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Last active May 9, 2024 13:13
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Create EKS kubeconfig using python and boto3
import boto3
import yaml
region = "eu-west-1" # change the region if needed
cluster_name = "XXXXX" # put your cluster name
config_output_file = "config.yml" # change the path or file name if needed
is_local = True # this script will be executed using ~/.aws/credentials file
# Initial boto3 session
session = boto3.Session(region_name=region)
# If you are using this script inside a k8s pod or other resource of AWS that has an attached role, use this method.
def client_assuming_role(ses):
sts = ses.client("sts")
response = sts.assume_role(
new_session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id=response['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'],
return new_session.client("eks")
# Instance eks_client
if is_local:
eks_client = session.client("eks")
eks_client = client_assuming_role(session)
# Cluster details
cluster = eks_client.describe_cluster(name=cluster_name)
cluster_cert = cluster["cluster"]["certificateAuthority"]["data"]
cluster_ep = cluster["cluster"]["endpoint"]
cluster_arn = cluster["cluster"]["arn"]
# build the cluster config hash
cluster_config = {
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Config",
"clusters": [
"cluster": {
"server": str(cluster_ep),
"certificate-authority-data": str(cluster_cert)
"name": str(cluster_arn),
"contexts": [
"context": {
"cluster": str(cluster_arn),
"user": str(cluster_arn),
"name": str(cluster_arn),
"current-context": str(cluster_arn),
"preferences": {},
"users": [
"name": str(cluster_arn),
"user": {
"exec": {
"apiVersion": "",
"command": "aws",
"args": [
# Write in YAML.
config_text = yaml.dump(cluster_config, default_flow_style=False)
open(config_output_file, "w").write(config_text)
print(f"Kubeconfig created for {cluster_name} in {config_output_file}")
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