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Created September 15, 2023 12:56
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package testing
import (
metav1 ""
type MockHandled int
const (
// This mock has handled the function call, no further mocks nor the real client should be
// called.
Handled MockHandled = iota
// This mock has not handled the function call, subsequent mocks or the real client should be
// called.
// All of the functions in dynamic.Interface get mocked equivalents.
type MockDynamicResource func(innerInterface dynamic.Interface, resource schema.GroupVersionResource) (MockHandled, dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface)
// All of the functions in dynamic.Resource get mocked equivalents. For the function
// dynamic.Resource.Foo(), the mocked equivalent will be:
// MockDynamicFoo func(ctx *MockDynamicContext[, Foo's arguments]) (MockHandled[, Foo's returns])
type MockDynamicCreate func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.CreateOptions, subresources ...string) (MockHandled, *unstructured.Unstructured, error)
type MockDynamicUpdate func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.UpdateOptions, subresources ...string) (MockHandled, *unstructured.Unstructured, error)
type MockDynamicUpdateStatus func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.UpdateOptions) (MockHandled, *unstructured.Unstructured, error)
type MockDynamicDelete func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, name string, options metav1.DeleteOptions, subresources ...string) (MockHandled, error)
type MockDynamicDeleteCollection func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, options metav1.DeleteOptions, listOptions metav1.ListOptions) (MockHandled, error)
type MockDynamicGet func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, name string, options metav1.GetOptions, subresources ...string) (MockHandled, *unstructured.Unstructured, error)
type MockDynamicList func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, opts metav1.ListOptions) (MockHandled, *unstructured.UnstructuredList, error)
type MockDynamicWatch func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, opts metav1.ListOptions) (MockHandled, watch.Interface, error)
type MockDynamicPatch func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, options metav1.PatchOptions, subresources ...string) (MockHandled, *unstructured.Unstructured, error)
type MockDynamicApply func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, name string, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.ApplyOptions, subresources ...string) (MockHandled, *unstructured.Unstructured, error)
type MockDynamicApplyStatus func(ctx *MockDynamicContext, name string, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.ApplyOptions) (MockHandled, *unstructured.Unstructured, error)
type MockDynamicInterface struct {
innerInterface dynamic.Interface
mocks DynamicMocks
func (m MockDynamicInterface) Create(ctx context.Context, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.CreateOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) Update(ctx context.Context, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.UpdateOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.UpdateOptions) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, options metav1.DeleteOptions, subresources ...string) error {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) DeleteCollection(ctx context.Context, options metav1.DeleteOptions, listOptions metav1.ListOptions) error {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options metav1.GetOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) List(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (*unstructured.UnstructuredList, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) Watch(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) Patch(ctx context.Context, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, options metav1.PatchOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) Apply(ctx context.Context, name string, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.ApplyOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (m MockDynamicInterface) ApplyStatus(ctx context.Context, name string, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.ApplyOptions) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
var _ dynamic.Interface = (*MockDynamicInterface)(nil)
func NewMockDynamicInterface(innerInterface dynamic.Interface, mocks DynamicMocks) *MockDynamicInterface {
return &MockDynamicInterface{
innerInterface: innerInterface,
mocks: mocks,
func (m MockDynamicInterface) Resource(resource schema.GroupVersionResource) dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface {
for i, mockResource := range m.mocks.MockResources {
handled, err := mockResource(m.innerInterface, resource)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockResources) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockResources = append(m.mocks.MockResources[:i], m.mocks.MockResources[i+1:]...)
return err
// We want to wrap the returned value in a mockDynamicResourceInterface, so that it the rest of
// the dynamic mocks still apply.
return &mockDynamicResourceInterface{
ctx: &MockDynamicContext{
InnerInterface: m.innerInterface.Resource(resource),
Resource: resource,
mocks: m.mocks,
// mockDynamicResourceInterface is a dynamic.ResourceInterface that allows mock responses to be
// returned, instead of calling the inner dynamic.ResourceInterface.
type mockDynamicResourceInterface struct {
ctx *MockDynamicContext
mocks DynamicMocks
type MockDynamicContext struct {
InnerInterface dynamic.ResourceInterface
Resource schema.GroupVersionResource
Namespace string
var _ dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface = (*mockDynamicResourceInterface)(nil)
// The mocks to run on each function type. Each function will run through the mocks in its list
// until one responds with 'Handled'. If there is more than one mock in the list, then the one that
// responds 'Handled' will be removed and not run on subsequent calls to the function. If no mocks
// respond 'Handled', then the real underlying client is called.
type DynamicMocks struct {
// MockResources corresponds to dynamic.Interface.
MockResources []MockDynamicResource
// All other fields correspond to their dynamic.ResourceInterface equivalents.
MockCreates []MockDynamicCreate
MockUpdates []MockDynamicUpdate
MockUpdateStatuses []MockDynamicUpdateStatus
MockDeletes []MockDynamicDelete
MockDeleteCollections []MockDynamicDeleteCollection
MockGets []MockDynamicGet
MockLists []MockDynamicList
MockWatches []MockDynamicWatch
MockPatches []MockDynamicPatch
MockApply []MockDynamicApply
MockApplyStatus []MockDynamicApplyStatus
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) Namespace(ns string) dynamic.ResourceInterface {
// We are being a little lazy. We reuse the same mockDynamicResourceInterface for both the
// dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface and dynamic.ResourceInterface. Once a namespace is
// set, it can't be set again. So we panic here. I don't expect this to occur in any 'normal'
// code, because the compiler should not allow the second call to Namespace.
if i, ok := m.ctx.InnerInterface.(dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface); ok {
return &mockDynamicResourceInterface{
ctx: &MockDynamicContext{
InnerInterface: i.Namespace(ns),
Resource: m.ctx.Resource,
Namespace: ns,
mocks: m.mocks,
panic("mockDynamicResourceInterface.Namespace() called when the inner interface is not a NamespaceableResourceInterface")
// All of the functions are handled almost identically:
// 1. Run through the mocks in order:
// a. If the mock handled the request, then:
// i. If there is at least one other mock in the list, remove this mock.
// ii. Return the response from the mock.
// 2. No mock handled the request, so call the inner client.
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) Create(ctx context.Context, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.CreateOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
for i, mockCreate := range m.mocks.MockCreates {
handled, u, err := mockCreate(m.ctx, obj, options, subresources...)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockCreates) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockCreates = append(m.mocks.MockCreates[:i], m.mocks.MockCreates[i+1:]...)
return u, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.Create(ctx, obj, options, subresources...)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) Update(ctx context.Context, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.UpdateOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
for i, mockUpdate := range m.mocks.MockUpdates {
handled, u, err := mockUpdate(m.ctx, obj, options, subresources...)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockUpdates) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockUpdates = append(m.mocks.MockUpdates[:i], m.mocks.MockUpdates[i+1:]...)
return u, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.Update(ctx, obj, options, subresources...)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.UpdateOptions) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
for i, mockUpdateStatus := range m.mocks.MockUpdateStatuses {
handled, u, err := mockUpdateStatus(m.ctx, obj, options)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockUpdateStatuses) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockUpdateStatuses = append(m.mocks.MockUpdateStatuses[:i], m.mocks.MockUpdateStatuses[i+1:]...)
return u, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.UpdateStatus(ctx, obj, options)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, options metav1.DeleteOptions, subresources ...string) error {
for i, mockDelete := range m.mocks.MockDeletes {
handled, err := mockDelete(m.ctx, name, options, subresources...)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockDeletes) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockDeletes = append(m.mocks.MockDeletes[:i], m.mocks.MockDeletes[i+1:]...)
return err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.Delete(ctx, name, options, subresources...)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) DeleteCollection(ctx context.Context, options metav1.DeleteOptions, listOptions metav1.ListOptions) error {
for i, mockDeleteCollection := range m.mocks.MockDeleteCollections {
handled, err := mockDeleteCollection(m.ctx, options, listOptions)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockDeleteCollections) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockDeleteCollections = append(m.mocks.MockDeleteCollections[:i], m.mocks.MockDeleteCollections[i+1:]...)
return err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.DeleteCollection(ctx, options, listOptions)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options metav1.GetOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
for i, mockGet := range m.mocks.MockGets {
handled, u, err := mockGet(m.ctx, name, options, subresources...)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockGets) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockGets = append(m.mocks.MockGets[:i], m.mocks.MockGets[i+1:]...)
return u, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.Get(ctx, name, options, subresources...)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) List(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (*unstructured.UnstructuredList, error) {
for i, mockList := range m.mocks.MockLists {
handled, u, err := mockList(m.ctx, opts)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockLists) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockLists = append(m.mocks.MockLists[:i], m.mocks.MockLists[i+1:]...)
return u, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.List(ctx, opts)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) Watch(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
for i, mockWatch := range m.mocks.MockWatches {
handled, w, err := mockWatch(m.ctx, opts)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockWatches) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockWatches = append(m.mocks.MockWatches[:i], m.mocks.MockWatches[i+1:]...)
return w, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.Watch(ctx, opts)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) Patch(ctx context.Context, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, options metav1.PatchOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
for i, mockPatch := range m.mocks.MockPatches {
handled, u, err := mockPatch(m.ctx, name, pt, data, options, subresources...)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockPatches) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockPatches = append(m.mocks.MockPatches[:i], m.mocks.MockPatches[i+1:]...)
return u, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.Patch(ctx, name, pt, data, options, subresources...)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) Apply(ctx context.Context, name string, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.ApplyOptions, subresources ...string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
for i, mockApply := range m.mocks.MockApply {
handled, u, err := mockApply(m.ctx, name, obj, options, subresources...)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockApply) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockApply = append(m.mocks.MockApply[:i], m.mocks.MockApply[i+1:]...)
return u, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.Apply(ctx, name, obj, options, subresources...)
func (m *mockDynamicResourceInterface) ApplyStatus(ctx context.Context, name string, obj *unstructured.Unstructured, options metav1.ApplyOptions) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
for i, mockApplyStatus := range m.mocks.MockApplyStatus {
handled, u, err := mockApplyStatus(m.ctx, name, obj, options)
if handled == Handled {
if len(m.mocks.MockApplyStatus) > 1 {
m.mocks.MockApplyStatus = append(m.mocks.MockApplyStatus[:i], m.mocks.MockApplyStatus[i+1:]...)
return u, err
return m.ctx.InnerInterface.ApplyStatus(ctx, name, obj, options)
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