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Last active January 3, 2016 04:19
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Mongo Check - fix for multiple instances
import re
import types
import time
from checks import AgentCheck
from util import get_hostname
# When running with pymongo < 2.0
# Not the full spec for mongo URIs -- just extract username and password
class MongoDb(AgentCheck):
def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig):
AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig)
self._last_state_by_server = {}
def get_library_versions(self):
import pymongo
version = pymongo.version
except ImportError:
version = "Not Found"
except AttributeError:
version = "Unknown"
return {"pymongo": version}
def check_last_state(self, state, server, agentConfig):
if self._last_state_by_server.get(server, -1) != state:
self._last_state_by_server[server] = state
return self.create_event(state, server, agentConfig)
def create_event(self, state, server, agentConfig):
"""Create an event with a message describing the replication
state of a mongo node"""
def get_state_description(state):
if state == 0: return 'Starting Up'
elif state == 1: return 'Primary'
elif state == 2: return 'Secondary'
elif state == 3: return 'Recovering'
elif state == 4: return 'Fatal'
elif state == 5: return 'Starting up (forking threads)'
elif state == 6: return 'Unknown'
elif state == 7: return 'Arbiter'
elif state == 8: return 'Down'
elif state == 9: return 'Rollback'
status = get_state_description(state)
hostname = get_hostname(agentConfig)
msg_title = "%s is %s" % (server, status)
msg = "MongoDB %s just reported as %s" % (server, status)
'timestamp': int(time.time()),
'event_type': 'Mongo',
'api_key': agentConfig['api_key'],
'msg_title': msg_title,
'msg_text': msg,
'host': hostname
def check(self, instance):
Returns a dictionary that looks a lot like what's sent back by db.serverStatus()
if 'server' not in instance:
self.log.warn("Missing 'server' in mongo config")
server = instance['server']
tags = instance.get('tags', [])
tags.append('server:%s' % server)
# de-dupe tags to avoid a memory leak
tags = list(set(tags))
from pymongo import Connection
except ImportError:
self.log.error('mongo.yaml exists but pymongo module can not be imported. Skipping check.')
raise Exception('Python PyMongo Module can not be imported. Please check the installation instruction on the Datadog Website')
from pymongo import uri_parser
# Configuration a URL, mongodb://user:pass@server/db
parsed = uri_parser.parse_uri(server)
except ImportError:
# uri_parser is pymongo 2.0+
matches = mongo_uri_re.match(server)
if matches:
parsed = matches.groupdict()
parsed = {}
username = parsed.get('username')
password = parsed.get('password')
db_name = parsed.get('database')
if not db_name:'No MongoDB database found in URI. Defaulting to admin.')
db_name = 'admin'
do_auth = True
if username is None or password is None:
self.log.debug("Mongo: cannot extract username and password from config %s" % server)
do_auth = False
conn = Connection(server, network_timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
db = conn[db_name]
if do_auth:
if not db.authenticate(username, password):
self.log.error("Mongo: cannot connect with config %s" % server)
status = db["$cmd"].find_one({"serverStatus": 1})
status['stats'] = db.command('dbstats')
# Handle replica data, if any
# See
data = {}
replSet = db.command('replSetGetStatus')
if replSet:
primary = None
current = None
# find nodes: master and current node (ourself)
for member in replSet.get('members'):
if member.get('self'):
current = member
if int(member.get('state')) == 1:
primary = member
# If we have both we can compute a lag time
if current is not None and primary is not None:
lag = current['optimeDate'] - primary['optimeDate']
# Python 2.7 has this built in, python < 2.7 don't...
if hasattr(lag,'total_seconds'):
data['replicationLag'] = lag.total_seconds()
data['replicationLag'] = (lag.microseconds + \
(lag.seconds + lag.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10.0**6
if current is not None:
data['health'] = current['health']
data['state'] = replSet['myState']
self.check_last_state(data['state'], server, self.agentConfig)
status['replSet'] = data
except Exception, e:
if "OperationFailure" in repr(e) and "replSetGetStatus" in str(e):
raise e
# If these keys exist, remove them for now as they cannot be serialized
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
# Go through the metrics and save the values
for m in self.METRICS:
# each metric is of the form: x.y.z with z optional
# and can be found at status[x][y][z]
value = status
for c in m.split("."):
value = value[c]
except KeyError:
# value is now status[x][y][z]
assert type(value) in (types.IntType, types.LongType, types.FloatType)
# Check if metric is a gauge or rate
if m in self.GAUGES:
m = self.normalize(m.lower(), 'mongodb')
self.gauge(m, value, tags=tags)
if m in self.RATES:
m = self.normalize(m.lower(), 'mongodb') + "ps"
self.rate(m, value, tags=tags)
def parse_agent_config(agentConfig):
if not agentConfig.get('mongodb_server'):
return False
return {
'instances': [{
'server': agentConfig.get('mongodb_server')
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