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Last active June 23, 2017 22:21
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  • Save contempoinc/f360871a7be751db190ab40617b2ed73 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save contempoinc/f360871a7be751db190ab40617b2ed73 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* Google Places API */
if(!function_exists('ct_google_places_nearby')) {
function ct_google_places_nearby($type,$location) {
global $ct_options;
$ct_google_maps_api_key = isset($ct_options['ct_google_maps_api_key'] ) ? stripslashes( $ct_options['ct_google_maps_api_key']) : '';
$ct_google_places_radius = isset($ct_options['ct_google_places_radius'] ) ? esc_html( $ct_options['ct_google_places_radius']) : '';
$ct_google_places_limit = isset($ct_options['ct_yelp_limit'] ) ? esc_html( $ct_options['ct_yelp_limit']) : '';
$ct_google_places_links = isset($ct_options['ct_yelp_links'] ) ? esc_html( $ct_options['ct_yelp_links']) : '';
$google_places = new joshtronic\GooglePlaces($ct_google_maps_api_key);
$google_places->location = $location;
$google_places->radius = $ct_google_places_radius;
//$google_places->rankby = 'distance';
$google_places->types = $type;
$results = $google_places->nearbySearch();
if( $results && !empty($results['results']) && is_array($results['results'])) {
echo '<ul class="marB20 places-nearby">';
foreach($results['results'] as $result){
$ct_result_link = preg_replace('/\s+/', '+', $result['name']);
echo '<li>';
echo '<div class="col span_9 first">';
echo '<a href="' . strtolower($ct_result_link) . '" target="' . $ct_google_places_links . '">' . $result['name'] . '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="col span_3">';
echo '<span class="places-rating right">';
$float_rating = (float)$result['rating'];
$has_half_star = ($float_rating * 10) % 10;
$star_count = (int)$float_rating;
if($has_half_star) {
echo '<img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/stars/small_' . $star_count . '_half.png" srcset="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/stars/small_' . $star_count . '_half@2x.png 2x" />';
} else {
echo '<img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/stars/small_' . $star_count . '.png" srcset="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/stars/small_' . $star_count . '@2x.png 2x" />';
echo '</span>';
//echo '<span class="review-count muted right">' . $response->businesses[$i]->review_count . ' ' . __('reviews', 'contempo') . '</span></a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</li>';
if($i == $ct_google_places_limit) break;
echo '</ul>';
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