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Created December 22, 2020 02:08
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Computing sum using trampolines and dynamic calls in C
// recursive sum function encoded as a dynamically-calling trampoline of continuations returned as thunks
// don't compile with -pedantic, there's lots of bad casts going on in this code
// this program computes the sum of integers 1 to 50,000 (using a lot of heap memory to do so)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <talloc.h>
#include <dyncall.h>
// global talloc allocation context
void* ctx;
// represent arguments as linked list of tagged unions
struct arg {
enum {
PTR, I32
} tag;
union {
void* ptr;
int32_t i32;
} as;
struct arg* next;
struct arg* mk_i32_arg(int32_t value, struct arg* next) {
struct arg* x = talloc(ctx, struct arg);
x->tag = I32;
x->as.i32 = value;
x->next = next;
return x;
struct arg* mk_ptr_arg(void* value, struct arg* next) {
struct arg* x = talloc(ctx, struct arg);
x->tag = PTR;
x->as.ptr = value;
x->next = next;
return x;
struct closure {
void* f;
char env[32]; // avoiding further indirection for this example
struct closure* mk_closure(void* target) {
struct closure* c = talloc(ctx, struct closure);
c->f = target;
return c;
struct thunk {
struct closure* f;
struct arg* args;
void next(char* env, int32_t x) {
struct closure* k = *((struct closure**) env);
int32_t n = *((int32_t*)(env + sizeof(uintptr_t)));
void (*f)(char*, int32_t) = k->f;
f(&k->env[0], n + x); // k(n + x)
struct thunk* sum(char* env, int32_t n, struct closure* k) {
if (n == 0) {
// { f: k, xs: [0] }
struct thunk* th = talloc(ctx, struct thunk);
th->f = k;
th->args = mk_i32_arg(0, NULL);
return th;
// { f: sum, args: [n -1, next] }
struct thunk* th = talloc(ctx, struct thunk);
th->f = mk_closure(sum);
// x => k(n + x)
struct closure* cls = mk_closure(next);
// store k and n into environment
char* e = &cls->env[0];
*((uintptr_t*) e) = (uintptr_t) k;
*((int32_t*)(e + sizeof(uintptr_t))) = n;
th->args = mk_i32_arg(n - 1, mk_ptr_arg(cls, NULL));
return th;
// top-level continuation
struct thunk* final(char* env, int32_t result) {
printf("result = %d\n", result);
return NULL;
int main(void) {
ctx = talloc_init("sum");
// sum(50000, final)
struct thunk start;
start.f = mk_closure(sum);
start.args = mk_i32_arg(50000, mk_ptr_arg(mk_closure(final), NULL));
// seed evaluator with initial thunk
struct thunk* th = &start;
while (th) {
DCCallVM* vm = dcNewCallVM(4096);
dcMode(vm, DC_CALL_C_DEFAULT);
struct closure* f = th->f;
// first argument is always environment
dcArgPointer(vm, &f->env[0]);
// iteratively populate following arguments
struct arg* next = th->args;
while (next) {
switch(next->tag) {
case I32: {
dcArgInt(vm, next->as.i32);
case PTR: {
dcArgPointer(vm, next->as.ptr);
next = next->next;
// invoke thunk
th = dcCallPointer(vm, f->f);
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