, std::string tab = " ") const {
switch( Type ) {
case Class::Null:
return "null";
case Class::Object: {
std::string pad = "";
for( int i = 0; i < depth; ++i, pad += tab );
std::string s = "{\n";
bool skip = true;
for( auto &p : *Internal.Map ) {
if( !skip ) s += ",\n";
s += ( pad + "\"" + p.first + "\" : " + p.second.dump( depth + 1, tab ) );
skip = false;
s += ( "\n" + pad.erase( 0, tab.size() ) + "}" ) ;
return s;
case Class::Array: {
std::string s = "[";
bool skip = true;
for( auto &p : *Internal.List ) {
if( !skip ) s += ", ";
s += p.dump( depth + 1, tab );
skip = false;
s += "]";
return s;
case Class::String:
return "\"" + utility::json_escape( *Internal.String ) + "\"";
case Class::Floating:
return std::to_string( Internal.Float );
case Class::Integral:
return std::to_string( Internal.Int );
case Class::Boolean:
return Internal.Bool ? "true" : "false";
return "";
return "";
* Returns the whole json object as minified string.
* @returns json object as minified string.
std::string dumpMinified() const {
switch( Type ) {
case Class::Null:
return "null";
case Class::Object: {
std::string s = "{";
bool skip = true;
for( auto &p : *Internal.Map ) {
if( !skip ) s += ",";
s += ("\"" + p.first + "\":" + p.second.dumpMinified() );
skip = false;
s += "}";
return s;
case Class::Array: {
std::string s = "[";
bool skip = true;
for( auto &p : *Internal.List ) {
if( !skip ) s += ",";
s += p.dumpMinified();
skip = false;
s += "]";
return s;
case Class::String:
return "\"" + utility::json_escape( *Internal.String ) + "\"";
case Class::Floating:
return std::to_string( Internal.Float );
case Class::Integral:
return std::to_string( Internal.Int );
case Class::Boolean:
return Internal.Bool ? "true" : "false";
return "";
return "";
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream&, const JSON & );
void SetType( Class type ) {
if( type == Type )
switch( type ) {
case Class::Null: Internal.Map = nullptr; break;
case Class::Object: Internal.Map = new BackingData::MapAndOrder(); break;
case Class::Array: Internal.List = new std::deque<JSON>(); break;
case Class::String: Internal.String = new std::string(); break;
case Class::Floating: Internal.Float = 0.0; break;
case Class::Integral: Internal.Int = 0; break;
case Class::Boolean: Internal.Bool = false; break;
Type = type;
/* beware: only call if YOU know that Internal is allocated. No checks performed here.
This function should be called in a constructed JSON just before you are going to
overwrite Internal...
void ClearInternal() {
switch( Type ) {
case Class::Object: delete Internal.Map; break;
case Class::Array: delete Internal.List; break;
case Class::String: delete Internal.String; break;
Class Type = Class::Null;
inline JSON Array() {
return JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Array );
template <typename... T>
JSON Array( T... args ) {
JSON arr = JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Array );
arr.append( args... );
return arr;
inline JSON Object() {
return JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Object );
inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &os, const JSON &json ) {
os << json.dump();
return os;
* @brief Collection of functions used to parse json strings and json substrings.
namespace parsers {
inline JSON parse_next( const std::string &, size_t &, std::error_code& ) noexcept;
inline void consume_ws( const std::string &str, size_t &offset ) {
while( isspace( str[offset] ) ) ++offset;
inline JSON parse_object( const std::string &str, size_t &offset, std::error_code &ec ) noexcept {
JSON Object = JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Object );
consume_ws( str, offset );
if( str[offset] == '}' ) {
++offset; return Object;
while( true ) {
JSON Key = parse_next( str, offset, ec );
consume_ws( str, offset );
if( str[offset] != ':' ) {
ec = error::object_missing_colon;
consume_ws( str, ++offset );
JSON Value = parse_next( str, offset, ec );
Object[Key.ToString()] = Value;
consume_ws( str, offset );
if( str[offset] == ',' ) {
++offset; continue;
else if( str[offset] == '}' ) {
++offset; break;
else {
ec = error::object_missing_comma;
return Object;
inline JSON parse_array( const std::string &str, size_t &offset, std::error_code &ec ) noexcept {
JSON Array = JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Array );
unsigned index = 0;
consume_ws( str, offset );
if( str[offset] == ']' ) {
++offset; return Array;
while( true ) {
Array[index++] = parse_next( str, offset, ec );
consume_ws( str, offset );
if( str[offset] == ',' ) {
++offset; continue;
else if( str[offset] == ']' ) {
++offset; break;
else {
ec = error::array_missing_comma_or_bracket;
return JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Array );
return Array;
inline JSON parse_string( const std::string &str, size_t &offset, std::error_code &ec ) noexcept {
std::string val;
for( char c = str[++offset]; c != '\"' ; c = str[++offset] ) {
if( c == '\\' ) {
switch( str[ ++offset ] ) {
case '\"': val += '\"'; break;
case '\\': val += '\\'; break;
case '/' : val += '/' ; break;
case 'b' : val += '\b'; break;
case 'f' : val += '\f'; break;
case 'n' : val += '\n'; break;
case 'r' : val += '\r'; break;
case 't' : val += '\t'; break;
case 'u' : {
val += "\\u" ;
for( unsigned i = 1; i <= 4; ++i ) {
c = str[offset+i];
if( (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') )
val += c;
else {
ec = error::string_missing_hex_char;
return JSON::Make( JSON::Class::String );
offset += 4;
} break;
default : val += '\\'; break;
val += c;
return JSON(val);
inline JSON parse_number( const std::string &str, size_t &offset, std::error_code &ec ) noexcept {
JSON Number;
std::string val, exp_str;
char c;
bool isDouble = false;
long long exp = 0;
while( true ) {
c = str[offset++];
if( (c == '-') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') )
val += c;
else if( c == '.' ) {
val += c;
isDouble = true;
if( c == 'E' || c == 'e' ) {
c = str[ offset ];
if( c == '-' ){ ++offset; exp_str += '-';}
if( c == '+' ){ ++offset;}
while( true ) {
c = str[ offset++ ];
if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
exp_str += c;
else if( !isspace( c ) && c != ',' && c != ']' && c != '}' ) {
ec = error::number_missing_exponent;
return JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Null );
exp = std::stol( exp_str );
else if( !isspace( c ) && c != ',' && c != ']' && c != '}' ) {
ec = error::number_unexpected_char;
return JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Null );
if( isDouble )
Number = std::stod( val ) * std::pow( 10, exp );
else {
if( !exp_str.empty() )
Number = std::stol( val ) * std::pow( 10, exp );
Number = std::stol( val );
return Number;
inline JSON parse_bool( const std::string &str, size_t &offset, std::error_code &ec ) noexcept {
JSON Bool;
if( str.substr( offset, 4 ) == "true" )
Bool = true;
else if( str.substr( offset, 5 ) == "false" )
Bool = false;
else {
ec = error::bool_wrong_text;
return JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Null );
offset += (Bool.ToBool() ? 4 : 5);
return Bool;
inline JSON parse_null( const std::string &str, size_t &offset, std::error_code &ec ) noexcept {
if( str.substr( offset, 4 ) != "null" ) {
ec = error::null_wrong_text;
return JSON::Make( JSON::Class::Null );
offset += 4;
return JSON();
inline JSON parse_next( const std::string &str, size_t &offset, std::error_code &ec ) noexcept {
char value;
consume_ws( str, offset );
value = str[offset];
switch( value ) {
case '[' : return parse_array( str, offset, ec );
case '{' : return parse_object( str, offset, ec );
case '\"': return parse_string( str, offset, ec );
case 't' :
case 'f' : return parse_bool( str, offset, ec );
case 'n' : return parse_null( str, offset, ec );
default : if( ( value <= '9' && value >= '0' ) || value == '-' )
return parse_number( str, offset, ec );
ec = error::unknown_starting_char;
return JSON();
inline JSON JSON::Load( const std::string &str, std::error_code &ec ) noexcept {
size_t offset = 0;
return parsers::parse_next( str, offset, ec );
inline JSON JSON::Load( const std::string &str ) {
size_t offset = 0;
std::error_code ec;
JSON obj = parsers::parse_next( str, offset, ec );
throw ec;
return obj;
} // End Namespace json
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MIT / original license.

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nwrkbiz commented Sep 11, 2023

Honest Question: Why did you consider working with this code instead of going for a more popular library like nlohmann/json?

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I just wasn't aware of it, I didn't look beyond the first hit I got and since it was a header library it was so easy to integrate and the interface simple enough, that I had already started to make good use of it. Then I found I wanted ordered object properties, and tunnel vision explains the rest :P

Thanks for the tip, might be better for me to switch to the one you mention (though I don't need a lot of the advanced stuff that library does).

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