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Created October 20, 2016 14:31
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SchemaSpy Build File
<project default="document">
<property name="sf.username" value="YOUR USERNAME"/>
<property name="sf.password" value="YOUR PASSWORD & YOUR SECURITY TOKEN"/>
<target name="document">
<echo message="Generating SchemaSpy documentation (requires Graphviz to be installed to produce diagrams)"/>
<delete dir="doc" failonerror="false"/>
<java classname="net.sourceforge.schemaspy.Main" fork="true" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-t schemaspy/force"/>
<arg line="-db Claims"/>
<arg line="-un ${sf.username}"/>
<arg line="-pw ${sf.password}"/>
<arg line="-o doc"/>
<arg line="-font Arial"/>
<arg line="-fontsize 8"/>
<arg line="-hq"/>
<arg line="-norows"/>
<arg line="-u fake"/>
<arg line="-p fake"/>
<arg line="-host fake"/>
<arg line="-connprops excludes\=;includes\=Account,Contact" />
<fileset dir="schemaspy" includes="*.jar"/>
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