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Created December 5, 2019 04:34
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Faker RBI

faker.rbi generation:

  • bundle exec sord faker.rbi --no-sord-comments --replace-errors-with-untyped --replace-unresolved-with-untyped --skip-constants
  • Replace all NOT_GIVEN with T.unsafe(nil).
    • This constant doesn't exist because we skipped generating constants, so we have to get rid of it.
  • Replace the line def self.negative(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), from: -5000.00,, to: -1.00)); end with def self.negative(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), from: -5000.00, to: -1.00); end
    • This line is butchered because of a bug in YARD with negative numbers as default values.
  • Replace all instances of String with ::String
    • These have to be done because otherwise Sorbet will thing we mean Faker::String >.>
    • Replace all returns(String) with returns(::String).
    • Replace all T.nilable(String) with T.nilable(::String).
    • Replace all T::Array[String] with T::Array[::String]
    • Replace all : String with : ::String
# typed: strong
# :nodoc:
module Faker
class Config
# Sets the attribute locale
# _@param_ `value` — the value to set the attribute locale to.
sig { params(value: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.locale=(value); end
# Sets the attribute random
# _@param_ `value` — the value to set the attribute random to.
sig { params(value: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.random=(value); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.locale; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.own_locale; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.random; end
class Base
# by default numerify results do not start with a zero
sig { params(number_string: T.untyped, leading_zero: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.numerify(number_string, leading_zero: false); end
sig { params(letter_string: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.letterify(letter_string); end
sig { params(string: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.bothify(string); end
# Given a regular expression, attempt to generate a string
# that would match it. This is a rather simple implementation,
# so don't be shocked if it blows up on you in a spectacular fashion.
# It does not handle ., *, unbounded ranges such as {1,},
# extensions such as (?=), character classes, some abbreviations
# for character classes, and nested parentheses.
# I told you it was simple. :) It's also probably dog-slow,
# so you shouldn't use it.
# It will take a regex like this:
# /^[A-PR-UWYZ0-9][A-HK-Y0-9][AEHMNPRTVXY0-9]?[ABEHMNPRVWXY0-9]? {1,2}[0-9][ABD-HJLN-UW-Z]{2}$/
# and generate a string like this:
# "U3V 3TP"
sig { params(reg: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.regexify(reg); end
# Helper for the common approach of grabbing a translation
# with an array of values and selecting one of them.
sig { params(key: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.fetch(key); end
# Helper for the common approach of grabbing a translation
# with an array of values and returning all of them.
sig { params(key: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.fetch_all(key); end
# Load formatted strings from the locale, "parsing" them
# into method calls that can be used to generate a
# formatted translation: e.g., "#{first_name} #{last_name}".
sig { params(key: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.parse(key); end
# Call I18n.translate with our configured locale if no
# locale is specified
sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.translate(*args); end
# Executes block with given locale set.
sig { params(tmp_locale: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.with_locale(tmp_locale = nil); end
sig { params(key: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.flexible(key); end
# You can add whatever you want to the locale file, and it will get caught here.
# E.g., in your locale file, create a
# name:
# girls_name: ["Alice", "Cheryl", "Tatiana"]
# Then you can call Faker::Name.girls_name and it will act like #first_name
sig { params(mth: T.untyped, args: T.untyped, block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.method_missing(mth, *args, &block); end
sig { params(method_name: T.untyped, include_private: T.untyped).returns(T::Boolean) }
def self.respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false); end
# Generates a random value between the interval
sig { params(from: T.untyped, to: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rand_in_range(from, to); end
# If an array or range is passed, a random value will be selected.
# All other values are simply returned.
sig { params(value: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.resolve(value); end
sig { params(max_retries: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.unique(max_retries = 10_000); end
sig { params(list: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.sample(list); end
sig { params(list: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.shuffle(list); end
sig { params(max: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rand(max = nil); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.disable_enforce_available_locales; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.warn_for_deprecated_arguments; end
# Workaround for emulating `warn '...', uplevel: 1` in Ruby 2.4 or lower.
sig { params(message: T.untyped, uplevel: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.warn_with_uplevel(message, uplevel: 1); end
sig { params(at: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.parse_caller(at); end
module Char
sig { params(string: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.prepare(string); end
sig { params(string: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.fix_umlauts(string); end
sig { params(string: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.romanize_cyrillic(string); end
module Base58
sig { params(str: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.encode(str); end
class Book < Faker::Base
# Produces a random book title
# ```ruby
# Faker::Book.title #=> "The Odd Sister"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.title; end
# Produces a random book author
# ```ruby
# #=> "Alysha Olsen"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a random book publisher
# ```ruby
# Faker::Book.publisher #=> "Opus Reader"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.publisher; end
# Produces a random genre
# ```ruby
# Faker::Book.genre #=> "Mystery"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.genre; end
class Books
# A Faker module beyond your dreams, test data beyond your imagination.
class Dune < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a character from Dune
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Dune.character #=> "Leto Atreides"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Dune.title #=> "Duke"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.title; end
# Produces the name of a planet from Dune
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Dune.planet #=> "Caladan"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.planet; end
# Produces a quote from Dune
# _@param_ `character` — The name of the character that the quote should be from
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Dune.quote
# #=> "A dead man, surely, no longer requires that water."
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Dune.quote(character: "baron_harkonnen")
# #=> "He who controls the spice, controls the universe!"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_character: T.untyped, character: T.nilable(::String)).returns(::String) }
def self.quote(legacy_character = T.unsafe(nil), character: nil); end
# Produces a saying from Dune
# _@param_ `source`
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Dune.saying #=> "You do not beg the sun for mercy."
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Dune.saying(source: "fremen")
# #=> "May thy knife chip and shatter."
# ```
sig { params(legacy_source: T.untyped, source: T.nilable(::String)).returns(::String) }
def self.saying(legacy_source = T.unsafe(nil), source: nil); end
class Lovecraft < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a location
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.location #=> "Kingsport"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# _@param_ `number` — The number of times to repeat the chant
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.fhtagn
# #=> "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.fhtagn(number: 3)
# #=> "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fht...
# ```
sig { params(legacy_number: T.untyped, number: Integer).returns(::String) }
def self.fhtagn(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 1); end
# Produces the name of a deity
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.deity #=> "Shub-Niggurath"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.deity; end
# Produces the name of a tome
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.tome #=> "Book of Eibon"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.tome; end
# Produces a random sentence
# _@param_ `word_count` — The number of words to have in the sentence
# _@param_ `random_words_to_add`
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.sentence
# #=> "Furtive antiquarian squamous dank cat loathsome amorphous lurk."
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.sentence(word_count: 3)
# #=> "Daemoniac antediluvian fainted squamous comprehension gambrel nameless singular."
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.sentence(word_count: 3, random_words_to_add: 1)
# #=> "Amorphous indescribable tenebrous."
# ```
sig do
legacy_word_count: T.untyped,
legacy_random_words_to_add: T.untyped,
word_count: Integer,
random_words_to_add: Integer
def self.sentence(legacy_word_count = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_random_words_to_add = T.unsafe(nil), word_count: 4, random_words_to_add: 6); end
# Produces a random word
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.word #=> "furtive"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.word; end
# Produces a array of random words
# _@param_ `number` — Number of words to generate
# _@param_ `spaces_allowed` — If true, generated words can contain spaces
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.words
# #=> [
# # "manuscript",
# # "abnormal",
# # "singular",
# # ]
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.words(number: 2)
# #=> [
# # "daemoniac",
# # "cat",
# # ]
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.words(number: 2, spaces_allowed: 1)
# #=> [
# # "lurk",
# # "charnel",
# # ]
# ```
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_spaces_allowed: T.untyped,
number: Integer,
spaces_allowed: T::Boolean
def self.words(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_spaces_allowed = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3, spaces_allowed: false); end
# Produces a array of random sentences
# _@param_ `number` — Number of sentences to generate
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.sentences
# #=> [
# # "Nameless loathsome decadent gambrel.",
# # "Ululate swarthy immemorial cat madness gibbous unmentionable unnamable.",
# # "Decadent antediluvian non-euclidean tentacles amorphous tenebrous.",
# # ]
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.sentences(number: 2)
# #=> [
# # "Antediluvian amorphous unmentionable singular accursed squamous immemorial.",
# # "Gambrel daemoniac gibbous stygian shunned ululate iridescence abnormal.",
# # ]
# ```
sig { params(legacy_number: T.untyped, number: Integer).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
def self.sentences(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3); end
# Produces a random paragraph
# _@param_ `sentence_count` — Number of sentences to generate
# _@param_ `random_sentences_to_add`
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph
# #=> "Squamous nameless daemoniac fungus ululate. Cyclopean stygian decadent loathsome manuscript tenebrous. Foetid abnormal stench. Dank non-euclidean comprehension eldritch. Charnel singular shunned lurk effulgence fungus."
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph(sentence_count: 2)
# #=> "Decadent lurk tenebrous loathsome furtive spectral amorphous gibbous. Gambrel eldritch daemoniac cat madness comprehension stygian effulgence."
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph(sentence_count: 1, random_sentences_to_add: 1)
# #=> "Stench cyclopean fainted antiquarian nameless. Antiquarian ululate tenebrous non-euclidean effulgence."
# ```
sig do
legacy_sentence_count: T.untyped,
legacy_random_sentences_to_add: T.untyped,
sentence_count: Integer,
random_sentences_to_add: Integer
def self.paragraph(legacy_sentence_count = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_random_sentences_to_add = T.unsafe(nil), sentence_count: 3, random_sentences_to_add: 3); end
# Produces a array of random paragraphs
# _@param_ `number` — Number of paragraphs to generate
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraphs
# #=> [
# # "Noisome daemoniac gibbous abnormal antediluvian. Unutterable fung...
# # "Non-euclidean immemorial indescribable accursed furtive. Dank unn...
# # "Charnel antediluvian unnamable cat blasphemous comprehension tene...
# # ]
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraphs(number: 2)
# #=> [
# # "Hideous amorphous manuscript antediluvian non-euclidean cat eldri...
# # "Tenebrous unnamable comprehension antediluvian lurk. Lurk spectra...
# # ]
# ```
sig { params(legacy_number: T.untyped, number: Integer).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
def self.paragraphs(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3); end
# _@param_ `characters` — Number of characters to generate in the paragraph
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph_by_chars
# #=> "Truffaut stumptown trust fund 8-bit messenger bag portland. Meh kombucha selvage swag biodiesel. Lomo kinfolk jean shorts asymmetrical diy. Wayfarers portland twee stumptown. Wes anderson biodiesel retro 90's pabst. Diy echo 90's mixtape semiotics. Cornho."
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::Lovecraft.paragraph_by_chars(characters: 128)
# #=> "Effulgence madness noisome. Fungus stygian mortal madness amorphous dank. Decadent noisome hideous effulgence. Tentacles charne."
# ```
sig { params(legacy_characters: T.untyped, characters: Integer).returns(::String) }
def self.paragraph_by_chars(legacy_characters = T.unsafe(nil), characters: 256); end
class CultureSeries < Faker::Base
# ```ruby
# #=> "The Player of Games"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::CultureSeries.culture_ship
# #=> "Fate Amenable To Change"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.culture_ship; end
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::CultureSeries.culture_ship_class
# #=> "General Systems Vehicle"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.culture_ship_class; end
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::CultureSeries.culture_ship_class_abv
# #=> "The Odd Sister"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.culture_ship_class_abv; end
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::CultureSeries.civ
# #=> "Culture"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.civ; end
# ```ruby
# Faker::Books::CultureSeries.planet
# #=> "Xinth"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.planet; end
class Games
class Dota < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a hero from Dota.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Dota.hero #=> "Abaddon"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.hero; end
# Produces the name of an item from Dota.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Dota.item #=> "Armlet of Mordiggian"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.item; end
# Produces the name of a professional Dota team.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Evil Geniuses"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a professional Dota player.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Dota.player #=> "Dendi"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.player; end
# Produces the name of a hero from Dota.
# _@param_ `hero` — The name of a Dota hero.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Dota.quote #=> "You have called death upon yourself."
# Faker::Games::Dota.quote(hero: 'alchemist') #=> "Better living through alchemy!"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_hero: T.untyped, hero: ::String).returns(::String) }
def self.quote(legacy_hero = T.unsafe(nil), hero: 'abaddon'); end
class Myst < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a game from the Myst series.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Myst III: Exile"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a creature from Myst.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Myst.creature #=> "squee"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.creature; end
# Produces the name of an age from Myst.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Myst.age #=> "Relto"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.age; end
# Produces the name of a chracter from Myst.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Myst.character #=> "Gehn"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from Myst.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Myst.quote #=> "I realized, the moment I fell into the fissure, that the Book would not be destroyed as I had planned."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Zelda < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a Legend of Zelda game.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Breath of the Wild"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a character from the Legend of Zelda games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Zelda.character #=> "Link"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces the name of a character from the Legend of Zelda games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Zelda.location #=> "Hyrule Castle"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces the name of an item from the Legend of Zelda games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Zelda.item #=> "Boomerang"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.item; end
class Heroes < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a hero from Heroes 3.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Christian"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a specialty from Heroes 3.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Heroes.specialty #=> "Ballista"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.specialty; end
# Produces the name of a class from Heroes 3.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Heroes.klass #=> "Knight"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.klass; end
class Fallout < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a character from the Fallout games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Fallout.character #=> "Liberty Prime"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces the name of a faction from the Fallout games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Fallout.faction #=> "Brotherhood of Steel"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.faction; end
# Produces the name of a location from the Fallout games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Fallout.location #=> "New Vegas"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from the Fallout games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Fallout.quote
# #=> "Democracy is non-negotiable"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Pokemon < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a Pokemon.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Pikachu"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a location from Pokemon.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Pokemon.location #=> "Pallet Town"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a move from Pokemon.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Pokemon.move #=> "Thunder Shock"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.move; end
class Witcher < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a character from The Witcher.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Witcher.character #=> "Triss Merigold"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces the name of a witcher from The Witcher.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Witcher.witcher #=> "Geralt of Rivia"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.witcher; end
# Produces the name of a school from The Witcher.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Wolf"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a location from The Witcher.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Witcher.location #=> "Novigrad"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from The Witcher.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Witcher.quote #=> "No Lollygagin'!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces the name of a monster from The Witcher.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Katakan"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class HalfLife < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a character from the Half-Life games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::HalfLife.character #=> "Gordon Freeman"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces the name of an enemy from the Half-Life games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::HalfLife.enemy #=> "Headcrab"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.enemy; end
# Produces the name of a location from the Half-Life games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::HalfLife.location #=> "Black Mesa Research Facility"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
class Overwatch < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a hero from Overwatch.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Overwatch.hero #=> "Tracer"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.hero; end
# Produces the name of a location from Overwatch.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Overwatch.location #=> "Numbani"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from Overwatch.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::Overwatch.quote #=> "It's high noon"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class ElderScrolls < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a race from the Elder Scrolls universe.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::ElderScrolls.race #=> "Argonian"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.race; end
# Produces the name of a city from the Elder Scrolls universe.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Whiterun"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a creature from the Elder Scrolls universe.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::ElderScrolls.creature #=> "Frost Troll"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.creature; end
# Produces the name of a region from the Elder Scrolls universe.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::ElderScrolls.region #=> "Cyrodiil"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.region; end
# Produces the name of a dragon from the Elder Scrolls universe.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::ElderScrolls.dragon #=> "Blood Dragon"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.dragon; end
# Produces a randomly generated name from the Elder Scrolls universe.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Balgruuf The Old"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a first name from the Elder Scrolls universe.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::ElderScrolls.first_name #=> "Balgruuf"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.first_name; end
# Produces a last name from the Elder Scrolls universe.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::ElderScrolls.last_name #=> "The Old"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.last_name; end
class SuperSmashBros < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a fighter from the Smash Bros games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros.fighter #=> "Mario"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.fighter; end
# Produces the name of a stage from the Smash Bros games.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::SuperSmashBros.stage #=> "Final Destination"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.stage; end
class LeagueOfLegends < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a champion from League of Legends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::LeagueOfLegends.champion #=> "Jarvan IV"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.champion; end
# Produces a location from League of Legends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::LeagueOfLegends.location #=> "Demacia"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from League of Legends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::LeagueOfLegends.quote #=> "Purge the unjust."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a summoner spell from League of Legends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::LeagueOfLegends.summoner_spell #=> "Flash"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.summoner_spell; end
# Produces a mastery from League of Legends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::LeagueOfLegends.masteries #=> "Double Edged Sword"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.masteries; end
# Produces a rank from League of Legends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::LeagueOfLegends.rank #=> "Bronze V"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.rank; end
class WorldOfWarcraft < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a hero from World of Warcraft.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::WorldOfWarcraft.hero #=> "Uther the Lightbringer"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.hero; end
# Produces a quote from World of Warcraft.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::WorldOfWarcraft.quote #=> "These are dark times indeed."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class SonicTheHedgehog < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a character from Sonic the Hedgehog.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::SonicTheHedgehog.character #=> "Sonic the Hedgehog"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces the name of a zone from Sonic the Hedgehog.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Green Hill Zone"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a game from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class HeroesOfTheStorm < Faker::Base
# Produces a battleground from Heroes of the Storm.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::HeroesOfTheStorm.battleground #=> "Towers of Doom"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.battleground; end
# Produces a class from Heroes of the Storm.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::HeroesOfTheStorm.class #=> "Support"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.class; end
# Produces a hero from Heroes of the Storm.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::HeroesOfTheStorm.hero #=> "Illidan"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.hero; end
# Produces a quote from Heroes of the Storm.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::HeroesOfTheStorm.quote #=> "MEAT!!!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Game < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a video game.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Game.title #=> "Half-Life 2"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.title; end
# Produces the name of a video game genre.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Game.genre #=> "Real-time strategy"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.genre; end
# Produces the name of a video game console or platform.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Game.platform #=> "Nintendo Switch"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.platform; end
class App < Faker::Base
# Produces an app name.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Treeflex"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a version string.
# ```ruby
# Faker::App.version #=> "1.85"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.version; end
# Produces the name of an app's author.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Daphne Swift"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a String representing a semantic version identifier.
# _@param_ `major` — An integer to use or a range to pick the integer from.
# _@param_ `minor` — An integer to use or a range to pick the integer from.
# _@param_ `patch` — An integer to use or a range to pick the integer from.
# ```ruby
# Faker::App.semantic_version #=> "3.2.5"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::App.semantic_version(major: 42) #=> "42.5.2"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::App.semantic_version(minor: 100..101) #=> "42.100.4"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::App.semantic_version(patch: 5..6) #=> "7.2.6"
# ```
sig do
legacy_major: T.untyped,
legacy_minor: T.untyped,
legacy_patch: T.untyped,
major: T.any(Integer, T::Range[T.untyped]),
minor: T.any(Integer, T::Range[T.untyped]),
patch: T.any(Integer, T::Range[T.untyped])
def self.semantic_version(legacy_major = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_minor = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_patch = T.unsafe(nil), major: 0..9, minor: 0..9, patch: 1..9); end
class Job < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.title; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.position; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.field; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.key_skill; end
class NationalHealthService < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.british_number; end
sig { params(legacy_number: T.untyped, number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.check_digit(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 0); end
# A generator of titles of operas by Verdi, Rossini, Donizetti and Bellini
class Music < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.key; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.chord; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.instrument; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.keys; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.key_variants; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.key_types; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.chord_types; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.album; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.genre; end
class Opera < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.verdi; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rossini; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.donizetti; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.bellini; end
class Phish < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a song by Phish.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Tweezer"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class RockBand < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a rock band.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Led Zeppelin"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class GratefulDead < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a member of The Grateful Dead.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Music::GratefulDead.player #=> "Jerry Garcia"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.player; end
# Produces the name of a song by The Grateful Dead.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Cassidy"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class UmphreysMcgee < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a song by Umphrey's McGee.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Dump City"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class Creature
class Cat < Faker::Base
# Produces a random name for a cat
# ```ruby
# #=> "Felix"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a random cat breed
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Cat.breed #=> "Scottish Fold"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.breed; end
# Produces a random cat breed registry
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Cat.registry #=> "Fancy Southern Africa Cat Council"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.registry; end
class Dog < Faker::Base
# Produces a random name for a dog
# ```ruby
# #=> "Spike"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a random dog breed
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Dog.breed #=> "Yorkshire Terrier"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.breed; end
# Produces a random sound made by a dog
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Dog.sound #=> "woof woof"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.sound; end
# Produces a random dog meme phrase
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Dog.meme_phrase #=> "smol pupperino"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.meme_phrase; end
# Produces a random dog age
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Dog.age #=> "puppy"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.age; end
# Produces a random gender
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Dog.gender #=> "Female"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.gender; end
# Produces a random coat length
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Dog.coat_length #=> "short"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.coat_length; end
# Produces a random size of a dog
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Dog.size #=> "small"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.size; end
class Horse < Faker::Base
# Produces a random name for a horse
# ```ruby
# #=> "Noir"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a random horse breed
# ```ruby
# Faker::Creature::Horse.breed #=> "Spanish Barb see Barb Horse"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.breed; end
class Animal < Faker::Base
# Produces a random animal name
# ```ruby
# #=> "fly"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class Bank < Faker::Base
sig { params(legacy_digits: T.untyped, digits: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.account_number(legacy_digits = T.unsafe(nil), digits: 10); end
sig { params(legacy_country_code: T.untyped, country_code: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.iban(legacy_country_code = T.unsafe(nil), country_code: 'GB'); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.routing_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.routing_number_with_format; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.swift_bic; end
sig { params(num_string: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.checksum(num_string); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.compile_routing_number; end
# Calculates the mandatory checksum in 3rd and 4th characters in IBAN format
# source:
sig { params(country_code: T.untyped, account: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.iban_checksum(country_code, account); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.valid_routing_number; end
sig { params(routing_number: T.untyped, checksum: T.untyped).returns(T::Boolean) }
def self.valid_checksum?(routing_number, checksum); end
sig { params(routing_num: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.compile_fraction(routing_num); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rand_numstring; end
class Beer < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.hop; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.yeast; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.malts; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ibu; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.alcohol; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.blg; end
class Code < Faker::Base
# Generates a 10 digit NPI (National Provider Identifier
# issued to health care providers in the United States)
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.npi; end
# By default generates 10 sign isbn code in format 123456789-X
# You can pass 13 to generate new 13 sign code
sig { params(legacy_base: T.untyped, base: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.isbn(legacy_base = T.unsafe(nil), base: 10); end
# By default generates 13 sign ean code in format 1234567890123
# You can pass 8 to generate ean8 code
sig { params(legacy_base: T.untyped, base: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ean(legacy_base = T.unsafe(nil), base: 13); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rut; end
# By default generates a Singaporean NRIC ID for someone
# who is born between the age of 18 and 65.
sig do
legacy_min_age: T.untyped,
legacy_max_age: T.untyped,
min_age: T.untyped,
max_age: T.untyped
def self.nric(legacy_min_age = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_max_age = T.unsafe(nil), min_age: 18, max_age: 65); end
# Generate GSM modem, device or mobile phone 15 digit IMEI number.
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.imei; end
# Retrieves a real Amazon ASIN code list taken from
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.asin; end
# Generates Social Insurance Number issued in Canada
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.sin; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate_imei; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate_base10_isbn; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate_base13_isbn; end
sig { params(values: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.sum(values); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate_base8_ean; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate_base13_ean; end
sig { params(rut: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rut_verificator_digit(rut); end
sig { params(values: T.untyped, prefix: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate_nric_check_alphabet(values, prefix); end
sig { params(digits: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate_sin_check_digit(digits); end
class Coin < Faker::Base
# Retrieves a random coin from any country.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Brazilian Real"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Retrieves a face to a flipped coin
# ```ruby
# Faker::Coin.flip #=> "Heads"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.flip; end
class Date < Faker::Base
# Produce a random date between two dates.
# _@param_ `from` — The start of the usable date range.
# _@param_ `to` — The end of the usable date range.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Date.between(from: 2.days.ago, to:
# #=> #<Date: 2014-09-24>
# ```
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
from: Date,
to: Date
def self.between(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), from:, to:); end
# Produce a random date between two dates.
# _@param_ `from` — The start of the usable date range.
# _@param_ `to` — The end of the usable date range.
# _@param_ `excepted` — A date to exclude.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Date.between_except(from: 1.year.ago, to: 1.year.from_now, excepted:
# #=> #<Date: 2014-10-03>
# ```
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
legacy_excepted: T.untyped,
from: Date,
to: Date,
excepted: Date
def self.between_except(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_excepted = T.unsafe(nil), from:, to:, excepted:); end
# Produce a random date in the future (up to N days).
# _@param_ `days` — The maximum number of days to go into the future.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Date.forward(days: 23) #=> #<Date: 2014-10-03>
# ```
sig { params(legacy_days: T.untyped, days: Integer).returns(Date) }
def self.forward(legacy_days = T.unsafe(nil), days: 365); end
# Produce a random date in the past (up to N days).
# _@param_ `days` — The maximum number of days to go into the past.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Date.backward(days: 14) #=> #<Date: 2019-09-12>
# ```
sig { params(legacy_days: T.untyped, days: Integer).returns(Date) }
def self.backward(legacy_days = T.unsafe(nil), days: 365); end
# Produce a random date in the past (up to N days).
# _@param_ `min_age` — The minimum age that the birthday would imply.
# _@param_ `max_age` — The maximum age that the birthday would imply.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Date.birthday(min_age: 18, max_age: 65) #=> #<Date: 1986-03-28>
# ```
sig do
legacy_min_age: T.untyped,
legacy_max_age: T.untyped,
min_age: Integer,
max_age: Integer
def self.birthday(legacy_min_age = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_max_age = T.unsafe(nil), min_age: 18, max_age: 65); end
# Produces a date in the year and/or month specified.
# _@param_ `month` — represents the month of the date
# _@param_ `year` — represents the year of the date
# ```ruby
# Faker::Date.in_date_period #=> #<Date: 2019-09-01>
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Date.in_date_period(year: 2018, month: 2) #=> #<Date: 2018-02-26>
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Date.in_date_period(month: 2) #=> #<Date: 2019-02-26>
# ```
sig { params(month: T.nilable(Integer), year: Integer).returns(Date) }
def self.in_date_period(month: nil, year:; end
sig { params(date: T.untyped, age: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.birthday_date(date, age); end
sig { params(date: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.get_date_object(date); end
class File < Faker::Base
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_segment_count: T.untyped,
legacy_root: T.untyped,
legacy_directory_separator: T.untyped,
segment_count: T.untyped,
root: T.untyped,
directory_separator: T.untyped
def self.dir(legacy_segment_count = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_root = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_directory_separator = T.unsafe(nil), segment_count: 3, root: nil, directory_separator: '/'); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.extension; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.mime_type; end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_dir: T.untyped,
legacy_name: T.untyped,
legacy_ext: T.untyped,
legacy_directory_separator: T.untyped,
dir: T.untyped,
name: T.untyped,
ext: T.untyped,
directory_separator: T.untyped
def self.file_name(legacy_dir = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_name = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_ext = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_directory_separator = T.unsafe(nil), dir: nil, name: nil, ext: nil, directory_separator: '/'); end
class Food < Faker::Base
# Retrieves a typical dish from each country.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Feijoada"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Retrieves a description about some dish
# ```ruby
# Faker::Food.description #=> "Breaded fried chicken with waffles. Served with maple syrup."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.description; end
# Retrieves an ingredient
# ```ruby
# Faker::Food.ingredient #=> "Olives"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.ingredient; end
# Retrieves a fruit
# ```ruby
# Faker::Food.fruits #=> "Papaya"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.fruits; end
# Retrieves a vegetable
# ```ruby
# Faker::Food.vegetables #=> "Broccolini"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.vegetables; end
# Retrieves some random spice
# ```ruby
# Faker::Food.spice #=> "Garlic Chips"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.spice; end
# Retrieves cooking measures
# ```ruby
# Faker::Food.measurement #=> "1/3"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.measurement; end
# Retrieves metric mesurements
# ```ruby
# Faker::Food.metric_measurement #=> "centiliter"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.metric_measurement; end
class Json < Faker::Base
sig do
legacy_width: T.untyped,
legacy_options: T.untyped,
width: T.untyped,
options: T.untyped
def self.shallow_json(legacy_width = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_options = T.unsafe(nil), width: 3, options: { key: 'Name.first_name', value: 'Name.first_name' }); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_json: T.untyped,
legacy_width: T.untyped,
legacy_options: T.untyped,
json: T.untyped,
width: T.untyped,
options: T.untyped
def self.add_depth_to_json(legacy_json = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_width = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_options = T.unsafe(nil), json: shallow_json, width: 3, options: { key: 'Name.first_name', value: 'Name.first_name' }); end
sig { params(width: T.untyped, options: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.build_shallow_hash(width, options); end
sig do
hash: T.untyped,
key_array: T.untyped,
width: T.untyped,
options: T.untyped
def self.add_hash_to_bottom(hash, key_array, width, options); end
sig do
key_array: T.untyped,
hash: T.untyped,
width: T.untyped,
options: T.untyped
def self.add_hash(key_array, hash, width, options); end
sig { params(key_array: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.build_keys_from_array(key_array); end
class Kpop < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.i_groups; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ii_groups; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.iii_groups; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.girl_groups; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.boy_bands; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.solo; end
class Name < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.name_with_middle; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.first_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.male_first_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.female_first_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.last_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.prefix; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.suffix; end
sig { params(legacy_number: T.untyped, number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.initials(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3); end
class Team < Faker::Base
# Produces a team name from a state and a creature.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Oregon vixens"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a team creature.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Team.creature #=> "geese"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.creature; end
# Produces a team state.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Team.state #=> "Oregon"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.state; end
# Produces a team sport.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Lacrosse"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a team mascot.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Team.mascot #=> "Hugo"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.mascot; end
class Time < Faker::Base
# Produce a random time between two times.
# _@param_ `from` — The start of the usable time range.
# _@param_ `to` — The end of the usable time range.
# _@param_ `format` — The name of a DateTime format to use.
# ```ruby
# # Random Stringified time between two times, formatted to the specified I18n format
# # (Examples are from a Rails console with rails-i18n 5.1.1 defaults loaded)
# I18n.locale = 'en-US'
# Faker::Time.between(from: - 1, to:, format: :default) #=> "Tue, 16 Oct 2018 10:48:27 AM -05:00"
# Faker::Time.between(from: - 1, to:, format: :short) #=> "15 Oct 10:48 AM"
# Faker::Time.between(from: - 1, to:, format: :long) #=> "October 15, 2018 10:48 AM"
# I18n.locale = 'ja'
# Faker::Time.between(from: - 1, to:, format: :default) #=> "2018/10/15 10:48:27"
# Faker::Time.between(from: - 1, to:, format: :short) #=> "18/10/15 10:48"
# Faker::Time.between(from: - 1, to:, format: :long) #=> "2018年10月16日(火) 10時48分27秒 -0500"
# ```
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
legacy_format: T.untyped,
from: T.any(Time, T.untyped, DateTime),
to: T.any(Time, T.untyped, DateTime),
format: T.nilable(Symbol)
def self.between(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_format = T.unsafe(nil), from:, to:, format: nil); end
# Produce a random time between two dates.
# _@param_ `from` — The start of the usable time range.
# _@param_ `to` — The end of the usable time range.
# _@param_ `period` — The time of day, if any. See {TIME_RANGES}.
# _@param_ `format` — The name of a DateTime format to use.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Time.between_dates(from: - 1, to:, period: :all)
# #=> "2014-09-19 07:03:30 -0700"
# Faker::Time.between_dates(from: - 1, to:, period: :day)
# #=> "2014-09-18 16:28:13 -0700"
# Faker::Time.between_dates(from: - 1, to:, period: :night)
# #=> "2014-09-20 19:39:38 -0700"
# Faker::Time.between_dates(from: - 1, to:, period: :morning)
# #=> "2014-09-19 08:07:52 -0700"
# Faker::Time.between_dates(from: - 1, to:, period: :afternoon)
# #=> "2014-09-18 12:10:34 -0700"
# Faker::Time.between_dates(from: - 1, to:, period: :evening)
# #=> "2014-09-19 20:21:03 -0700"
# Faker::Time.between_dates(from: - 1, to:, period: :midnight)
# #=> "2014-09-20 00:40:14 -0700"
# Faker::Time.between_dates(from: - 5, to: + 5, period: :afternoon, format: :default)
# #=> "Fri, 19 Oct 2018 15:17:46 -0500"
# ```
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
legacy_period: T.untyped,
legacy_format: T.untyped,
from: T.untyped,
to: T.untyped,
period: Symbol,
format: T.nilable(Symbol)
def self.between_dates(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_period = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_format = T.unsafe(nil), from:, to:, period: :all, format: nil); end
# Produce a random time in the future (up to N days).
# _@param_ `days` — The maximum number of days to go into the future.
# _@param_ `period` — The time of day, if any. See {TIME_RANGES}.
# _@param_ `format` — The name of a DateTime format to use.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Time.forward(days: 23, period: :morning)
# # => "2014-09-26 06:54:47 -0700"
# Faker::Time.forward(days: 5, period: :evening, format: :long)
# #=> "October 21, 2018 20:47"
# ```
sig do
legacy_days: T.untyped,
legacy_period: T.untyped,
legacy_format: T.untyped,
days: Integer,
period: Symbol,
format: T.nilable(Symbol)
def self.forward(legacy_days = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_period = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_format = T.unsafe(nil), days: 365, period: :all, format: nil); end
# Produce a random time in the past (up to N days).
# _@param_ `days` — The maximum number of days to go into the past.
# _@param_ `period` — The time of day, if any. See {TIME_RANGES}.
# _@param_ `format` — The name of a DateTime format to use.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Time.backward(days: 14, period: :evening)
# #=> "2014-09-17 19:56:33 -0700"
# Faker::Time.backward(days: 5, period: :morning, format: :short)
# #=> "14 Oct 07:44"
# ```
sig do
legacy_days: T.untyped,
legacy_period: T.untyped,
legacy_format: T.untyped,
days: Integer,
period: Symbol,
format: T.nilable(Symbol)
def self.backward(legacy_days = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_period = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_format = T.unsafe(nil), days: 365, period: :all, format: nil); end
sig { params(date: T.untyped, period: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.date_with_random_time(date, period); end
sig { params(time: T.untyped, format: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.time_with_format(time, format); end
sig { params(period: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.hours(period); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.minutes; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.seconds; end
sig { params(time: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.get_time_object(time); end
class Verb < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.base; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.past; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.past_participle; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.simple_present; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ing_form; end
class Movie < Faker::Base
# Produces a quote from a movie.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movie.quote #=> "Bumble bee tuna"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Quote < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.famous_last_words; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.matz; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.most_interesting_man_in_the_world; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.robin; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.singular_siegler; end
# from:
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.yoda; end
class Color < Faker::Base
# Produces a hex color code.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Color.hex_color #=> "#31a785"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.hex_color; end
# Produces the name of a color.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Color.color_name #=> "yellow"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.color_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.single_rgb_color; end
# Produces an array of integers representing an RGB color.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Color.rgb_color #=> [54, 233, 67]
# ```
sig { returns([Integer, Integer, Integer]) }
def self.rgb_color; end
# Produces an array of floats representing an HSL color.
# The array is in the form of `[hue, saturation, lightness]`.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Color.hsl_color #=> [69.87, 0.66, 0.3]
# ```
sig { returns([Float, Float, Float]) }
def self.hsl_color; end
# Produces an array of floats representing an HSLA color.
# The array is in the form of `[hue, saturation, lightness, alpha]`.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Color.hsla_color #=> [154.77, 0.36, 0.9, 0.2]
# ```
sig { returns([Float, Float, Float, Float]) }
def self.hsla_color; end
class House < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a piece of furniture.
# ```ruby
# #=> "chair"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a room in a house.
# ```ruby
# #=> "kitchen"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Based on Perl's Text::Lorem
class Lorem < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.word; end
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped
def self.words(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3, supplemental: false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a random string of alphanumeric characters
# _@param_ `number` — The number of characters to generate
# _@param_ `min_alpha` — The minimum number of alphabetic to add to the string
# _@param_ `min_numeric` — The minimum number of numbers to add to the string
# ```ruby
# Faker::Lorem.characters #=> "uw1ep04lhs0c4d931n1jmrspprf5w..."
# Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 10) #=> "ang9cbhoa8"
# Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 10, min_alpha: 4) #=> "ang9cbhoa8"
# Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 10, min_alpha: 4, min_numeric: 1) #=> "ang9cbhoa8"
# ```
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
number: Integer,
min_alpha: Integer,
min_numeric: Integer
def self.characters(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 255, min_alpha: 0, min_numeric: 0); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.multibyte; end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_word_count: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
legacy_random_words_to_add: T.untyped,
word_count: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped,
random_words_to_add: T.untyped
def self.sentence(legacy_word_count = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_random_words_to_add = T.unsafe(nil), word_count: 4, supplemental: false, random_words_to_add: 0); end
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped
def self.sentences(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3, supplemental: false); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_sentence_count: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
legacy_random_sentences_to_add: T.untyped,
sentence_count: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped,
random_sentences_to_add: T.untyped
def self.paragraph(legacy_sentence_count = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_random_sentences_to_add = T.unsafe(nil), sentence_count: 3, supplemental: false, random_sentences_to_add: 0); end
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped
def self.paragraphs(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3, supplemental: false); end
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped
def self.paragraph_by_chars(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), number: 256, supplemental: false); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_word_count: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
legacy_random_words_to_add: T.untyped,
word_count: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped,
random_words_to_add: T.untyped
def self.question(legacy_word_count = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_random_words_to_add = T.unsafe(nil), word_count: 4, supplemental: false, random_words_to_add: 0); end
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped
def self.questions(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3, supplemental: false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.locale_period; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.locale_space; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.locale_question_mark; end
class Space < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a planet.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.planet #=> "Venus"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.planet; end
# Produces the name of a moon.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.moon #=> "Europa"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.moon; end
# Produces the name of a galaxy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.galaxy #=> "Andromeda"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.galaxy; end
# Produces the name of a nebula.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.nebula #=> "Triffid Nebula"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.nebula; end
# Produces the name of a star cluster.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.star_cluster #=> "Messier 70"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.star_cluster; end
# Produces the name of a constellation.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.constellation #=> "Orion"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.constellation; end
# Produces the name of a star.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Proxima Centauri"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a space agency.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a space agency abbreviation.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.agency_abv #=> "NASA"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.agency_abv; end
# Produces the name of a NASA spacecraft.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.nasa_space_craft #=> "Endeavour"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.nasa_space_craft; end
# Produces the name of a space company.
# ```ruby
# #=> "SpaceX"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a distance measurement.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.distance_measurement #=> "15 parsecs"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.distance_measurement; end
# Produces the name of a meteorite.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.meteorite #=> "Ensisheim"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.meteorite; end
# Produces the name of a launch vehicle.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Space.launch_vehicle #=> "Saturn IV"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.launch_vehicle; end
class Types < Faker::Base
sig { params(legacy_words: T.untyped, words: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rb_string(legacy_words = T.unsafe(nil), words: 1); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.character; end
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
from: T.untyped,
to: T.untyped
def self.rb_integer(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), from: 0, to: 100); end
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_type: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
type: T.untyped
def self.rb_hash(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_type = T.unsafe(nil), number: 1, type: random_type); end
sig { params(legacy_number: T.untyped, number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.complex_rb_hash(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 1); end
sig { params(legacy_len: T.untyped, len: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rb_array(legacy_len = T.unsafe(nil), len: 1); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.random_type; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.random_complex_type; end
sig { params(word: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.titleize(word); end
class Movies
class Hobbit < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a character from The Hobbit.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::Hobbit.character #=> "Gandalf the Grey"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces the name of one of the 13 dwarves from the Company, or Gandalf or Bilbo.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::Hobbit.thorins_company #=> "Thorin Oakenshield"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.thorins_company; end
# Produces a quote from The Hobbit.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::Hobbit.quote
# #=> "Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces the name of a location from The Hobbit.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::Hobbit.location #=> "The Shire"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
class Lebowski < Faker::Base
# Produces an actor from The Big Lebowski.
# ```ruby
# #=> "John Goodman"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a character from The Big Lebowski.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::Lebowski.character #=> "Jackie Treehorn"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from The Big Lebowski.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::Lebowski.quote #=> "Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class StarWars < Faker::Base
# Produces a call squadron from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.call_squadron #=> "Green"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.call_squadron; end
# Produces a call sign from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.call_sign #=> "Grey 5"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.call_sign; end
# Produces a call number from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.call_number #=> "Leader"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.call_number; end
# Produces a character from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.character #=> "Anakin Skywalker"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a droid from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.droid #=> "C-3PO"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.droid; end
# Produces a planet from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.planet #=> "Tatooine"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.planet; end
# Produces a species from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.specie #=> "Gungan"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.specie; end
# Produces a vehicle from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.vehicle #=> "Sandcrawler"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.vehicle; end
# Produces a wookiee sentence from Star Wars.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.wookiee_sentence #=> "Yrroonn ru ooma roo ahuma ur roooarrgh hnn-rowr."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.wookiee_sentence; end
# Produces a quote from Star Wars.
# _@param_ `character` — The name of a character to derive a quote from.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.quote #=> "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::StarWars.quote(character: "leia_organa")
# #=> "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_character: T.untyped, character: T.nilable(::String)).returns(::String) }
def self.quote(legacy_character = T.unsafe(nil), character: nil); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.call_numbers; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.call_squadrons; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.characters; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.droids; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.planets; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.species; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.vehicles; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.wookiee_words; end
class Ghostbusters < Faker::Base
# Produces an actor from Ghostbusters.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Bill Murray"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a character from Ghostbusters.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::Ghostbusters.character #=> "Dr. Egon Spengler"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from Ghostbusters.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::Ghostbusters.quote
# #=> "I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay Puft!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class HarryPotter < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Harry Potter.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HarryPotter.character #=> "Harry Potter"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from Harry Potter.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HarryPotter.location #=> "Hogwarts"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from Harry Potter.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HarryPotter.quote #=> "I solemnly swear that I am up to good."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a book from Harry Potter.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a house from Harry Potter.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Gryffindor"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a spell from Harry Potter.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HarryPotter.spell #=> "Reparo"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.spell; end
class PrincessBride < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from The Princess Bride.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::PrincessBride.character #=> "Dread Pirate Roberts"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from The Princess Bride.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::PrincessBride.quote
# #=> "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class VForVendetta < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from V For Vendetta.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::VForVendetta.character #=> "V"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a speech from V For Vendetta.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::VForVendetta.speech
# #=> "Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot..."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.speech; end
# Produces a quote from V For Vendetta.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::VForVendetta.quote
# #=> "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class LordOfTheRings < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Lord of the Rings.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::LordOfTheRings.character #=> "Legolas"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from Lord of the Rings.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::LordOfTheRings.location #=> "Helm's Deep"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from Lord of the Rings.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::LordOfTheRings.quote
# #=> "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class BackToTheFuture < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Back to the Future.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::BackToTheFuture.character #=> "Marty McFly"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a date from Back to the Future.
# ```ruby
# #=> "November 5, 1955"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a quote from Back to the Future.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::BackToTheFuture.quote
# #=> "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.character #=> "Marvin"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.location
# #=> "Arthur Dent's house"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a Marvin quote from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.marvin_quote
# #=> "Life? Don't talk to me about life."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.marvin_quote; end
# Produces a planet from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.planet
# #=> "Magrathea"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.planet; end
# Produces a quote from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.quote
# #=> "In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a species from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.specie
# #=> "Perfectly Normal Beast"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.specie; end
# Produces a starship from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Movies::HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.starship
# #=> "Vogon Constructor Fleet"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.starship; end
class Artist < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of an artist.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Michelangelo"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class Avatar < Faker::Base
# Produces a URL for an avatar from
# _@param_ `slug`
# _@param_ `size` — image size in pixels, in the format of 'AxB'
# _@param_ `format` — The image file format
# _@param_ `set` — The avatar set to use
# _@param_ `bgset` — The background set to use
# _@return_ — A URL
# ```ruby
# Faker::Avatar.image
# #=> ""
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Avatar.image(slug: "my-own-slug")
# #=> ""
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Avatar.image(slug: "my-own-slug", size: "50x50")
# #=> ""
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Avatar.image(slug: "my-own-slug", size: "50x50", format: "jpg")
# #=> ""
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Avatar.image(slug: "my-own-slug", size: "50x50", format: "bmp")
# #=> ""
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Avatar.image(slug: "my-own-slug", size: "50x50", format: "bmp", set: "set1", bgset: "bg1")
# #=> ""
# ```
sig do
legacy_slug: T.untyped,
legacy_size: T.untyped,
legacy_format: T.untyped,
legacy_set: T.untyped,
legacy_bgset: T.untyped,
slug: T.nilable(::String),
size: ::String,
format: ::String,
set: ::String,
bgset: T.nilable(::String)
def self.image(legacy_slug = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_size = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_format = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_set = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_bgset = T.unsafe(nil), slug: nil, size: '300x300', format: 'png', set: 'set1', bgset: nil); end
class Coffee < Faker::Base
# Produces a random blend name.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Coffee.blend_name #=> "Major Java"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.blend_name; end
# Produces a random coffee origin place.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Coffee.origin #=> "Oaxaca, Mexico"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.origin; end
# Produces a random coffee variety.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Coffee.variety #=> "Red Bourbon"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.variety; end
# Produces a string containing a random description of a coffee's taste.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Coffee.notes #=> "dull, tea-like, cantaloupe, soy sauce, marshmallow"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.notes; end
# Produces a random coffee taste intensity.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Coffee.intensifier #=> "mild"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.intensifier; end
sig { params(key: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.search_format(key); end
class Crypto < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.md5; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.sha1; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.sha256; end
class Device < Faker::Base
# Produces a build number between 1 and 500.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Device.build_number #=> 5
# ```
sig { returns(Integer) }
def self.build_number; end
# Produces the name of a manufacturer for a device.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Device.manufacturer #=> "Apple"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.manufacturer; end
# Produces a model name for a device.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Device.model_name #=> "iPhone 4"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.model_name; end
# Produces the name of a platform for a device.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Device.platform #=> "webOS"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.platform; end
# Produces a serial code for a device.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Device.serial #=> "ejfjnRNInxh0363JC2WM"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.serial; end
# Produces a version number between 1 and 1000.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Device.version #=> 42
# ```
sig { returns(Integer) }
def self.version; end
class Esport < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a professional eSports player.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Esport.player #=> "Crimsix"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.player; end
# Produces the name of an eSports team.
# ```ruby
# #=> "CLG"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of an eSports league.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Esport.league #=> "IEM"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.league; end
# Produces the name of an eSports event.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Esport.event #=> "ESL Cologne"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.event; end
# Produces the name of a game played as an eSport.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Dota 2"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class Gender < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a gender identity.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Gender.type #=> "Non-binary"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.type; end
# Produces either 'Male' or 'Female'.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Gender.binary_type #=> "Female"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.binary_type; end
# Port of
# Are you having trouble writing tech-savvy dialogue for your latest screenplay?
# Worry not! Hollywood-grade technical talk is ready to fill out any form where you need to look smart.
class Hacker < Faker::Base
# Produces something smart.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart
# #=> "Try to compress the SQL interface, maybe it will program the back-end hard drive!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.say_something_smart; end
# Short technical abbreviations.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Hacker.abbreviation #=> "RAM"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.abbreviation; end
# Hacker-centric adjectives.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Hacker.adjective #=> "open-source"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.adjective; end
# Only the best hacker-related nouns.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Hacker.noun #=> "bandwidth"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.noun; end
# Actions that hackers take.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Hacker.verb #=> "bypass"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.verb; end
# Produces a verb that ends with '-ing'.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Hacker.ingverb #=> "synthesizing"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.ingverb; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.phrases; end
class Nation < Faker::Base
# Produces a random nationality.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Nation.nationality #=> "Nepalese"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.nationality; end
# Produces a random national flag emoji.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Nation.flag #=> "🇫🇮"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.flag; end
# Produces a random national language.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Nation.language #=> "Nepali"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.language; end
# Produces a random capital city.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Nation.capital_city #=> "Kathmandu"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.capital_city; end
# Produces a random national sport.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Nation.national_sport #=> "dandi biyo"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.national_sport; end
class Number < Faker::Base
# Produce a random number.
# _@param_ `digits` — Number of digits that the generated number should have.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.number(digits: 10) #=> 1968353479
# ```
sig { params(legacy_digits: T.untyped, digits: Integer).returns(Integer) }
def self.number(legacy_digits = T.unsafe(nil), digits: 10); end
# Produce a random number with a leading zero.
# _@param_ `digits` — Number of digits that the generated number should have.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.leading_zero_number(digits: 10) #=> "0669336915"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_digits: T.untyped, digits: Integer).returns(::String) }
def self.leading_zero_number(legacy_digits = T.unsafe(nil), digits: 10); end
# Produce a number with a number of digits, preserves leading zeroes.
# _@param_ `digits` — Number of digits that the generated number should have.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.decimal_part(digits: 2) #=> "09"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_digits: T.untyped, digits: Integer).returns(::String) }
def self.decimal_part(legacy_digits = T.unsafe(nil), digits: 10); end
# Produces a float.
# _@param_ `l_digits` — Number of digits that the generated decimal should have to the left of the decimal point.
# _@param_ `r_digits` — Number of digits that the generated decimal should have to the right of the decimal point.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.decimal(l_digits: 2) #=> 11.88
# Faker::Number.decimal(l_digits: 3, r_digits: 3) #=> 181.843
# ```
sig do
legacy_l_digits: T.untyped,
legacy_r_digits: T.untyped,
l_digits: Integer,
r_digits: Integer
def self.decimal(legacy_l_digits = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_r_digits = T.unsafe(nil), l_digits: 5, r_digits: 2); end
# Produces a non-zero single-digit integer.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.non_zero_digit #=> 8
# ```
sig { returns(Integer) }
def self.non_zero_digit; end
# Produces a single-digit integer.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.digit #=> 1
# ```
sig { returns(Integer) }
def self.digit; end
# Produces a number in hexadecimal format.
# _@param_ `digits` — Number of digits in the he
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.hexadecimal(digits: 3) #=> "e74"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_digits: T.untyped, digits: Integer).returns(::String) }
def self.hexadecimal(legacy_digits = T.unsafe(nil), digits: 6); end
# Produces a float given a mean and standard deviation.
# _@param_ `mean`
# _@param_ `standard_deviation`
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.normal(mean: 50, standard_deviation: 3.5) #=> 47.14669604069156
# ```
sig do
legacy_mean: T.untyped,
legacy_standard_deviation: T.untyped,
mean: Integer,
standard_deviation: T.any(Integer, Float)
def self.normal(legacy_mean = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_standard_deviation = T.unsafe(nil), mean: 1, standard_deviation: 1); end
# Produces a number between two provided values. Boundaries are inclusive.
# _@param_ `from` — The lowest number to include.
# _@param_ `to` — The highest number to include.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.between(from: 1, to: 10) #=> 7
# ```
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
from: Integer,
to: Integer
def self.between(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), from: 1.00, to: 5000.00); end
# Produces a number within two provided values. Boundaries are inclusive or exclusive depending on the range passed.
# _@param_ `range` — The range from which to generate a number.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.within(range: 1..10) #=> 7
# ```
sig { params(legacy_range: T.untyped, range: T::Range[T.untyped]).returns(Integer) }
def self.within(legacy_range = T.unsafe(nil), range: 1.00..5000.00); end
# Produces a positive float.
# _@param_ `from` — The lower boundary.
# _@param_ `to` — The higher boundary.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.positive #=> 235.59238499107653
# ```
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
from: Integer,
to: Integer
def self.positive(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), from: 1.00, to: 5000.00); end
# Produces a negative float.
# _@param_ `from` — The lower boundary.
# _@param_ `to` — The higher boundary.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Number.negative #=> -4480.042585669558
# ```
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
from: Integer,
to: Integer
def self.negative(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), from: -5000.00, to: -1.00); end
sig { params(count: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate(count); end
sig { params(number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.greater_than_zero(number); end
sig { params(number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.less_than_zero(number); end
sig { params(number: T.untyped, method_to_compare: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.should_be(number, method_to_compare); end
class Source < Faker::Base
# Produces source code for Hello World in a given language.
# _@param_ `lang` — The programming language to use
# ```ruby
# Faker::Source.hello_world #=> "puts 'Hello World!'"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Source.hello_world(lang: :javascript)
# #=> "alert('Hello World!');"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_lang: T.untyped, lang: Symbol).returns(::String) }
def self.hello_world(legacy_lang = T.unsafe(nil), lang: :ruby); end
# Produces source code for printing a string in a given language.
# _@param_ `str` — The string to print
# _@param_ `lang` — The programming language to use
# ```ruby
# Faker::Source.print #=> "puts 'faker_string_to_print'"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Source.print(str: 'foo bar', lang: :javascript)
# #=> "console.log('foo bar');"
# ```
sig do
legacy_str: T.untyped,
legacy_lang: T.untyped,
str: ::String,
lang: Symbol
def self.print(legacy_str = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_lang = T.unsafe(nil), str: 'some string', lang: :ruby); end
# Produces source code for printing 1 through 10 in a given language.
# _@param_ `lang` — The programming language to use
# ```ruby
# Faker::Source.print_1_to_10 #=> "(1..10).each { |i| puts i }"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Source.print_1_to_10(lang: :javascript)
# # => "for (let i=0; i<10; i++) {
# # console.log(i);
# # }"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_lang: T.untyped, lang: Symbol).returns(::String) }
def self.print_1_to_10(legacy_lang = T.unsafe(nil), lang: :ruby); end
class Stripe < Faker::Base
sig { params(legacy_card_type: T.untyped, card_type: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.valid_card(legacy_card_type = T.unsafe(nil), card_type: nil); end
sig { params(legacy_card_type: T.untyped, card_type: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.valid_token(legacy_card_type = T.unsafe(nil), card_type: nil); end
sig { params(legacy_card_error: T.untyped, card_error: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.invalid_card(legacy_card_error = T.unsafe(nil), card_error: nil); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.month; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.year; end
sig { params(legacy_card_type: T.untyped, card_type: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ccv(legacy_card_type = T.unsafe(nil), card_type: nil); end
class TvShows
class Buffy < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Buffy.character #=> "Buffy Summers"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Buffy.quote #=> "If the apocalypse comes, beep me."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a celebrity from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Buffy.celebrity #=> "John Ritter"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.celebrity; end
# Produces a big bad from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Buffy.big_bad #=> "Glory"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.big_bad; end
# Produces an episode from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Buffy.episode #=> "Once More, with Feeling"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.episode; end
class DrWho < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Doctor Who.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::DrWho.character #=> "Captain Jack Harkness"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces an iteration of The Doctor from Doctor Who.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::DrWho.the_doctor #=> "Ninth Doctor"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.the_doctor; end
# Produces an actor from Doctor Who.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Matt Smith"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a catch phrase from Doctor Who.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::DrWho.catch_phrase #=> "Fantastic!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.catch_phrase; end
# Produces a quote from Doctor Who.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::DrWho.quote #=> "Lots of planets have a north!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a villain from Doctor Who.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::DrWho.villain #=> "The Master"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.villain; end
# Produces a species from Doctor Who.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::DrWho.specie #=> "Dalek"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.specie; end
class Friends < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Friends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Friends.character #=> "Rachel Green"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from Friends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Friends.location #=> "Central Perk"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from Friends.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Friends.quote #=> "We were on a break!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class RuPaul < Faker::Base
# Produces a quote from RuPaul's Drag Race.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::RuPaul.quote #=> "That's Funny, Tell Another One."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a queen from RuPaul's Drag Race.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::RuPaul.queen #=> "Latrice Royale"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.queen; end
class NewGirl < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from New Girl.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::NewGirl.character #=> "Jessica Day"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from New Girl.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::NewGirl.quote
# #=> "Are you cooking a frittata in a sauce pan? What is this - prison?"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Seinfeld < Faker::Base
# Produces a business from Seinfeld.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Kruger Industrial Smoothing"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a character from Seinfeld.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Seinfeld.character #=> "George Costanza"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from Seinfeld.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Seinfeld.quote
# #=> "I'm not a lesbian. I hate men, but I'm not a lesbian."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Simpsons < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from The Simpsons.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Simpsons.character #=> "Charles Montgomery Burns"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from The Simpsons.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Simpsons.location #=> "Moe's Tavern"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from The Simpsons.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Simpsons.quote
# #=> "It takes two to lie: one to lie and one to listen."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Stargate < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Stargate.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Stargate.character #=> "Jack O'Neill"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a planet from Stargate.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Stargate.planet #=> "Abydos"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.planet; end
# Produces a quote from Stargate.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Stargate.quote
# #=> "General, request permission to beat the crap out of this man."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Community < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Community.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Community.characters #=> "Jeff Winger"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.characters; end
# Produces a quote from Community.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::Community.quotes
# #=> "I fear a political career could shine a negative light on my drug dealing."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quotes; end
class StarTrek < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Star Trek.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::StarTrek.character #=> "Spock"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from Star Trek.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::StarTrek.location #=> "Cardassia"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a species from Star Trek.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::StarTrek.specie #=> "Ferengi"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.specie; end
# Produces a villain from Star Trek.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::StarTrek.villain #=> "Khan Noonien Singh"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.villain; end
class FamilyGuy < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Family Guy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::FamilyGuy.character #=> "Peter Griffin"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from Family Guy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::FamilyGuy.location #=> "James Woods High"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from Family Guy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::FamilyGuy.quote
# #=> "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class HeyArnold < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Hey Arnold!
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::HeyArnold.character #=> "Arnold"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from Hey Arnold!
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::HeyArnold.location #=> "Big Bob's Beeper Emporium"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from Hey Arnold!
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::HeyArnold.quote #=> "Stoop Kid's afraid to leave his stoop!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class SouthPark < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from South Park.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::SouthPark.character #=> "Mr. Garrison"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from South Park.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::SouthPark.quote
# #=> "I'm just getting a little cancer Stan."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class TwinPeaks < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Twin Peaks.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TwinPeaks.character #=> "Dale Cooper"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from Twin Peaks.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TwinPeaks.location #=> "Black Lodge"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from Twin Peaks.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TwinPeaks.quote
# #=> "The owls are not what they seem."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class TheExpanse < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from The Expanse.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheExpanse.character #=> "Jim Holden"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from The Expanse.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheExpanse.quote #=> "I am that guy."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a location from The Expanse.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheExpanse.location #=> "Ganymede"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a ship from The Expanse.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheExpanse.ship #=> "Nauvoo"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.ship; end
class BreakingBad < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a character from Breaking Bad.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::BreakingBad.character #=> "Walter White"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces the name of an episode from Breaking Bad.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::BreakingBad.episode #=> "Fly"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.episode; end
class TheITCrowd < Faker::Base
# Produces an actor from The IT Crowd.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Chris O'Dowd"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a character from The IT Crowd.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheITCrowd.character #=> "Roy Trenneman"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces an email from The IT Crowd.
# ```ruby
# #=> "roy.trenneman@reynholm.test"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a quote from The IT Crowd.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheITCrowd.quote
# #=> "Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class VentureBros < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from The Venture Bros.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::VentureBros.character #=> "Scaramantula"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces an organization from The Venture Bros.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::VentureBros.organization
# #=> "Guild of Calamitous Intent"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.organization; end
# Produces a vehicle from The Venture Bros.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::VentureBros.vehicle #=> "Monarchmobile"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.vehicle; end
# Produces a quote from The Venture Bros.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::VentureBros.quote
# #=> "Revenge, like gazpacho soup, is best served cold, precise, and merciless."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class MichaelScott < Faker::Base
# Produces a quote from Michael Scott.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::MichaelScott.quote
# #=> "I am Beyoncé, always."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class ParksAndRec < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Parks and Recreation.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::ParksAndRec.character #=> "Leslie Knope"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a city from Parks and Recreation.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Pawnee"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class RickAndMorty < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Rick and Morty.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::RickAndMorty.character #=> "Rick Sanchez"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a location from Rick and Morty.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::RickAndMorty.location #=> "Dimension C-132"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from Rick and Morty.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::RickAndMorty.quote
# #=> "Ohh yea, you gotta get schwifty."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class SiliconValley < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Silicon Valley.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::SiliconValley.character #=> "Jian Yang"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a company from Silicon Valley.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Bachmanity"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a quote from Silicon Valley.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::SiliconValley.quote
# #=> "I don't want to live in a world where someone else is making the world a better place better than we are."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces an app from Silicon Valley.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Nip Alert"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces an invention from Silicon Valley.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::SiliconValley.invention
# #=> "Tres Comas Tequila"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.invention; end
# Produces a motto from Silicon Valley.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::SiliconValley.motto
# #=> "Our products are products, producing unrivaled results"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.motto; end
# Produces a URL from Silicon Valley.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::SiliconValley.url #=> ""
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.url; end
# Produces an email address from Silicon Valley.
# ```ruby
# #=> "richard@piedpiper.test"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class BojackHorseman < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from BoJack Horseman.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::BojackHorseman.character #=> "BoJack Horseman"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a tongue twister from BoJack Horseman.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::BojackHorseman.tongue_twister #=> "Did you steal a meal from Neal McBeal the Navy Seal?"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.tongue_twister; end
# Produces a quote from BoJack Horseman.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::BojackHorseman.quote
# #=> "Not understanding that you're a horrible person doesn't make you less of a horrible person."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class DumbAndDumber < Faker::Base
# Produces an actor from Dumb and Dumber.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Jim Carrey"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a character from Dumb and Dumber.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::DumbAndDumber.character #=> "Harry Dunne"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a quote from Dumb and Dumber.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::DumbAndDumber.quote
# #=> "Why you going to the airport? Flying somewhere?"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class GameOfThrones < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Game of Thrones.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::GameOfThrones.character #=> "Tyrion Lannister"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a house from Game of Thrones.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Stark"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a city from Game of Thrones.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Lannisport"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a quote from Game of Thrones.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::GameOfThrones.quote
# #=> "Never forget who you are. The rest of the world won't. Wear it like an armor and it can never be used against you."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a dragon from Game of Thrones.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::GameOfThrones.dragon #=> "Drogon"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.dragon; end
class StrangerThings < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Stranger Things.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::StrangerThings.character #=> "six"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces a quote from Stranger Things.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::StrangerThings.quote
# #=> "Friends don't lie."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
class TheThickOfIt < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from The Thick of It.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheThickOfIt.character #=> "Nicola Murray"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a department from The Thick of It.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheThickOfIt.department #=> "Shadow Cabinet"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.department; end
# Produces a position from The Thick of It.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheThickOfIt.position
# #=> "Director of Communications"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.position; end
class HowIMetYourMother < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from How I Met Your Mother.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::HowIMetYourMother.character #=> "Barney Stinson"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a catch phrase from How I Met Your Mother.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::HowIMetYourMother.catch_phrase #=> "Legendary"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.catch_phrase; end
# Produces a high five from How I Met Your Mother.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::HowIMetYourMother.high_five #=> "Relapse Five"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.high_five; end
# Produces a quote from How I Met Your Mother.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::HowIMetYourMother.quote
# #=> "Whenever I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class AquaTeenHungerForce < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::AquaTeenHungerForce.character #=> "Master Shake"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
class TheFreshPrinceOfBelAir < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheFreshPrinceOfBelAir.character #=> "Will Smith"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a celebrity from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheFreshPrinceOfBelAir.celebrity #=> "Quincy Jones"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.celebrity; end
# Produces a quote from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
# ```ruby
# Faker::TvShows::TheFreshPrinceOfBelAir.quote
# #=> "Girl, you look so good, I would marry your brother just to get in your family."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class Address < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a city.
# _@param_ `options`
# ```ruby
# #=> "Imogeneborough"
# { with_state: true })
# #=> "Northfort, California"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_options: T.untyped, options: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::String) }
def = T.unsafe(nil), options: {}); end
# Produces a street name.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.street_name #=> "Larkin Fork"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.street_name; end
# Produces a street address.
# _@param_ `include_secondary` — Whether or not to include the secondary address.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.street_address #=> "282 Kevin Brook"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_include_secondary: T.untyped, include_secondary: T::Boolean).returns(::String) }
def self.street_address(legacy_include_secondary = T.unsafe(nil), include_secondary: false); end
# Produces a secondary address.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.secondary_address #=> "Apt. 672"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.secondary_address; end
# Produces a building number.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.building_number #=> "7304"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.building_number; end
# Produces the name of a community.
# ```ruby
# #=> "University Crossing"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a Zip Code.
# _@param_ `state_abbreviation` — an abbreviation for a state where the zip code should be located.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.zip_code #=> "58517"
# Faker::Address.zip_code #=> "23285-4905"
# Faker::Address.zip_code(state_abbreviation: 'CO') #=> "80011"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_state_abbreviation: T.untyped, state_abbreviation: ::String).returns(::String) }
def self.zip_code(legacy_state_abbreviation = T.unsafe(nil), state_abbreviation: ''); end
# Produces the name of a time zone.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.time_zone #=> "Asia/Yakutsk"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.time_zone; end
# Produces a street suffix.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.street_suffix #=> "Street"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.street_suffix; end
# Produces a city suffix.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.city_suffix #=> "fort"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.city_suffix; end
# Produces a city prefix.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.city_prefix #=> "Lake"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.city_prefix; end
# Produces a state abbreviation.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.state_abbr #=> "AP"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.state_abbr; end
# Produces the name of a state.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.state #=> "California"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.state; end
# Produces the name of a country.
# ```ruby
# #=> "French Guiana"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a country by ISO country code. See the
# [List of ISO 3166 country codes](
# on Wikipedia for a full list.
# _@param_ `code` — An ISO country code.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.country_by_code(code: 'NL') #=> "Netherlands"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_code: T.untyped, code: ::String).returns(::String) }
def self.country_by_code(legacy_code = T.unsafe(nil), code: 'US'); end
# Produces an ISO 3166 country code when given a country name.
# _@param_ `name` — Country name in snake_case format.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.country_name_to_code(name: 'united_states') #=> "US"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_name: T.untyped, name: ::String).returns(::String) }
def self.country_name_to_code(legacy_name = T.unsafe(nil), name: 'united_states'); end
# Produces an ISO 3166 country code.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.country_code #=> "IT"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.country_code; end
# Produces a long (alpha-3) ISO 3166 country code.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.country_code_long #=> "ITA"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.country_code_long; end
# Produces a latitude.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.latitude #=> -58.17256227443719
# ```
sig { returns(Float) }
def self.latitude; end
# Produces a longitude.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.longitude #=> -156.65548382095133
# ```
sig { returns(Float) }
def self.longitude; end
# Produces a full address.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Address.full_address
# #=> "282 Kevin Brook, Imogeneborough, CA 58517"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.full_address; end
class Ancient < Faker::Base
# Produces a god from ancient mythology.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Ancient.god #=> "Zeus"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.god; end
# Produces a primordial from ancient mythology.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Ancient.primordial #=> "Gaia"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.primordial; end
# Produces a titan from ancient mythology.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Ancient.titan #=> "Atlas"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.titan; end
# Produces a hero from ancient mythology.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Ancient.hero #=> "Achilles"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.hero; end
class Boolean < Faker::Base
# Produces a boolean
# _@param_ `true_ratio` — The likelihood (as a float, out of 1.0) for the method to return `true`.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Boolean.boolean #=> true
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Boolean.boolean(true_ratio: 0.2) #=> false
# ```
sig { params(legacy_true_ratio: T.untyped, true_ratio: Float).returns(T::Boolean) }
def self.boolean(legacy_true_ratio = T.unsafe(nil), true_ratio: 0.5); end
class Company < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.suffix; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.industry; end
# Generate a buzzword-laden catch phrase.
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.catch_phrase; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.buzzword; end
# When a straight answer won't do, BS to the rescue!
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ein; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.duns_number; end
# Get a random company logo url in PNG format.
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.logo; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.type; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.profession; end
# rubocop:disable Style/AsciiComments
# Get a random Spanish organization number. See more hereúmero_de_identificación_fiscal
# rubocop:enable Style/AsciiComments
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.spanish_organisation_number; end
# Get a random Swedish organization number. See more here
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.swedish_organisation_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.czech_organisation_number; end
# Get a random French SIREN number. See more here
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.french_siren_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.french_siret_number; end
# Get a random Norwegian organization number. Info:
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.norwegian_organisation_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.australian_business_number; end
# Get a random Polish taxpayer identification number More info
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.polish_taxpayer_identification_number; end
# Get a random Polish register of national economy number. More info
sig { params(legacy_length: T.untyped, length: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.polish_register_of_national_economy(legacy_length = T.unsafe(nil), length: 9); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.south_african_pty_ltd_registration_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.south_african_close_corporation_registration_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.south_african_listed_company_registration_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.south_african_trust_registration_number; end
sig { params(legacy_formatted: T.untyped, formatted: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_company_number(legacy_formatted = T.unsafe(nil), formatted: false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.sic_code; end
# Mod11 functionality from
sig { params(number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.mod11(number); end
sig { params(number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.luhn_algorithm(number); end
sig { params(abn: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.abn_checksum(abn); end
sig { params(array: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.collect_regon_sum(array); end
sig { params(array: T.untyped, weights: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.weight_sum(array, weights); end
class Compass < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.cardinal; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ordinal; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.half_wind; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.quarter_wind; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.direction; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.abbreviation; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.azimuth; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.cardinal_abbreviation; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ordinal_abbreviation; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.half_wind_abbreviation; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.quarter_wind_abbreviation; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.cardinal_azimuth; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ordinal_azimuth; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.half_wind_azimuth; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.quarter_wind_azimuth; end
class Cosmere < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.aon; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.shard_world; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.shard; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.surge; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.knight_radiant; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.metal; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.allomancer; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.feruchemist; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.herald; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.spren; end
class Dessert < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a dessert variety.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Dessert.variety #=> "Cake"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.variety; end
# Produces the name of a dessert topping.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Dessert.topping #=> "Gummy Bears"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.topping; end
# Produces the name of a dessert flavor.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Dessert.flavor #=> "Salted Caramel"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.flavor; end
class Finance < Faker::Base
sig { params(types: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.credit_card(*types); end
sig { params(legacy_country: T.untyped, country: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.vat_number(legacy_country = T.unsafe(nil), country: 'BR'); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.vat_number_keys; end
class Hipster < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.word; end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
legacy_spaces_allowed: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped,
spaces_allowed: T.untyped
def self.words(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_spaces_allowed = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3, supplemental: false, spaces_allowed: false); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_word_count: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
legacy_random_words_to_add: T.untyped,
word_count: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped,
random_words_to_add: T.untyped
def self.sentence(legacy_word_count = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_random_words_to_add = T.unsafe(nil), word_count: 4, supplemental: false, random_words_to_add: 6); end
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped
def self.sentences(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3, supplemental: false); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_sentence_count: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
legacy_random_sentences_to_add: T.untyped,
sentence_count: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped,
random_sentences_to_add: T.untyped
def self.paragraph(legacy_sentence_count = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_random_sentences_to_add = T.unsafe(nil), sentence_count: 3, supplemental: false, random_sentences_to_add: 3); end
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped
def self.paragraphs(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), number: 3, supplemental: false); end
sig do
legacy_characters: T.untyped,
legacy_supplemental: T.untyped,
characters: T.untyped,
supplemental: T.untyped
def self.paragraph_by_chars(legacy_characters = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_supplemental = T.unsafe(nil), characters: 256, supplemental: false); end
class Invoice < Faker::Base
# Generate random amount between values with 2 decimals
sig do
legacy_from: T.untyped,
legacy_to: T.untyped,
from: T.untyped,
to: T.untyped
def self.amount_between(legacy_from = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_to = T.unsafe(nil), from: 0, to: 0); end
# International bank slip reference
# ref is optional so that we can create unit tests
sig { params(legacy_ref: T.untyped, ref: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.creditor_reference(legacy_ref = T.unsafe(nil), ref: ''); end
# Payment references have some rules in certain countries
# ref is optional so that we can create unit tests
sig { params(legacy_ref: T.untyped, ref: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.reference(legacy_ref = T.unsafe(nil), ref: ''); end
# Calculates the mandatory checksum in 3rd and 4th characters in IBAN format
# source:
sig { params(country_code: T.untyped, account: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.iban_checksum(country_code, account); end
# 731 Method
# Source:
sig { params(base: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.method_731(base); end
# Norsk Modulus 10 - KIDMOD10
sig { params(base: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.kidmod10(base); end
# Calculates weigthed sum
# For example with 12345678, [1,2]
# Ref.num. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# Multipl. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
# Total 1+ 4+ 3+ 8+ 5+1+2+ 7+1+6 = 38
sig { params(base: T.untyped, weight_factors: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.calculate_weighted_sum(base, weight_factors); end
# MOD-10 - remainder
sig { params(number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.mod10_remainder(number); end
class Science < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a element.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Science.element #=> "Carbon"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.element; end
# Produces the symbol of an element.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Science.element_symbol #=> "Pb"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.element_symbol; end
# Produces the name of a scientist.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Science.scientist #=> "Isaac Newton"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.scientist; end
class Twitter < Faker::Base
sig do
legacy_include_status: T.untyped,
legacy_include_email: T.untyped,
include_status: T.untyped,
include_email: T.untyped
def self.user(legacy_include_status = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_include_email = T.unsafe(nil), include_status: true, include_email: false); end
sig do
legacy_include_user: T.untyped,
legacy_include_photo: T.untyped,
include_user: T.untyped,
include_photo: T.untyped
def self.status(legacy_include_user = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_include_photo = T.unsafe(nil), include_user: true, include_photo: false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.screen_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.created_at; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.utc_offset; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.user_entities; end
sig { params(legacy_include_photo: T.untyped, include_photo: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.status_entities(legacy_include_photo = T.unsafe(nil), include_photo: false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.photo_entity; end
class Vehicle < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.manufacture; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.make; end
sig { params(legacy_make_of_model: T.untyped, make_of_model: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.model(legacy_make_of_model = T.unsafe(nil), make_of_model: ''); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.make_and_model; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.color; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.transmission; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.drive_type; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.fuel_type; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.car_type; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.engine; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.car_options; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.standard_specs; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.doors; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.year; end
sig do
legacy_min: T.untyped,
legacy_max: T.untyped,
min: T.untyped,
max: T.untyped
def self.mileage(legacy_min = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_max = T.unsafe(nil), min: MILEAGE_MIN, max: MILEAGE_MAX); end
sig { params(legacy_state_abreviation: T.untyped, state_abreviation: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.license_plate(legacy_state_abreviation = T.unsafe(nil), state_abreviation: ''); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.singapore_license_plate; end
sig { params(number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.first_eight(number); end
sig { params(vin: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.calculate_vin_check_digit(vin); end
sig { params(char: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.vin_char_to_number(char); end
sig { params(plate_number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.singapore_checksum(plate_number); end
class Sports
class Football < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a football team.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Manchester United"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a football player.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Sports::Football.player #=> "Lionel Messi"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.player; end
# Produces the name of a football coach.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Jose Mourinho"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a football competition.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Sports::Football.competition #=> "FIFA World Cup"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.competition; end
# Produces a position in football.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Sports::Football.position #=> "Defensive Midfielder"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.position; end
class Basketball < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a basketball team.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Golden State Warriors"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a basketball player.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Sports::Basketball.player #=> "LeBron James"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.player; end
# Produces the name of a basketball coach.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Gregg Popovich"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a position in basketball.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Sports::Basketball.position #=> "Point Guard"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.position; end
class Blockchain
class Tezos < Faker::Base
# Produces a random Tezos account address
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Tezos.account
# #=> "tz1eUsgK6aj752Fbxwk5sAoEFvSDnPjZ4qvk"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.account; end
# Produces a random Tezos contract
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Tezos.contract
# #=> "KT1MroqeP15nnitB4CnNfkqHYa2NErhPPLWF"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.contract; end
# Produces a random Tezos operation
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Tezos.operation
# #=> "onygWYXJX3xNstFLv9PcCrhQdCkENC795xwSinmTEc1jsDN4VDa"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.operation; end
# Produces a random Tezos block
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Tezos.block
# #=> "BMbhs2rkY1dvAkAyRytvPsjFQ2RiPrBhYkxvWpY65dzkdSuw58a"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.block; end
# Produces a random Tezos signature
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Tezos.signature
# #=> "edsigu165B7VFf3Dpw2QABVzEtCxJY2gsNBNcE3Ti7rRxtDUjqTFRpg67EdAQmY6YWPE5tKJDMnSTJDFu65gic8uLjbW2YwGvAZ"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.signature; end
# _@param_ `prefix`
# _@param_ `payload_size` — The size of the payload
sig { params(prefix: Symbol, payload_size: Integer).returns(::String) }
def self.encode_tz(prefix, payload_size); end
class Bitcoin < Faker::Base
# Produces a Bitcoin wallet address
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Bitcoin.address
# #=> "147nDP22h3pHrLt2qykTH4txUwQh1ccaXp"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.address; end
# Produces a Bitcoin testnet address
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Bitcoin.testnet_address
# #=> "n4YjRyYD6V6zREpk6opqESDqD3KYnMdVEB"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.testnet_address; end
# Generates a random Bitcoin address for the given network
# _@param_ `network` — The name of network protocol to generate an address for
# _@return_ — A Bitcoin address
sig { params(network: Symbol).returns(::String) }
def self.address_for(network); end
class Ethereum < Faker::Base
# Produces a random Ethereum wallet address
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Ethereum.address
# #=> "0xd392b0c0500700d02d27ab30805ec80ddd3320ff"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.address; end
class Aeternity < Faker::Base
# Produces a random Aeternity wallet address
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Aeternity.address
# #=> "ak_zvU8YQLagjcfng7Tg8yCdiZ1rpiWNp1PBn3vtUs44utSvbJVR"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.address; end
# Produces a random Aeternity transaction
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Aeternity.transaction
# #=> "th_147nDP22h3pHrLt2qykTH4txUwQh1ccaXp"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.transaction; end
# Produces a random Aeternity contract
# ```ruby
# Faker::Blockchain::Aeternity.contract
# #=> "ct_Hk2JsNeWGEYQEHHQCfcBeGrwbhtYSwFTPdDhW2SvjFYVojyhW"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.contract; end
# Produces a random Aeternity oracle
# ```ruby
# #=> "ok_28QDg7fkF5qiKueSdUvUBtCYPJdmMEoS73CztzXCRAwMGKHKZh"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
sig { params(length: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.rand_strings(length = 50); end
class Business < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.credit_card_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.credit_card_expiry_date; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.credit_card_type; end
class Cannabis < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.strain; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.cannabinoid_abbreviation; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.cannabinoid; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.terpene; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.medical_use; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.health_benefit; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.category; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.type; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.buzzword; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brand; end
class Commerce < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.color; end
sig { params(legacy_digits: T.untyped, digits: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.promotion_code(legacy_digits = T.unsafe(nil), digits: 6); end
sig do
legacy_max: T.untyped,
legacy_fixed_amount: T.untyped,
max: T.untyped,
fixed_amount: T.untyped
def self.department(legacy_max = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_fixed_amount = T.unsafe(nil), max: 3, fixed_amount: false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.product_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.material; end
sig do
legacy_range: T.untyped,
legacy_as_string: T.untyped,
range: T.untyped,
as_string: T.untyped
def self.price(legacy_range = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_as_string = T.unsafe(nil), range: 0..100.0, as_string: false); end
sig { params(num: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.categories(num); end
sig { params(categories: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.merge_categories(categories); end
class Currency < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a currency.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Swedish Krona"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a currency code.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Currency.code #=> "USD"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.code; end
# Produces a currency symbol.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Currency.symbol #=> "$"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.symbol; end
class Educator < Faker::Base
# Produces a university name.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Mallowtown Technical College"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a university degree.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Associate Degree in Criminology"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a university subject.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Educator.subject #=> "Criminology"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.subject; end
# Produces a course name.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Educator.course_name #=> "Criminology 101"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.course_name; end
# Produces a secondary school.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Educator.secondary_school #=> "Iceborough Secondary College"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.secondary_school; end
# Produces a campus name.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Educator.campus #=> "Vertapple Campus"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.campus; end
class Internet < Faker::Base
sig do
legacy_name: T.untyped,
legacy_separators: T.untyped,
name: T.untyped,
separators: T.untyped,
domain: T.untyped
def = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_separators = T.unsafe(nil), name: nil, separators: nil, domain: nil); end
sig { params(legacy_name: T.untyped, name: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.free_email(legacy_name = T.unsafe(nil), name: nil); end
sig { params(legacy_name: T.untyped, name: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.safe_email(legacy_name = T.unsafe(nil), name: nil); end
sig do
legacy_specifier: T.untyped,
legacy_separators: T.untyped,
specifier: T.untyped,
separators: T.untyped
def self.username(legacy_specifier = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_separators = T.unsafe(nil), specifier: nil, separators: %w[. _]); end
# Produces a randomized string of characters suitable for passwords
# _@param_ `min_length` — The minimum length of the password
# _@param_ `max_length` — The maximum length of the password
# _@param_ `mix_case` — Toggles if uppercased letters are allowed. If true, at least one will be added.
# _@param_ `special_characters` — Toggles if special characters are allowed. If true, at least one will be added.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Internet.password #=> "Vg5mSvY1UeRg7"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 8) #=> "YfGjIk0hGzDqS0"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 10, max_length: 20) #=> "EoC9ShWd1hWq4vBgFw"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 10, max_length: 20, mix_case: true) #=> "3k5qS15aNmG"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 10, max_length: 20, mix_case: true, special_characters: true) #=> "*%NkOnJsH4"
# ```
sig do
legacy_min_length: T.untyped,
legacy_max_length: T.untyped,
legacy_mix_case: T.untyped,
legacy_special_characters: T.untyped,
min_length: Integer,
max_length: Integer,
mix_case: T::Boolean,
special_characters: T::Boolean
def self.password(legacy_min_length = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_max_length = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_mix_case = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_special_characters = T.unsafe(nil), min_length: 8, max_length: 16, mix_case: true, special_characters: false); end
sig { params(legacy_subdomain: T.untyped, subdomain: T.untyped, domain: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.domain_name(legacy_subdomain = T.unsafe(nil), subdomain: false, domain: nil); end
sig { params(legacy_string: T.untyped, string: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.fix_umlauts(legacy_string = T.unsafe(nil), string: ''); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.domain_word; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.domain_suffix; end
sig { params(legacy_prefix: T.untyped, prefix: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.mac_address(legacy_prefix = T.unsafe(nil), prefix: ''); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ip_v4_address; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.private_ip_v4_address; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.public_ip_v4_address; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.private_nets_regex; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.private_net_checker; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.reserved_nets_regex; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.reserved_net_checker; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ip_v4_cidr; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ip_v6_address; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ip_v6_cidr; end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_host: T.untyped,
legacy_path: T.untyped,
legacy_scheme: T.untyped,
host: T.untyped,
path: T.untyped,
scheme: T.untyped
def self.url(legacy_host = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_path = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_scheme = T.unsafe(nil), host: domain_name, path: "/#{username}", scheme: 'http'); end
sig do
legacy_words: T.untyped,
legacy_glue: T.untyped,
words: T.untyped,
glue: T.untyped
def self.slug(legacy_words = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_glue = T.unsafe(nil), words: nil, glue: nil); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.device_token; end
sig { params(legacy_vendor: T.untyped, vendor: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.user_agent(legacy_vendor = T.unsafe(nil), vendor: nil); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.uuid; end
class Markdown < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.headers; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.emphasis; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ordered_list; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.unordered_list; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.inline_code; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.block_code; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.table; end
sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.random(*args); end
sig do
legacy_sentences: T.untyped,
legacy_repeat: T.untyped,
sentences: T.untyped,
repeat: T.untyped
def self.sandwich(legacy_sentences = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_repeat = T.unsafe(nil), sentences: 3, repeat: 1); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.available_methods; end
class Military < Faker::Base
# Produces a rank in the U.S. Army.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Military.army_rank #=> "Staff Sergeant"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.army_rank; end
# Produces a rank in the U.S. Marines.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Military.marines_rank #=> "Gunnery Sergeant"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.marines_rank; end
# Produces a rank in the U.S. Navy.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Military.navy_rank #=> "Seaman"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.navy_rank; end
# Produces a rank in the U.S. Air Force.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Military.air_force_rank #=> "Captain"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.air_force_rank; end
# Produces a U.S. Department of Defense Paygrade.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Military.dod_paygrade #=> "E-6"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.dod_paygrade; end
class Omniauth < Faker::Base
# Returns the value of attribute name
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def name; end
# Returns the value of attribute first_name
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def first_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute last_name
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def last_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute email
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def email; end
sig { params(name: T.untyped, email: T.untyped).returns(Omniauth) }
def initialize(name: nil, email: nil); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_name: T.untyped,
legacy_email: T.untyped,
legacy_uid: T.untyped,
name: T.untyped,
email: T.untyped,
uid: T.untyped
def = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_email = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_uid = T.unsafe(nil), name: nil, email: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 9).to_s); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_name: T.untyped,
legacy_email: T.untyped,
legacy_username: T.untyped,
legacy_uid: T.untyped,
name: T.untyped,
email: T.untyped,
username: T.untyped,
uid: T.untyped
def self.facebook(legacy_name = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_email = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_username = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_uid = T.unsafe(nil), name: nil, email: nil, username: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 7).to_s); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_name: T.untyped,
legacy_nickname: T.untyped,
legacy_uid: T.untyped,
name: T.untyped,
nickname: T.untyped,
uid: T.untyped
def self.twitter(legacy_name = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_nickname = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_uid = T.unsafe(nil), name: nil, nickname: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 6).to_s); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_name: T.untyped,
legacy_email: T.untyped,
legacy_uid: T.untyped,
name: T.untyped,
email: T.untyped,
uid: T.untyped
def self.linkedin(legacy_name = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_email = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_uid = T.unsafe(nil), name: nil, email: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 6).to_s); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_name: T.untyped,
legacy_email: T.untyped,
legacy_uid: T.untyped,
name: T.untyped,
email: T.untyped,
uid: T.untyped
def self.github(legacy_name = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_email = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_uid = T.unsafe(nil), name: nil, email: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 8).to_s); end
# Generate a mock Omniauth response from Apple
# _@param_ `name` — A specific name to return in the response
# _@param_ `email` — A specific email to return in the response
# _@param_ `uid` — A specific UID to return in the response
# _@return_ — An auth hash in the format provided by omniauth-apple
sig { params(name: T.nilable(::String), email: T.nilable(::String), uid: T.nilable(::String)).returns(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) }
def nil, email: nil, uid: nil); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.gender; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.timezone; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.image; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.city_state; end
sig { params(range: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.random_number_from_range(range); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.random_boolean; end
class Appliance < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of an appliance brand.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Appliance.brand #=> "Bosch"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.brand; end
# Produces the name of a type of appliance equipment.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Appliance plug"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class ChileRut < Faker::Base
# Fixed param added for testing a specific RUT and check digit combination.
sig do
legacy_min_rut: T.untyped,
legacy_fixed: T.untyped,
min_rut: T.untyped,
fixed: T.untyped
def self.rut(legacy_min_rut = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_fixed = T.unsafe(nil), min_rut: 1, fixed: false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.dv; end
# Alias for english speaking devs.
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.check_digit; end
sig do
legacy_min_rut: T.untyped,
legacy_fixed: T.untyped,
min_rut: T.untyped,
fixed: T.untyped
def self.full_rut(legacy_min_rut = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_fixed = T.unsafe(nil), min_rut: 0, fixed: false); end
# Returns the value of attribute last_rut
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.last_rut; end
class DcComics < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.hero; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.heroine; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.villain; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.title; end
class IDNumber < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.valid; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.invalid; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ssn_valid; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.spanish_citizen_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.spanish_foreign_citizen_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.valid_south_african_id_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.invalid_south_african_id_number; end
sig { params(legacy_formatted: T.untyped, formatted: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_citizen_number(legacy_formatted = T.unsafe(nil), formatted: false); end
sig { params(legacy_formatted: T.untyped, formatted: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_id(legacy_formatted = T.unsafe(nil), formatted: false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.chilean_id; end
sig { params(digits: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.chilean_verification_code(digits); end
sig { params(id_number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.south_african_id_checksum_digit(id_number); end
sig { params(digits: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_citizen_number_checksum_digit(digits); end
sig { params(digits: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_id_checksum_digit(digits); end
sig { params(digits: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_document_checksum(digits); end
sig { params(checksum: T.untyped, id: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_document_digit(checksum, id = false); end
sig { params(remainder: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_citizen_number_digit(remainder); end
sig { params(remainder: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.brazilian_id_digit(remainder); end
sig { params(key: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self._translate(key); end
class Marketing < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a video game console or platform.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Marketing.buzzwords #=> "rubber meets the road"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.buzzwords; end
class Superhero < Faker::Base
# Produces a superpower.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Superhero.power #=> "Photokinesis"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.power; end
# Produces a superhero name prefix.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Superhero.prefix #=> "the Fated"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.prefix; end
# Produces a superhero name suffix.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Superhero.suffix #=> "Captain"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.suffix; end
# Produces a superhero descriptor.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Superhero.descriptor #=> "Bizarro"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.descriptor; end
# Produces a random superhero name.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Magnificent Shatterstar"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class WorldCup < Faker::Base
# Produces a national team name.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Iran"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a city name hosting the World Cup match.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Moscow"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a stadium that has hosted a World Cup match.
# ```ruby
# Faker::WorldCup.stadium #=> "Rostov Arena"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.stadium; end
# Produces a random national team name from a group.
# ```ruby
# 'group_B') #=> "Spain"
# ```
# ```ruby
# #=> "Russia"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_group: T.untyped, group: T.untyped).returns(::String) }
def = T.unsafe(nil), group: 'group_A'); end
# Produces a random name from national team roster.
# ```ruby
# Faker::WorldCup.roster #=> "Hector Cuper"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::WorldCup.roster(country: 'Spain', type: 'forwards') #=> "Diego Costa"
# ```
sig do
legacy_country: T.untyped,
legacy_type: T.untyped,
country: T.untyped,
type: T.untyped
def self.roster(legacy_country = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_type = T.unsafe(nil), country: 'Egypt', type: 'coach'); end
class BossaNova < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.artist; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
class Fillmurray < Faker::Base
# Produces the URL of an image from Fill Murray, a site which hosts
# exclusively photographs of actor Bill Murray.
# _@param_ `grayscale` — Whether to return a grayscale image.
# _@param_ `width` — The iamage width.
# _@param_ `height` — The image height.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Fillmurray.image #=> ""
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Fillmurray.image(grayscale: true)
# #=> ""
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Fillmurray.image(grayscale: false, width: 200, height: 400)
# #=> ""
# ```
sig do
legacy_grayscale: T.untyped,
legacy_width: T.untyped,
legacy_height: T.untyped,
grayscale: T::Boolean,
width: Integer,
height: Integer
def self.image(legacy_grayscale = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_width = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_height = T.unsafe(nil), grayscale: false, width: 200, height: 200); end
class FunnyName < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.two_word_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.three_word_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.four_word_name; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.name_with_initial; end
class Restaurant < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a restaurant.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Curry King"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a type of restaurant.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Restaurant.type #=> "Comfort Food"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.type; end
# Produces a description of a restaurant.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Restaurant.description
# #=> "We are committed to using the finest ingredients in our recipes. No food leaves our kitchen that we ourselves would not eat."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.description; end
# Produces a review for a restaurant.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Brand new. Great design. Odd to hear pop music in a Mexican establishment. Music is a bit loud. It should be background."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
class University < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.prefix; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.suffix; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.greek_organization; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.greek_alphabet; end
class Quotes
class Shakespeare < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.hamlet_quote; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.as_you_like_it_quote; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.king_richard_iii_quote; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.romeo_and_juliet_quote; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.hamlet; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.as_you_like_it; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.king_richard_iii; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.romeo_and_juliet; end
class UniqueGenerator
# Returns the value of attribute marked_unique
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.marked_unique; end
sig { params(generator: T.untyped, max_retries: T.untyped).returns(UniqueGenerator) }
def initialize(generator, max_retries); end
# rubocop:disable Style/MethodMissingSuper
sig { params(name: T.untyped, arguments: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def method_missing(name, *arguments); end
# rubocop:enable Style/MethodMissingSuper
sig { params(method_name: T.untyped, include_private: T.untyped).returns(T::Boolean) }
def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def clear; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.clear; end
sig { params(name: T.untyped, arguments: T.untyped, values: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def exclude(name, arguments, values); end
class CryptoCoin < Faker::Base
sig { params(legacy_coin: T.untyped, coin: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.coin_name(legacy_coin = T.unsafe(nil), coin: coin_array); end
sig { params(legacy_coin: T.untyped, coin: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.acronym(legacy_coin = T.unsafe(nil), coin: coin_array); end
sig { params(legacy_coin: T.untyped, coin: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.url_logo(legacy_coin = T.unsafe(nil), coin: coin_array); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.coin_array; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.coin_hash; end
class Demographic < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.race; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.educational_attainment; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.demonym; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.marital_status; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { params(legacy_unit: T.untyped, unit: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.height(legacy_unit = T.unsafe(nil), unit: :metric); end
class LoremPixel < Faker::Base
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_size: T.untyped,
legacy_is_gray: T.untyped,
legacy_category: T.untyped,
legacy_number: T.untyped,
legacy_text: T.untyped,
legacy_secure: T.untyped,
size: T.untyped,
is_gray: T.untyped,
category: T.untyped,
number: T.untyped,
text: T.untyped,
secure: T.untyped
def self.image(legacy_size = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_is_gray = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_category = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_text = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_secure = T.unsafe(nil), size: '300x300', is_gray: false, category: nil, number: nil, text: nil, secure: true); end
class Measurement < Faker::Base
sig { params(legacy_amount: T.untyped, amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.height(legacy_amount = T.unsafe(nil), amount: rand(10)); end
sig { params(legacy_amount: T.untyped, amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.length(legacy_amount = T.unsafe(nil), amount: rand(10)); end
sig { params(legacy_amount: T.untyped, amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.volume(legacy_amount = T.unsafe(nil), amount: rand(10)); end
sig { params(legacy_amount: T.untyped, amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.weight(legacy_amount = T.unsafe(nil), amount: rand(10)); end
sig { params(legacy_amount: T.untyped, amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.metric_height(legacy_amount = T.unsafe(nil), amount: rand(10)); end
sig { params(legacy_amount: T.untyped, amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.metric_length(legacy_amount = T.unsafe(nil), amount: rand(10)); end
sig { params(legacy_amount: T.untyped, amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.metric_volume(legacy_amount = T.unsafe(nil), amount: rand(10)); end
sig { params(legacy_amount: T.untyped, amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.metric_weight(legacy_amount = T.unsafe(nil), amount: rand(10)); end
sig { params(text: T.untyped, number: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.check_for_plural(text, number); end
sig { params(amount: T.untyped, locale: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.define_measurement_locale(amount, locale); end
sig { params(amount: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.ensure_valid_amount(amount); end
sig { params(text: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.make_plural(text); end
class Placeholdit < Faker::Base
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_size: T.untyped,
legacy_format: T.untyped,
legacy_background_color: T.untyped,
legacy_text_color: T.untyped,
legacy_text: T.untyped,
size: T.untyped,
format: T.untyped,
background_color: T.untyped,
text_color: T.untyped,
text: T.untyped
def self.image(legacy_size = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_format = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_background_color = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_text_color = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_text = T.unsafe(nil), size: '300x300', format: 'png', background_color: nil, text_color: nil, text: nil); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.generate_color; end
class SlackEmoji < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.people; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.nature; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.food_and_drink; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.celebration; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.activity; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.travel_and_places; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.objects_and_symbols; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.custom; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.emoji; end
class Alphanumeric < Faker::Base
# Produces a random string of alphabetic characters (no digits)
# _@param_ `number` — The length of the string to generate
# ```ruby
# Faker::Alphanumeric.alpha(number: 10) #=> "zlvubkrwga"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_number: T.untyped, number: Integer).returns(::String) }
def self.alpha(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 32); end
# Produces a random string of alphanumeric characters
# _@param_ `number` — The number of characters to generate
# _@param_ `min_alpha` — The minimum number of alphabetic to add to the string
# _@param_ `min_numeric` — The minimum number of numbers to add to the string
# ```ruby
# Faker::Alphanumeric.alphanumeric(number: 10) #=> "3yfq2phxtb"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Alphanumeric.alphanumeric(number: 10, min_alpha: 3) #=> "3yfq2phxtb"
# ```
# ```ruby
# Faker::Alphanumeric.alphanumeric(number: 10, min_alpha: 3, min_numeric: 3) #=> "3yfq2phx8b"
# ```
sig do
legacy_number: T.untyped,
number: Integer,
min_alpha: Integer,
min_numeric: Integer
def self.alphanumeric(legacy_number = T.unsafe(nil), number: 32, min_alpha: 0, min_numeric: 0); end
class ChuckNorris < Faker::Base
# Produces a Chuck Norris Fact.
# Original list of facts:
# ```ruby
# Faker::ChuckNorris.fact
# #=> "Chuck Norris can solve the Towers of Hanoi in one move."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.fact; end
class Construction < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.material; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.heavy_equipment; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.subcontract_category; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.standard_cost_code; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.role; end
class LoremFlickr < Faker::Base
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_size: T.untyped,
legacy_search_terms: T.untyped,
legacy_match_all: T.untyped,
size: T.untyped,
search_terms: T.untyped,
match_all: T.untyped
def self.image(legacy_size = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_search_terms = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_match_all = T.unsafe(nil), size: '300x300', search_terms: [], match_all: false); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_size: T.untyped,
legacy_search_terms: T.untyped,
legacy_match_all: T.untyped,
size: T.untyped,
search_terms: T.untyped,
match_all: T.untyped
def self.grayscale_image(legacy_size = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_search_terms = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_match_all = T.unsafe(nil), size: '300x300', search_terms: ['all'], match_all: false); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_size: T.untyped,
legacy_search_terms: T.untyped,
legacy_match_all: T.untyped,
size: T.untyped,
search_terms: T.untyped,
match_all: T.untyped
def self.pixelated_image(legacy_size = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_search_terms = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_match_all = T.unsafe(nil), size: '300x300', search_terms: ['all'], match_all: false); end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_size: T.untyped,
legacy_color: T.untyped,
legacy_search_terms: T.untyped,
legacy_match_all: T.untyped,
size: T.untyped,
color: T.untyped,
search_terms: T.untyped,
match_all: T.untyped
def self.colorized_image(legacy_size = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_color = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_search_terms = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_match_all = T.unsafe(nil), size: '300x300', color: 'red', search_terms: ['all'], match_all: false); end
sig do
size: T.untyped,
format: T.untyped,
search_terms: T.untyped,
match_all: T.untyped
def self.build_url(size, format, search_terms, match_all); end
class PhoneNumber < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.phone_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.cell_phone; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.country_code; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.phone_number_with_country_code; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.cell_phone_with_country_code; end
# US and Canada only
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.area_code; end
# US and Canada only
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.exchange_code; end
# US and Canada only
# Can be used for both extensions and last four digits of phone number.
# Since extensions can be of variable length, this method taks a length parameter
sig { params(legacy_length: T.untyped, length: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.subscriber_number(legacy_length = T.unsafe(nil), length: 4); end
class Relationship < Faker::Base
# Produces a random family relationship.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Relationship.familial #=> "Grandfather"
# ```
sig { params(legacy_connection: T.untyped, connection: T.untyped).returns(::String) }
def self.familial(legacy_connection = T.unsafe(nil), connection: nil); end
# Produces a random in-law relationship.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Relationship.in_law #=> "Brother-in-law"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.in_law; end
# Produces a random spouse relationship.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Relationship.spouse #=> "Husband"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.spouse; end
# Produces a random parent relationship.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Relationship.parent #=> "Father"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.parent; end
# Produces a random sibling relationship.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Relationship.sibling #=> "Sister"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.sibling; end
class SouthAfrica < Faker::Base
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.id_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.valid_id_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.invalid_id_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.phone_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.cell_phone; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.pty_ltd_registration_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.close_corporation_registration_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.listed_company_registration_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.trust_registration_number; end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.vat_number; end
class Subscription < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a subscription plan.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Subscription.plan #=> "Platinum"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.plan; end
# Produces a subscription status.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Subscription.status #=> "Active"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.status; end
# Produces the name of a payment method.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Subscription.payment_method #=> "PayPal"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.payment_method; end
# Produces the name of a subscription term.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Subscription.subscription_term #=> "Annual"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.subscription_term; end
# Produces the name of a payment term.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Subscription.payment_term #=> "Monthly"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.payment_term; end
class DrivingLicence < Faker::Base
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
sig do
legacy_last_name: T.untyped,
legacy_initials: T.untyped,
legacy_gender: T.untyped,
legacy_date_of_birth: T.untyped,
last_name: T.untyped,
initials: T.untyped,
gender: T.untyped,
date_of_birth: T.untyped
def self.british_driving_licence(legacy_last_name = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_initials = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_gender = T.unsafe(nil), legacy_date_of_birth = T.unsafe(nil), last_name: Faker::Name.last_name, initials: Faker::Name.initials, gender: random_gender, date_of_birth: Faker::Date.birthday(min_age: 18, max_age: 65)); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.northern_irish_driving_licence; end
sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.uk_driving_licence(*args); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.random_gender; end
sig { params(str: T.untyped, num_chars: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.gb_licence_padding(str, num_chars); end
sig { params(dob: T.untyped, gender: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) }
def self.gb_licence_year(dob, gender); end
sig { returns(T.untyped) }
def self.gb_licence_checksum; end
class JapaneseMedia
class OnePiece < Faker::Base
# Produces a character from One Piece.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::OnePiece.character #=> "Monkey D. Luffy"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
# Produces a sea from One Piece.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::OnePiece.sea #=> "East Blue"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.sea; end
# Produces an island from One Piece.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::OnePiece.island #=> "Laftel"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.island; end
# Produces a location from One Piece.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::OnePiece.location #=> "Foosha Village"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces a quote from One Piece.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::OnePiece.quote #=> "ONE PIECE IS REAL!"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
# Produces an akuma no mi from One Piece.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::OnePiece.akuma_no_mi #=> "Gomu Gomu no Mi"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.akuma_no_mi; end
class DragonBall < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a character from Dragon Ball.
# ```ruby
# Faker::Games::DragonBall.character #=> "Goku"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.character; end
class SwordArtOnline < Faker::Base
# Produces the real name of a character from Sword Art Online.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::SwordArtOnline.real_name #=> "Kirigaya Kazuto"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.real_name; end
# Produces the in-game name of a character from Sword Art Online.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::SwordArtOnline.game_name #=> "Silica"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.game_name; end
# Produces the name of a location from Sword Art Online.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::SwordArtOnline.location #=> "Ruby Palace"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.location; end
# Produces the name of an item from Sword Art Online.
# ```ruby
# Faker::JapaneseMedia::SwordArtOnline.item #=> "Blackwyrm Coat"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.item; end
class IndustrySegments < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of an industry.
# ```ruby
# Faker::IndustrySegments.industry #=> "Basic Materials"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.industry; end
# Produces the name of a super-sector of an industry.
# ```ruby
# Faker::IndustrySegments.super_sector #=> "Basic Resources"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.super_sector; end
# Produces the name of a sector of an industry.
# ```ruby
# Faker::IndustrySegments.sector #=> "Industrial Metals & Mining"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.sector; end
# Produces the name of a subsector of an industry.
# ```ruby
# Faker::IndustrySegments.industry #=> "Basic Materials"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.sub_sector; end
class GreekPhilosophers < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a Greek philosopher.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Socrates"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a quote from a Greek philosopher.
# ```ruby
# Faker::GreekPhilosophers.quote #=> "Only the educated are free."
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.quote; end
class ProgrammingLanguage < Faker::Base
# Produces the name of a programming language.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Ruby"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces the name of a programming language's creator.
# ```ruby
# Faker::ProgrammingLanguage.creator #=> "Yukihiro Matsumoto"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.creator; end
class ElectricalComponents < Faker::Base
# Produces an active electrical component.
# ```ruby
# #=> "Transistor"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def; end
# Produces a passive electrical component.
# ```ruby
# Faker::ElectricalComponents.passive #=> "Resistor"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.passive; end
# Produces an electromechanical electrical component.
# ```ruby
# Faker::ElectricalComponents.electromechanical #=> "Toggle Switch"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.electromechanical; end
class NatoPhoneticAlphabet < Faker::Base
# Produces a code word from the NATO phonetic alphabet.
# ```ruby
# Faker::NatoPhoneticAlphabet.code_word #=> "Hotel"
# ```
sig { returns(::String) }
def self.code_word; end
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