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Fixed version of CoursesWeb's Tutorial: Add Canvas from Input Field Typed
<!-- fixed version of -->
<h4>Canvas</h4><canvas width="350" height="180" id="cnv1"></canvas><br/>
Text: <input type="text" id="text_cnv" size="40" maxlength="250" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// function to clear the canvas
// cnv = the object with the canvas element
function clearCanvas(cnv) {
var ctx = cnv.getContext('2d'); // gets reference to canvas context
ctx.beginPath(); // clear existing drawing paths; // store the current transformation matrix
// Use the identity matrix while clearing the canvas
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cnv.width, cnv.height);
ctx.restore(); // restore the transform
// adds the text in canvas, oon multiple lines
// ctx = reference to canvas context
// text = the text to add
// x = horizontal position where to start adding the text
// y = vertical position where to start adding the text
// maxWidth = the maximum width of the text line
// lineHeight = the height of the line
function addTextCnv(ctx, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight) {
// splits the text in words to can wrap it on new lie if exceds maxWidth
var words = text.split(' ');
var nr_w = words.length
var addtxt = '';
// sets to add the text and rows
for(var n = 0; n < nr_w; n++) {
var txtLine = addtxt + words[n] + ' ';
var metrics = ctx.measureText(txtLine);
var txtWidth = metrics.width;
if (txtWidth > maxWidth && n > 0) {
ctx.fillText(addtxt, x, y);
addtxt = words[n] + ' ';
y = lineHeight;
else addtxt = txtLine;
// adds the text in canvas (sets text color, font type and size)
ctx.fillStyle = '#0001be';
ctx.font = 'bold 17px sans-serif';
ctx.fillText(addtxt, x, y);
// get a reference to the canvas element, and its context
var cnv1 = document.getElementById('cnv1');
var ctx1 = cnv1.getContext('2d');
// sets maximum line width, line height, and x /y coords for text
var maxWidth = cnv1.width - 10;
var lineHeight = 23;
var x_pos = (cnv1.width - maxWidth) / 2;
var y_pos = 15;
// register onkeyup event for #text_cnv text field to add the text in canvas as it is typed
document.getElementById('text_cnv').onkeyup = function() {
clearCanvas(cnv1); // clears the canvas
addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, x_pos, y_pos, maxWidth, lineHeight);
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