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Last active January 22, 2024 18:58
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Script to download cellmap ground truth data
import os
import numpy as np
from fibsem_tools import io
from import imsave
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
datasets = [
dataset_raw_urls = [
dataset_gt_urls = [
if __name__ == '__main__':
for name, raw_url, gt_urls in zip(datasets, dataset_raw_urls, dataset_gt_urls):
# make directory with dataset name and image and mask
# subdirectories to save the results
os.makedirs(name, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(f'{name}/images/', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(f'{name}/masks/', exist_ok=True)
# load the raw volume
raw = io.read_xarray(raw_url, storage_options={'anon': True})
print('Loaded raw of', raw.shape)
for i,gt_url in enumerate(gt_urls):
# load the gt crop
gt = io.read_xarray(gt_url, storage_options={'anon': True})
offset = gt.offset
print(f'Loaded gt {i+1} of {len(gt_urls)} shape {gt.shape} with offset {offset}')
# convert from offset to indices
start_indices = [int(i // 4) for i in offset]
start_indices = [start_indices[2], start_indices[1], start_indices[0]]
end_indices = [int(i + s // 2) for i,s in zip(start_indices, gt.shape)]
# move from x, y, z to z, y, x
zs, ys, xs = start_indices
ze, ye, xe = end_indices
print(f'Slicing from {tuple([zs, ys, xs])}, {tuple([ze, ye, xe])}')
raw_crop = raw[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe]
# resize the gt
gt = zoom(gt, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), order=0).astype(np.uint8)
print(f'Raw of {raw_crop.shape} and GT of {gt.shape} and {gt.dtype}')
crop_name = gt_url.split('/')[-4]
imsave(f'{name}/images/{crop_name}.tif', raw_crop, check_contrast=False)
imsave(f'{name}/masks/{crop_name}.tif', gt, check_contrast=False)
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Downloads raw data images and labeled ground truth from

The only "exotic" dependency is fibsem_tools which can be installed from here:

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If you don't want to run the script, here's the zipped data from June 14th, 2022:

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