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Created January 12, 2018 17:57
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First pass at retrieving historical data from Secure The News API
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# URL for SecureTheNews API
url = ''
# URL template for retrieving historical scan data for a specific domain.
# Querying historical data for all sites involves a two-step API process.
site_url = '{}/scans/'
# Scan data is dense! We have roughly three scans per day per domain.
# That's dense enough, with little enough change, that it clutters graphs.
# Let's instead skip through the historical scans and take a subset,
# e.g. every 500th data point gets graphed.
scan_data_density = 500
# Retrieve JSON blob from API
all_sites_request = requests.get(url)
all_sites = all_sites_request.json()['results']
# Shove JSON into dataframe (not using for now)
df =
# print(df)
# Cheat and use simple data structures for munging data
scores = []
timestamps = []
# Loop through all sites referenced by the API.
# Extract the domain mentioned, then make a second API call
# to get historical data per domain (perhaps API v2 should
# consolidate the two-step process, to make the API more straightforward).
total_num_sites = len(all_sites)
for i, site in enumerate(all_sites):
# Extract target domain info list of domains.
domain = site['domain']
print("Evaluating {} ({}/{})".format(domain, i, total_num_sites))
scans_url = site_url.format(domain)
site_request = requests.get(scans_url)
site_scan_results = site_request.json()['results']
# Second two in the API process: dig deeply on one domain
print("Analyzing historical data for {}".format(domain))
# Too much scan data... let's filter some out.
for scan in site_scan_results[0:-1:scan_data_density]:
timestamp = scan['timestamp']
score = scan['score']
# Example URL for one org:
# Graph that business!
print("Generating pyplot scatter chart...")
plt.scatter(timestamps, scores)
plt.ylabel("Numeric grade")
# Try a stacked bar chart. Should show upward shift in grade distribution
# over time.
# TODO: We'll need to chunk the x-axis into buckets, though, presumably
# months, in order to stack the results.
print("Generating pyplot stacked bar chart..."), scores)
plt.ylabel("Numeric grade")
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