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Created December 2, 2015 21:44
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* Layout
* @package WP Real Estate 6
* @subpackage CSS
To make it easy to update your theme, you should not edit the styles in this file. Instead use
the Child Theme Generator in WP Admin > Appearance > Child Theme
View the screencast:
/* ==============================================================================
Stylesheet Guide
3.1 Site Styles
3.2 Page Styles
3.3 Media Queries
/* ============================================================================== */
/* 3.1 Site Styles
/* ============================================================================== */
img { display: block; max-width: 100%; height: auto;}
/* Wrapper */
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/* Clickable */
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/* Top Bar */
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/* Advanced Search */
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/* Main Content */
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#single #main-content,
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/* Container */
/* Home Multi-Listing */
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/* Home Single Listing */
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/* Listing Grid & List Style Layouts */
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/* Listing Single */
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/* Archive, Search, Single, Page Header */
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/* Front End Listing Submit & Edit */
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/* Video */
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/* Audio */
/* Link */
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/* Page */
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/* Testimonials */
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/* Archive */
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/* Post Social */
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/* 404 */
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/* Contact */
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/* 3.2 Page Styles
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