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Created May 9, 2021 04:20
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Get Ti Nispire Device Info
platform.apiLevel = '2.7'
-- Device Info
-- By Connor Slade
-- Config
local programVersion = '1.2'
local fontSize = 12 -- 6 to 255 Defult 12
-- Set Background Color
function setBG(gc, r, g, b, w, h)
gc:setColorRGB(r, g, b)
gc:fillRect(0, 0, 318, 212)
gc:setColorRGB(255, 255, 255)
-- Draw Kay Value Pairs
function drawKeyValue(gc, keyValue, x, y)
local key = keyValue[1]..": "
local value = keyValue[2] or ""
local totalString = key..keyValue[2]
if gc:getStringWidth(totalString) > getXYdisplaySize(gc, true) then
value = dotString(gc, totalString, value)
gc:setColorRGB(255, 255, 255)
gc:drawString(key, x, y)
gc:setColorRGB(125, 125, 255)
gc:drawString(value, x + gc:getStringWidth(key), y)
-- Draw text in the center of the screen
function drawCenterText(gc, text, y)
local x = platform.window:width()/2 - gc:getStringWidth(text)/2
gc:drawString(text, x, y)
-- Get meaning of Platform id
function getPlatformFromId(id)
local platforms = {{3, "TI-Nspire™ handheld"}, {7, "TI-Nspire™ App"}}
for i in pairs(platforms) do
if platforms[i][1] == id then return "[""] "..platforms[i][2] end
return "[""] Unknown... U livn in da future?"
-- Get display size in diffrent formats
function getXYdisplaySize(gc, x, y)
local w = platform.window:width()
local h = platform.window:height()
if x and y then return w .. ", " .. h end
if x then return w end
if y then return h end
-- Shorten and add a '...' to a string if its too big to fit on screen
function dotString(gc, string, real)
local working = string
for i = 1,#working do
working = working:sub(1, #working - 1)
real = real:sub(1, #real - 1)
if gc:getStringWidth(working) < platform.window:width() - gc:getStringWidth(" ...") then
return real.."..."
return "Fail"
-- Capitalize the first char of a string
function capString(str)
local working = str:lower()
local first = working:sub(1, 1):upper()
working = first..working:sub(2)
return working
-- On Paint Function
function on.paint(gc)
-- Define the items to be put on display
local items = {
{"API-Level", platform.apiLevel},
{"Platform", getPlatformFromId(platform.hw())},
{"IsColor", capString(tostring(platform.isColorDisplay()))},
{"DisplaySize", getXYdisplaySize(gc, true, true)},
{"DevID", platform.getDeviceID() or "None - Emulated?"},
{"ClipBoard", clipboard.getText()},
{"DeviceInfo", programVersion}
-- Draw Title
setBG(gc, 0, 0, 0)
gc:setFont("sansserif", "b", 12)
drawCenterText(gc, "▶ Device Info ◀", 0)
gc:setFont("sansserif", "r", 9)
drawCenterText(gc, "Connor Slade", 18)
-- Draw Info
gc:setFont("sansserif", "r", fontSize)
for i in pairs(items) do
drawKeyValue(gc, {items[i][1], items[i][2]}, 5, i*fontSize*1.7+20)
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