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Created November 1, 2011 16:48
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Save conradlee/1331132 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Converts edgelists to pajek files. Works for very large files.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import optparse
import tempfile
# Special feature: can convert files so large that they
# don't fit in memory. Works for weighted/unweighted,
# directed/undirected edges.
def edgelist_to_pajek(input_filename, output_filename="", directed=False, weighted=False, buffer_size=500):
Input filename is the name of an edgelist file with the following format
node1ID node2ID [weight]
node1ID node3ID [weight]
nodeiID nodejID [weight]
where nodeIDs are separated by whitespace.
Edge weights will only be used if the "weighted" argument is set to True.
Buffer size is in megabytes.
If output is unspecified, then I use stdout.
# Sort out I/O
if output_filename:
output_file = open(output_filename, "w")
output_file = sys.stdout
node_idx_map = {}
# Write vertices section and produce map from original nodeIDs to
# contiguous integer ids that start from one.
with Tempfile() as unique_nodes_file:
unique_nodes_command = "<%s awk '{ print $1; print $2; }' | sort -n --buffer-size=%dM | uniq>%s" % (input_filename, buffer_size,
unique_nodes_command = "<" + input_filename + " " + unique_nodes_command
num_nodes = int(run_command("wc -l %s" %[0])
output_file.write("*Vertices\t%d\n" % num_nodes)
with open( as nodes_file:
for idx, line in enumerate(nodes_file):
node_id = int(line.rstrip("\n"))
pajek_idx = idx + 1 # Pajek indexing starts with 1
output_file.write('\t%d "%d"\n' % (pajek_idx, node_id))
# Might be slow to add to dict this way, one at a time
node_idx_map[node_id] = pajek_idx
# Now write edges
if directed:
input_file = open(input_filename)
for i, line in enumerate(input_file):
if weighted:
n1, n2, weight = line.strip().split()
output_file.write("\t%d\t%d\t%0.6f\n" % (node_idx_map[int(n1)],
n1, n2 = map(int, line.strip().split()[:2])
output_file.write("\t%d\t%d\n" % (node_idx_map[n1],
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, "Problem parsing input file on line %d, which reads: \n\t%s\nIf you selected the -w option for weighted edegs, make sure this line has an edg\
e weight" % (i + 1, line)
def run_command(command):
# Necessary for compatability with python 2.6 which is missing
# some of the conveneince funcitons in python 2.7
""" Warning: Will hang if stderr or stdout is large """
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
retcode = process.wait()
if retcode != 0:
raise Exception, "Problem running command: " + command
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
return stdout
class Tempfile:
def __enter__(self):
self.file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
return self.file
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
except OSError:
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog input_filename <options>")
help="specifies that edges are directed.",
help="specifies that edges are weighted.",
help="Filename for output, which is in pajek format. Default [stdout]",
help="Size of buffer for sort command to use (in megabytes) Default [%default]",
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
input_filename = sys.argv[1]
output_filename = opts.out_filename,
directed = opts.directed,
weighted = opts.weighted,
buffer_size = opts.buffer_size)
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I'm "not very experienced with Python (newbe, actually) and I had some problems running your code.

I put it into the same directory with input datafile (edges.csv), wrote the name for the output (edges_paj) and ran it in Python 2.7.2. And it gave me the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\alexandrsemenov\Documents\Data\Python\", line 124, in
input_filename = sys.argv[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

How can I fix it?

Thanks in advance.

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To convert the edgelist file, you need to provide one command line argument. If you are in the console, you should first be in the same directory as the python script and the edgelist file (which I assume you are, in your case you can switch to the correct directory with the command cd C:\Users\alexandrsemenov\Documents\Data\Python\).

Next, simply run the command

python edges.csv

where edges.csv is the name of your edgelist.

It looks like you're running this from windows. I'm not sure whether it works under windows---the script assumes on the word counting program wc is installed (which may or may not be true on your windows installation). wc is installed by default on most linux and OS X systems.

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It seems like "wc" is for Unix-like operating systems only =(. Can you update the script so, that it could work with Windows too?

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The code also uses the unix command line tool sort. You might be able to get wc and sort (and other unix command line tools) working by installing cygwin. Or you could install an Ubuntu virtual machine (or install Ubuntu on your machine in a dual-boot configuration). I did this a few years ago and in the meantime I nearly never use Windows any more. But this isn't the place to bash Windows.

I could modify the script to not use sort or wc and instead use only python to count the number of lines and unique node ids in the file, but this would be slower and might require RAM. The purpose of this particular parser is to be very scalable by delegating work to unix command line utilities, so if I re-wrote it to not use those utilities I would in a way defeat the original purpose. Other people have written programs that convert CSV files to pajak that are also compatible with Windows, such as this one. Probably they also work on quite large files.

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Unfortunatelly, txt2pajek complained about the amount of memory (Zu wenig Arbeitsspeicher) on my 4GB RAM machine (unfortunately run under 32-bit Win7), trying to import 45 000 nodes with 1 000 000 edges network.

In my case, speed is not crucial. All I need is to transfer the data into Pajek.

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That network shouldn't be a problem on your machine (although perhaps with the 32-bit operating system, Windows can only access 3GB, not four---I'm not sure about this).

So it should indeed be possible to write a relatively simple native python script that converts your edgelist file into the pajek format. I don't have time at the moment, but if you remind me later this week, I'll write it up for you.


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Yes, it's only 3 GB available for 32-bit Windows application.

I'll remind you about the script if I don't find any alternative in a week.


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hampusb commented Mar 27, 2014

Thanks for great the program! Could finally do the neighbour detection all swedish twitter accounts :) (see result at )

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faeza commented Mar 2, 2015

i am newbe in pajek. i am importing data from gephi into pajek via txt to pajek. But pajek is giving error Error: this seems unix file or corrupted etc.
Any one can help me regarding this issue....
Thanks in advance!

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mohsin36295 commented Sep 16, 2017

is there any code available to create temporal network using pajek? because i want to convert network into a temporal network by using dates as time stamp. Basically i am saying that is there any code which can turn csv into pajek file including time stamp

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