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Last active December 30, 2022 16:37
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  • Save consoleSkunk/a4899d1c8c5ef6d2277dc45bcae5020e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Every single Blockland profile, including Torque Game Engine comments where applicable.
// Torque Game Engine
// Copyright (C), Inc.
$Gui::fontCacheDirectory = ExpandFilename ("base/client/ui/cache");
$Gui::clipboardFile = ExpandFilename ("base/client/ui/cache/clipboard.gui");
// GuiDefaultProfile is a special case, all other profiles are initialized
// to the contents of this profile first then the profile specific
// overrides are assigned.
if (!isObject(GuiDefaultProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiDefaultProfile)
tab = false;
canKeyFocus = false;
hasBitmapArray = false;
mouseOverSelected = false;
// fill color
opaque = false;
fillColor = "200 200 200";
fillColorHL = "200 200 200";
fillColorNA = "200 200 200";
// border color
border = false;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
borderColorHL = "128 128 128";
borderColorNA = "64 64 64";
// font
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 14;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fontColorNA = "0 0 0";
fontColorSEL = "200 200 200";
fontColorLink = "0 0 204 255";
fontColorLinkHL = "85 26 139 255";
// bitmap information
bitmap = "base/client/ui/BlockWindow";
bitmapBase = "";
textOffset = "0 0";
// used by guiTextControl
modal = true;
justify = "left";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = false;
returnTab = false;
numbersOnly = false;
cursorColor = "0 0 0 255";
// sounds
soundButtonDown = "";
soundButtonOver = "";
doFontOutline = false;
fontOutlineColor = "255 255 255 255";
if (!isObject(GuiInputCtrlProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiInputCtrlProfile)
tab = true;
canKeyFocus = true;
if (!isObject(GuiDialogProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiDialogProfile);
if (!isObject(GuiSolidDefaultProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiSolidDefaultProfile)
opaque = true;
border = true;
if (!isObject(GuiWindowProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiWindowProfile)
opaque = true;
border = 2;
fillColor = "200 200 200";
fillColorHL = "200 200 200";
fillColorNA = "200 200 200";
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
text = "GuiWindowCtrl test";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockWindow";
textOffset = "5 2";
hasBitmapArray = true;
justify = $platform $= "macos" ? "center" : "left";
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 18;
if (!isObject(GuiToolWindowProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiToolWindowProfile)
opaque = true;
border = 2;
fillColor = "255 0 0";
fillColorHL = "64 150 150";
fillColorNA = "150 150 150";
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "0 0 0";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/torqueToolWindow";
textOffset = "6 6";
if (!isObject(EditorToolButtonProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (EditorToolButtonProfile)
opaque = true;
border = 2;
if (!isObject(GuiContentProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiContentProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "255 255 255";
if (!isObject(GuiModelessDialogProfile)) new GuiControlProfile ("GuiModelessDialogProfile")
modal = false;
if (!isObject(GuiButtonProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiButtonProfile)
opaque = true;
border = true;
fillColorHL = "0 0 200";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fixedExtent = true;
justify = "center";
canKeyFocus = false;
if (!isObject(GuiBorderButtonProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiBorderButtonProfile)
fontColorHL = "0 0 0";
if (!isObject(GuiMenuBarProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiMenuBarProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColorHL = "0 0 96";
border = 4;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
fixedExtent = true;
justify = "center";
canKeyFocus = false;
mouseOverSelected = true;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/torqueMenu";
hasBitmapArray = true;
if (!isObject(GuiButtonSmProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiButtonSmProfile : GuiButtonProfile)
fontSize = 14;
if (!isObject(GuiRadioProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiRadioProfile)
fontSize = 14;
fillColor = "232 232 232";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fixedExtent = true;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/torqueRadio";
hasBitmapArray = true;
if (!isObject(GuiScrollProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiScrollProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "255 255 255";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171 255";
fillColorNA = "171 171 171 255";
border = 1;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll";
hasBitmapArray = true;
if (!isObject(GuiSliderProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiSliderProfile);
if (!isObject(GuiTextProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiTextProfile)
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorLink = "255 96 96";
fontColorLinkHL = "0 0 255";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
autoSizeWidth = true;
autoSizeHeight = true;
if (!isObject(EditorTextProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (EditorTextProfile)
fontType = "Arial Bold";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
autoSizeWidth = true;
autoSizeHeight = true;
if (!isObject(EditorTextProfileWhite)) new GuiControlProfile (EditorTextProfileWhite)
fontType = "Arial Bold";
fontColor = "255 255 255";
autoSizeWidth = true;
autoSizeHeight = true;
if (!isObject(GuiMediumTextProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiMediumTextProfile : GuiTextProfile)
fontSize = 24;
if (!isObject(GuiBigTextProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiBigTextProfile : GuiTextProfile)
fontSize = 36;
if (!isObject(GuiCenterTextProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiCenterTextProfile : GuiTextProfile)
justify = "center";
if (!isObject(MissionEditorProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (MissionEditorProfile)
canKeyFocus = true;
if (!isObject(EditorScrollProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (EditorScrollProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "192 192 192 192";
border = 3;
borderThickness = 2;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll";
hasBitmapArray = true;
if (!isObject(GuiTextEditProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiTextEditProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "255 255 255";
fillColorHL = "128 128 128";
border = true;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
textOffset = "0 0";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = true;
tab = true;
canKeyFocus = true;
if (!isObject(GuiControlListPopupProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiControlListPopupProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "255 255 255";
fillColorHL = "128 128 128";
border = true;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
textOffset = "0 2";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = true;
tab = true;
canKeyFocus = true;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll";
hasBitmapArray = true;
if (!isObject(GuiTextArrayProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiTextArrayProfile : GuiTextProfile)
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fillColorHL = "200 200 200";
if (!isObject(GuiTextListProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiTextListProfile : GuiTextProfile)
fontColorHL = "0 0 0";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171";
fontColors[0] = "0 0 0";
fontColors[1] = "128 128 128";
if (!isObject(GuiTreeViewProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiTreeViewProfile)
fontSize = 13; // dhc - trying a better fit...
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "64 150 150";
if (!isObject(GuiCheckBoxProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiCheckBoxProfile)
opaque = false;
fillColor = "232 232 232";
border = false;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fontSize = 14;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fixedExtent = true;
justify = "left";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/torqueCheck";
hasBitmapArray = true;
if (!isObject(GuiPopUpMenuProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiPopUpMenuProfile)
opaque = true;
mouseOverSelected = true;
border = true;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fontSize = 14;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fontColorSEL = "32 100 100";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
fixedExtent = true;
justify = "center";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll";
hasBitmapArray = false;
if (!isObject(GuiEditorClassProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiEditorClassProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "232 232 232";
border = true;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
borderColorHL = "127 127 127";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fixedExtent = true;
justify = "center";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll";
hasBitmapArray = true;
if (!isObject(LoadTextProfile)) new GuiControlProfile ("LoadTextProfile")
fontColor = "66 219 234";
autoSizeWidth = true;
autoSizeHeight = true;
if (!isObject(GuiMLTextProfile)) new GuiControlProfile ("GuiMLTextProfile")
textOffset = "2 2";
fontColorLink = "255 96 96";
fontColorLinkHL = "0 0 255";
fontColorLink = "0 0 204 255";
fontColorLinkHL = "85 26 139 255";
if (!isObject(GuiMLTextEditProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiMLTextEditProfile)
fontColorLink = "255 96 96";
fontColorLinkHL = "0 0 255";
fillColor = "255 255 255";
fillColorHL = "128 128 128";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
autoSizeWidth = true;
autoSizeHeight = true;
tab = true;
canKeyFocus = true;
// Console Window
if (!isObject(GuiConsoleProfile)) new GuiControlProfile ("GuiConsoleProfile")
fontType = "Lucida Console";
fontSize = 12;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "130 130 130";
fontColorNA = "255 0 0";
fontColors[6] = "50 50 50";
fontColors[7] = "50 50 0";
fontColors[8] = "0 0 50";
fontColors[9] = "0 50 0";
if (!isObject(GuiProgressProfile)) new GuiControlProfile ("GuiProgressProfile")
opaque = false;
fillColor = "0 0 0 128";
border = true;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
if (!isObject(GuiSecondaryProgressProfile)) new GuiControlProfile ("GuiSecondaryProgressProfile")
opaque = false;
fillColor = "39 131 194 192";
border = true;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
if (!isObject(GuiProgressTextProfile)) new GuiControlProfile ("GuiProgressTextProfile")
fontColor = "0 0 0";
justify = "center";
// Gui Inspector
if (!isObject(GuiInspectorTextEditProfile)) new GuiControlProfile ("GuiInspectorTextEditProfile")
opaque = true;
fillColor = "255 255 255";
fillColorHL = "128 128 128";
border = true;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = true;
tab = false;
canKeyFocus = true;
if (!isObject(GuiBitmapBorderProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (GuiBitmapBorderProfile)
hasBitmapArray = false;
new GuiCursor (DefaultCursor)
hotSpot = "1 1";
bitmapName = "base/client/ui/CUR_3darrow";
// Blockland profiles
new GuiControlProfile (BlockDefaultProfile)
tab = false;
canKeyFocus = false;
hasBitmapArray = false;
mouseOverSelected = false;
opaque = false;
fillColor = "201 182 153";
fillColorHL = "221 202 173";
fillColorNA = "221 202 173";
border = false;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
borderColorHL = "179 134 94";
borderColorNA = "126 79 37";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 14;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fontColorNA = "0 0 0";
fontColorSEL = "200 200 200";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockWindow.png";
bitmapBase = "";
textOffset = "0 0";
modal = true;
justify = "left";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = false;
returnTab = false;
numbersOnly = false;
cursorColor = "0 0 0 255";
new GuiControlProfile (BlockWindowProfile)
opaque = true;
border = 2;
fillColor = "171 171 171 255";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171 255";
fillColorNA = "171 171 171 255";
fillColor = "200 200 200 255";
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 18;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
text = "Window";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockWindow.png";
textOffset = "5 2";
hasBitmapArray = true;
justify = "left";
new GuiControlProfile (BlockScrollProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "255 255 255 255";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171 255";
fillColorNA = "171 171 171 255";
border = true;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
textOffset = "2 2";
new GuiControlProfile (BSDScrollProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "200 200 200 255";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171 255";
fillColorNA = "171 171 171 255";
border = true;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
textOffset = "2 2";
new GuiControlProfile (BlockCheckBoxProfile)
opaque = false;
fillColor = "232 232 232";
border = false;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fontSize = 14;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fixedExtent = true;
justify = "left";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/torqueCheck.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockRadioProfile)
fontSize = 14;
fillColor = "232 232 232";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fixedExtent = false;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/torqueRadio";
hasBitmapArray = true;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockButtonProfile)
opaque = true;
border = true;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fillColor = "149 152 166";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171";
fillColorNA = "221 202 173";
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 18;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
text = "GuiWindowCtrl test";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll.png";
textOffset = "6 6";
hasBitmapArray = true;
justify = "center";
new GuiControlProfile (BrickListSubCategoryProfile)
opaque = true;
border = true;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fillColor = "149 152 166";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171";
fillColorNA = "221 202 173";
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 18;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
text = "GuiWindowCtrl test";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll.png";
textOffset = "6 6";
hasBitmapArray = true;
justify = "left";
new GuiControlProfile (BlockListProfile)
opaque = true;
border = true;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fillColor = "149 152 166";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171";
fillColorNA = "221 202 173";
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 18;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "171 171 171";
textOffset = "6 6";
hasBitmapArray = true;
justify = "center";
new GuiControlProfile (BlockTextEditProfile)
opaque = true;
fillColor = "255 255 255";
fillColorHL = "128 128 128";
border = true;
borderThickness = 1;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
textOffset = "0 2";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = true;
tab = true;
canKeyFocus = true;
new GuiControlProfile (HudInvTextProfile)
opaque = true;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
text = "HUD TEXT";
justify = "center";
new GuiControlProfile (MapDescriptionTextProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
doFontOutline = true;
fontOutlineColor = "0 64 255";
textOffset = "10 10";
justify = "left";
new GuiControlProfile (LoadingBarTextProfile)
opaque = true;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
text = "HUD TEXT";
justify = "center";
doFontOutline = true;
fontOutlineColor = "0 0 128 64";
new GuiControlProfile (LoadingMapNameProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
text = "Map Name";
justify = "center";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 28;
if (!isObject(ChatHudScrollProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (ChatHudScrollProfile)
opaque = false;
fillColor = "255 255 255 0";
border = false;
borderThickness = 0;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
hasBitmapArray = false;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextProfile)
textOffset = "3 0";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "130 130 130";
fontColorNA = "255 0 0";
fontColors[0] = "255 0 64";
fontColors[1] = "64 64 255";
fontColors[2] = "0 255 0";
fontColors[3] = "255 255 0";
fontColors[4] = "0 255 255";
fontColors[5] = "255 0 255";
fontColors[6] = "255 255 255";
fontColors[7] = "96 96 96";
doFontOutline = true;
fontOutlineColor = "0 0 0";
fontType = "Palatino Linotype";
fontSize = 18;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize0Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 16;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize1Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 18;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize2Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 20;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize3Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 22;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize4Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 24;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize5Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 26;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize6Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 28;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize7Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 30;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize8Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 32;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize9Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 34;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextSize10Profile : BlockChatTextProfile)
fontSize = 36;
if (!isObject(BlockChatTextShadowProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatTextShadowProfile)
textOffset = "3 0";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "0 0 0";
fontColorNA = "0 0 0";
fontColors[0] = "0 0 0";
fontColors[1] = "0 0 0";
fontColors[2] = "0 0 0";
fontColors[3] = "0 0 0";
fontColors[4] = "0 0 0";
fontColors[5] = "0 0 0";
fontColors[6] = "0 0 0";
border = false;
borderThickness = 0;
borderColor = "0 0 0 0";
new GuiControlProfile (ColorRadioProfile)
fontSize = 14;
fillColor = "232 232 232";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fillColorNA = "0 0 0 255";
fixedExtent = true;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/colorRadio.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
new GuiControlProfile (ColorScrollProfile)
opaque = false;
fillColor = "255 255 255 0";
border = true;
borderThickness = 0;
borderColor = "140 140 140 255";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/halfScroll.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
new GuiControlProfile (decalRadioProfile)
fontSize = 14;
fillColor = "232 232 232";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fillColorNA = "0 0 0 255";
fixedExtent = true;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/decalRadio.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDBitmapProfile)
opaque = false;
fillColor = "255 255 255 0";
border = false;
borderThickness = 0;
borderColor = "255 255 255 0";
new GuiControlProfile (HUDBrickNameProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
text = "Map Name";
justify = "center";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 14;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDCenterTextProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
text = "Map Name";
justify = "center";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 12;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDRightTextProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
text = "Map Name";
justify = "right";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 12;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDLeftTextProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
text = "Map Name";
justify = "left";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 12;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDBSDNameProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "0 0 0";
text = "Map Name";
justify = "center";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 12;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
text = "Map Name";
justify = "left";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 14;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditProfile)
opaque = false;
fillColor = "255 255 255 0";
fillColorHL = "128 128 128";
border = false;
borderThickness = 0;
borderColor = "255 255 255";
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "128 128 128";
textOffset = "0 0";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = true;
tab = true;
canKeyFocus = true;
doFontOutline = true;
fontOutlineColor = "0 0 0";
fontType = "Palatino Linotype";
fontSize = 18;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize0Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 16;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize1Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 18;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize2Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 20;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize3Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 22;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize4Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 24;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize5Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 26;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize6Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 28;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize7Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 30;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize8Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 32;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize9Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 34;
new GuiControlProfile (HUDChatTextEditSize10Profile : HUDChatTextEditProfile)
fontSize = 36;
new GuiControlProfile (MM_LeftProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
doFontOutline = true;
fontOutlineColor = "24 24 255";
justify = "left";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 14;
new GuiControlProfile (MM_RightProfile : MM_LeftProfile)
justify = "right";
new GuiControlProfile (MM_CenterProfile : MM_LeftProfile)
justify = "center";
if (!isObject(BlockChatChannelProfile)) new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelProfile)
textOffset = "3 0";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "130 130 130";
fontColorNA = "255 0 0";
fontColors[0] = "255 255 255";
fontColors[1] = "255 0 255";
doFontOutline = true;
fontOutlineColor = "0 0 0";
fontType = "Palatino Linotype";
fontSize = 18;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize0Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 16;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize1Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 18;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize2Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 20;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize3Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 22;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize4Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 24;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize5Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 26;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize6Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 28;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize7Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 30;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize8Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 32;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize9Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 34;
new GuiControlProfile (BlockChatChannelSize10Profile : BlockChatChannelProfile)
fontSize = 36;
new GuiControlProfile (MiniGameListProfile : GuiTextProfile)
fontSize = 18;
fontColorHL = "0 0 0";
fillColorHL = "64 64 64";
fontColors[0] = "255 0 0 ";
fontColors[1] = "255 128 0 ";
fontColors[2] = "255 255 0 ";
fontColors[3] = "0 255 0 ";
fontColors[4] = "0 128 0 ";
fontColors[5] = "0 255 255";
fontColors[6] = "0 128 128";
fontColors[7] = "0 128 255";
fontColors[8] = "255 128 255";
fontColors[9] = "0 0 0 ";
new GuiControlProfile (PlayerListProfile : GuiTextProfile)
fontSize = 18;
fontColorHL = "0 0 0";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171";
fontColors[5] = "0 0 255";
new GuiControlProfile (OptionsMenuTextProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
text = "LOADING";
justify = "Left";
fontType = "Arial";
fontSize = 14;
new GuiControlProfile (ServerListProfile : GuiTextProfile)
textOffset = "3 0";
fontColor = "0 0 0";
fontColorHL = "0 0 0";
fontColorNA = "255 0 0";
fontColors[0] = "0 0 0";
fontColors[1] = "100 100 100";
fontColors[2] = "255 128 0";
fontColors[3] = "0 0 255";
fontColors[4] = "0 255 255";
fontColors[5] = "255 0 255";
fontColors[6] = "255 255 255";
fontColors[7] = "96 96 96";
fontColors[8] = "190 190 190";
doFontOutline = true;
fontOutlineColor = "0 0 0";
opaque = false;
fillColor = "255 255 255";
fillColorHL = "230 230 230";
fillColorNA = "0 255 0";
// v21 Impact profiles
new GuiControlProfile (MainMenuButtonProfile)
soundButtonDown = ClickPlantSound;
new GuiControlProfile (ImpactTextProfile)
opaque = false;
border = false;
fillColor = "171 171 171 255";
fillColorHL = "171 171 171 255";
fillColorNA = "171 171 171 255";
fillColor = "200 200 200 255";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = false;
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 47;
fontColor = "255 255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "255 255 255 64";
textOffset = "0 0";
justify = "right";
new GuiControlProfile (ImpactEditProfile)
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 47;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "255 255 255 64";
cursorColor = "255 255 255";
opaque = false;
fillColor = "255 0 255 0";
fillColorHL = "128 128 128";
border = false;
borderThickness = 0;
borderColor = "255 255 255";
textOffset = "0 0";
autoSizeWidth = false;
autoSizeHeight = false;
tab = true;
canKeyFocus = true;
new GuiControlProfile (ImpactPopUpProfile)
mouseOverSelected = true;
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 47;
justify = "center";
fontColor = "255 255 255 255";
fontColorHL = "32 100 100";
fontColorSEL = "32 100 100";
fontColorNA = "255 255 255 64";
opaque = false;
fillColor = "255 0 255 0";
fillColorHL = "128 128 128 0";
border = false;
borderThickness = 0;
borderColor = "255 255 255 0";
fixedExtent = false;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/blockScroll";
hasBitmapArray = false;
new GuiControlProfile (ImpactRadioProfile)
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 47;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fontColorNA = "255 255 255 64";
fillColor = "255 0 255 0";
fixedExtent = true;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/impactRadio.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
textOffset = "0 0";
new GuiControlProfile (ImpactCheckProfile)
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 47;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
fillColor = "255 0 255 0";
fixedExtent = true;
bitmap = "base/client/ui/impactRadio.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
textOffset = "0 0";
new GuiControlProfile (ImpactBackButtonProfile)
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 47;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
justify = "left";
textOffset = "0 0";
new GuiControlProfile (ImpactForwardButtonProfile)
fontType = "Impact";
fontSize = 47;
fontColor = "255 255 255";
justify = "right";
textOffset = "0 0";
new GuiControlProfile (ImpactScrollProfile)
opaque = false;
fillColor = "0 0 0 0";
border = false;
borderThickness = 0;
borderColor = "0 0 0";
bitmap = "base/client/ui/impactScroll.png";
hasBitmapArray = true;
textOffset = "2 2";
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