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Created March 8, 2023 21:16
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  • Save conrjac/2a65daf24e06c205987451a0994d9115 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Salesforce Object Key Prefixes
KeyPrefix Label DeveloperName
800 Contract Contract
017 Contract History ContractHistory
0D5 Contract Feed ContractFeed
1CE Contract Change Event ContractChangeEvent
801 Order Order
0Fy Order Share OrderShare
017 Order History OrderHistory
0D5 Order Feed OrderFeed
1CE Order Change Event OrderChangeEvent
802 Order Product OrderItem
017 Order Product History OrderItemHistory
0D5 Order Product Feed OrderItemFeed
1CE Order Product Change Event OrderItemChangeEvent
02a Contract Contact Role ContractContactRole
01J Opportunity Stage OpportunityStage
01J Lead Status Value LeadStatus
Case Status Value CaseStatus
Solution Status Value SolutionStatus
Partner Role Value PartnerRole
Task Priority Value TaskPriority
Task Status Value TaskStatus
Contract Status Value ContractStatus
012 Record Type RecordType
01j Translation RecordTypeLocalization
019 Business Process BusinessProcess
00D Organization Organization
01H Mail Merge Template MailmergeTemplate
01N Custom S-Control Scontrol
01j Scontrol Localization ScontrolLocalization
015 Document Document
00l Folder Folder
018 Email Status EmailStatus
00b Custom Button or Link WebLink
01j Custom Link Localization WebLinkLocalization
00X Email Template EmailTemplate
1CE Email Template Change Event EmailTemplateChangeEvent
05X Document Entity Map DocumentAttachmentMap
016 Letterhead BrandTemplate
Name Name
Recently Viewed RecentlyViewed
0Ya Login History LoginHistory
710 Login IP LoginIp
713 Client Browser ClientBrowser
083 Vote Vote
09a Zone Community
Aggregate Result AggregateResult
701 Campaign Campaign
08s Campaign Share CampaignShare
017 Campaign Field History CampaignHistory
0D5 Campaign Feed CampaignFeed
1CE Campaign Change Event CampaignChangeEvent
01Y Campaign Member Status CampaignMemberStatus
1CE Campaign Member Status Change Event CampaignMemberStatusChangeEvent
00v Campaign Member CampaignMember
1CE Campaign Member Change Event CampaignMemberChangeEvent
001 Account Account
00r Account Share AccountShare
017 Account History AccountHistory
0D5 Account Feed AccountFeed
1CE Account Change Event AccountChangeEvent
003 Contact Contact
03s Contact Share ContactShare
017 Contact History ContactHistory
0D5 Contact Feed ContactFeed
1CE Contact Change Event ContactChangeEvent
00Q Lead Lead
01o Lead Share LeadShare
017 Lead History LeadHistory
0D5 Lead Feed LeadFeed
1CE Lead Change Event LeadChangeEvent
006 Opportunity Opportunity
00t Opportunity Share OpportunityShare
017 Opportunity Field History OpportunityFieldHistory
0D5 Opportunity Feed OpportunityFeed
1CE Opportunity Change Event OpportunityChangeEvent
00K Opportunity Contact Role OpportunityContactRole
1CE Opportunity Contact Role Change Event OpportunityContactRoleChangeEvent
008 Opportunity History OpportunityHistory
00k Opportunity Product OpportunityLineItem
00J Opportunity: Competitor OpportunityCompetitor
00I Partner Partner
00I Account Partner AccountPartner
00I Opportunity Partner OpportunityPartner
00P Attachment Attachment
022 Fiscal Year Settings FiscalYearSettings
026 Period Period
0QD Quote PDF QuoteDocument
01u Price Book Entry PricebookEntry
017 Price Book Entry History PricebookEntryHistory
01t Product Product2
017 Product History Product2History
0D5 Product Feed Product2Feed
1CE Product Change Event Product2ChangeEvent
02i Asset Asset
70a Asset Share AssetShare
017 Asset History AssetHistory
0D5 Asset Feed AssetFeed
1CE Asset Change Event AssetChangeEvent
01m Business Hours BusinessHours
500 Case Case
01n Case Share CaseShare
017 Case History CaseHistory
00a Case Comment CaseComment
0B4 Predefined Case Team CaseTeamTemplate
0B5 Predefined Case Team Member CaseTeamTemplateMember
0B6 Case Team Member CaseTeamMember
0B7 Case Team Member Role CaseTeamRole
0B8 Predefined Case Team Record CaseTeamTemplateRecord
0D5 Case Feed CaseFeed
1CE Case Change Event CaseChangeEvent
03j Case Contact Role CaseContactRole
010 Case Solution CaseSolution
501 Solution Solution
017 Solution History SolutionHistory
0D5 Solution Feed SolutionFeed
0C0 Holiday Holiday
04m Additional Directory Number AdditionalNumber
04v Call Center CallCenter
551 Entitlement Template EntitlementTemplate
0E9 Product Entitlement Template ProductEntitlementTemplate
552 Entitlement Process SlaProcess
557 Milestone MilestoneType
555 Case Milestone CaseMilestone
068 Content Version ContentVersion
017 Content Version History ContentVersionHistory
1CE Content Version Change Event ContentVersionChangeEvent
069 Content Document ContentDocument
017 Content Document History ContentDocumentHistory
0D5 ContentDocument Feed ContentDocumentFeed
1CE Content Document Change Event ContentDocumentChangeEvent
06A Content Document Link ContentDocumentLink
1CE Content Document Link Change Event ContentDocumentLinkChangeEvent
Foldered Content Document FolderedContentDocument
Content Folder Item ContentFolderItem
058 Library ContentWorkspace
059 Library Document ContentWorkspaceDoc
05P Library Permission ContentWorkspacePermission
05Q Content Tag Subscription ContentTagSubscription
05C Content Version Comment ContentVersionComment
05V Content Notification ContentNotification
05J Content Version Rating ContentVersionRating
05R Content Workspace Subscription ContentWorkspaceSubscription
057 Content Document Subscription ContentDocumentSubscription
05A Library Member ContentWorkspaceMember
05S Content User Subscription ContentUserSubscription
05D Content Delivery ContentDistribution
05H Content Delivery View ContentDistributionView
Attached Content Document AttachedContentDocument
Note, Attachment, Google Doc And File CombinedAttachment
User Owned File OwnedContentDocument
07v Content Folder Link ContentFolderLink
07I Content Folder Member ContentFolderMember
002 Note Note
Note and Attachment NoteAndAttachment
08a Cron Job CronJobDetail
08e Scheduled Jobs CronTrigger
0D5 Feed Item FeedItem
0D6 Feed Tracked Change FeedTrackedChange
0D7 Feed Comment FeedComment
0I0 Feed Like FeedLike
08M Feed Attachment FeedAttachment
09A Feed Poll Choice FeedPollChoice
09B Feed Poll Vote FeedPollVote
0E8 Entity Subscription EntitySubscription
0F9 Group CollaborationGroup
0D5 Group Feed CollaborationGroupFeed
0FB Group Member CollaborationGroupMember
0I5 Group Member Request CollaborationGroupMemberRequest
0H1 Chatter Invitation CollaborationInvitation
0ca Chatter Activity ChatterActivity
08U Feed Revision FeedRevision
0IF Push Topic PushTopic
01h Language Translation Translation
00O Report Report
0D5 Report Feed ReportFeed
01Z Dashboard Dashboard
0D5 Dashboard Feed DashboardFeed
01a Dashboard Component DashboardComponent
0D5 Dashboard Component Feed DashboardComponentFeed
01Q Assignment Rule AssignmentRule
04a Process Definition ProcessDefinition
04b Process Node ProcessNode
04g Process Instance ProcessInstance
04h Process Instance Step ProcessInstanceStep
04i Approval Request ProcessInstanceWorkitem
Process Instance History ProcessInstanceHistory
01p Apex Class ApexClass
01q Apex Trigger ApexTrigger
07L Apex Debug Log ApexLog
07M Apex Test Result ApexTestResult
707 Apex Job AsyncApexJob
709 Apex Test Queue Item ApexTestQueueItem
00E Role UserRole
00G Group Group
011 Group Member GroupMember
03g Queue sObject QueueSobject
User Record Access UserRecordAccess
066 Visualforce Page ApexPage
099 Visualforce Component ApexComponent
081 Static Resource StaticResource
100 User License UserLicense
050 Package License PackageLicense
051 User Package License UserPackageLicense
00e Profile Profile
0Pa Permission Set Assignment PermissionSetAssignment
110 Object Permissions ObjectPermissions
01k Field Permissions FieldPermissions
0J0 Setup Entity Access SetupEntityAccess
0Ym Setup Audit Trail Entry SetupAuditTrail
00T Task Task
0D5 Task Feed TaskFeed
1CE Task Change Event TaskChangeEvent
00U Event Event
0D5 Event Feed EventFeed
1CE Event Change Event EventChangeEvent
023 Calendar Calendar
0RE Event Relation EventRelation
1CE Event Relation Change Event EventRelationChangeEvent
Accepted Event Relation AcceptedEventRelation
Undecided Event Relation UndecidedEventRelation
Declined Event Relation DeclinedEventRelation
Lookups from Activity LookedUpFromActivity
Open Activity OpenActivity
Activity History ActivityHistory
02n Category Node CategoryNode
01j Category Node Localization CategoryNodeLocalization
02o Category Data CategoryData
0DM Site Site
017 Site History SiteHistory
0D5 Site SiteFeed
0H0 Site Redirect Mapping SiteRedirectMapping
0I4 Domain Domain
0Jf Custom URL DomainSite
0D2 Organization-wide From Email Address OrgWideEmailAddress
01P Permission Set Tab Setting PermissionSetTabSetting
07W Custom Brand CustomBrand
07X Custom Brand Asset CustomBrandAsset
0H4 Connected App ConnectedApplication
0SO Auth. Provider AuthProvider
0Yu Identity Provider Event Log IdpEventLog
04F Login Geo Data LoginGeo
091 Email Service EmailServicesFunction
093 Email Services Address EmailServicesAddress
0in Knowledgeable User KnowledgeableUser
0TO Topic Topic
01j Translation TopicLocalization
0D5 Topic Feed TopicFeed
0FT Topic Assignment TopicAssignment
0te Topic User Event TopicUserEvent
005 User User
0N2 User Share UserShare
0D5 User Feed UserFeed
1CE User Change Event UserChangeEvent
0Yw User Login UserLogin
03u User Preference UserPreference
0Ak Auth Session AuthSession
00B List View ListView
02s Email Message EmailMessage
1CE Email Message Change Event EmailMessageChangeEvent
0CZ Email Message Relation EmailMessageRelation
0Qt Identity Verification History VerificationHistory
05T Content Body ContentBody
Work Order Line Item Status Value WorkOrderLineItemStatus
Work Order Status Value WorkOrderStatus
0QJ Feed Signal FeedSignal
0PK Individual Individual
0T5 Individual Share IndividualShare
017 Individual History IndividualHistory
1CE Individual Change Event IndividualChangeEvent
Order Status Value OrderStatus
Field Security Classification FieldSecurityClassification
00C Recycle Bin Item DeleteEvent
Work Step Status Value WorkStepStatus
0Cd Platform Event Subscription EventBusSubscriber
0AT Event Log File EventLogFile
4ie Entity Definition EntityDefinition
4fe Field Definition FieldDefinition
0Nv Entity Particle EntityParticle
4pv Picklist Value Info PicklistValueInfo
0Ju Relationship RelationshipInfo
0Jv Relationship Domain RelationshipDomain
4co Search Layout SearchLayout
4pb Publisher Publisher
4dt Data Type DataType
4fp User Field Access UserFieldAccess
07u User Entity Access UserEntityAccess
0Cy Change Owner Option Info OwnerChangeOptionInfo
05a Data Statistics DataStatistics
1HB Login Event LoginEvent
0Ll Login Event Stream LoginEventStream
07t API Event ApiEvent
074 CORS Allowed Origin List CorsWhitelistEntry
0MD Promoted Search Term SearchPromotionRule
06h FileSearchActivity FileSearchActivity
02Z Account Contact Role AccountContactRole
1CE Account Contact Role Change Event AccountContactRoleChangeEvent
0Q0 Quote Quote
02c Quote Share QuoteShare
0D5 Quote Feed QuoteFeed
1CE Quote Change Event QuoteChangeEvent
0QL Quote Line Item QuoteLineItem
1CE Quote Line Item Change Event QuoteLineItemChangeEvent
0QR Quote Template Rich Text Data QuoteTemplateRichTextData
01s Price Book Pricebook2
017 Price Book History Pricebook2History
1CE Price Book Change Event Pricebook2ChangeEvent
087 Idea Idea
00a Idea Comment IdeaComment
0JZ Macro Macro
02c Macro Share MacroShare
017 Macro History MacroHistory
1CE Macro Change Event MacroChangeEvent
0Ji Macro Instruction MacroInstruction
1CE Macro Instruction Change Event MacroInstructionChangeEvent
0WO Work Order WorkOrder
02c Work Order Share WorkOrderShare
017 Work Order History WorkOrderHistory
0D5 Work Order Feed WorkOrderFeed
1CE Work Order Change Event WorkOrderChangeEvent
1WL Work Order Line Item WorkOrderLineItem
017 Work Order Line Item History WorkOrderLineItemHistory
0D5 Work Order Line Item Feed WorkOrderLineItemFeed
1CE Work Order Line Item Change Event WorkOrderLineItemChangeEvent
550 Entitlement Entitlement
017 Entitlement History EntitlementHistory
0D5 Entitlement Feed EntitlementFeed
1CE Entitlement Change Event EntitlementChangeEvent
0E7 Entitlement Contact EntitlementContact
1EM Object Milestone EntityMilestone
017 Object Milestone History EntityMilestoneHistory
0D5 Object Milestone Feed EntityMilestoneFeed
810 Service Contract ServiceContract
02c Service Contract Share ServiceContractShare
017 Service Contract History ServiceContractHistory
0D5 Service Contract Feed ServiceContractFeed
1CE Service Contract Change Event ServiceContractChangeEvent
811 Contract Line Item ContractLineItem
017 Contract Line Item History ContractLineItemHistory
0D5 Contract Line Item Feed ContractLineItemFeed
1CE Contract Line Item Change Event ContractLineItemChangeEvent
03S Asset File ContentAsset
07H Content Folder ContentFolder
0Aa Group Record CollaborationGroupRecord
0Bt Announcement Announcement
0M6 Streaming Channel StreamingChannel
02c Streaming Channel Share StreamingChannelShare
07g Action Link Group Template ActionLinkGroupTemplate
07l Action Link Template ActionLinkTemplate
131 Location Location
02c Location Share LocationShare
017 Location History LocationHistory
0D5 Location Feed LocationFeed
1CE Location Change Event LocationChangeEvent
0Kt Associated Location AssociatedLocation
017 Associated Location History AssociatedLocationHistory
0OO Process Instance Node ProcessInstanceNode
06i Flex Queue Item FlexQueueItem
05m Apex Test Run Result ApexTestRunResult
05n Apex Test Result Limit ApexTestResultLimits
06j Apex Email Notification ApexEmailNotification
05F Apex Test Suite ApexTestSuite
0Hd Test Suite Membership TestSuiteMembership
4ve Apex Page Info ApexPageInfo
0PL Permission Set License PermissionSetLicense
2LA Permission Set License Assignment PermissionSetLicenseAssign
06d Setting Granted By License GrantedByLicense
0UT Tenant Usage Entitlement TenantUsageEntitlement
0PS Permission Set PermissionSet
0PD Custom Permission Dependency CustomPermissionDependency
0CP Custom Permission CustomPermission
5Pa Session Permission Set Activation SessionPermSetActivation
03A Calendar CalendarView
02c Calendar Share CalendarViewShare
0GV Site Detail SiteDetail
0Fo Flow Interview FlowInterview
02c Flow Interview Share FlowInterviewShare
06E D&B Company DandBCompany
1CA Account Clean Info AccountCleanInfo
1CC Contact Clean Info ContactCleanInfo
1CL Lead Clean Info LeadCleanInfo
08C Contact DatacloudContact
09F Usage DatacloudPurchaseUsage
09O Owned Entity DatacloudOwnedEntity
09K Company DatacloudCompany
09N D&B Company DatacloudDandBCompany
07m Address DatacloudAddress
09P Email Domain Key EmailDomainKey
574 Quick Text QuickText
02c Quick Text Share QuickTextShare
017 Quick Text History QuickTextHistory
1CE Quick Text Change Event QuickTextChangeEvent
1ST Stamp Stamp
01j Translation StampLocalization
1SA Stamp Assignment StampAssignment
0Ab Aura Component Bundle AuraDefinitionBundle
0ab AuraDefinitionBundle Info AuraDefinitionBundleInfo
0Ad Lightning Component Definition AuraDefinition
0ad AuraDefinition Info AuraDefinitionInfo
08y Content Security Policy Trusted Site CspTrustedSite
0KD Tab Definition TabDefinition
05k Color Definition ColorDefinition
09k Icon Definition IconDefinition
06m App Definition AppDefinition
06o App Tab Member AppTabMember
0Ds Last Used App UserAppInfo
0DS AppMenuItem AppMenuItem
07p Application UserAppMenuItem
0Nw UserAppMenuCustomization UserAppMenuCustomization
02c UserAppMenuCustomization Share UserAppMenuCustomizationShare
07T Authentication Configuration AuthConfig
0LE SAML Single Sign-On Setting SamlSsoConfig
07U Authentication Configuration Auth. Provider AuthConfigProviders
0CQ Oauth Token OauthToken
0Jr Third Party Account Link ThirdPartyAccountLink
0XU External Data User Authentication ExternalDataUserAuth
0Je User Provisioning Config UserProvisioningConfig
0Li Asset Token Event AssetTokenEvent
0HP User Provisioning Request UserProvisioningRequest
02c User Provisioning Request Share UserProvisioningRequestShare
0Hs User Provisioning Log UserProvisioningLog
0HX User Provisioning Mock Target UserProvMockTarget
0Ni User Provisioning Account UserProvAccount
0HY User Provisioning Account Staging UserProvAccountStaging
0J4 Service Provider SAML Attribute SPSamlAttributes
0NI Transaction Security Policy TransactionSecurityPolicy
06F EmailCapture EmailCapture
3NA Custom Object Usage By User License Metric CustomObjectUserLicenseMetrics
0W0 Thanks WorkThanks
02c Thanks Share WorkThanksShare
0W1 Badge WorkBadgeDefinition
02c Badge Share WorkBadgeDefinitionShare
017 Badge History WorkBadgeDefinitionHistory
0D5 Badge Feed WorkBadgeDefinitionFeed
0W2 Badge Received WorkBadge
0W5 Access WorkAccess
02c Access Share WorkAccessShare
0IW Mobile Application Detail MobileApplicationDetail
0El Installed Mobile App InstalledMobileApp
0ML Custom Notification Type CustomNotificationType
0Na User List View UserListView
0JU User List View Criteria UserListViewCriterion
0Dd List View Chart ListViewChart
0De List View Chart Instance ListViewChartInstance
0Ah Conference Number ConferenceNumber
08N External Event Mapping ExternalEventMapping
02c External Event Mapping Share ExternalEventMappingShare
0AY External Event ExternalEvent
0Ib Matching Information MatchingInformation
0Jz Goal TodayGoal
02c Goal Share TodayGoalShare
0Bm Duplicate Rule DuplicateRule
0GK Duplicate Record Set DuplicateRecordSet
0GL Duplicate Record Item DuplicateRecordItem
0JD Matching Rule MatchingRule
0JE Matching Rule Item MatchingRuleItem
0XC External Data Source ExternalDataSource
0XA Named Credential NamedCredential
08P Background Operation BackgroundOperation
0JV Platform Action PlatformAction
0Q1 Outgoing Email OutgoingEmail
0Q3 Outgoing Email Relation OutgoingEmailRelation
03P Data Assessment Metric DataAssessmentMetric
03Q Data Assessment Field Metric DataAssessmentFieldMetric
03R Data Assessment Field Value Metric DataAssessmentValueMetric
0Er Platform Cache Partition PlatformCachePartition
0Ev Platform Cache Partition Type PlatformCachePartitionType
09v Security Custom Baseline SecurityCustomBaseline
0Lq Embedded Service EmbeddedServiceDetail
09t Ui Formula Rule UiFormulaRule
0Gp Ui Formula Criterion UiFormulaCriterion
0Kn Formula Function FormulaFunction
0Kh Formula Function Category FormulaFunctionCategory
0Ly Branding Set Property BrandingSetProperty
0Lw Branding Set BrandingSet
0MY Extension ChatterExtension
01j Translation ChatterExtensionLocalization
0OP Visualforce Access Metric VisualforceAccessMetrics
1AR Asset Relationship AssetRelationship
017 Asset Relationship History AssetRelationshipHistory
0D5 Asset Relationship Feed AssetRelationshipFeed
0OL Org Lifecycle Notification OrgLifecycleNotification
0Ob Chatter Extension Configuration ChatterExtensionConfig
0PH Logout Event Stream LogoutEventStream
0XB List Email ListEmail
02c List Email Share ListEmailShare
1CE List Email Change Event ListEmailChangeEvent
0XD List Email Recipient Source ListEmailRecipientSource
0Om Scorecard Metric ScorecardMetric
01f Scorecard Scorecard
02c Scorecard Share ScorecardShare
0up User Permission Access UserPermissionAccess
0OZ Wave Compatibility Check Item WaveCompatibilityCheckItem
0PG Permission Set Group PermissionSetGroup
0QI API Event Stream ApiEventStream
0Qu Report Event ReportEvent
0Ol Report Event Stream ReportEventStream
0Qn Scorecard Association ScorecardAssociation
0Rw RecordAction RecordAction
62C Lightning Usage By App Type Metrics LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics
3mK Lightning Usage By Browser Metrics LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics
0dr Org Delete Request OrgDeleteRequest
02c Org Delete Request Share OrgDeleteRequestShare
0U5 Lightning Usage By Page Metrics LightningUsageByPageMetrics
1o1 Lightning Toggle Metrics LightningToggleMetrics
31z Flow Record Relation FlowRecordRelation
31y Flow Interview Stage Relation FlowStageRelation
0S1 Lightning Experience Theme LightningExperienceTheme
0UZ Wave Auto Install Request WaveAutoInstallRequest
7pV Lightning Usage By FlexiPage Metrics LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics
0UG Onboarding Metrics OnboardingMetrics
0XH Custom HTTP Header CustomHttpHeader
0T6 Email Domain Filter EmailDomainFilter
26Z Email Relay EmailRelay
0Tz Contact Request ContactRequest
02c Contact Request Share ContactRequestShare
9Vl Contact Point Email ContactPointEmail
02c Contact Point Email Share ContactPointEmailShare
017 Contact Point Email History ContactPointEmailHistory
1CE Contact Point Email Change Event ContactPointEmailChangeEvent
0Ow Contact Point Phone ContactPointPhone
02c Contact Point Phone Share ContactPointPhoneShare
017 Contact Point Phone History ContactPointPhoneHistory
1CE Contact Point Phone Change Event ContactPointPhoneChangeEvent
0Uw URI Event UriEvent
0Ux URI Event Stream UriEventStream
0V9 Lightning Exit By Page Metrics LightningExitByPageMetrics
0XF List Email Individual Recipient ListEmailIndividualRecipient
0UV User Email Preferred Person UserEmailPreferredPerson
02c User Email Preferred Person Share UserEmailPreferredPersonShare
0VX LoginAs Event LoginAsEvent
0VY LoginAs Event Stream LoginAsEventStream
1QQ Batch Apex Error Platform Event BatchApexErrorEvent
0Mh Consumption Schedule ConsumptionSchedule
02c Consumption Schedule Share ConsumptionScheduleShare
017 Consumption Schedule History ID ConsumptionScheduleHistory
0D5 ConsumptionSchedule ConsumptionScheduleFeed
0Mo Consumption Rate ConsumptionRate
017 Consumption Rate History ID ConsumptionRateHistory
0Mq Product Consumption Schedule ProductConsumptionSchedule
0Xs Trusted Domains for Inline Frames SiteIframeWhiteListUrl
0Uu Embedded Service Label EmbeddedServiceLabel
0Ub RecordActionHistory RecordActionHistory
0VA Remote Key Callout Event RemoteKeyCalloutEvent
06M Logout Event LogoutEvent
0Pp AI Application AIApplication
9qd AI Insight Action AIInsightAction
9bq AI Insight Feedback AIInsightFeedback
0T2 AI Insight Reason AIInsightReason
9qc AI Insight Value AIInsightValue
9qb AI Record Insight AIRecordInsight
20Y Managed Content ManagedContent
0XI App Analytics Query Request AppAnalyticsQueryRequest
03O Card Payment Method CardPaymentMethod
8lW Contact Point Address ContactPointAddress
02c Contact Point Address Share ContactPointAddressShare
017 Contact Point Address History ContactPointAddressHistory
1CE Contact Point Address Change Event ContactPointAddressChangeEvent
0ZX Contact Point Consent ContactPointConsent
02c Contact Point Consent Share ContactPointConsentShare
017 Contact Point Consent History ContactPointConsentHistory
1CE Contact Point Consent Change Event ContactPointConsentChangeEvent
0ZY Contact Point Type Consent ContactPointTypeConsent
02c Contact Point Type Consent Share ContactPointTypeConsentShare
017 Contact Point Type Consent History ContactPointTypeConsentHistory
1CE Contact Point Type Consent Change Event ContactPointTypeConsentChangeEvent
2Ca Custom Help Menu Item CustomHelpMenuItem
2Cx Custom Help Menu Section CustomHelpMenuSection
0ZT Data Use Legal Basis DataUseLegalBasis
02c Data Use Legal Basis Share DataUseLegalBasisShare
017 Data Use Legal Basis History DataUseLegalBasisHistory
0ZW Data Use Purpose DataUsePurpose
02c Data Use Purpose Share DataUsePurposeShare
017 Data Use Purpose History DataUsePurposeHistory
1GS ExpressionFilter ExpressionFilter
8BM ExpressionFilterCriteria ExpressionFilterCriteria
6TS Trusted Domain for Inline Frames IframeWhiteListUrl
4YL Image Image
02c Image Share ImageShare
017 Image History ImageHistory
0D5 Image Feed ImageFeed
0Zu Managed Content Space ManagedContentSpace
4hy My Domain Discoverable Login MyDomainDiscoverableLogin
0Xc Payment Authorization PaymentAuthorization
0Xt Payment Gateway Log PaymentGatewayLog
9zx Payment Group PaymentGroup
0PM Permission Set Group Component PermissionSetGroupComponent
0V2 Platform Status Alert Event PlatformStatusAlertEvent
0pr Recommendation Recommendation
1CE Recommendation Change Event RecommendationChangeEvent
0ae AI Prediction Event AIPredictionEvent
0Xw Async Operation Event AsyncOperationEvent
0YD Async Operation Status AsyncOperationStatus
0cI Authorization Form AuthorizationForm
02c Authorization Form Share AuthorizationFormShare
017 Authorization Form History AuthorizationFormHistory
0cK Authorization Form Consent AuthorizationFormConsent
02c Authorization Form Consent Share AuthorizationFormConsentShare
017 Authorization Form Consent History AuthorizationFormConsentHistory
1CE Authorization Form Consent Change Event AuthorizationFormConsentChangeEvent
0cM Authorization Form Data Use AuthorizationFormDataUse
02c Authorization Form Data Use Share AuthorizationFormDataUseShare
017 Authorization Form Data Use History AuthorizationFormDataUseHistory
0cN Authorization Form Text AuthorizationFormText
017 Authorization Form Text History AuthorizationFormTextHistory
0D5 Authorization Form Text Feed AuthorizationFormTextFeed
0Rn Enhanced Letterhead EnhancedLetterhead
0D5 Enhanced Letterhead Feed EnhancedLetterheadFeed
3dd Flow Definition FlowDefinitionView
3ad Flow Variable FlowVariableView
3vd Flow Version FlowVersionView
3tt Invoice Invoice
02c Invoice Share InvoiceShare
017 Invoice History InvoiceHistory
0D5 Invoice Feed InvoiceFeed
5TV Invoice Line InvoiceLine
017 Invoice Line History InvoiceLineHistory
0D5 Invoice Line Feed InvoiceLineFeed
0bh Lightning URI Event LightningUriEvent
0bi Lightning URI Event Stream LightningUriEventStream
0X8 List View Event ListViewEvent
0XG List View Event Stream ListViewEventStream
5ML Macro Usage MacroUsage
02c Macro Usage Share MacroUsageShare
0ap Managed Content Channel ManagedContentChannel
0QM Muting Permission Set MutingPermissionSet
7ud OAuth Custom Scope OauthCustomScope
7ue OAuth Custom Scope App OauthCustomScopeApp
0aQ Payment Payment
0D5 MISSING LABEL PropertyFile - val Payment not found in section StandardFeedLabel PaymentFeed
0b0 Payment Gateway PaymentGateway
0cJ Payment Gateway Provider PaymentGatewayProvider
1PL Payment Line Invoice PaymentLineInvoice
0aa Payment Method PaymentMethod
0bs Prompt Prompt
01j Translation PromptLocalization
0bu Prompt Action PromptAction
02c Prompt Action Share PromptActionShare
0bt Prompt Version PromptVersion
01j Translation PromptVersionLocalization
5QL Quick Text Usage QuickTextUsage
02c Quick Text Usage Share QuickTextUsageShare
0cb Refund Refund
4nK Asset State Period AssetStatePeriod
50g Credit Memo CreditMemo
02c Credit Memo Share CreditMemoShare
017 Credit Memo History CreditMemoHistory
0D5 Credit Memo Feed CreditMemoFeed
9yx Credit Memo Line CreditMemoLine
017 Credit Memo Line History CreditMemoLineHistory
0D5 Credit Memo Line Feed CreditMemoLineFeed
0eC Flow Execution Error Event FlowExecutionErrorEvent
0Jx Identity Verification Event IdentityVerificationEvent
7MM LightningOnboardingConfig LightningOnboardingConfig
9Ps Managed Content Variant ManagedContentVariant
3v1 Org Metric OrgMetric
9aM Org Metric Scan Result OrgMetricScanResult
6mX Org Metric Scan Summary OrgMetricScanSummary
0dR Refund Line Payment RefundLinePayment
6S9 AI Application config AIApplicationConfig
4nL Asset Action AssetAction
4nM Asset Action Source AssetActionSource
0Xl Communication Subscription CommSubscription
02c Communication Subscription Share CommSubscriptionShare
017 Communication Subscription History CommSubscriptionHistory
0D5 Communication Subscription Feed CommSubscriptionFeed
0eB Communication Subscription Channel Type CommSubscriptionChannelType
02c Communication Subscription Channel Type Share CommSubscriptionChannelTypeShare
017 Communication Subscription Channel Type History CommSubscriptionChannelTypeHistory
0D5 Communication Subscription Channel Type Feed CommSubscriptionChannelTypeFeed
0dY Communication Subscription Consent CommSubscriptionConsent
02c Communication Subscription Consent Share CommSubscriptionConsentShare
017 Communication Subscription Consent History CommSubscriptionConsentHistory
0D5 Communication Subscription Consent Feed CommSubscriptionConsentFeed
1CE Communication Subscription Consent Change Event CommSubscriptionConsentChangeEvent
0al Communication Subscription Timing CommSubscriptionTiming
017 Communication Subscription Timing History CommSubscriptionTimingHistory
0D5 Communication Subscription Timing Feed CommSubscriptionTimingFeed
0fi Credential Stuffing Event CredentialStuffingEvent
0fj Credential Stuffing Event Store CredentialStuffingEventStore
0D5 Credential Stuffing Event Store Feed CredentialStuffingEventStoreFeed
4sF Credit Memo Invoice Application CreditMemoInvApplication
017 Credit Memo Invoice Application History CreditMemoInvApplicationHistory
0D5 MISSING LABEL PropertyFile - val CreditMemoInvApplication not found in section StandardFeedLabel CreditMemoInvApplicationFeed
1DW Digital Wallet DigitalWallet
0eF Engagement Channel Type EngagementChannelType
02c Engagement Channel Type Share EngagementChannelTypeShare
017 Engagement Channel Type History EngagementChannelTypeHistory
0D5 Engagement Channel Type Feed EngagementChannelTypeFeed
2kA Finance Balance Snapshot FinanceBalanceSnapshot
02c Finance Balance Snapshot Share FinanceBalanceSnapshotShare
1CE Finance Balance Snapshot Change Event FinanceBalanceSnapshotChangeEvent
0n3 Finance Transaction FinanceTransaction
02c Finance Transaction Share FinanceTransactionShare
1CE Finance Transaction Change Event FinanceTransactionChangeEvent
8gZ Flow Interview Log FlowInterviewLog
02c Flow Interview Log Share FlowInterviewLogShare
0f6 Flow Interview Log Entry FlowInterviewLogEntry
0fE Formula Context Function FormulaFunctionAllowedType
0fw Legal Entity LegalEntity
02c Legal Entity Share LegalEntityShare
017 Legal Entity History LegalEntityHistory
0D5 MISSING LABEL PropertyFile - val LegalEntity not found in section StandardFeedLabel LegalEntityFeed
6e8 ML Prediction Field MLField
873 ML Model MLModel
876 ML Model Factor MLModelFactor
877 ML Model Factor Component MLModelFactorComponent
874 ML Model Metric MLModelMetric
6gt ML Prediction Definition MLPredictionDefinition
7gh ML Recommendation Definition MLRecommendationDefinition
0g8 Party Consent PartyConsent
02c Party Consent Share PartyConsentShare
017 Party Consent History PartyConsentHistory
0D5 Party Consent Feed PartyConsentFeed
1CE Party Consent Change Event PartyConsentChangeEvent
0f3 Permission Set Event PermissionSetEvent
0f9 Permission Set Event Store PermissionSetEventStore
9V6 Allow URL for Redirects RedirectWhitelistUrl
0Yv Report Anomaly Event ReportAnomalyEvent
0Z7 Report Anomaly Event Store ReportAnomalyEventStore
0D5 Report Anomaly Event Store Feed ReportAnomalyEventStoreFeed
0Zh Session Hijacking Event SessionHijackingEvent
0Zj Session Hijacking Event Store SessionHijackingEventStore
0D5 Session Hijacking Event Store Feed SessionHijackingEventStoreFeed
0g2 User Setup Entity Access UserSetupEntityAccess
0mc Batch Data Source BatchDataSource
0mg Batch Data Source Filter Criteria BatchDataSrcFilterCriteria
0md Batch Job BatchJob
02c Batch Job Share BatchJobShare
017 Batch Job History BatchJobHistory
0D5 Batch Job Feed BatchJobFeed
0ma Batch Job Definition BatchJobDefinition
0me Batch Job Part BatchJobPart
017 Batch Job Part History BatchJobPartHistory
0D5 Batch Job Part Feed BatchJobPartFeed
0mf Batch Job Part Failed Record BatchJobPartFailedRecord
017 Batch Job Part Failed Record History BatchJobPartFailedRecordHistory
0D5 Batch Job Part Failed Record Feed BatchJobPartFailedRecordFeed
5LH Briefcase Assignment BriefcaseAssignment
1CE Briefcase Assignment Change Event BriefcaseAssignmentChangeEvent
1rY Briefcase Definition BriefcaseDefinition
1CE Briefcase Definition Change Event BriefcaseDefinitionChangeEvent
1rX Briefcase Rule BriefcaseRule
1rZ Briefcase Rule Filter BriefcaseRuleFilter
0hn CallCoachingMediaProvider CallCoachingMediaProvider
1QR Concurrent Long Running Apex Error Event ConcurLongRunApexErrEvent
0hY Threat Detection Feedback ThreatDetectionFeedback
0D5 Threat Detection Feedback Feed ThreatDetectionFeedbackFeed
0gq Work Plan WorkPlan
02c Work Plan Share WorkPlanShare
017 Work Plan History WorkPlanHistory
0D5 Work Plan Feed WorkPlanFeed
1CE Work Plan Change Event WorkPlanChangeEvent
7Iy Work Plan Template WorkPlanTemplate
02c Work Plan Template Share WorkPlanTemplateShare
017 Work Plan Template History WorkPlanTemplateHistory
0D5 Work Plan Template Feed WorkPlanTemplateFeed
1CE Work Plan Template Change Event WorkPlanTemplateChangeEvent
8xu Work Plan Template Entry WorkPlanTemplateEntry
017 Work Plan Template Entry History WorkPlanTemplateEntryHistory
0D5 Work Plan Template Entry Feed WorkPlanTemplateEntryFeed
1CE Work Plan Template Entry Change Event WorkPlanTemplateEntryChangeEvent
0hF Work Step WorkStep
017 Work Step History WorkStepHistory
0D5 Work Step Feed WorkStepFeed
1CE Work Step Change Event WorkStepChangeEvent
4L0 Work Step Template WorkStepTemplate
02c Work Step Template Share WorkStepTemplateShare
017 Work Step Template History WorkStepTemplateHistory
0D5 Work Step Template Feed WorkStepTemplateFeed
1CE Work Step Template Change Event WorkStepTemplateChangeEvent
0j5 API Anomaly Event ApiAnomalyEvent
0j6 API Anomaly Event Store ApiAnomalyEventStore
0D5 API Anomaly Event Store Feed ApiAnomalyEventStoreFeed
0j8 Application Usage Assignment AppUsageAssignment
9NE Batch Job Status Changed Event BatchJobStatusChangedEvent
0mh Batch Process Job Definition BatchProcessJobDefinition
0hx Bulk API Result Event BulkApiResultEvent
0hJ Bulk API Result Event Store BulkApiResultEventStore
1gp Gateway Provider Payment Method Type GtwyProvPaymentMethodType
0gh Location Group LocationGroup
02c Location Group Share LocationGroupShare
017 Location Group History LocationGroupHistory
0D5 Location Group Feed LocationGroupFeed
0gx Location Group Assignment LocationGroupAssignment
8Kk Platform Event Usage Metric PlatformEventUsageMetric
2Pe Process Exception ProcessException
02c Process Exception Share ProcessExceptionShare
4v2 Process Exception Event ProcessExceptionEvent
9gd Service Setup Provisioning ServiceSetupProvisioning
3Ys Setup Assistant Step SetupAssistantStep
8Z7 Alternative Payment Method AlternativePaymentMethod
02c Alternative Payment Method Share AlternativePaymentMethodShare
0kt Apex Type Implementor ApexTypeImplementor
1ao Async Operation Log AsyncOperationLog
0mi Batch Process Job Definition View BatchProcessJobDefView
0jo Orchestration Event FlowOrchestrationEvent
0jE Orchestration Run FlowOrchestrationInstance
02c Orchestration Run Share FlowOrchestrationInstanceShare
0jF Orchestration Stage Run FlowOrchestrationStageInstance
02c Orchestration Stage Run Share FlowOrchestrationStageInstanceShare
0jL Orchestration Step Run FlowOrchestrationStepInstance
02c Orchestration Step Run Share FlowOrchestrationStepInstanceShare
0jf Orchestration Work Item FlowOrchestrationWorkItem
02c Orchestration Work Item Share FlowOrchestrationWorkItemShare
0k8 Identity Provider Event Store IdentityProviderEventStore
9tv Payment Authorization Adjustment PaymentAuthAdjustment
0rr Recommendation Response RecommendationResponse
5H2 Active Feature License Metric ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric
5H1 Active Permission Set License Metric ActivePermSetLicenseMetric
5H0 Active Profile Metric ActiveProfileMetric
9s4 IP Address Range IPAddressRange
4Dr Prompt Error PromptError
02c Prompt Error Share PromptErrorShare
1BU Business Brand BusinessBrand
02c Business Brand Share BusinessBrandShare
0oL Case Related Issue CaseRelatedIssue
017 Case Related Issue History CaseRelatedIssueHistory
0D5 Case Related Issue Feed CaseRelatedIssueFeed
0oW Change Request ChangeRequest
02c Change Request Share ChangeRequestShare
017 Change Request History ChangeRequestHistory
0D5 Change Request Feed ChangeRequestFeed
0oK Change Request Related Issue ChangeRequestRelatedIssue
017 Change Request Related Issue History ChangeRequestRelatedIssueHistory
0D5 Change Request Related Issue Feed ChangeRequestRelatedIssueFeed
0o6 Customer Customer
02c Customer Share CustomerShare
1e5 Data Object Data Change Event DataObjectDataChgEvent
0ny Incident Incident
02c Incident Share IncidentShare
017 Incident History IncidentHistory
0D5 Incident Feed IncidentFeed
1CE Incident Change Event IncidentChangeEvent
0o2 Problem Problem
02c Problem Share ProblemShare
017 Problem History ProblemHistory
0D5 Problem Feed ProblemFeed
1CE Problem Change Event ProblemChangeEvent
0oE Related Problem and Incident ProblemIncident
017 Problem Incident History ProblemIncidentHistory
0D5 Related Problem and Incident Feed ProblemIncidentFeed
0q6 Seller Seller
02c Seller Share SellerShare
0tC Change Request Related Item ChangeRequestRelatedItem
017 Change Request Related Item History ChangeRequestRelatedItemHistory
0D5 Change Request Related Item Feed ChangeRequestRelatedItemFeed
7k2 Event Relay Config EventRelayConfig
1CE Event Relay Config Change Event EventRelayConfigChangeEvent
7k4 Event Relay Feedback EventRelayFeedback
0tA Incident Related Item IncidentRelatedItem
017 Incident Related Item History IncidentRelatedItemHistory
0D5 Incident Related Item Feed IncidentRelatedItemFeed
0tB Problem Related Item ProblemRelatedItem
017 Problem Related Item History ProblemRelatedItemHistory
0D5 Problem Related Item Feed ProblemRelatedItemFeed
2fp Activity Field History ActivityFieldHistory
0pz Expression Set View ExpressionSetView
6Ay External Data Source Descriptor ExternalDataSrcDescriptor
2hU Flow Test Result FlowTestResult
02c Flow Test Result Share FlowTestResultShare
4YB Flow Test View FlowTestView
0rc Related List Column Definition RelatedListColumnDefinition
0rl Related List Definition RelatedListDefinition
m00 JSON to Field Mapping JSON_to_Field_Mapping
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